Lin Gao Qiming

Chapter 1824 Task Force

Chapter 1824 Task Force

"My opinion is that it's best to send a telegram and let someone from the New Taoism sect analyze it. I remember that Daoist Zhang has researched on traditional Chinese cults and sorcery. There should be a lot of information in New Taoism."

Mu Min nodded in agreement.He also asked when the autopsy report would come out.

"The workload is too much, and I don't have much experience in human anatomy—I just did some in medical school. And the corpses are decomposed and damaged. I can only do some approximate tests, which are not very accurate. I will make a rough one. The test report, which is more detailed and accurate, will have to wait for the forensic doctor Su to read it."

According to preliminary investigations conducted by Liu Sanhe's Forensic Medicine Department, a total of 29 relatively complete corpses were found, including 2 in three mass burial pits and one in Tianzi No. [-] building.I say "relatively complete" because most of the corpses have partial defects of facial features, limbs, and internal organs. Only the corpses of boys and girls excavated from Pit No. [-] are completely preserved.

"...Except for these thirty corpses, the remains of the corpses found from various places are very messy. For the time being, I can't tell whether these remains were dismembered from these discovered corpses, or someone else." Liu San said, "I'm a Chinese medicine student, and I'm relatively general in human anatomy and histology. It's impossible for me to piece together and compare the remains."

"Don't be modest." Mu Min said, "What about the others?"

"Judging from the discovered corpses, the victims are almost all women and children. I haven't counted the sex of the children in detail, but it is roughly half to half. The women are all young women. I don't have the ability to do bone age tests, so I can't determine the age of each child. The age of the individual. It can only be seen from the perspective of bone healing, adults are from sixteen to seventeen to 30 years old, and children are from five to six to twelve or thirteen years old."

"Beast!" Mu Min cursed.

"Beasts can't do such a thing." Liu San smiled wryly, "Human nature is evil, the dark side of human heart is really unimaginable..."

She suddenly asked: "You just said 'almost all women and children', so there are adult male skeletons inside?"

"Indeed." Liu San said, "Among the human bones collected at the scene is a skull. Judging from the shape of the brow bone, it is a typical male skull."

"Only the skull?" Mu Min suddenly became alert.

"I don't know. There are too many bones collected at the scene, and we have to spell them out one by one to find out."

"What happened to the victims?"

"I haven't dissected them one by one, so it's hard to say. The corpses have scars from being harvested, and some internal organs have also been removed. It's hard to say the specific cause of death. But there are a few corpses that were strangled to death - there is no doubt about that."

Just after the conversation with Liu San was over, someone came to report that both Liu Xiang and Lin Baiguang had arrived at the Municipal Bureau, and Wen Desi also sent a secretary to inquire about the progress of the case.

"Invite the two elders to come to my office."

"How's the matter?" Lin Baiguang asked as soon as he entered the room.

"It's very complicated." Mu Min sniffed in disgust. There seemed to be a rancid smell in the room. She took off her police uniform jacket, took off her beanie, and threw it in the laundry basket.

"Old Lin, are you a smoker? Today is special, I just smoke in my office."

Lin Baiguang lit his cigar calmly: "The scene is very scary."

"It's not just creepy, it's insane." Mu Min sat down on the high-back rattan chair, "Killer."

She briefly introduced the case, and both Liu Xiang and Lin Baiguang had expressions of disbelief on their faces.

"I didn't expect this case to be so big!" Liu Xiang said, "The witchcraft case, this is such a big case!" Although he said so, his eyes were bright.

Lin Baiguang asked: "Is there any clue about the case?"

"More than a dozen suspects were arrested on the spot, and it is estimated that there will be a result soon." Mu Min said, "However, to be honest, I still have some doubts about the case. For such a big case, it is nothing more than small people standing at the front desk. The real behind-the-scenes culprit who may not know."

"The real culprits behind the scenes, huh, they can't escape some powerful local families. Otherwise, they dare to be so rampant?" Liu Xiang stood up, lit a cigar, and seemed a little excited.

Mu Min was puzzled for 30 seconds, and immediately understood what Mayor Liu meant.I didn't realize there was another cold behind me.This mayor Liu has taken the opportunity to build a big prison. Since ancient times, this has been the only way to control local tyrants.Whether it is the empty seal case in the early Ming Dynasty or the cancellation case in the early Qing Dynasty, it is all the same.

But what Liu Xiang said is not unreasonable, this kind of thing is impossible without the protection of powerful locals, and Gao Tianshi, the head of Guandi Temple, came forward to defend it, which shows that the Maojia Inn not only has a protective umbrella, but also has a very powerful umbrella.I'm afraid there is more than one Gao Tianshi.

"Based on the clues we have now, it is certain that the forces of Guandi Temple are involved, but we don't know how deep the involvement is." Mu Min said, "I don't think the head of Gao Tuan of Guandi Temple may be so involved." If you have the guts to get involved—this is also a felony in Daming where the principal offender is hacked to death, and the accessory is beheaded."

"It's up to us to decide how deeply he messes up?" Liu Xiang said, "I think this case deserves a special mention, and the propaganda department should follow up and report it. In order to fully demonstrate the darkness of the old society and fully reflect our governance The spirit of the people. At the same time, it is also a stern warning to the ghosts and ghosts in and around Guangzhou."

Mu Min nodded: "Even so, I still hope to create a real culprit. Only in this way can we comfort the souls of the dead. Give an explanation to the people, and give an explanation to ourselves. We can't be the rulers here for nothing." She hesitated for a while, "As for the follow-up report, I have no opinion, but the details should not be too much, so as not to startle the snake."

"Okay, I'll ask the Propaganda Section to give you a sample draft every time a report is published."

"It's really foggy." After seeing off the elders, Mu Min fell into deep thought.Undoubtedly, this case involved witchcraft and sorcery - she really didn't know who was so bold as to dare to do such a thing.In all dynasties of witchcraft, they were executed by Ling Chi, and even the whole family was involved in serious cases.Even if they are relatives of the emperor, a person of the level of the prince and queen, once they get the word "witchcraft", they will die!What kind of person is so bold and reckless to do such a heinous thing in this bustling city of Guangzhou?

Fortunately, everyone has stolen goods now, and the prisoners are all locked up. As long as they can still breathe, they must be told to speak.She rang the bell, and immediately the secretary came in from the next door.

"Go and call Xie Bliao from the Interrogation Section."

Xie Buliao has been working in the soap class for many years, his character is not too bad, and he hasn't done too many immoral things.Not only was he retained, but he was a man with his tail between his legs and worked hard in the hands of the new employer, so he was quite trusted.

There are a lot of interrogation officers retained by the Interrogation Section. Naturally, these people cannot do interrogation work, and they are actually playing the role of "white gloves"-the police station retains them because they are actually interested in their "psychological quality".

It is relatively easier to work in the interrogation department, and there is no need to be exhausted outside like other departments.Xie Buliao just "served" a few Dan people who were suspected of seeking wealth and killing their lives on the river today, who ran Hengshuidu.After finishing an errand, I went home and slept soundly.Suddenly someone knocked on the door, and before he could figure it out, he was called to the city bureau.

"In the middle of the night, what case do you have to deal with?" Xie Buliao complained and followed the messenger all the way to the city bureau, still a little confused.

"Let me tell you, there is a big case." The correspondent in the bureau whispered.

"What case?" Xie Buliao suddenly regained consciousness.

"I don't know the details, but there are several truckloads of corpses pulled from Zhenhaimen to Shuangshan Temple today. I'm afraid it's an earth-shattering case."

When Xie Buliao heard this, his mind immediately cleared up. He gasped, "Be good, how many carts of dead bodies!"

When I got to the bureau, I realized that it was not the chief of the interrogation department who wanted to see me, but the chief of the bureau—Old Mu Yuan.He knew immediately the weight of the case.

Mu Min roughly told the story of the case.

"...More than a dozen suspects have been arrested. I know that this kind of criminals are very tight-lipped, and they probably have recited mantras and taken medicines, and they claim to be able to receive severe punishments; If you want to die, you will find an opportunity to kill yourself. So I want their confession, to apologize the people who have died, and I have to save their lives to declare the canonical punishment. Do you understand?"

Xie Buliao's spirit faltered, and an old-fashioned etiquette came again unconsciously, he bent his waist and crossed his hands and said, "I understand!"

Mu Min said: "Since you understand, don't disappoint the Senate's trust in you. You must pry their mouths away as soon as possible, especially what is their purpose of killing people and who is behind the scenes. Tell the truth, don't Bite!"

Xie Buliao hurriedly bent down and said: "Yes!" He recalled Mu Min's words several times, and then said: "Chief, this is a case of murder by evil magic. This group of people probably have evil magic to protect their bodies. Can you prepare some dog blood and menstrual cloth to break the law..."

Mu Min was taken aback, and couldn't help being angry and funny, and said, "Do you really believe that they have spells?"

"Yes, yes, you little ignorant!" Xie Buliao secretly scolded himself for being ignorant, Australians are most taboo about ghosts and gods, and they want to "break the law" by opening their mouths, which is really asking for fun.

However, without these things, he felt that he had no idea.Because he had tortured prisoners in such evil cases in the past.It is true that some people "comfortably look" when they are being tortured.Every time you have to use these filthy things to break the law and hate the victory.

However, sometimes even if these things are used, the prisoner may not be able to recruit. Xie Buliao knows that all prisoners involved in such cases know that they cannot tolerate the world, and are often very tough and crazy. If they are asked to confess, they are often executed in the end.If you want them to confess, the torture tools and punishments in the yamen are not effective, and you often have to use "non-criminal" torture to make them speak.

However, the Australians here hate all kinds of torture. Although they also use torture, they have their own routines. Apart from whips, boards, and sticks, the government servants retained by Zaoban no longer use other old punishments.

(End of this chapter)

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