Lin Gao Qiming

Chapter 1822 Site Investigation

Chapter 1822 Site Investigation
The cabinet room is the most decent building in the entire inn. It is a wooden structure with a thick layer of rammed earth foundation underneath.The layout inside is also no different from the general inn cabinet room: the middle one has a wooden cabinet, a locked vertical cabinet, a guest book on the cabinet, and a tea set.There is nothing suspicious, and there is nothing special about the East Wing and West Wing. However, on the back wall of the East Wing, there is a hidden door covered by a cabinet. Open the hidden door, it is a small courtyard, the air is humid, and the river is surging. The sound can be heard endlessly - it is obvious that they have reached the riverside.

In the courtyard there is a shed that is open in all directions, and there is a brick stove against the wall, with an iron pot on it, beside it there are chaff cutters for cutting herbs, mortars of various sizes, large and small pots and baskets, copper The furnace for refining medicine was made of iron, and unprocessed medicinal materials were scattered on the ground.At first glance, it looks like a combined pharmacy of a pharmacy.

However, the air in this pharmacy is filled with a strange smell, that is, the smell of cooking meat and the disgusting rancid smell, sometimes mixed with spices and medicinal materials, and the smell of water and fish outside smell.As soon as Wu Xiang entered the yard, he felt chest tight and wanted to vomit.

Gao Chongjiu knew that there was a big joint here.This is obviously the place where the gang's evil deeds took place.With a glance, he saw the necessary things for doing this job: cutting knives, iron needles, incense ash and herbs to stop bleeding, and bags of lime.The river here is windy, and all kinds of smells are easy to dissipate, and the fishy smell emitted by a large number of dried fish outside and the river itself can also cover up the smell here.

Gao Chongjiu stood in the yard, smoking a cigarette silently.Li Ziyu's expression was terrified, with an overly frightened look on his face.

"Section Chief, look." The policeman lifted the lid of an iron pot, and there was half a pot of white broth in it, with some meat with bones floating in it, and the surface of the soup was full of foam. Did not go to clean the blood.

Wuxiang didn't show his face, picked up the fence next to it, copied it into the pot, and immediately showed a small foot on the soup surface.Judging by the size, it should be a child of seven or eight years old.

A few police officers who were searching next to him couldn't bear to look any longer, and quickly turned their heads away.

Wuxiang looked solemn, and put down the fence.He turned his head and said, "Old Gao, what do you think?"

Gao Chongjiu said: "Section Chief, this should be the place where they pick raw meat and cut it up. Boiling human flesh is not for satisfying hunger, but for medicine."

"Mixed medicine?" Wu Xiang only heard that human blood can cure tuberculosis, and he also knew about Ziheche, red lead, Qiushi, etc., but he had never heard of eating human flesh to cure diseases.

In this era of famines and wars, cannibalism is not uncommon. Not only do such news continue to spread from other places, even in the suburbs of Guangzhou, such news occasionally spreads during famine seasons.But this is all due to hunger and cold.It was unheard of for him to kill people, boil meat and combine medicines.

Gao Zhongjiu said: "That's right, human flesh and bones, as well as internal organs... can be used as medicine in their hands. Each has its own use."

The "drugs" created by these murders are not on the table, and their uses are naturally not visible-mostly aphrodisiacs, abortion drugs and drugs for "extreme punishment".The price is high, and it pretends to be mysterious, and the market is very good.

Wu Xiang felt a little unbelievable. He had received the modern science education of the Senate since he was a child, and he always sneered at such nonsense.Asked: "This, useful?"

Gao Chongjiu said: "If it doesn't work, how can someone buy it? Probably there are."

Jianghu secret medicine is a very big genre, in which there are many tricks and countless ways.The security department has caught some sellers of "secret medicines", most of which are made of various Chinese medicinal materials. Although there are also various and unimaginable ingredients in them, generally speaking, most of them still have some medicinal properties.But what effect can this "secret medicine" made of human flesh and bones have?
Wu Xiang is full of suspicion, but he has been a policeman for a long time, and he knows that the dark side of human nature is sometimes unfathomable.Whether it is useful or not, the existence of this kind of activity shows that the demand is strong.

The police carried out further searches in the yard, and more and more horrific scenes unfolded in front of their eyes. An iron pot was filled with the bones of children who had already dried up, and internal organs that had been dried up on a wooden plate... A police officer opened the door. A small wooden box containing the genitals of a boy dried with lime, like a treasure...

There are more and more traces of mutilated corpses. There are still fragments of unburned clothes in the hearth, and there are many bone fragments and hair mixed in the mud of the drainage channel leading directly to the river on the back wall.This frightening, nightmare-like scene was unbearable even for well-informed police officers. Some people couldn't help it, and rushed out to vomit.Although Li Ziyu hadn't started to vomit yet, her complexion turned pale and she could hardly stand upright.

Although Gao Chongjiu was still calm, he was secretly suspicious: what is the origin of this group of people?Since ancient times, harvesting, cutting and cutting have been shady, and most of the perpetrators commit crimes on the move, and rarely "work" continuously in one place.There must be some other reason for setting up a stall like this.

Wuxiang was smoking a cigarette, and watched the forensic medicine staff come to clean up the human remains. Seeing that the cleanup was almost done, he asked, "Approximately how many people are there?"

Wu Zuo, who led the team, said: "The small ones haven't been counted yet, but at a cursory glance, there are at least four or five skeletons."

This is too much!Wuxiang thought.

However, Gao Chongjiu thought that the victims were more than these just now: as many gourds that received living souls, there were as many dead people.

"There is a problem with the ground. The soil is mixed with lime, and there is likely to be a buried body underneath." Gao Chongjiu said that the ground in the backyard was covered with a thick layer of plant ash and sand, and the sand was white. When you twist it, you can see the white lime inside.

Wuxiang nodded: "Dig!"

Under the command of Gao Chongjiu, the gangsters began to dig the ground.

The first excavation site was not far from the entrance of the drainage ditch. Gao Chongjiu believed that this was probably the place where they disposed of the corpses. There was a table-sized river stone sunken into the ground with a slightly flat surface.When the gangster was cleaning the ditch, he once found black residue in the cracks of this stone. He picked it out with a bamboo stick and found it was blood.

The excavation started in front of the rocks. After removing the thick layer of covering above, the wet soil below was exposed. The police immediately found a place where the soil was darker than the surrounding area, and it was three or four feet long. square.Gao Chongjiu knew it was bad at a glance: not only were there corpses down here, but there were quite a few of them.

"Dig along the edge, don't use too much force." Gao Zhong instructed.

After digging a few shovels, a picker suddenly stopped.

"So?" Wu Xiang asked.

The butler didn't answer, he seemed very nervous.I saw some fragments of reed mats that had turned black in the excavated soil.

This strengthened their judgment.Below is the burial site!
Gao Chongjiu asked the gangsters to continue digging. The overburden was not thick, but more than one foot. After removing the overburden, a layer of rotten and scattered reed mat fragments were revealed, which had turned black.However, lime remains can still be seen on the edges.

Several gangsters continued to dig down, and the feet that stepped on the shovel kept slipping on the shovel.More fragments of reed mats were turned up.When another shovel was turned up, the worker suddenly stepped back, screamed like a snake and scorpion wrapped his hands, threw the shovel and fled the scene.

The police who were searching the scene rushed up, and said in a high voice, "What's the mess?" He rushed over to have a look, and saw something stuck to the head of the shovel. Some red-black liquid came up and soaked the soil.There are many fragments of reed mats mixed in the soil.

What frightened Mugong was that a small blackened hand protruded from the soil.

"Bastard!" Gao Chongjiu heard a policeman swearing.His face was livid, and he said, "Keep digging! Hurry up!"

As the covering soil was continuously peeled off, the fragments of the reed mat could no longer cover the corpse below, only a small arm stretched out straight from the hole in the reed mat, stretching stiffly into the air.

The gangsters sped up their movements, and the reed mats were all uncovered. The policemen and national soldiers who put down their work out of curiosity and came to watch took a look and turned their faces away instantly.

Many of them have experienced the mountains of corpses and seas of blood on the battlefield or stepped on the bodies of hungry people on the road to escape from the desert.But no one has ever seen such a miserable and terrifying scene.

At a glance, there were four or five dead bodies, which were stacked in the same way as firewood. They were neatly stacked, and their heads and feet were staggered and turned upside down, making them very compact. More than one layer.

Although these corpses have been corrupted to varying degrees and mixed with sand and sand, most of them are tall and short, and they are either women or children in stature.Some are even quite young.What was even more frightening was that many of the corpses were incomplete, similar to the corpses dug out from Room [-] of Tianzi.

The commanders present could no longer maintain even a superficial composure. They stared blankly at the corpse pit, not knowing what order to give for a moment.After the crowd was uproarious, there was silence. Everything inside and outside the scene seemed to be frozen like a freeze frame in the film, and even the air was frozen—people were haunted by the nightmarish scene.

Wu Xiang touched his hat nervously, and issued an order: temporarily stop the investigation, and immediately report to Chief Mu of the Municipal Bureau!
Soon, the National Army sent another platoon with live ammunition from the city and completely sealed off the scene.At the same time, another company blocked the street on Haipi, where the inn was located, and strictly prohibited anyone from entering or leaving.The police began to conduct house-to-house checks, searching for suspicious persons.Wuxiang's order is simple: all suspicious persons will be arrested.At the same time, a "typewriter" was set up on the riverside, the harbor was blocked, and the small boats of the Dan people on the riverside were not allowed to leave.In order to enhance the effect of the blockade, two patrol boats and several small medium-engine motor boats were transferred from the coast guard to monitor the riverside.The black cannons and "typewriters" took off their cannon coats and pointed directly at Danmin's boats.

(End of this chapter)

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