Lin Gao Qiming

Chapter 1813 Civil servant recruitment

Chapter 1813 Civil servant recruitment

Li Ziyu glanced inside at the lively construction scene and said, "It's okay, I'll just stand here and chat while Brother Zhang's house is doing construction."

"It's really rude, please forgive me, Brother Ziyu... It's been a busy time, the chief hopes that we can expand the production scale, ask us to pay for the goods, expand the appearance, and let us open direct sales stores, what kind of model is the front store and the back factory .Looking at the loan policy in the past few days, you can see that your head is too big. Our house is too small, and we have to choose a new place..."

Zhang Yu's father was accompanied by Zhang Yu to the big world half a month ago, saying that he was going to "give thanks"—the business of Zhang's walnut pastry shop is booming, so Zhang Yu's father thought of going to thank Chief Hong.As a result, Chief Hong didn't see him, but Zhang Yikun instead.After talking in a few words, Zhang Yu's family had already signed a loan agreement with Delong when they came out.

When they got home, Zhang's father and son felt that something was wrong. They had no intention of expanding production at all, and they were reluctant to even decorate the store, but they signed the loan contract in a daze. workshop.

However, if you want to repent at this time, it is absolutely impossible, so the Zhang family had no choice but to bite the bullet.

The land is not difficult - there are many vacant land and vacant houses in the city of Guangzhou. Zhang Yu thought that if he opened a shop, the entrance of the market was very important, and it was hard to find a good one.It is really difficult to open a store in the front and a workshop in the back.Not only is the old store in a good location, but it has been handed down for three generations, so it is quite famous, so it is more appropriate to keep the main store in the same place.

But if it is placed in place, the scale needs to be expanded, and the house needs to be taken into account, so the land occupation is very cramped.For a while, the neighbors in the neighborhood did not want to sell the house.Zhang's father and son discussed for a long time, and finally decided to move the house out, transform all the original residential shops into a shop in the front and a workshop in the back, and only set up simple dormitories in the shop for the apprentices to live in.

In this way, it is a big toss.Finding a house, moving, demolishing the house... This series of work will be busy, and there is still a place to find temporary production and supply: fortunately, Chief Zhang is very generous, and temporarily borrowed an empty shop in the big world for them to produce.

In addition to providing transitional housing, the care of the elders is simply "meticulous": the bank loan purchase expenditure has specially designated suppliers, such as decoration and construction projects are all introduced by Delong-the whole Guangzhou knows how Australians repair houses and decorate wooden houses There are really not many cabinets—for example, the cutting and laying of floor tiles and ceramic tiles, there are only two or three wooden cabinets in Guangzhou that have contacts with Dashijie and Ziji. Since Delong is willing to specify, the Zhang family and his son are also happy to be simple.

In addition to the construction contractor, the equipment also had to be ordered from Lingao, which came and went frequently, and this loan was not rich at all.

"...The amount of this loan is really not small," Zhang Yu was a little worried, "Although the annual interest rate is only 18%, I'm always afraid that something might happen..."

In fact, he was still a little puzzled, because he hadn't actually seen a tael of silver for this loan: What Delong gave him was a check book, which was similar to a book. After the contractor finished a job, Zhang Yu's father Just fill in the numbers according to the previous "contract" document, sign it and tear it off, it will be considered as payment.

Although the petty bourgeoisie like the Zhang family do not have access to bills on weekdays, they probably know this kind of thing, but the unit of money on the Australian bills in their hands is not "two", not "wen", but " Yuan".

If it is "Yuan", the people of Guangzhou know a little about the concept of "Australian Circulation Notes", and Zhang Yu naturally knows it too, so he wonders if this is an Australian "Circulation Notes".

Whether it is a negotiable certificate is not a big problem, because the contractors and suppliers have received the check, but how to repay the loan in the future has become a problem-where can Guangzhou get the negotiable certificate?Besides, Zhang Yu had no idea how many negotiable notes could be exchanged for one tael of silver.

"You also know Australians... No, the chiefs like big factories the most and hate small workshops, so the cost is naturally high. But since the chiefs use your family as a demonstration... Brother Zhang, your family is going to be prosperous Ah, congratulations."

Australians have three phrases of "industrialization" and "scale", which are often mentioned in magazines and newspapers, and they are all very familiar theories to a few good brothers who are familiar with "kunology".This last sentence reassured Zhang Yu even more, and said with a smile:
"Haha, where is it."

"Mr. Zhang! Please come in here. Can you see where the tiles are pasted?"

"Okay, okay, I'll come right now."

Seeing that he was very busy, Li Ziyu hurriedly said, "Go in and get busy, I'm going to find Zeng Juan."

"Zeng Juan has been preparing for the Australian Civil Service Examination for a while, and you went to help him with the details. I'm sorry for my poor greetings today. Next time, I will treat Brother Ziyu to drink tea." Zhang Yu said while making Yi Yi.

"It's nothing, you don't have to be polite." Li Ziyu saw that his family's business was booming, even though it wasn't her own business, she felt happy in her heart.It's strange, since Xijiang fled back to Guangzhou, the relationship between him and his little brothers seems to have grown stronger.

Zeng Juan was sitting in the house at this time, looking at the latest recruitment information on the "Yangcheng Express", and the exam outline and "1635 Song Dynasty Civil Service Examination Question Bank" were piled up on the table.

In the hot summer in Guangzhou, just sitting on a stool is a kind of torture for Zeng Juan.In order to escape the heat, he soaked his bare feet in a basin of cold water and slowly flipped through the newspapers.Squint from time to time to look at the exam syllabus.

The failure of the police examination last time had a great impact on Zeng Juan. He thought that as a scholar, he could easily enter the Australian government office to find a job, but the Australians did not show even the slightest interest in him. Li Ziyu told Zeng Juan felt a strong sense of crisis because of the large number of instructors from the high-level police station. Apparently, Australians tend to use their own trainees...

It is probably difficult for a scholar like himself who has no power to restrain a chicken to catch the eyes of Australians.

Just when Zeng Juan was in despair, a civil servant recruitment notice from the Guangzhou Municipal Government revived Zeng Juan's hope.

"There is no such thing as an endless road... I thought I would spend the rest of my life making candles..."

So Zeng Juan bought a bunch of outlines and question banks according to the exam requirements in the notice, and the total cost of this set was four taels of silver.Although it is not cheap, it is not much more expensive than the "Thirteen Classics" and various ink volumes of contemporary literature used in social studies in the past.In addition, Zeng Juan bought some books together with his classmates from the original club so that Zeng Juan's parents didn't look particularly bad.But they also knew whether it was their son who wanted to fight for his birth, or gritted his teeth and paid for it—at last, it didn't fall to the point where some "exam friends" had to borrow "examination loans" from Delong.

The book is bought, but it is not easy to read.Because the book not only uses simplified characters, but even the font direction and format are different from the original ones.Not to mention the habit of writing.Many people don't even understand how to look at it for a while.At this time, the benefits of Zeng Juan's reading of Kun's books appeared - he had no difficulty in reading, and his understanding of the meaning of the text was much more thorough than others.

However, the departmental positions of Australians still make Zeng a big head. The Australian civil service examination is a new thing that has not happened in 3000 years. There is no precedent to follow, so it is difficult to prepare for the examination in a targeted manner.

"It would be great if Brother Huang, who is proficient in business affairs, is still there. There is no one to discuss with now..." Zeng Juan sighed softly, and continued flipping through the book indiscriminately.

"Brother Zeng is there?" At this moment, Li Ziyu's voice came from outside the door, making Zeng Juan's eyes brighten.

"I'm here! Brother Ziyu, long time no see, are you all right?" Zeng Juan almost rushed out of the house to greet him, not caring about drying his feet.

"I'm really ashamed. I haven't come to see you brothers these days. I wonder how brother Zeng is doing?"

"Brother Ziyu is an official in the city government and still remembers us brothers, which is very rare."

"Brother Zeng said that right. Could it be that I, Li Ziyu, are such a powerful person in Brother Zeng's eyes!?"

"Hahaha, absolutely not. The Senate has taken over Guangzhou, and everything is waiting to be done. The police station is naturally busy. Just talking about this patriotic health month may make you tired enough."

"Then you know and still say this, I think you are itchy!?" Li Ziyu said, clenching his fists as if to hit someone.

"Officer Li, I was wrong, don't arrest Xiaomin, he is a good citizen of Song Dynasty."

After joking around, Zeng Juan invited Li Ziyu into the house.

"Yo! Zeng Juan, you really worked hard. With so many books, why didn't I see you work so hard in social studies?" Li Ziyu pointed to the pile of books on the table and said with a smile, "I heard from Zhang Yu that you Are you going to take the civil service exam?"

After Zeng Juan made a pot of herbal tea and handed it to Li Ziyu, he said: "I didn't think there was any hope before. It's wishful thinking to find an official job just by relying on the moral articles I wrote, but it's different when Australians come. Now, everything is new, even the civil service exam is fresh, even though I failed the police exam last time, I still want to try again."

"What Brother Zeng said is very true. The Great Song Dynasty is indeed different from the former Ming Dynasty in every way, and there are many opportunities. The chiefs said that failure is the mother of success. With Brother Zeng's ingenuity, there will be a bright future in the future."

"Brother Ziyu is absurd. Right now, it's important to be admitted to the civil servants of the Song Dynasty...Brother Ziyu came here today and I just have some questions and I want to ask for advice."

"The chief said that scholars are just sour. I didn't think so before, but now I really can't bear it... You can ask, as long as I know, I will tell you."

"It's just that the official position of the Song Dynasty government is unclear, and I don't know how to choose it. It seems that the recruits this time are all officials. I don't know which one has a better future. I also deliberately studied some historical materials of the former Song Dynasty. Nothing useful to discover either..."

(End of this chapter)

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