Lin Gao Qiming

Chapter 1805 Educating the Next Generation

Chapter 1805 Educating the Next Generation

Before Zhang Yunmi left Lingao, he asked Liu Xiang sincerely what it was like to be an executive head.I just remember that Liu Xiang was embarrassed and stared at Zhang Yunmi for a long time.

"Administrative work is roughly divided into two types: affairs officer and administrative officer, but our current organization method and the size of the territory under our control make the difference between the two types not too obvious, but it can be clearly said that if you really want to put your own job If the work is done well, then it is absolutely impossible to have the situation of 'newspaper and tea all day long'." Liu Xiang has no idea how to explain it to Zhang Yunmi who has no practical experience and everything depends on imagination .In the end, in desperation, he had no choice but to silently install a business simulation game with a nautical background on Zhang Yunmi's laptop, and then told her the goal of the game "Purely Masochistic" "Trust of the Whole Sea".

"If you can really achieve 24+2 city-wide sea area trusts by yourself, then you can probably experience 1/10 of the workload of a more responsible regional administrative head." Liu Xiang said to Zhang Yunmi in a serious and proud tone: " It puts a very useful modifier for you, even if you use the modifier, it's not bad, because the trust can't be modified."

After overcoming his aversion to the game's poor quality for many years, Zhang Yunmi spent all his "spare time" in Hong Kong after leaving Lingao.After a month or so of competing with herself, Zhang Yunmi was finally able to establish a small self-sufficient trust trading circle in the small area of ​​the six ports in the Baltic Sea without modification, and only then did she realize that more troubles had begun.

Crops stop production in winter, and sea ice randomly occurs on the sea to block the port...

The XX area needs to expand the supply of fish meat. However, based on past experience, we should not build new fishery buildings immediately. Instead, we should go to the timber production base to expand the lumber yard and the hemp production base to expand the hemp planting land, otherwise the industrial chain will collapse.

The military blockade destroyed the production outside the city walls, and at the same time produced a large number of refugees. If there is not enough material reserves to survive the military disaster, the production of the entire trade area will collapse.

Facing the pile of documents that were two palms high after sorting out, Zhang Yunmi shook his head and took himself back from the scattered thoughts just now. "It's really similar!" Zhang Yunmi couldn't help feeling a little admiration in her heart. "But the actual work is more complicated! In the actual work, there is no such convenient data viewing plug-in as PI." Zhang Yunmi's summary only summarizes what the official document is about, what requirements are there, etc., and the various parties involved Liu Xiang has to read and analyze all kinds of data and reports by himself. There are still many official documents that only raise difficulties and requests, but don’t talk about the specific situation. Need to arrange more people to investigate.

Zhang Yunmi's face revealed a disgusted expression when his eyes fell on the several official documents that were picked up separately on the right. "The things of these guys are getting uglier and uglier, I have to tell the boss." Zhang Yunmi stretched his waist without any image, and got up with these organized documents between his arms.

Boom!Boom!Boom! "Uncle Liu!"

"Come in!" Liu Xiang responded weakly.

"Uncle Liu, this batch has already been finished, and I have no idea what to do with the few articles placed horizontally on it." Zhang Yunmi put the large pile of official documents in front of Liu Xiang, and said with an aggrieved face.

"Well, let me take a look first. You just make a copy of these here. You make an endorsement on this copy, and then keep it as a file—my private memo file." Liu Xiang directly copied Hong Huangnan's " Private official letter" was handed to Zhang Yunmi.

Copiers and other equipment were considered "non-essential electronic products" at the beginning. Except for bringing one as a sample template and sealing it in the warehouse, they never brought it with them.Copying of documents has traditionally been done on waxed paper with typewriters in the copyroom, or on hand-engraved steel plates.Important official documents like this that are rarely copied need to be kept as a backup. When copying others, they can only really "cc".The transcription of important secret-related documents between the elders can only be done by "politically trustworthy" personnel, such as the life secretary who is "loyal to the elders physically and mentally", and the elders are used more extravagantly like now.

"What kind of bullshit did this shit write!" Liu Xiang opened one of the official documents that Zhang Yunmi "can't figure out", and when he looked at the neat structure of four or six parallel essays, his eyes were blinded in an instant - he still didn't read the content.If you take a closer look, there are more than 400 characters in total. After removing [-] or [-] "artistic characters" that are too complicated and crowded into a group that is difficult to recognize, the rest of the characters that do not affect reading can be combined to express the following meaning: Last winter, there was a rare snowfall in Guangzhou. It was a good omen for heaven and earth to cheer for the return of the Great Song Dynasty. However, this snow seriously affected the people’s production and life. The private grain storage was insufficient, and the army had to be “reasonably burdened” to support it. The local authorities strongly demanded that this year’s summer harvest tax-free.Liu Xiang spent a lot of effort to "decipher" the superficial meaning of this article, but he also felt that there must be something "tricky" in this article-because some words and sentences are too uncomfortable to use, such as touting the allotment When the farm tools are easy to use, it is written "the labor of doing it, the women and children do it, and look up to the beauty of the scorpion", and the normal logic should write "the benefit", but no matter whether it is normal logic or rhyme up and down, flat and flat, it should not It uses the word "beautiful", but it uses it... Liu Xiang analyzed it a little, and found the key.

"I've been doing it for a long time, and I'm still playing 'Zangwei Poetry'!" Liu Xiang couldn't help laughing and cursing, and Zhang Yunmi raised his head and looked at him inexplicably.

"Mr. Liu, what's the matter?"

Liu Xiang instantly awakened a certain special attribute

"Well, the official document from Xinning County says that the local landlord class has come together to petition, asking us to 'govern with benevolence' and exempt this year's summer tax collection. The reason is that it snowed last winter, and they still paid "Reasonable burden" again." Liu Xiang first talked about the superficial reasons. "But that's not the point, the point is here." Liu Xiang clicked a few words at the end of the line, and clicked between two lines.

"Mei, Qin, Yu, Xian, Tai, Shou" Zhang Yunmi followed Liu Xiang's fingers and read these words silently in his heart, then stared at a pair of big eyes that didn't know what to say.

Liu Xiang's performance was at full throttle.

"Meiqin, the words "Liezi·Yangzhu" are meant to be like a goose feather, although the gift is very modest but very thoughtful, but it also has a meaning when used on us 'descendants of the Song Dynasty'." Liu Xiang paused and said : "In order to save the precarious Song Dynasty, Xin Qiji once wrote a policy theory called "Ten Offers of Celery". The person who wrote this official document compares himself to Xin Qiji. This is because he wants to be superior!"

Zhang Yunmi was very puzzled, because the acting director of the Xinning County Office—the Guihuamin cadres who hold county-level posts now all use the word "dai"—is a naturalized citizen, and his impression should be that of a rich peasant in Chengmai. The previous official documents Although there are many problems in the writing of the exchange, it will definitely not play any parallel prose like this one-that vulgar guy does not have this level of education at all.

After the question was raised, Liu Xiang just sighed and said, "The way the old forces counterattack and infiltrate is really unexpected!" However, he didn't explain much after expressing his emotion, but just buried himself in another official document and read it.

Zhang Yunmi's head was full of question marks, seeing that Liu Xiang didn't seem to want to show more, but he didn't bother anymore, and went back to continue his great career of copying.

Zhang Yunmi turned around and continued to copy, and Liu Xiang stopped talking and continued to read the official documents.In fact, Liu Xiang just read the parallel essay just for fun, and the specific situation has already been notified by the political and security authorities.Now Liu Xiang is waiting for the conclusion of further investigation, and then he can set the tone for the next step.But that is also the next step, what is more important now is the matter at hand.

The most important thing, of course, is the issuance of new coins.Fortunately, there are many generals from Wudaokou who are here to preside over this area. As long as he does a good job of supporting and cooperating, the specific decision-making power is in the hands of Chen Ce and the others.

The second issue is comprehensive urban governance.There are so many things involved in this matter that it is not easy to do.There are a lot of unresolved issues, but somehow the police force has been pulled up, and grassroots governance has achieved initial results.For Liu Xiang, the police system is an important network for the Senate to reach out to the grassroots in Guangzhou. Almost all important civil work must be carried out through the police system and the Baojia system managed by the police system.In fact, the police system is also responsible for collecting basic social sentiments.Therefore, Guangzhou's municipal administration is basically "administrative police".The upcoming "rectification of the custom industry" is another highlight of police work.

He was thinking about how to discuss the specific work with Mu Min next, when Zhang Yunmi suddenly asked: "Uncle Liu, what you talked about recently is to clean up the brothels in Guangzhou?"

Liu Xiang was taken aback. Although he didn't shy away from this matter in front of Xiao Zhang, he never talked about it in detail in front of her.After all, this is somewhat embarrassing for women.

"That's true."

"I have a question. After we enter the city, there are a lot of things going on. There should be many more important things than cleaning up the prostitutes in the brothel, right? Why do we need to start with this first?"

Liu Xiang coughed and said, "This is actually an administrative issue. Let me test you first. Why did we choose this as the entry point?"

"If you say it's for women's liberation, I don't think it's a big deal," Zhang Yunmi smiled slightly. "Is it to expand the city government's fiscal and tax revenue?"

Liu Xiang nodded with a smile; "This is just one of them."

"What about the second?"

"When we came to Guangzhou, we did administrative work. In fact, what we did was a revolutionary thing." Seeing Zhang Yunmi curling his lips, showing a look of "here we come again", Liu Xiang felt that the political education in the academy was not at its root. superior.

(End of this chapter)

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