Lin Gao Qiming

Chapter 1809 Fang Miao Zhu

Chapter 1809 Fang Miao Zhu

Sister Han Qiao said, "Father Fang, you're making a fool of yourself by saying that. Lefang Street is everyone's livelihood, and every one of them will be ruined. If this really happens, how can this business continue?"

"My aunt is right. Originally, the price of girls has become more and more expensive. Now it is not allowed to buy girls. They are all 'self-prossessed'. How can we do business?" The woman standing on the side asked.

The woman was in her early thirties, with a delicate and enchanting appearance, wearing a water-red bijia and a green skirt.The flower name is "Muyun", and she is the "Sister-in-law of Liaokou" of this hospital.Mu Yun was born in Laoju, a long-standing veteran in the court of love; she is also the concubine of a certain nobleman's family, and she knows a lot about everyone's etiquette and demeanor, so she was recruited by Sister Han Qiao to be the "Sister-in-law of Liaokou" who teaches pipa boys. ".

The quality of Liaokou Wife is related to the quality of the future "cash cow" of the Institute, so she is also a pivotal figure in the Institute.

A middle-aged woman in her 40s immediately apologized and said with a smile: "Sister Mu is right! Originally buying a little girl was only three taels of silver, but if you go to the shantang to get one, you don't need a penny. Now it's a big deal. An eleven or twelve-year-old girl, who looks decent, can't do anything, and it costs two or thirty taels to open her mouth! It's really like a robbery."

Of course, Mu Yun knows about this situation—ever since the Australians came to Guangzhou to set up charitable halls, they went to places where refugees gathered to give a few strings of money, a few buckets of rice, and even promised to give them food and life, and they could choose girls at will. There is no going back.

"If this goes on like this, there will be no Pipa boy!" Mu Yun was somewhat worried.If there is no Pipa boy, it will really dig her roots!This is what Mu Yun relies on for food. If she is really going to be useless, she is useless to the academy. Three relatives and six dependents, with all their savings, either became a nun, or had to return to their old jobs-at her age, this bowl of food is not so easy to eat.

The women who helped her didn't know her worries, so they just kept echoing her.This woman's surname is Yao, and she is also from Laoju's family background. She has poor appearance and vulgar qualifications. She has been a prostitute for more than 30 years and has been in low-level brothels. "Ke Sao".

The guest sister-in-law said that she was serving Lao Ju, but in fact she was playing the role of monitoring and guarding.Mrs. Yao was born as a prostitute herself, and she has a clear understanding of the feelings and thoughts of prostitutes, so she often hits the point when she disciplines her.She treated Lao Ju very cruelly, and she felt at ease when beating the "wrong" prostitute, her face remained unchanged, and she counted while beating.As for those women from good families who were bought and refused to submit to prostitution, they were tortured with various methods, which were so powerful that they could be called cruel and cold.

Sister Han Qiao didn't believe in "bean powder water", and felt that it was more reliable to use women to manage women, so she recruited Yao's sister-in-law from a low-level brothel and became the leader of the house's guest sister-in-law.

The old man Fang said slowly: "Aunt Han, in the Ming Dynasty, it was not allowed to 'buy good women for prostitution'..."

Sister Han Qiao rolled her eyes, and said, "Of course I know this. It's just that the government didn't like to meddle in other people's business, and there was no ignorant person who would argue this! Even if someone doesn't open their eyes, we can deal with it—"

At that time, she had a strong backstage, and the yamen servants and catchers in the yamen were also familiar with each other.Don't be afraid of doing anything harmful.But the situation is very different now, my family doesn’t dare to cause trouble now, and specially sent someone to tell her to “reduce trouble”; as for the acquaintance of the yamen servants, they were either arrested and their lives were unknown, or they took refuge in Australians. Just like the apprentices in the shop.

The most important thing is that she has seen Australians act resolutely and do what they say--it is said that when the sanitation of Lefang Street was cleaned up, the buttocks of several old bustards and turtle claws on Lefang Street bloomed, punished The amount of silver that went to him was also as large as two or three hundred taels.

Seeing her hesitation, Old Man Fang knew what she was thinking, and laughed a few times: "When a new official takes office, it is inevitable that some fires will be burned." He squinted slightly as he spoke.Sister Han Qiao knew it well, and immediately told Mu Yun and Sister-in-law Yao to retreat.

Old man Fang said: "You are also a child of the Lehu family, so you have no means at all—isn't it considered an adopted daughter? When she grows up, ask her to make a voluntary prostitution document."

Sister Han Qiao took a look and said, "I don't know what brilliant idea you have. It's not even a trick to attract people's eyes. If it was okay in the past, it's okay now. It's not good now: to buy a child, you have to have a deed - as long as With this body contract, that is to buy a woman for prostitution, but if she doesn't have this body contract and she runs outside, why should I go to get her? Now it's not the same as in the past, and I can't afford to walk around when there is trouble."

Old man Fang smiled and said: "You are really smart all your life, and you were confused for a while. Even if the examination room bribed, no one took money to bribe the examiner—it was all an IOU. Now the deed cannot be established, and her family is required to issue an IOU to repay it." It’s not easy? You’ve “borrowed” the worth of the money, and the interest can be written higher, so as to stop the idea of ​​ransoming. Even if her family becomes prosperous in the future, wouldn’t you earn the interest over the years? If there is no family , it’s even easier: empty money but real contract—even if she works for you for the rest of her life, she won’t be able to pay back—are you afraid that she won’t write it?”

Sister Han Qiao was moved by these words, and said: "This is a way!" But after thinking about it, this way seems clever, but in fact it has to pretend to be deaf and dumb.Today is the world of Australians, and the police like to meddle in their own business. If they encounter a few hard goods and make trouble, my own rhetoric may not be effective.Old man Fang seems to be a good old man who is indifferent to the world, but he is actually a fine person.He will never think of it.

Could it be that the old man has a second plan?She thought that old man Fang had no special relationship with her, so it was abnormal for her to be so enthusiastic about giving her advice.At the moment, I tried to say:

"It's a good idea, but it's just that if there is no official support, it won't end well if it really gets into trouble."

Old man Fang took a sip of herbal tea and said, "Don't worry, Aunt Han, I'll give you this idea. There is a perfect solution for official affairs. Let me ask you: what do you think of this idea?"

Sister Han Qiao secretly thought that there is no other way now - if she really wants to act in accordance with this "rule", the money in hand will be much less, and the hearts of the girls in the courtyard will also be unstable, and there may be many people who want to "be good" ——This is what she is absolutely unwilling to do.Now let's promise, let's see what he says.

He nodded immediately and said: "This method is good, but the official affairs must cost. You just say a number, and I have to weigh whether it is worth it or not."

Old Man Fang laughed softly and said, "Aunt Han is really happy. But I don't know how much it will cost - don't worry, it won't exceed the usual routine."

It can't exceed the previous routine, and the implication is that it is the same as the "fee" given to the team leader in the past.That's not too much to bear.However, she was still not at ease. In the past, she was acquainted with the heads of the third class in the yamen. Now that old man Fang's words are so cloudy, do you know if he is telling the truth?She suddenly became suspicious. Could it be that the old man lost money in a bet, or fell in love with a certain fan, was unable to make ends meet, and took advantage of the new rules of the Australians to swindle money?
Sister Han Qiao has been running a brothel for many years. She has seen all kinds of people who are in trouble.

This was unavoidable, so he tentatively said: "Father Fang, what is the source of your official support? Hey, you're going to kill me?"

Old man Fang didn't know what she meant, so he said immediately: "Aunt Han, don't worry. We have been in the village for many years, how can we trap you? It's just that the time has not yet come. When the time comes, you will naturally tell the truth."

Sister Han Qiao was still dubious, she flicked her sleeves and said, "It doesn't matter if it's real or not, I don't burn incense if I don't see the real Buddha."

Old man Fang nodded with a smile, "I know, I know, my temple celebrations are all about burning incense. Right now, there is something to let you know about the real Buddha. Is there a new girl in your backyard?"

Sister Han Qiao was taken aback, and said with a sneer, "Father Fang, it's not surprising that you know. How come?"

"This girl was acquired by that kid Wang Dong. This kid is really daring. The Australians offered a reward for his father's capture, but he dared to wander around and abduct women!" Old Man Fang said.

"So what if it is, so what if it's not? I don't care who made her." Sister Han Qiao made an indifferent look, "This little girl looks good, but she is a little older, she is eighteen. Now With the matter of regulations, it's hard to say whether I can eat this bowl of rice——I'm at a big loss."

This statement is half true and half false: the woman tied up in the backyard is definitely a "beautiful guy".If it weren't for the Australians who suddenly came up with a "regulation" that forbids prostitution, it would be called a windfall.However, Sister Han Qiao is not someone who is easily intimidated by the word Wang Fa.

"You're buying sex for prostitution." Old man Fang narrowed his eyes and smiled, "However, as long as you follow what I said, you'll get a license within a few days."

According to the newly promulgated Guangzhou custom industry management regulations, new prostitutes must personally go to the Guanpi police station to declare that they are voluntarily engaged in the custom industry, and then receive a special "yellow ticket" license.Otherwise, it is an illegal practice, and the responsibility of the bustard and the leader should be investigated.Naturally, it is impossible for a girl abducted by Wang Dong to become a prostitute "voluntarily"—otherwise, she would not be tied up.

Sister Han Qiao was skeptical. Seeing that old man Fang was so sure, she thought to herself that the old man might have something to do with cheating money, and he might not have the courage to take revenge on her—let's try it out.Immediately nodded and said: "Okay, I will do as you say!"

(End of this chapter)

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