Lin Gao Qiming

Chapter 1806

Chapter 1806
"The so-called revolution is not a foreign word, nor is it a modern word. It has a long history, so I won't talk about it. In the modern sense, a revolution is a profound qualitative change in the development process of nature, society or thought— ―Everything we did in Guangzhou was a revolution.”

Zhang Yunmi was overwhelmed by this pile of words, and nodded involuntarily.

"The revolution is a very complicated social movement, full of a lot of measures of subordination, urgency, and easing, and even a lot of repetitions and even mistakes. In the final analysis, governing a city or a country is not about entertaining guests or making a fuss. No matter what Things must be viewed from the realistic perspective of social environment and self-ability.”

Zhang Yunmi looked at him half understanding, which made Liu Xiang even more proud.

"We have two purposes for rectifying the custom industry. One is indeed out of financial considerations. Through governance and rectification, we can seize this huge gray financial source that is outside the mainstream of society and make it "clear"; for the 'liberation of women'".Liu Xiang said, "Put these two purposes together, which is somewhat self-contradictory, but there is a connection between them."

The issue of women's liberation is not because Liu Xiang was influenced by Du Wen to make a decision. In Liu Xiang's view, women's liberation means the liberation of the labor force, and the second is that women's liberation will inevitably accelerate the collapse of the traditional patriarchal society. Either one is extremely beneficial to the Australia-Song regime and must be spared no effort to implement.But the work of women's emancipation must be carried out step by step - not only because of too much resistance caused by social habits, but also because the new regime in Guangzhou is currently extremely short of cadres, especially women cadres.So he can only start by rectifying the custom industry.

"Is it because the rectification of the custom industry encounters the least resistance in traditional society, but the benefits are particularly large?" Zhang Yunmi said.

Liu Xiang nodded, a child can be taught!

"That's right. Even in a traditional society, the mainstream moral concept holds a negative view on the sex industry. Don't look at the extremely corrupt social atmosphere in the late Ming Dynasty. Qinhuai Bayan and even famous scholars seem to be very open, but .On the moral level of the whole society, prostitution is always a kind of gray business."

Therefore, the banning and rectification of the prostitution industry, the Senate has the status of "righteousness" at the entire social level, and the middle and upper classes of society will never jump out and openly oppose it, otherwise they will directly screw themselves Smelly.

"Don't look down on the custom industry, but the profit inside is very considerable, and it has been a piece of fat since ancient times." Liu Xiang said, "So any sex industry needs some kind of protection: you see, in the old time and space Most of the young ladies have a so-called 'boyfriend'. This boyfriend is actually a 'bodyguard' in disguise. When it is enlarged to a commercial organization like a brothel, the problem it faces is not that one or two thugs can It can be carried down. This backer must be black - local evil forces, and white - Baojia, officials, and gentry.

"Even if there is a backer, there is no guarantee that the brothel owner will be safe and sound, because what he is engaged in is an outrageous business, which must involve many illegal acts such as 'forced sex for prostitution', 'lynching torture', 'trading human beings', and 'death to death'" ――Even in a feudal society, it is illegal, so the protection they need is stronger. From a certain point of view, the environment they live in is more dangerous than ordinary businessmen. The more you have, the bigger the appetite. Once you can’t manage it, anyone can give you eye drops. Therefore, in a brothel industry, the profit distribution channels behind it are very complicated.”

Zhang Yunmi seemed to understand, but nodded.

"If we want to eliminate all kinds of 'immortals' in Guangzhou, we have to cut off their financial resources, not only to cut off, but also to use this wealth for me—otherwise we cannot afford the funds needed for such a social transformation Yes. In addition, brothels are often natural shelters and hiding places for various criminals, so we must take down this hardest-hit area of ​​social governance first."

These insincere, false and true words were finally finished, and Liu Xiang's forehead was already sweating.But judging by the effect, it seems to have bluffed the girl in front of her.

"It seems that the administrative work is really not simple. The decision-making is so complicated!"

"Exactly." Liu Xiang said, "Decision-making should not only consider the goal, but also consider one's own ability and positioning. Even the goal should be considered in the short, medium or long-term." Keep your head down and continue working on the file.

After reading more than half of the official documents on the table, Liu Xiang found that Zhang Yunmi's work was getting better and better.Not only is the abstract written more concisely, but also the official documents can be classified into categories according to the content and then arranged in sequence, creating better conditions for Liu Xiang's reading work.From the current point of view, the main content of official documents still does not exceed the old three: show merit, complain, and ask for resources.After Liang Xinhu led the court system team to join the powerful department, it was finally able to be completely self-consistent, so the recent work efficiency has improved a lot.Beggars who responded most strongly to beggars have been greatly curbed after the police strengthened their daily patrols and several public trials and judgments. The establishment of a "petition police" has been circulated at the Chamber of Commerce and Industry. Big merchants and The capital of the guilds showed a lot of interest; the attack on several leaders arrested in the Chaoshan Guild Hall and the interrogation of the former yamen servants in custody gave the police system more information: the original guilds and the underworld in Guangzhou The tangled chain is also fully exposed.Mu Min is very interested in initiating a larger-scale "fight against gangsters and evil" campaign.Today's multiple official documents are the merits of these systems to urge further action.

Those who complain are mainly those who go to the countryside to work: the rural situation is very complicated. Although the army can collect reasonable burdens without difficulty wherever they go, and they are also obedient to do errands and food, but the staff can't "sink" at all. Go down", except for those villages and towns that were cleaned during the intrusion into the Pearl River Estuary, the rest of the villages and towns are extremely tightly controlled by local forces, and the local forces here are mostly clan forces, with strong cohesion, and ordinary means of division and disintegration Almost useless.The staff's social survey was almost impossible to complete, and even the household registration encountered great difficulties, and the village elders could only do what they said.

The law and order situation in villages and towns is not good, and a large number of small groups of bandits have emerged.At present, the national army can only control county towns, large towns and transportation hubs, only "dotted lines" and cannot control areas.Transportation between relatively remote villages and towns is difficult to guarantee safety without armed escort.The circulation of people and commodities has been sluggish. Many special products are difficult to export, and food cannot be imported. In some places, there is a shortage of food rations and the phenomenon of rising food prices.There are many rumors in the countryside, and people's hearts are unstable... The working group believes that it is urgent to "catch the typical" and use violent means to clean up the banditry. There is collusion between local forces.

While watching, Liu Xiang drew up work content in his notebook: send cooperatives to the countryside as soon as possible to purchase goods, bring in grain, and stabilize the market; how to further coordinate the National Army's bandit suppression work; incorporate and reorganize the armed forces of the rural regiments...

At this moment, with a bang, the door of the office was pushed open—after all, Liu Xiang was in the same room with a young girl alone, and it was not easy for Liu Xiang to lock the door—generally, no one would risk their lives and directly enter Liu’s mansion door, but this "general" does not include another elder.When Liu Xiang raised his eyes, Zhang Yunmi turned his head and stared at the person at the door almost at the same time.

Here is a rare visitor: Ding Ding.After the reorganization of the upper echelon, there were suddenly more unfavorable rumors about Ding Ding among the elders. It is said that some news was circulated at the tea party of the maids and slowly penetrated into the elders. This phenomenon has of course been taken seriously by the new government. and took several measures.Ask all the elders to "don't play the trick of pillow Feng Gong Dou".At this time, some of his wife Penny's remarks suddenly began to spread secretly, causing dissatisfaction among many elders.Ding Ding, who was directly targeted, did not want to stay in Lingao to attract attention, so he came to Guangzhou to "supervise and guide the propaganda work in the Liberated Area of ​​Guangzhou" as soon as he sent a telegram.In fact, the main job is to organize the "Yangcheng Express".

When Ding Ding came in and saw Liu Xiang and Zhang Yunmi, he was stunned for a moment, then excited when he discovered the big news, then disappointed that he didn't catch anything, and finally turned into some kind of jealousy, In just a short while, his complexion has gone full circle.Liu Xiang also knew that many of the dozens of elders in Guangzhou were discussing his "want to eat tender grass" in private, but Liu Xiang didn't care, and as soon as he put down the official document in his hand, he got up and greeted him.

"Minister Ding is a rare visitor!" Liu Xiang stretched out his left hand and shook hands with Ding Ding - Ding Ding's right arm was holding some documents, and it was obviously inconvenient to extend his right hand. "If the minister has any instructions, let's listen to them!"

Liu Xiang took the conversation, and there was Zhang Yunmi present, so Ding Ding had no choice but to follow Liu Xiang's pull and sit on the sofa of the guest seat first. "How dare you give instructions to Mr. Liu! Xiaoqiu from the Propaganda Department is a capable man who I have selected and sent over. You don't approve the propaganda plan made by the department, and you are still stuck in the neck to prevent the mobilization of promotional materials. Old Liu, Is it Xiaoqiu or our Cultural and Propaganda Department who offended you? Just give me a good word!" After speaking angrily, Ding Ding put the documents he brought on the tea table next to the guest sofa, and pushed them in front of Liu Xiang: "I Knowing that you are right about the matter and not about the person, I stared at them and made this plan again, you should take a look first, and tell me what you think first!"

(End of this chapter)

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