Lin Gao Qiming

Chapter 1804

Chapter 1804
Minister Hong's standard procedure should be to first contact the Delong faction to get to the bottom of it, and then send military representatives to follow the Delong faction to watch.However, during the period of the transfer of power, Delong Bank's identity changed from a central bank to a commercial bank, and there were a lot of things going on for a while, and no one connected them.As a result, Minister Hong went off to meet the liaison officers at the specific village and town level in person, and directly took over the "reasonable burden"... Once Liu Xiang arrived in Guangzhou, he was stunned when he saw the situation. Minister Hong, you are really not a transit agent!Is it really good for the military to directly intervene in local government affairs, or local government affairs at the village and town level?
Before he could start complaining, Wudaokou's "memorandum" came like a snowflake, reminding him that this was "not in compliance", and the Political Security Bureau also sent a "memorandum", reminding that the liaison officers below felt "uneasy"—— "I don't know who to listen to."

"Could it be that I asked him to do this?! Why don't you go directly to the military!" Liu Xiang cursed secretly, thinking that this matter seems to have to be coordinated with Mr. Wen.Thinking of this, he scratched his scalp and felt that his hair was shrinking.

Just thinking about how to deal with Ai Zhixin's new round of "memorandum bombing", he saw another new document in the document basket marked "Communication" on the desk

"Minister Hong..." Liu Xiang looked at the name on the cover, and the corners of his mouth twitched...

Hong Huangnan sent a confidential letter between the elders in his own name.This kind of letter is said to be "private", but it is actually equivalent to a "semi-official document".Because formal letters are routinely "cced and kept on file".This kind of letter that can be "burned after reading" is very suitable.

It was indeed a business matter.In order to "safely ensure the logistics supply of the army and Guangdong administrative agencies", Minister Hong requested to set aside a large area of ​​land as a logistics base for joint logistics.Used for farming and production.He is optimistic about the location. It is in the vicinity of the Mude Inspection Department in the north of Guangzhou Prefecture. , so there are not many local landlords, most of the cultivated land is official land, most of the wasteland is unowned, and the property rights structure is rarely clear.Liu Xiang has also been optimistic about this land for a long time, and he is going to talk to Wu Nanhai about intensifying large farms after Liang Xinhu cleans up the local tyrants and evil gentry in the next wave. up.When Hong Huangnan's "private letter" came, the rhythm was disrupted.

Of course, Minister Hong's mention is not completely groundless, he will be responsible for the logistical support of the South China Army.This logistical support is not limited to the troops fighting on the front lines, but also includes the national army and administrative teams that have been stationed in counties and important places.Even in the city of Guangzhou, the logistics of most administrative agencies are handled by the Joint Logistics Headquarters.Including Liu Xiang himself, he ate all the food provided by Lianqin - the quality is quite good.Minister Hong has consistently high standards of food: Seafood from Hong Kong, processed meat from Lingao, coconuts from Wenchang, air-dried venison from Taiwan, potatoes from Jeju Island, citrus from Zhejiang...they are all supplied continuously.So setting up a farm to "do a good job of logistics" is justifiable and justifiable.

"You want to run a logistics farm, and I also want to run a logistics farm!" Liu Xiang recalled that Wang Sangou had reported to him that in order to reduce the cost of food - now vegetables and meat are shipped from Hong Kong - it is recommended to choose food outside Guangzhou. Guandi opened an agency farm, where he grew vegetables and raised pigs.He felt that people would be criticized for engaging in living welfare right now, so he didn't agree to it for the time being.

I haven't done my own welfare yet, I'll satisfy yours first, heh heh, you have a good idea.Liu Xiang thought

Liu Xiang was already very dissatisfied with Hong Huangnan's meddling in local government affairs in the early stage, but that was something he did before he took office, or even before he expressed his intention to take office. Liu Xiang had nothing to do except try to finish it off and eliminate the influence sprayed.Besides, since entering the city, all ministries and commissions can start working after putting down their backpacks. It must be said that the work of the joint logistics is still in place.However, the wording of this "private letter" really made him unhappy.I read it over and over again, and the more I thought about the words and sentences in it, the more I felt uncomfortable: this is not only a note, but also the style of a superior who is several levels above his head writing a note to the clerk below.

"Minister Hong, I'm the governor of the state, not the shepherd of the state, and you are the minister of logistics, not the transit envoy." After reading it for the fourth time, Liu Xiang finally made up his mind to reject it.

It's not just a matter of wording, the key point is that you can't talk about the land. Real estate is a sensitive issue. Wu De greeted him before he came, and you must be cautious when it comes to land use.

"Everyone likes a good place. Once the fire enters the city, staking is inevitable. You have to control this trend. Once it becomes a fait accompli, making adjustments will involve a lot of people with their families and families involved. Benefits are not something you can solve by giving another piece of land.”

"What brother said has a lot to do with it, and I can't be dictatorial. If brother really wants to, I can only send two copies of the original text, one to the Wende heir office, and submit it to the Guangdong elders group meeting for discussion, and one to Lin Gao asked the Standing Committee of the Senate to discuss..." Liu Xiang didn't know where his habit came from, but he liked to hang up the book bag instead of rejecting other people's documents, and wrote in a deliberate manner.

It took a quarter of an hour to finish writing the draft of the reply letter. Liu Xiang read it again and felt that there was nothing wrong with it, so he spent another 10 minutes transcribing it on the letter paper. After sealing it himself, he pulled the handle of the second bell on the left wall. ——The line for this handle directly leads to the secretariat in a corridor through the reserved pipe on the wall.After a while, there was a knock on the door.

"Come in!" Liu Xiang directly greeted the person to come in without raising his head.

"Boss! Correspondent Ye Siman is reporting to you!" It was Ye Siman, the correspondent assigned to Liu Xiang during his return to Lingao, who came.Originally, Ye Siman was only temporarily seconded to Liu Xiang, but during the short, busy and rich months in Lingao, Liu Xiang felt that Ye Siman was very capable, so he directly asked him to come over.

"Use the special channel for veterans, and send it to the veteran Hong Huangnan in the joint logistics office." Liu Xiang pointed to the envelope that had been sealed with kraft paper and sealed with wax, and asked: "Director Zhang, have you finished today's summary?" ?”

"Report to the chief! Director Zhang's work has been done, and it is being sorted out now. I will send it to you in a while!"

"Well, I want her to come along with me later, there are other tasks here that require her." Liu Xiang told him to bring the message, and then waved him out.

Zhang Yunmi is now the "Deputy Director of the Comprehensive Office of the Guangzhou Municipal Government". When this "Comprehensive Office" was established, several tiger skins were pulled, such as "management system" and "improving office efficiency".But the actual reason...

At first, Zhang Yunmi got a promise from Xiao Zishan, so he went to Liu Xiang's side to "activate".Liu Xiang had a different idea. When he heard that this little beauty was going to Guangzhou with him, he was so happy that the flowers bloomed in his heart for several seasons. It doesn't matter whether you play or stay at home, and if you can meet every day, there will be more opportunities... But when Liu Xiang started to board the ship and set off in Hong Kong to pick up a group of people who were already waiting in Hong Kong, Zhang Yunmi couldn't help it. Knowing what medicine she had taken wrongly, she put forward very seriously that she wanted to "work hard" and "formally join the government work", "I didn't come here for fun, but to make some achievements".Now it's time for Liu Xiang to pick his head again. Zhang Yunmi is a little girl who is capable. Liu Xiang has no background at all. The Guangzhou government has just been "liberated", and the administrative work in urban and rural areas is intricate. The little girl can get started immediately.It's not a big problem if she can't accomplish something, if she messes things up with a "Holy Mother" or a "Red Iron Fist", Liu Xiang will face pressure from all aspects.

After much deliberation, Liu Xiang found that there was only one position that was more suitable for her, and that was Liu Xiang's private secretary—this position originally belonged to Guo Xi'er, but there could be one or a hundred such positions.To be honest, when Liu Xiang went to Guangzhou, he didn't have anyone who could be completely trusted to handle the confidential documents. Zhang Yunmi's appearance was very suitable - she was a veteran, and she was completely trustworthy.But this position is in the minds of all the veterans, that is, the pink is so red that it is about to turn purple-to be a secretary if you have something to do, and to be a secretary when you have nothing to do, which has almost become the basic code of conduct for some veterans.As for the secretary's own function, these women are completely unclear. In these people's minds, the secretary is the master's bed slave, nothing more.Whether Zhang Yunmi was affected by this, or accepted this "common sense", Liu Xiang is not sure, but even if Zhang Yunmi is considered in the best direction, Liu Xiang does not dare to directly appoint her as the secretary of the mayor of Guangzhou. Lingao, I'm afraid that a certain German stick will come to the door with a gun.

Zhang Yunmi was scanning the summary of the document he had just written one by one.There are a lot of official documents, especially now that these grassroots cadres generally have a low level of education and the writing level of official documents is extremely low. It is impossible for Liu Xiang to spend time on correcting each official document. During that term, he asked Guo Linger to "pre-read" official documents and write abstracts, while Liu Xiang took different detailed reading methods for different official documents according to the situation of the abstracts.Although Zhang Yunmi was appointed as the "Director of the General Office", she also understood that she was actually working as a secretary.

(End of this chapter)

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