Lin Gao Qiming

Chapter 1811

Chapter 1811
"Think about it and think about it, but you have to hurry up." Sister Han Qiao said, "Australians act swiftly and resolutely, not to mention that the registration of the account can't be delayed. If it is discovered that there is such a black account, it is not a small amount to be fined. !"

"Yes, this servant knows." Sister-in-law Yao hurriedly bowed her head in response.

Because she missed the "pretty stuff" in the backyard, she headed for the backyard as soon as she retreated from the upper room.

Auntie Yao is so flattering, on the one hand, because she was born in a low-class brothel and became a guest wife in a first-class brothel like Fangchunyuan. Sister Han Qiao has a "kindness to know you"; on the other hand, it is also related to her future. livelihood.

This "nice product" was acquired by Wang Dong less than a month ago.Although this Wang Dong is young, he is a veteran of Huacong.His father, Wang Da Niao, was a womanizer, and his son was not inferior to his father. He slept in flowers and willows outside very early on, provoking trouble.

However, although Wang Da Niao got quite a bit of money by relying on the map of the ditch in his hand, he is not considered rich after all, besides, he is greedy for female sex, and his expenses are not small.There is not so much money for the son to play around in the courtyard.Wang Dong hangs out in the courtyard, "helping whoring and subsidizing food". He is handsome in life, knows Shuanglu chess, wipes cards and Taoism, and knows everything.The friends I met are also people who help me out and don't keep my duty.After hanging out in a brothel for a long time, and being instigated by others, he took up the business of seizing women from good families and reselling them.

Misappropriation of women from good families, mostly young widowed women below the middle class or young women with little knowledge in remote places, lure them to elope and flee with good words and personal feelings, and then resell them at the right time - because most of these women The origin is unknown, and there is no middleman, and most people would never dare to buy it.Those who dare to ask for money are mostly brothel bustards backed by evil forces.Doing this business is harmful to people's reputation, and it is very easy for the suffering master to seek revenge.If you don't have a considerable backing, you can't do it.

Wang Dong has Naifu's relationship in the yamen, so he naturally has no fear.After the Australian entered the city, he disappeared for a while, and then reappeared not long after—it was said that it was because of his father, Wang Dayiao, that Wang Dong was arrested by the Australian for a few days, but he didn't know the whereabouts of his father. The Australians released him again when they saw that Chou Yinmao could not be found.

Even though Wang Dong is useless to the Australians, he naturally doesn't need to hide anymore, but his home has been sealed off by the Australians.There was nowhere to go, but fortunately the business in the courtyards was booming again, so they simply resumed their old jobs, helping whoring and subsidizing food in various courtyards, and they were happy and happy.More than ten days ago, he suddenly brought a young girl to the Spring Courtyard and asked for 100 taels of silver.Because although this young girl is a widow, she is a "widowed widow" - she is still a virgin; she is also from a rich family, not only literate, but also has a little knowledge of piano, chess, calligraphy and painting - this is a rare "handsome product" in the academy.According to the usual practice, four or five hundred taels of silver is not a problem.Sister Han Qiao bargained with him, and finally settled the deal with 500 taels of silver.For women of unknown origin, brothels have always bargained hard.

As for the abducted woman, when she found out that the place her lover brought her was not a "rich relative's house" but an out-and-out brothel, it would be "no one came even if she screamed."

The abducted women had to make noise, seek death and live, scratching, biting, kicking and beating were all very common, but to sister-in-law Yao, this was nothing.There must be a way to "cure" them in the brothel.

There is a remote courtyard in the backyard of the courtyard, and the gate of the courtyard is closed all year round.Sister-in-law Yao came to the door and knocked lightly a few times, the door creaked and opened halfway, revealing a half-aged servant woman inside, seeing that it was Yao's sister-in-law, she hurriedly laughed and said, "Ms. Yao!"

Sister-in-law Yao didn't respond, she raised her leg and entered the courtyard gate.Inside the gate is a small courtyard.Although the place here is small, it is the place where the prostitutes in the courtyard change their faces.The three main rooms are the "court hall", and the east and west rooms on both sides are the "prison room".All new prostitutes have to "kill their power" here, not to mention women from good families who refuse to degenerate into prostitutes, even women from the Lehu family who have nothing else to think about other than this bowl of rice, as long as they are sold to Sister Han Qiao's house, newly registered prostitutes all come here to "drink sesame oil".The so-called "drinking sesame oil" means having sesame oil in your mouth, stripping off your clothes, laying down on a stool, and whipping you with a whip, three hundred times for one blow.The sesame oil in the mouth is not allowed to fall, and if it falls, it will start from the beginning.No matter how strong a woman is, she has to bow her head after drinking sesame oil two or three times.

Newcomers have to be beaten, and the "old people" of the brothel can't escape. Those who violate the rules of the brothel, those who have too few customers, and those who intend to be good... will all be brought here to be "interrogated" for punishment-as usual, they are not allowed Calling, so as not to disturb the elegance of the uncle who came to play in front.

There was no one in the courtyard, only a tight cry and a slow sob echoed in the courtyard, sad and desolate, even in the summer afternoon, I felt horrified.

Sister-in-law Yao didn't care about this, and she didn't look at the servant woman who followed closely behind, and asked, "How is that girl?"

The maid hurriedly laughed and said, "Now I'm willing to eat rice porridge, but I've been beaten all over my body, and I can't sleep well at night. I asked this morning if I could get some medicine for dredging stasis and reducing swelling."

Sister-in-law Yao smiled triumphantly, she was willing to eat porridge, she had the heart to survive, she knew that the pain in her body needed medicine, obviously she was afraid of suffering.After the hard work of water milling, it is necessary to change to a softer one.Naturally, if she thinks she can delay for a while, she will have to give her a little bit of trouble-this is not a place to play tricks.

"Since she is already weak, there is no need to force her to kneel down every day. The food can also be better. It's just that she has to be shackled at night-to prevent her from committing suicide." Sister-in-law Yao said to the servant.

There have been women like this in the past who pretended to be obedient and hanged to death when their defenses were let down.

When a person dies, not only will there be troubles on the official side-it is necessary to spend money to eliminate the disaster-the courtyard will also feel unlucky.Everyone in this line of work is superstitious about the place of gods and ghosts.Suspicion begets dark ghosts. On days when the wind and rain are cloudy, there are often "haunted" things, and there is no peace in the tossing brothel.For the bustard, let alone talk about the psychological fear, monks and Taoists have to be invited to do it.Another expense.

This kind of thing happened in Fangchunyuan in the past, so sister-in-law Yao was very careful about it.

"Yes, the servant will save it."

"Take me to have a look."

The servant woman led her to the door of the east wing, opened the door and shrank.The room is not big, and the inside is dark and gloomy, with a few benches and bricks randomly placed on the square brick floor, and a handful of bamboo strips soaked in a bucket in the corner.There were handcuffs and shackles nailed to two wooden pillars, and a woman was cuffed to one of them, sobbing uncontrollably.

In the room, there was an unpleasant smell, the smell of human sweat, urine and leftovers mixed together.Sister-in-law Yao didn't dislike it, she just paused to let her eyes get used to the dim light inside.Then he walked over with shaking steps.

Hearing the sound of someone coming in, the woman locked on the pillar raised her head. Her face was haggard and pale, she looked only seventeen or eighteen years old, her clothes were ragged, her hair was in a mess, but her skin was soft and her frame was slender, she was from a pampered family birth.Especially the pair of little feet under the hem of the skirt, wrapped up neatly and exquisitely, it can be seen that they were made by famous masters.

Seeing that it was Mrs. Yao who came in, the woman showed a fearful expression—these days, she was beaten hard every day, with leather whips, bamboo boards and rattan pieces during the day, and at night kneeling on the brick ceiling lamp, tortured her so much that her life was worse than death.Seeing Mrs. Yao, it was like a little ghost meeting the King of Hades, trembling uncontrollably like sifting chaff.

Satisfied, Mrs. Yao looked the woman up and down, and said, "Miss He, it's been a while, have you thought about it yet?"

This woman is exactly He Xiaoyue who escaped from the Qingjie courtyard.After she returned to Guangzhou with Liu San and his entourage, they were placed in a charity hall. He Xiaoyue was originally from a rich family in other places. Because her fiancé passed away, she was forced by her family to keep her filial piety. , had an incident that humiliated the family style, so she simply donated some money and rice, and sent her to Qingjieyuan to observe the festival.He Xiaoyue stayed in the Qingjie Hall for more than half a year, and this time she finally escaped, how could she endure the loneliness and boredom in the Shantang.Looking for an opportunity to sneak around the streets, once or twice, she fell in love with this prodigal son Wang Dong—she is a boudoir girl, even though she is a bit aggressive, but she is always in the boudoir, not aware of the dangers of the world, and she is young and young, and she can do it in a few words. He was seduced, and then sold to the Visiting Spring Courtyard.

When she first came to the brothel, she also struggled, but the methods of the brothel turned her aggressiveness into a cry for mercy.Gradually, the determination to keep chastity weakened a lot, and he only wanted to suffer less physical pain, which was delayed for a while.

It goes without saying that I feel regret in my heart, but the matter has come to this point, not to mention escaping, even committing suicide will not be able to achieve what I wish.Seeing this ferocious "old bustard" come in, He Xiaoyue felt a little timid.

"Sister-in-law, all blessings," He Xiaoyue said in a low voice, "I beg my sister-in-law to be merciful, and let this servant send a message. I still have some money at home, and I will give it to my slave to redeem her body..."

"Redemption?" Aunt Yao sneered, "So you are still dreaming of this Qingqiu dream! Let me tell you, your adulterer sold you to the courtyard for 3000 taels of silver. Now you are eating and drinking in the courtyard , this account has not been settled with you yet! Just take 5000 taels of silver, and the aunt may not be willing to pinch you out of the corner of her eye!"

Three to five thousand silver, even the average rich family can't take it out easily.Knowing that the old bustard would not let her go, He Xiaoyue regretted and hated her in her heart, and begged in a low voice: "I beg your aunt to show mercy, this slave is a widow and a chaste woman, if you can spare this slave, I will serve you as a cow in the yard. As a horse, you will serve the whole life in the yard."

"Yo, I really can't see that you are a chaste woman," Yao Yao said with a sneer, "You are a chaste woman, why are you mixed with that floating bachelor again?"

Having said that, He Xiaoyue bowed her head in silence, just sobbing blindly.Aunt Yao knew that her psychological defense was slowly collapsing, so she took advantage of the heat to strike the iron.

(End of this chapter)

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