Lin Gao Qiming

Chapter 1825 Haunted Yamen

Chapter 1825 Haunted Yamen

Dai E said dissatisfied: "Old Cui, what do you think this is? This is a huge murder case. Let's not rush to help, what are you doing with such nonsense."

"All the way back to the way, solving the case is important, and we have to pay close attention to our profession. Otherwise, how can we increase our popularity among the masses? This is a great opportunity to expand our influence in Guangdong. We can't just preach in Hainan Island and Shandong, right? Well, we can raise a large sum of money in Guangzhou and set up a sub-base in Guangzhou. At that time, it was popular and the Senate had nothing to say." Cui Hantang said, "I have to go around in Guangzhou and see Whichever Taoist temple is better, build one first. Everyone is staking the land, and we can't fall behind."

The "everyone" that Cui Hantang vaguely mentioned actually refers to the people of the Lingao Church. Bai Duolu had quietly gone to Guangzhou a few days ago to see where he could find a place to build the first cathedral in Guangzhou—the people of the Society of Jesus. They have promised that as long as the cathedral is allowed to be built in Guangzhou, they will fully support the construction funds and recruit more craftsmen and artists from Europe.

"You can do whatever you want. I have no objection." Daochang Dai is not very interested in such things as splitting bases and rioting believers.But what Cui Hantang said is also reasonable. The interests of the overall situation must be considered, as well as the interests of the department. In that small area, you have to be sure of what you do, don't let someone pull your pigtails!"

So Cui Han set off.Both he and Su Wan took the steam/sail hybrid version of the T1200 passenger and cargo liner of Dabo Shipping.8 knots per hour.Except for the "special boat" sent by the general office, it is the fastest means of transportation.

Although Su Wan and him lived in the two first-class cabins next to each other, and Elder Su Yuan himself was quite good-looking, Daoist Cui still kept her at arm's length.I have been practicing Taoism for a long time, and people seem to be a little nagging.I always feel that this female forensic doctor is exuding a cold air all over her body.

There was nothing to say along the way, except for a little seasickness, the two veterans arrived in Guangzhou City smoothly, and were greeted by Lin Baiguang at the pier.

Two sedan chairs had already been prepared on the pier, and more than a dozen guards and servants were responsible for carrying the luggage.

Cui Hantang didn't know Lin Baiguang, but he knew that the man in front of him was a legend of the Senate, and now he was also the executive deputy mayor of Guangzhou. The two of them just shook hands and exchanged greetings.

"I'm looking forward to your coming." Lin Baiguang said.

"It's just a few clowns playing with witchcraft!" Cui Hantang didn't care.

"Now the situation has changed again." Lin Baiguang apologized a little, "It is reasonable to say that you should be allowed to rest for a day, but now there are new developments in the case, so I have to ask for your understanding."

"Okay, okay." Cui Hantang nodded again and again, "They all serve the Senate."

"This is rather weird. You don't object to me taking a sedan chair with you, right? There is a certain distance, so I just want to tell you the basic situation..."

Cui Hantang thought to himself that although the case was big, it would not make Lin Baiguang so anxious, and there was probably something hidden in it.Although he was not happy to share a sedan chair with others, but the business was important, so he nodded.

Fortunately, the sedan chair that Lin Baiguang prepared for him to "squeeze" was the eight-carried sedan chair used by the former Guangdong chief envoy, and the sedan chair was very spacious.Lin Baiguang waited for the sedan chair to get up, and then began to speak in a low voice.

It turned out that on the second day after the 6.5 extraordinarily serious homicide, Liu Xiang went to the city police station, held a meeting with Mu Min, and went to the task force to speak to boost morale.Everything was normal at first, but that night, things suddenly changed.

That night, Mayor Liu and Guo Xier dunlun had a meeting. It is reasonable to say that after a good thing, the sages sleep soundly. It sounded like something was trying to break through the window and get in.

It was just a few occasional strokes at first, but it became very intensive after a while.Then it suddenly disappeared, and then started again after a while.The sound is also loud and small.It disturbed Liu Xiang so much that he couldn't fall asleep.

His residence was originally the main courtyard of the Hou Ya in the Guangzhou government office—that is, the place where Dong Zhifu's family lived in the past, and later committed suicide.On the day Guangzhou was liberated, more than a dozen corpses were removed from the Houya, some of them were poisoned, some of them were hanging from their beams.It stands to reason that this is an authentic "fierce place".However, firstly, most of the official offices have a history of more than a hundred years, and have experienced many changes in the world, such as life, old age, sickness and death, so there were not so many taboos, and secondly, the Senate did not talk about ghosts and gods. Liu Xiang moved in for a few months. Nothing out of the ordinary.Including Liu Xiang, they have long forgotten this past event.

However, in the dead of night, the successive strange sounds suddenly induced his sense of fear.In an instant, when he was entering the rear yamen, the corpses covered in white cloth in the yard broke into his mind, and the long black hair of one corpse was still falling outside the cloth—this scene was as clear as What I saw yesterday was average.

Liu Xiang felt cold for a while, trying not to think too much, he turned on the kerosene lamp, and finally his voice became quieter.

He hesitated for a moment, and decided to take a look for himself, to make himself suspicious.Immediately put on his clothes, put on the stab-resistant suit that never left his side, took out the pistol from under the pillow, and loaded the bullets.

The "click" of the pistol's slide made his heart feel a lot more at ease - it is said that guns and swords have the effect of suppressing evil, Liu Xiang comforted himself like this, walked to the window boldly, and pushed the window open violently.

There was nothing in the yard, and the windows of the side rooms and wing rooms were all dark. Guo Xi'er, the servants and guards should all be fast asleep, and a pair of wind lanterns shone dimly at the gate of the courtyard.Looking up, I saw the moonlight like water, and the deep blue sky was as textured as high-grade brocade, with a few wisps of white clouds floating on it.Not to mention cats, dogs and birds in the yard, there is not even a breath of wind, and the osmanthus trees in the yard don't even shake their branches!
"Hiss—could it really be..." Liu Xiang gasped, resisting the thought that subverted his three views.

Thinking about it again, there are about a dozen people living in this courtyard, and the entire old mansion, except for a few buildings used as large offices, and even the stables behind are full of cadres and soldiers. In addition, there are heavily armed guards on duty day and night, what is there to be afraid of?

Fortunately, the sound of hitting the window disappeared after turning on the light, and Liu Xiang was no longer sleepy, so he simply put on his clothes, sat at the table and brewed a pot of Limushan Oolong tea, and the document came, and there was nothing unusual after waiting for a long time Only then did he turn off the lights and go to bed to lie down in peace, but he never put down the gun in his hand.

But soon there was a bang bang sound on the window, repeated tossing and tossing several times, his nerves were stimulated and tensed again, if it wasn't for the kind of modern people who wouldn't believe that there are ghosts in the world Supported by his obsession, he probably said the word "ghost" a long time ago.

Just at this moment, "Prick... squeak..." There was a piercing sound of sharp blades cutting through the glass from the small window behind the bed, which knocked out his last bit of sanity. Liu Xiang sat up abruptly, opened the room, All the windows were lit, shouting in a slightly distorted voice: "Guards!!!! Assassins!!!"

It didn't matter if he shouted, the guard outside immediately blew his whistle. With the sharp whistle, the lights in the whole yard were lit up, and the soldiers in charge of the guards rushed into the yard in an instant.His security secretary burst open the door and rushed in brandishing two revolvers.Liu Xiang heaved a sigh of relief, and tried hard to control his legs not to tremble: the voice finally disappeared...

Liu Yuanlao's "assassination" naturally attracted the attention of the Guangzhou elders.However, defending the elders does not belong to the scope of the police's work. Naturally, Mu Min can't intervene. She is very busy just arranging the work of the task force.Defending the elders is the job of the Elder Security Bureau of the General Office, and someone intending to assassinate the elders is a "rebellion case", which is handled by the Political Security Bureau, and the matter is handed over to the Guangzhou Branch of the Political Security Bureau.

Wu Mu personally took the scouts to search Liu Xiang's residence, but found nothing unusual, and then asked about Liu Xiang's "assassination" process, but he didn't speak clearly. Wu Mu felt that Mayor Liu was lying.But he couldn't tell why—Mayor Liu was obviously panicked, but his words were vague.

Although Wu Mu felt that Liu Xiang's expression was abnormal, he secretly felt strange, but the other party was a veteran, so naturally he couldn't use some means to make him tell the truth, so he had to check all around and announce the end of the withdrawal.

For Liu Xiang, the tossing during the day gave him a lot of psychological comfort.So when night fell, he fell asleep peacefully.However, in the middle of the night, there was another strange knocking sound on the window, not only the window, but also the door leaf seemed to be hit by something...

In the early morning of the next day, Liu Xiang took a group of guards in a panic and went straight to the police station in a sedan chair. The curtains of the sedan chair were closed tightly along the way, and he didn't even dare to open the curtains. The guards of the two guards got off the sedan chair, and then went straight to the task force.

The special case team was full of friends, Lin Baiguang, Liu San and others held a meeting in the special case team's office to study the case.Liu Xiang didn't bother to say hello, the first thing he said after seeing Mu Min was: "Someone is going to kill me!!!"

As soon as this statement came out, everyone was shocked!It wasn't the words "someone is going to kill me" that surprised me, but Mayor Liu's haggard face.

Mu Min hurriedly said: "Mayor Liu, don't worry! The director personally led people to investigate yesterday afternoon, and he has already assigned the task there. This is a political murder, and it involves the elders. The Political Security Bureau will do its best Pursuing..."

Liu Xiang tremblingly said: "They are useless!"

(End of this chapter)

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