Lin Gao Qiming

Chapter 1812

Chapter 1812
"Let me tell you, don't dream about your mother! When you arrive in the courtyard, don't even think about pretending to be chaste and nine-strength, clean it up early and come out to pick up the guests! If you are obedient, the aunt will naturally find a rich man." Comb it for you; otherwise, first ask some bachelors to light big candles for you! Then get some hardcover porters and boatmen to serve you every day—to make you comfortable enough!"

"No, no, no... I beg my aunt to spare this servant, this servant will never forget your great kindness..." He Xiaoyue was terrified a long time ago, but now she heard that she was going to be abused so badly, and she was in pain at the moment. Begging.

Seeing that the fire was almost ready, Mrs. Yao persuaded her softly, "Girl, you are a widow, and you were sent to that ghostly place in the Qingjie Hall to observe festivals. If you want to come to your mother-in-law's house, they don't take you seriously, why should you?" To keep the festival so hard, to suffer all this for nothing? Let me just say, even if the aunt of this court allows your family to come and redeem someone, wouldn’t it be the same to send you to live in the Qingjie Hall after the ransom?”

These words shook He Xiaoyue's heart: She didn't want to fall into the dust, but when she returned to Qingjie Hall, she could only see the square sky when she looked up. To be scolded and punished in a living coffin until she dies - she absolutely does not want to.Otherwise, he wouldn't have taken the risk to run out in the first place.

Seeing that He Xiaoyue bowed her head and remained silent, she knew that her words had hit the nail on the head, and persuaded her: "Although our business here is not a glorious business, the girls also eat delicious food, wear silk and satin, and live comfortably. Maid servants. What is not better than Qingjie hall? To tell you something you don’t like to hear, girl, the food and clothing in our yard may not be enjoyed by your natal family! In a few years, there will be young masters from wealthy merchants The young master fell in love with the girl, so he went out of the way. Why waste yourself for a moment of fame?"

He Xiaoyue kept silent, and already had the idea of ​​making compromises.The torment in his heart showed on his face unconsciously.Sister-in-law Yao saw that the fire was almost ready, she turned her face around again, and said sharply: "Miss He, I think you are a sensible person, sister-in-law, I think you are a cute person, so I have three points for your subordinates, otherwise there is nothing wrong with you." Eat your good fruit!"

After all, she went out by herself.The maid locked the door.Aunt Yao said in a low voice: "Go to the cashier, get some sticks of sore medicine and apply it on her, and then tell the big kitchen to cook some good meals for her at night."

The servant woman understood, and replied: "Yes, the servant girl knows." Then she flattered, "Sister-in-law is a good method."

Mrs. Yao proudly said: "Hmph, let alone a widowed lady, even a chaste woman who has set up a memorial archway in the court, as long as it falls into my hands, I will still ask her to beg to pick up the guests!"

She went back to the front and reported the situation to Sister Han Qiao in detail, saying that He Xiaoyue would follow in a few days.After a few more days of recuperation, she was asked to come out to sing and accompany the wine, and slowly selected the high-ranking guests who were willing to groom.

"Let Mu Yun teach her the pipa for a few days first." Sister Han Qiao thought for a while, "Let's see if she is smart or stupid."

"Yes." Mrs. Yao replied, and then said, "It's just about the registration..."

"It's not urgent, let's see if the elixir in old man Fang's gourd is effective or not." Sister Han Qiao pondered, "The matter of household registration can't be delayed. In this way, you go and apply for a temporary household registration, and wait for her to completely comply before going to re-apply." Apply for permanent residence."

It is not necessary to be present in person to apply for a temporary account, but the residence time cannot exceed 15 days.What Sister Han Qiao is most worried about now is that He Xiaoyue said "I don't want to" when she received the "yellow ticket".

"In my opinion, we need to use more gentle tactics. Don't push her down too much." Aunt Yao said, "This little lady must have suffered a lot in the Qingjie Hall. She comes from a rich family and cannot bear that kind of hardship. It's desolate. As long as we give her good food and drink, and make her feel that life is better than Qingjietang, things will be [-]% sure."

Sister Han Qiao nodded: "It's easy. Just do it."

"Yes." Mrs. Yao replied, and was about to retreat when Sister Han Qiao stopped her again and asked, "Someone brought a child to me just now, and asked me if I wanted it—it was nothing, but now there is one." Some hesitation, can you help me with an idea?"

Mrs. Yao said: "How did the child get it? It would be fine if it was obtained by a kidnapper—the root is clean——I'm afraid it will be sold by relatives and parents. Now there is a regulation, if they rely on their status as relatives of their parents to get them I'm afraid it will be difficult for the courtyard to deal with this approach."

Brothels are very happy to buy more children, but the behavior of Australians is still unclear, neither sister Han Qiao nor sister-in-law Yao dare to do it rashly.

But Sister Han Qiao really couldn't bear to part with this potential "cash cow". She had already "picked up" this girl just now.

She hesitated and said, "You're right. I just think this kid is pretty good, and he only needs 15 taels of silver. Don't be a pity."

Sister-in-law Yao's original intention was not to buy it, but seeing the look on the old bustard's face, she knew she couldn't let it go, so she said, "If you want to buy it, it's better to follow Father Fang's method and count it as an adopted daughter—anyway, those girls in the courtyard now You also have to have an identity, one more than her is not too much."

Sister Han Qiao nodded: "Okay, let me think about it again."

In the past few days, Li Ziyu has been quite proud of himself. He entered the top 10 for the first time in the business examination of the police station the day before yesterday. However, because of Li Ziyu's insistence on reporting the case of the headless corpse and his performance in assisting the investigation, although the case came to an end It hasn't been broken yet, but Chief Pan and the others have shown that they value him, not only talking to him specifically to ask if he is interested in criminal investigation.He was also transferred from the most basic position of a policeman in the police station to the Public Security Section of the Municipal Bureau.Agui also ascended to heaven with the chicken and dog, and he was promoted together as a "student".

Now, Li Ziyu is no longer a mere grassroots policeman, but a "team leader".Of course, Agui is the only one he can lead.

All this fully shows that the chief needs to use himself more... Therefore, when Li Ziyu eats in the cafeteria, he can eat two more bowls of rice than Yizhu every time.

Li Ziyu was born in a petty bureaucratic family, and his heart for fame and fortune is much stronger than that of ordinary people.So recently his work has been very vigorous.Even the meal was delayed until the last group of people.

The food in the Municipal Bureau is no different from that of a police station, but it has a cafeteria—it also doubles as an auditorium, and there are many people in it.As soon as Li Ziyu entered the cafeteria, Zhao Gui was already greeting him.

"Brother Yu, here!"

It turned out that he had come here ahead of time to prepare meals and was waiting for him in his seat.

Since being transferred to the Municipal Bureau, Zhao Gui has become more attentive to Li Ziyu, almost becoming his follower.

"Brother Yu, thank you very much, without you I'm doomed for this exam! Come on, eat more meat." Zhao Gui was about to give Li Ziyu the only chicken leg in his lunch box.

"Ah, don't, don't, don't." Seeing this, Li Ziyu quickly lifted the lunch box to avoid the chicken legs that Zhao Gui handed over, "That's the result of your own hard work. Besides, we are a group of brothers, so don't talk about it." See you outside."

"Hey, yes, yes" Agui said a few more words of compliment, then buried himself in the chicken leg.

When Li Ziyu was about to say a few words, he was attracted by a woman at the table. At a table three tables away from them was a policewoman with short, lean hair. The white oval face is very pretty, but it is different from other female police officers who work in the Guangzhou Police Station and chatter when they gather together for dinner. This female police officer sat at a table and ate quietly, her face It's also full of worries.

"Hey, Agui, who do you think is that girl over there? Why haven't I seen her before?"

Agui raised his face with a few rice grains at the corner of his mouth, and followed Li Ziyu's gaze.

"She's still a pretty girl, but I don't know... Such a pretty girl won't talk to me, hehe."

At this time, a person sitting opposite Li Ziyu said: "That person, she is the household registration police officer Nishang who was sent from Lingao a few days ago, and she is assigned to work in the household registration department of the Municipal Bureau, but..." The person lowered his voice a little and said, "It is said that an old comrade came to guide our work, but I heard that he was actually transferred to Guangzhou because he made a mistake in Lingao..."

"Oh... so it is so... so it is so..." Li Ziyu had a suddenly realized expression.

"Brother Yu, why is this so?" Agui asked blankly.

"It's nothing, nothing, eat, eat."

After eating, Li Ziyu had a rare half-day rest, so he was going to find his good brother Zeng Juan and Zhang Yu to see how they were doing.Li Ziyu went home first, took off his uniform and put on a set of Australian-style shorts, then went out to Zhang Yu's walnut shop.

In the past six months, patrolling the streets and alleys of Guangzhou greatly increased Li Ziyu's foot strength, and soon came to Zhang Yu's house.I saw many workers in Zhang Yu's walnut shop busy moving things.

"Yo, is brother Zhang busy?"

"Brother Ziyu, you are a rare customer." Zhang Yu came out to receive Li Ziyu while calling the workers in the store to continue working.

"Brother Zhang, what are you doing in your store?"

"It's like this. The Chamber of Commerce and Industry notified our family to create a demonstration store for production environment renovation. After all, it is our designated food supplier in Dashijie. You also know that the chiefs have high requirements for hygiene, so we hired workers. Come and rectify our house according to the chief's request."

"It's the right way to clean up the place where you eat and drink."

Originally, Li Ziyu used to love Zhang Yu's family's tea and food, but after seeing the appalling cleanliness of the canteen at the police station, he has been somewhat critical of Zhang Yu's family's hygienic conditions.

"Hey, I was so busy that I forgot to invite Brother Li to come in for tea. I'm sorry, please come in."

(End of this chapter)

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