Lin Gao Qiming

Chapter 1815 Dong Family Shop

Chapter 1815 Dong Family Shop
It's not even time for dinner, but there are already a lot of customers gathered in front of the door. Judging from their clothes, almost half of them are "Australian food"-because of the taste, there are very few local citizens with a little "worth" Patronage, but many low-level people who work hard come to try something new.

In front of the shop, there is a big stove, and Dong Xiang is sweating profusely spreading pancakes on the iron pan. This kind of pancakes is no different from the miscellaneous grain pancakes of later generations. There are two kinds of batter in the shop, one is pure miscellaneous grains, the other is added with flour, and the price is higher.

As for the stuffing in the pancakes—we don’t grow green onions locally, so we have to use cucumbers as the basic one. As for the others, there are a variety of them, including vegetables, pickled vegetables, crispy crisps, fried dough sticks, etc., as well as marinated and dry-cut meat. The kind of water, rich and thrifty, free, large quantity and low price, is the so-called "poor people's happiness".

Before Li Ziyu entered the store, Dong Xiang, who was making pancakes at the door, greeted enthusiastically: "Hey! Officer Li, long time no see you, please come in, I'll fry this pancake for you when it's done!"

The back door of her house is on South Jianzi Lane, and this area is within Li Ziyu's patrol area.The Dong family's mother and daughter are also listed in the "separate volume" of the Political Security Bureau, and they have been "cared for" by Li Ziyu from the very beginning.

Li Ziyu had to spend more than ten hours on the road as a patrolman. When she was hungry, buying pancakes cost little and was full.Became a regular customer here.After coming and going, I became very familiar with this family.

"Don't... the most important thing in this new life is for all of us to maintain order. I'd better line up at the back." Seeing the murderous looks from the crowd in line, Li Ziyu hurriedly stopped Dong Xiang from opening the back door.Not to mention the issue of discipline, many of the people in the queue are genuine "old-fashioned fake haircuts", and I still need to be a little more sensible about my newly released "fake haircuts".

"Yes, yes, then you sit in the room first, and I will bring it to you later." Dong Xiang smiled and shouted at the back room: "Lan'er, make a bowl of porridge for Officer Li first!"

Li Ziyu picked up the bamboo curtain and entered the room, feeling cool all over.There are a dozen or so small tables in the room. On one side of the counter against the wall, there are seven or eight large porcelain vats, covered with sarongs, which are filled with all kinds of side dishes, such as boiled germinated beans. , cold bean sprouts, Australian pickles, boiled razor clams... There are wine jars and porridge barrels on the counter.

Because it is not a meal, there is no table of guests inside.The wine seller was a young woman in her early twenties, Dong Xiang's wife Lan'er. When she saw Li Ziyu coming in, she came out to greet Li Ziyu and lead him to a table.He smiled and said, "Officer Li, you haven't been here for a long time! I heard you've been promoted?"

Li Ziyu pretended to be reserved and said: "Where did you get promoted, it was just transferred to the city bureau."

"Isn't that called promotion?" Lan'er said as she served a bowl of herbal tea, "My lady still mentioned you, saying why you didn't come to the shop all of a sudden, is there something wrong with the shop? ..."

"Where, where, I was transferred to the Municipal Bureau, so this place is no longer my section, so naturally I can't come here often." Li Ziyu quickly explained.I'm afraid that others may misunderstand what they said.The bureau has a very tight grasp of the relationship between the patrol police, the merchants and the people in the area.

"In this way, I can rest assured. I will go and ask our lady to go—she often talks about you. Officer Li, please drink a few sips to quench your thirst, and I will go get some porridge."

Before she finished speaking, she had already gone inside.Li Ziyu took a sip of the herbal tea—as he, as an old Guang, said that the herbal tea was boiled very shamelessly: the material was wrong, the taste was not right, and the heat was even worse; but considering that it was boiled by Dong Mingdang himself, it still tastes pretty good to drink .

After a while, a lithe girl of sixteen or seventeen came out from the curtain, wearing a blue cocoon pleated skirt, dark green armor, and half of her arms covered.Wearing some emerald gold step rocks on the head is simple and solemn.With a very generous expression, she came to Li Ziyu with a smile and blessed her: "Wanfu, Police Officer Li."

Although she is not very old, she has a calm expression, sophisticated words, and an imposing manner that overwhelms others. Li Ziyu got up quickly, and just about to salute, suddenly realized that she was wearing casual clothes, so she hurriedly said: "Don't dare, I will be more polite."

"Officer Li is polite," Dong Mingdang said with a slight smile, "Please sit down."

After the two parties sat down and said a few polite words, Dong Mingdang said: "Thanks to Police Officer Li driving away those local ruffians and beggars a few days ago, otherwise the business in the slave shop would probably not be possible. The maid originally thought that the police officer Li would come again." Thank you, but it’s been a long time since Police Officer Li arrived, and I thought it was a poor greeting somewhere that made you angry..."

When Dong Mingdang said this, he laughed like a flower and looked forward, looking at Li Ziyu, making him feel a little uneasy.

After all, she is a woman from a rich family, every frown and smile is different. " Li Ziyu thought secretly.

"Where is it? It is the duty of our patrolmen to fight against the floating waves on the street and maintain normal social order. I passed by that day and saw it, so naturally I would not sit idly by." Li Ziyu proudly said to Dong Mingdang using the theory learned from the police station, I feel quite chivalrous.

Dong Mingpeng covered his mouth and smiled, causing Li Ziyu to be in a trance for a while.

"The policemen in the Song Dynasty are different from the police officers in the former Ming Dynasty. They are all heroes who are chivalrous and righteous. If we small people want to live a safe life, we all depend on you, Officer Li." Dong Mingdang complimented without losing the opportunity .

"Where, where, it is good to be led by the chief." Li Ziyu knew that no matter what dynasty or generation, "Jun En Xiande" would never be wrong, "I was originally a small military officer in Guangzhou Wei. If it weren’t for Jian Ba ​​of the Senate, he wouldn’t be able to be a policeman. It all depends on the cultivation of the chief, and the policy of the Senate is good.”

What Li Ziyu said is right, if in the past, the mother and daughter of the Dong family, let alone running a shop to earn a living, would have been taken over by the tyrants or lured by bandits, they might have been abducted and sold to brothels.Not long ago, there were a few people who moved the Dong family's mother and daughter's idea.It's just that the Australians now have severe punishments and strict laws, and they don't care about anything. No one dares to make mistakes. The Dong family's mother and daughter can have today's situation, and I really have to thank the Senate.

"Officer Li, the servant girl also knows that according to the rules of the Song Dynasty government, it is not acceptable to accept gifts. These are dried honeysuckle flowers from Pingyi, the hometown of the servant girl——I saw that there was a sale in the city, so I bought some. I gave it away. Sending some to Police Officer Li is not a respect—this is not something valuable, please accept it..." Before Li Ziyu could say anything polite, Dong Mingdang forced a paper bag into Li Ziyu's hand .Li Ziyu just wanted to object, but felt a musk-like orchid-like fragrance wafting from his nose, and lost his mind. When he realized it, Dong Mingdang had already turned around and entered the room with a smile on his face.

"Officer Li, just accept it! This is not a bribe!" Lan'er who brought the plate laughed.

There was a bowl of thin porridge on the plate——different from the sticky white porridge in Guangzhou, this is an out-and-out "thin porridge", basically full of water, and some rice grains settled on the bottom of the bowl. I ordered some mung beans.It tastes cool and refreshing, and it goes well with pancakes with strong flavors.In addition to gruel, it also comes with two dishes of pickled vegetables.

Li Ziyu blushed after brushing her face, she couldn't say anything, and it was inconvenient to get up and leave immediately, so she had to drink the porridge first.

Li Ziyu, who was carrying two pancakes, returned to the police station when the sun was setting.Dong Mingdang's gift today caught him off guard, what does this mean?A small package of dried honeysuckle is naturally nothing, even if it comes from Shandong, it is not worth a few dollars.

However, what made his heart flutter was the paper bag: it was a bag made of Australian thick paper. Woman's handwriting.

Could this be drawn by Ms. Dong herself?Li Ziyu couldn't help feeling distracted when he thought of this, could it be that Dong Mingdang is interested in him?
A lady from an official family like Miss Dong's family - even if she is a concubine - Li Ziyu didn't even want to think about it in the past.Even if he takes over the position of uncle in the future, he is just a general who is not valued by others, and it is impossible to marry the daughter of Sipin Zhengtang's family.

However, now it is the world of Song Dynasty.Her father had long since cut himself off from the Senate and the people, and she, Dong Mingdang, would have been a "sinner's family" in the past, and would have been sent to the church as a slave.He, Li Ziyu, is a cadre under the command of the upright Senate...

Even though he thought so, he still felt that he was "not worthy" of Dong Mingdang, and suddenly felt discouraged.Can't help but hate Daming even more.

Except for some staff on duty, everyone in the bureau went home from get off work, so Li Ziyu went to the study room.He knew that the naturalized police officers transferred from Hainan mostly spent their time in the study room because they had no home to return to in Guangzhou.

Because of the relaxed conditions for recruiting police officers, many illiterate people joined the patrol team. Director Pan set up a study room, which is actually a simple library with some newspapers, books, and teaching facilities such as blackboards. .For the police officers to learn business knowledge and understand the policy spirit of the Senate in their spare time.

When the study room was first opened, almost no one went to study, but after the introduction of the policy of linking business test scores with performance appraisal, the study room became very popular.Especially in the few days before the monthly exam, if you don't occupy a seat in advance, you will never have a seat.

Since the monthly exam has just ended, there is no one in the study room, and most of them are police officers who need to make up the exam... While hesitating, a small figure in the corner of the study room caught Li Ziyu's attention. Attention--the senior female household borrower who came from Lingao was quietly reading a book.

(End of this chapter)

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