Lin Gao Qiming

Chapter 1821 Inexplicable Riot

Chapter 1821 Inexplicable Riot

"There may be more than one corpse." Gao Zhongjiu said, "Damn it, I felt that the smell here was not right when I came in! There is a faint smell! No wonder the smelly fish and rotten shrimp are drying outside!"

When Li Ziyu heard that there was still a corpse, he was about to speak, when suddenly there was commotion outside.There was a faint commotion coming here, and a "brother" ran over with a nervous expression, "Master Jiu, there is a commotion outside! It is said that someone here is harvesting and cutting, and everyone is going to come in and kill the prisoner..."

This kind of thing is not uncommon in this time and space. Some criminals with notable crimes and great anger among the people are often "beaten to death" by the people because of "public anger".

Gao Chongjiu didn't know for a second.It has only been less than half an hour since they came in to handle the case—according to the calculation of the Australians, it was less than an hour. The sword-drawing team could not understand the language, and it was impossible to disclose the case. As for the brothers he brought, they all knew the rules. .Never talk nonsense outside.

The only possibility is that Gao Tianshi's people instigated it - only he knows what kind of ghost is hiding in this imposter inn.

He is eager to silence him!Gao Chong Jiu Xin Dao.This "brother" seems to be not only involved, but also deeply involved.

Thinking of this, he hurriedly said: "Everyone, take the prisoner to the locker room first!"

The cabinet room is not only larger, but also of better quality. It can be delayed for a little longer, and the national army at Zhenhaimen will definitely come out to suppress the riots—Gao Chongjiu knows that this is not an ordinary "crowd of the people" Instigated by people.There must be some dangerous elements among them, and they cannot be stopped with a few reprimands.Maybe they are still preparing all kinds of hidden weapons, ready to take advantage of the chaos.

He called two brothers and said, "Take care of a man surnamed Fu inside. You can't let him run away, and you can't let him die or commit suicide!"

Although the team leader of the knife-drawing team could not understand the Cantonese spoken outside, but the noise from outside and the changes in the expressions of Gao Chongjiu and the others knew that something was wrong outside, so he immediately yelled in Japanese without waiting for Li Ziyu's order , The soldiers drew out their bayonets and put them on together, forming a half-moon formation between the gate and the cabinet room.Bayonet pointed outward, cap loaded.

Li Ziyu could speak poor Mandarin, so he hurried over to tell the team leader that there were mobs outside who were about to rush in to kill people and silence them, and asked him to lead people to ensure the safety of the prisoners and the scene.

Li Ziyu's Mandarin was on par with the Japanese soldiers of the sword-drawing team, and it took a long time for the two of them to communicate clearly.

"...You understand?"

"I understand!" The captain nodded.

"Don't kill too many people..." Li Ziyu's forehead was dripping with sweat, "They...are all people who don't know the truth...just...don't understand what's going on..."

Gao Chongjiu said: "Ayu, don't make foolish gestures. If you really fight, you will have corpses all over the field. You tell him to obey your command, hit whoever you tell, don't shoot casually!"

Before the words were finished, dozens of people had poured in at the gate, all of them seemed to be local people, all in shabby clothes, holding "weapons" ranging from firewood sticks, poles to paddles and pennies in their hands, Menacing roars poured in.

Gao Chongjiu saw that most of the people were ordinary people who had been incited, and could not help but secretly complain.There is great outrage among the people for harvesting and cutting off. It is normal for the people to have such a violent reaction. In the past, the government did not stop such things.Therefore, the common people feel that they are "removing harm for the people" and have no fear.But the situation is different now-he is not trying to "make meritorious service" after solving a major case, the key is that Australians are not the masters of peace, and they have to figure out everything.If you really want them to beat the main culprit to death, you will have no good fruit to eat.

Just the ten Japanese pirates in front of me, plus a few brothers from myself, it is absolutely impossible to stop these many people. Although the ten Japanese pirates brought here are not afraid of killing people, but killing innocent people is not only unreasonable because of emotion and reason, Australians There is no light on the face.

While thinking about countermeasures, the other wall suddenly shook, and someone shouted wildly outside: "There are flower shooters inside!", "Rush in and kill them!", "Kill the flower shooters!"...

The inn's walls are nothing more than bamboo fences and yellow mud, how could they withstand the impact, but in a short while, a wall collapsed, and many people rushed in in an instant.

Seeing the sword-drawing team waiting in full battle inside, the crowd hesitated for a moment.Just at this moment, someone shouted again: "This is the tolerance of the Australians, and they are all killing bad people! Don't be afraid, everyone!"

Gao Chongjiu shouted luckily: "My elders! The flower shooter has been arrested! Please don't abuse the lynching, I will take him to the Yamen, wait for the official to interrogate him, and then execute him late..."

"The government officials want to release people privately!", "Beat them to death and bring them down!", "The servants have eaten the filth of the thief!", "They are in the same gang!"...

An indistinct voice came from the crowd, burning away the already raging public anger, and seeing more and more people pouring in.Li Ziyu could only feel his body trembling uncontrollably because of his menacing momentum.

The knife drawing team saw that the momentum was not right, the squad leader gave an order, and the soldiers opened their hammers, put their guns on their shoulders one by one, and were ready to shoot.

Li Ziyu knew that this row of guns would kill seven or eight people, so he could not advance or retreat, so he couldn't help sweating profusely.Seeing the people rushing up, the team leader kept looking at himself out of the corner of his eyes. He was in a dilemma, and said emphatically: "Tell them to fire a row of empty guns. After shooting, we will retreat to the house to die—this place is far away from Zhenhai. The door is close, and the brigade will definitely come as soon as the gun is fired!"

Li Ziyu nodded repeatedly, and quickly gestured to the team leader again. The team leader muttered something to the soldiers, and the soldiers raised their guns together, and fired a salvo at the mob's heads.

The muffled gunshots echoed in the air, and the bullets passed over people's heads with a sharp whistling sound. The courtyard was instantly filled with smoke. ran to the door.The originally turbulent and unstoppable crowd disintegrated into countless panicked individuals in an instant.They ran into each other, screaming and running in all directions.

Although Gao Chongjiu didn't change his face, he was still shocked by the effect of the gun discharge, not only the sound and light effect that almost destroyed everything, but also the deterrent effect on the will of the crowd.In the past, once a civil uprising was provoked, the Tolerance Yamen would never dare to confront the mob head-on.Whether it is a whip or a waist knife, it is useless in front of red-eyed rioting people.

Even in the hustle and bustle, he could still hear the calm and awkward Chinese of the pirate leader: "Clear the chest!", "Reload!"...

The smoke gradually dissipated, and the crowd that had already filled almost half of the courtyard had disappeared, leaving only a dozen or so unlucky people moaning after being crushed and trampled in the chaos."Weapons" such as poles, firewood sticks, and wooden sticks were scattered all over the ground, as well as many tattered straw sandals.

Li Ziyu was still in shock, her legs were trembling, her hands were so soft that she couldn't even hold the baton, if it wasn't for the rope hanging on her arm, she would probably have fallen.Looking at Gao Chongjiu again, his expression was also ugly.The ten Japanese pirates were the same, although their faces were dignified, they were calm and composed, their shotguns were raised obliquely, they were already loaded with ammunition, and they looked like they were ready for battle.

The originally noisy sounds on the street outside the courtyard suddenly disappeared, and the sound of Jiang Tao washing over the river bank instantly became clearly distinguishable. Li Ziyu's mood was extremely tense.Suddenly, the shrill sound of sirens came from the street.I couldn't help but feel my whole body loosen, almost limp on the ground.

Wu Xiang looked at Li Ziyu with complicated emotions, and couldn't help but wonder if there is a kind of person who is born to be a policeman in this world?He remembered that when he was learning to handle cases with Mu Min, his master had told some interesting stories about reasoning and investigating cases. Among them, the one that left the deepest impression on him was a criminal policeman surnamed Ke. Murders happened everywhere he went. The murderer was brought to justice again and again.

This unremarkable patrolman had already been transferred from a patrolman to the Public Security Department of the Municipal Bureau within a few months of joining the job. Now, in order to track down a human trafficking case, he solved another big case—this luck was outrageous.

Even in the Ming Dynasty, the case of Caisheng, Zhesheng, and Cutting was a major and serious case. However, some people incited the people to attack the prisoners with the obvious intention of silence, which shows that the water behind this case is very deep.Reminiscent of the headless corpse case discovered by Li Ziyu at the beginning, the case has not been solved yet, and there are many shadows behind it.

Judging from the clues that have been discovered, this group of people is not as simple as shooting flowers and cutting them.Wuxiang had learned it when he was studying, and he had also heard from Wang Zhaomin and some old servants that the cases of Caisheng were often mixed with elements of witchcraft and sorcery.

He looked at the criminal police who were searching in this dilapidated and messy riverside inn, and a groundless thought suddenly broke into his mind: Could there be some connection here?
The scene has been cordoned off by the national army who heard the gunshots.Hearing the news, the police temporarily dispatched from the city are searching the scene.Because Gao Chongjiu said that it is impossible for the prisoner to make such a big show on the riverside for the few victims found so far, and it is very likely that the remains of more victims have not been found.

"There are no less than [-] gourds prepared for Guangcaisheng, and there are seven or eight gourds with amber in them. Each gourd has a living soul. At least seven or eight people died in this field, and there are more than a dozen empty. They Still ready to continue..." Gao Chongjiu said based on his experience.

Wu Xiang only felt chills all over his body, which was an indescribably cold and dead air.It was even more frightening than seeing bandits killing dozens of villagers in Shiba Village when he was a child.

"Report to the section chief!" A policeman came over panting to report, "I found something that looks like a human body." He was disgusted when he spoke.Clearly, the scenes are anything but pleasant.

Wu Xiang nodded: "Let's go and have a look."

(End of this chapter)

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