Lin Gao Qiming

Chapter 1814 Exam Outline

Chapter 1814 Exam Outline
"You don't need to look at those things in the former Song Dynasty. What the chief brought is something that hasn't been seen in 3000 years. Let's say that the policeman I am in has ever existed in all dynasties? We still have to study the recruitment information carefully to be the right way."

Then Li Ziyu and Zeng Juan turned to the newspaper together. This time, the joint recruitment in Guangzhou included taxation, justice, customs, finance, civil affairs, education, health and other departments that urgently need to be allocated for the construction of Guangzhou City, so the opportunity can be said is quite a lot.

"The health department can be ruled out first, and I'm not a doctor... The financial department seems to want the accountant. Although I can do some calculations, I'm not proficient in it..."

"The tax department is good, and all merchants are under their control. It seems to be a department with a lot of vacancies."

"Oh? But I think Australians have been here for so long and haven't collected any taxes from merchants. They just got a license, and isn't the head of the government the most taboo to charge merchants with all kinds of exorbitant taxes?"

"That's true, but it will be convenient for your family and Zhang Yu's family if you join the tax department. By the way, there is also your brother-in-law who is on the street. He not only opens a shop, but also is under the Five Fingers Mountain of taxation. Make him look good. Just look up his account more, think about it, he also knows how powerful it is."

"So it's a good choice." Zeng Juan suddenly became interested, "It's just that I don't know anything about how Australians collect taxes."

"Probably you don't need to know. It's just following the rules."

"The tax collector has a hideous face. My brother can't bear this face. It's not right."

"This Ministry of Education is to be a teacher. Maybe you are not interested?"

"Well, no..."

"It seems that the Ministry of Justice is going to be a litigator. The Great Song Dynasty established the country with laws and thought it would be very important to this department. However, there are too many laws in the Great Song Dynasty. When we are policemen, we have to learn several laws of the Great Song Dynasty. I can't remember them all, and there are more laws in the Song Dynasty than in the Ming Dynasty..."

"Sure enough, the punishment is harsh... Is this chief a descendant of the Song Dynasty or a descendant of the Qin Dynasty?" Zeng Juan couldn't help sighing after hearing this.

Li Ziyu's face suddenly changed, and he said in a low voice: "Hey, don't say such nonsense anymore. If you say this outside, be careful and enter the bureau. The chief's eyes and ears are far beyond your imagination."

"I made a slip of the tongue, be careful next time."

"Actually, the chief's laws are quite different from those of Tyrant Qin. How can I explain it to you...Forget it, you will understand later..."

"Brother Zeng, the Song Dynasty's organization is complex and complicated, and no outsider can understand it. Today I am just looking at the flowers in the fog. Otherwise, I will go back to the bureau and ask the seniors who came from Lingao. Maybe I can make it right. What do you think? "

"This is great! Then there is Brother Lao Ziyu, how about we go to the newly opened Australian hot pot in Great World tonight?"

"I didn't help you because of your meal. When you pass the exam, Zhang Yu and I will celebrate with you with wine!"

"Oh, I don't know if I can pass the exam." Zeng Juan couldn't help showing a look of despair again.

"Hey, hey, what's wrong with you? You're so depressed!" Li Ziyu patted him on the shoulder and said loudly, "Now that the chief is employing people, as long as you work hard, you can always find a family background."

"It's just this topic, my brother really finds it a bit tricky..." As he spoke, he opened a tutorial book called "A Collection of Real Questions Over the Years" and turned to the "Historical Topics" section.

"The Zhou and Tang Dynasties put more emphasis on the outside than on the inside, while the Qin and Wei dynasties have their own opinions on the outside and on the inside"

"Jia Yi's theory of five baits and three appearances was ridiculed by Ban Gu. However, Qin Mu tried to use it to dominate Xirong, and Zhongxing also used it to precept Shanyu. His theory is not ineffective."


"As far as these few topics are concerned, my younger brother is helpless. I have never read the old and new "Books of Tang" when I was studying sociology, nor have I read "Historical Records" and "Hanshu" before and after..."

Li Ziyu nodded. These are all "historical theories". You have to read history books to know what the topic is about. However, except for the Thirteenth Confucian Classics, in sociology, history books are not taught, and such books are not prepared.Teachers also do not encourage or even oppose student history books.As for ordinary students, even if they are interested in history, such books are not rare, but only scholars with a small income will have them.Ordinary people can't afford it, and they won't buy it.So Zeng Juan can be said to have never been seen.His historical knowledge was either obtained from the romance novels in the bookstore, or it was a little bit of odds and ends from reading "Kunshu" in the past.

"No matter which one of these questions comes out, I can only hand in blank papers." Zeng Juan said with a wry smile.

"I do have a few history books at home. If you want to read them, I can lend them to you." Li Ziyu is very generous, "Besides, you don't have to worry too much, Juan. According to the "Outline", historical theory does not take much. You still have to read the 'Common Sense' and 'Strategy Theory' sections. These are practical. You just read a few more articles carefully and figure it out."

Recently, Li Ziyu has been very concerned about the civil service examination. Although he is already considered a "public man", under the hands of the Australians, examinations are always required for promotion and promotion, and the difficulty is getting more and more difficult every time.For the sake of her career future, Li Ziyu has been trying to figure out the way Australians take the exam and how to write questions.

"Common sense is easy to say, just memorize it by rote. Calculations are not too difficult. As long as you remember the Arabic numerals and Australian formulas, you can remember them after doing a few calculations. Only this strategy is not easy." Zeng Juan took out an article From his exercises, it turned out that the policy theory was very complicated. First, he gave several articles, all of which only stated the phenomenon, and had no preference for arguments. Then he gave several questions, or asked for a summary, or explained some parts of the article. meaning, or ask questions about the causes and solutions, and there is an argumentative article at the end.

"To be honest, if I hadn't read some Australian books, I really don't know what to do!" Zeng Juan sighed.

Li Ziyu smiled and said: "Speaking of which, this is the benefit of waiting for me to study! At the beginning, because of reading Australian books, I was scolded by the teachers countless times for 'not doing a proper job', but now I am born and my future will start from this 'not doing a proper job'." Isn’t this a great thing? Why do you need to worry—how many people in the city of Guangzhou have mastered ‘Kun Xue’? Even those great Confucian scholars probably don’t understand it? This is the great opportunity I’ve been waiting for. !"

When he said this, Zeng Juan couldn't help but see the light of day: Yes, although the topic is a bit difficult, but just as Li Ziyu said: How many people in the whole city of Guangzhou have studied in Macau?The so-called rising water lifts all boats, but sinks low.With my own level, I might be able to get some top marks in the exam.

After leaving Zeng Juan's house, Li Ziyu saw that it was still early, so there was no need to rush back to the Municipal Bureau.Then he turned a corner and walked towards Liurong Street.

A Shandong dim sum shop has recently opened on this street.They sell all the pasta snacks with a northern taste.Varieties range from flowering steamed buns to multigrain pancakes.

As soon as the store opened, it was supported by officers, soldiers and cadres of the Fubo Army stationed inside and outside Guangzhou—many of them came from Shandong, and there were also others from the north.There are still many things that I am not used to when I come to Guangdong, so I am very fond of this northern flavor.

However, those familiar with the situation know that this shop is so popular because the owner, Ms. Dong, is a rare northern beauty in Guangzhou. It is said that she is also the daughter of Dong Zhifu, the prefect of Guangzhou in the Ming Dynasty.After Dong Zhifu committed suicide by taking poison, this Miss Dong family did not commit suicide after trapping a thief, but even opened a shop by herself in public, saying that she wanted to "support herself".

Although Ms. Dong's opening of the store has caused some people to curse behind her back: "shameless", "behind her father for glory", "sexy", etc., there are also people who secretly talk about the "dirty relationship between the mother and daughter of the Dong family and a certain gangster veteran". transaction", some people even said vividly that they saw the Dong family's mother and daughter at night and were quietly taken to Liu Fu Yin's mansion.I came back early the next morning, and the mother and daughter were both "newly bearing rain and dew, with spring on their cheeks"...

Such gossip was enough to shame a woman to commit suicide in order to prove her innocence.But now the social atmosphere in Guangzhou doesn’t pay much attention to this: Australian female cadres and police officers are walking on the street swaggeringly in skirts showing their calves.What's more, these women all hold power of varying sizes, and it is absolutely useless to offend them.No matter how Taoist people are, they can only live their addiction verbally, and they can't cause too much trouble.

Dong's shop not only sells northern snacks, but also takes care of women's work, doing some sewing and mending.The uniforms of the Fubo Army often do not fit well due to the rush to make them, so many soldiers will come to Ms. Dong's shop to change the size or mend the damaged places.Of course, the more important thing is that the clothes that have passed through Ms. Dong's hands will have a "special fragrance"...

But Li Ziyu knew that these jobs of resizing or mending were actually done by "poor sewing" women, and Miss Dong's family just sent the business from the store to the "poor sewing" to do it. .

Shops on the street have set up awnings at their entrances. In the past, it was common for these arbors to occupy the road.Now there is a rule: the pergola only needs to be propped obliquely to shade, and it is not allowed to land on the street.It is even more forbidden to place cargo seats under the pergola.

Since the launch of the "New Life Movement", this thousand-year-old city has also taken on a new look. After the "side shops" were demolished, the streets have not only become wider, but also much cleaner.Li Ziyu also felt refreshed while walking on the street - he was also responsible for this.

Not far after walking in, I saw a cloth cover hanging on the side of the street, with the words "Dong's shop" written on it.This is the shop opened by Dong Mingpeng's mother and daughter.

Dong's shop is a two-bay shop. After being "examined" by Guangxiao Temple, Dong Mingdang sold several pieces of jewelry of his own, plus his savings, and bought the property - at that time, because the current situation was unclear Well, the price of real estate fell, which made her pick up a loophole - not only there are two bays in front of the shop, but also two courtyards in the back, which are suitable for both home and business.

(End of this chapter)

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