Lin Gao Qiming

Chapter 1810 Countermeasures

Chapter 1810 Countermeasures
After sending old man Fang away, Sister Han Qiao called her "Second General Hum Ha" in, and ordered that the leader of the turtle claw, Xiang Huang, be brought in.

Huang Xiang was also born in a musician, with a little literacy. When he was young, he sang "famous for a while", which was "favored" by literati and gentry, and "had countless heads". He also inexplicably became thicker, unable to "sell art" or "sell himself", and since then he has no food.I had to mess around in the courtyard.

Because he was beaten up as a child, he was "turned into a man as a woman", and he was broken into a man who could only raise his hips to welcome the base, but was incapable of dealing with women.Sister Han Qiao feels that such "bean flour water" is safe to use.At least you don't have to worry about him messing around with the veterans.

Although Huang Xiang said that he was just the leader of "Doufenshui" in the courtyard, he was extremely smart and clever, and he was equivalent to a half-manager in the Fangchunyuan.

When they came to see Li, sister Han Qiao remained silent for a long time, and the three of them didn't dare to speak for themselves, so they just stood on the ground and waited.

Sister Han Qiao didn't intend to show her prestige, but it was a bit difficult at the moment, and she didn't know what to do.

"This plague-stricken Australian!" she cursed secretly.With the change of the world, she suddenly felt a little lost. She had to think twice about the things she was familiar with before——she hadn't figured out the thinking of the new official.

What she cares most about are the five or six little girls under Mu Yun's training. The oldest of them is already 12 years old, and she is a "pipa boy" who can handle business trips. Although these girls are not very talented, But as long as the training is done, in a few years, there will be high-profile customers who are willing to pay for "combing", and at least three or four hundred taels of silver per person will be indispensable.If the training is excellent, and the client is generous, 400 taels of silver is also possible.

It stands to reason that such a little girl is the most worry-free. She is young and lives in a hospital—they are all scared of being beaten. However, some of these children still have family members. According to the regulations, it is guaranteed that you will come to Luo Zhao.In particular, the uncle of one of the girls is a rascal, he must come to make trouble and extort money.

If it was in the past, she would not be afraid, but now it is the change of the dynasty, and there are endless incidents of private revenge, false accusations and reports, and countless people have lost their families because of this.Fangchunyuan has been operating here for many years, not to mention how many people hate it, the fragrance of wealth alone is enough to make people jealous.

After a while, she said, "You all know—Australians have a new regulation now." She hesitated for a while, "We don't know what kind of temperament Australians are, and what kind of regulations they follow. ...However, according to my thinking, the official is always the same way. Australians have just entered the city, and they have the heart to fight for the world. You have to go along with it, and you have to get over this matter of face—don't make it difficult for Father Fang."

The three of them naturally agreed, after all, Sister Han Qiao was the backbone of the academy.

"It's just that some of the clauses in these regulations involve personal contracts, so we can't let the sisters know." Sister Han Qiao said, "If this matter is not handled well, it's not surprising that our business will be shut down."

Huang Xiangdao: "Auntie, I'm afraid we can't hide this matter. Even if our own fences are tightly tied, the guests will always be talkative. The sisters will find out sooner or later."

Sister Han Qiao nodded and said: "I also know that this is a tactic to slow down the army. But only after a while can we be prepared." She pondered for a moment, and said: "Leave her alone in the courtyard. In the past few days, they have been asked to write down the deed to borrow money: the interest cannot be high, but the cost is high, so high that they will lose their minds."

"I'm afraid the sisters won't write about the 'empty money but real deed'—they're not stupid, how could they be in debt for no reason?" Mu Yun worried.

Sister-in-law Yao said: "What are you afraid of if you don't want to write? First, make a 'full house', and then tell them to kneel down. When are you willing to write, and when are you allowed to get up! Which ignorant person, pull back and tell her to eat sesame oil!"

Mu Yun said: "Sister-in-law Yao, it's hard to come by. Of course things can be done, but this is a 'false money but real contract', which is untenable--now is a troubled time, and one more thing is worse than one less thing. I am in a hurry , if the sisters are instigated by others to start a quarrel, and if they really want to go to court, we don’t want to argue with them and now we don’t have a backer, I’m afraid there will be a lawsuit!”

Sister Han Qiao felt reasonable when Mu Yun said it.Now the current situation is unpredictable, although the door of this courtyard seems to be no different from the past, she is still the undisputed master of this courtyard.But some of the storm blowing outside was blowing inside.Isn't this "regulation" just one?
I really want to push the sisters into a hurry to make a fuss, and I'm sure there will be no accidents.

She would rather the Australians come to collect a few taxes—although the government did not collect taxes in the past, there were many gods who received incense from all walks of life—as long as she didn't care about her affairs here.

Thinking of this, she hesitated again.At this time, Huang Xiang said: "Auntie, I don't need to ask my sisters to write any deeds for borrowing money. I've already seen the regulations when I'm young. If I have a little knowledge, it's better to come here and show my sisters. Let’s call it together, and say that from now on, even if the sister who sells her body is dead, all the money received from receiving guests will be split with the courtyard..."

As soon as these words came out, sister-in-law Yao jumped out before sister Han Qiao said: "Brother Huang, I think you are deceived by lard! Dismantling the bill, it's only a self-made sister. If the whole hospital If you do this, what else does the aunt do for a living?!"

Sister Han Qiao also felt that this idea was unimaginable, so she couldn't help but watch what the turtle claw said.

But Huang Xiang didn't rush, and said: "Since the account is dismantled, they are wage earners. The courtyard provides them with accommodation, food, and maid services... What kind of money is there? Even if the aunt doesn't talk to them carefully Forget it, they are afraid that they are too embarrassed to use it for nothing?"

As soon as these words were said, everyone suddenly realized.It's true that in the past, except for the "self-professional" bosses who led the house, everyone else's whoring money was paid by the bustards. The girls had no income other than some private money from the clients.Food and clothing are naturally provided by the madam.Now it has been changed to dismantling accounts, so the old tea and rice, soup and water, and even the clothes they wear now, the bedding laid out, the candles lit, and the rooms they live in...all can be calculated for them in various ways. .Be more ruthless, the money the sisters get is not enough to pay the bills.

"...If it's not enough, it doesn't matter. Auntie is the most kind. If you owe it, you just have to charge a small amount of interest. As long as it's not usury, maybe the Australians can't say anything." Huang Xiang bowed Body, with a flattering smile on his face.

This kind of thing is not without precedent in the academy.Some veterans who did not have a "leader" as a backstage and completely relied on themselves to "mix themselves" were forced to sell themselves completely in the end.

Sister Han Qiao immediately frowned, patted Huang Xiang's head, and said with a smile: "Well, you bastard, I really have you! Why didn't I expect that!"

"That's the benevolence of the aunt..."

"Fart! Can Renhou be eaten?" Sister Han Qiao curled her lips, "Just do it your way!"

Several people discussed the solution, and Sister Han Qiao sent Huang Xiang and Mu Yun away, leaving only Mrs. Yao alone. Then she asked in a low voice, "How is the girl in the backyard?"

Sister-in-law Yao understood, and said in a low voice: "I still don't want to, but the words are not so chaste and strong." She said with a smug smile, "If it weren't for Madam, you are always kind and don't let slaves use too many means. , I already told her to kneel down and beg to pick up the guests!"

Sister Han Qiao nodded slightly: "I know your methods. But although she is a widow, she is still perfect, and she comes from a wealthy family. If she is trained well, it will be a lot of money if someone is willing to 'comb' her. So firstly, the bean flour water can’t be ruined first; secondly, it’s inconvenient to torture too much, if there are scars left on the body, it won’t be beautiful.”

Forcing good people to become prostitutes has both soft and hard ways.Not to mention being so soft, if one is to be raped by the turtle claw, it will destroy her chastity and destroy her psychological defense; the other is to use non-torture torture to force her to bear the pain.At the same time, he was strictly guarded and allowed to commit suicide.She was tortured all the time and couldn't survive or die, and then used soft tactics to intimidate and lure her, so soft and hard, flaring and relaxing, very few women can escape.

However, this method should be used with caution on those women who are still perfect-if the melon is broken, they will not be able to "comb" the clients, and the old bustard will lose a lot of income in vain; if the torture is too heavy, the skin will be scarred , but also to depreciate social status.After all, the courtyard is a "high-class social place" in that time and space. Even if everyone knows about such degrading things, they can't be exposed so conspicuously.

Sister-in-law Yao said: "This little girl understands. That's why I sent two people to guard her day and night, and the ropes were not all untied. It's just that this girl has a very violent temper. If she doesn't give her a hard time, I'm afraid she won't understand. Auntie's kindness." Seeing that Sister Han Qiao was still hesitating, she said again: "Don't worry, Auntie, can you still trust this little trick of this servant? Make sure she won't leave any scars on her body!"

Sister Han Qiao said: "I know your methods. I'm just a little worried—" She repeated the voluntary thing in the regulations about being a prostitute. Reliable. If you really want to go to the police station, or go to get the license in front of the Australian cadres, what should I do if she makes a fuss on the spot?"

Sister-in-law Yao heard that she was worried about this, so she hesitated a bit, and said: "If this is the case, it's a bit difficult to deal with - she has nothing to worry about, and there is no way to catch her, let this servant think of a safe way... ..."

(End of this chapter)

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