Lin Gao Qiming

Chapter 1827 Pretend to be a ghost

Chapter 1827 Pretend to be a ghost

A policeman who was on duty in the yard hurriedly said: "Chief, it's on the rear window. The villain will show you."

Cui Hantang stepped up to the rear window. This courtyard-style house originally did not have a rear window, and the rear window was opened for ventilation and lighting.There's not much that's out of the ordinary.

Because there is no eaves at the back, the house stands on the foundation, so the windows appear to be very high. Cui Hantang, who is 1 meters tall, can't see into the windows even if he stands on tiptoe.Next to Mu Min told someone to bring a ladder.

Cui Hantang climbed up the ladder tremblingly, the wooden ladder creaked under the weight.Climb up to take a closer look, and sure enough, I saw a small fuzzy footprint on the window sill, only one inch long with five fingers. It really looked like a child's footprint, but it was much smaller, and the knuckles were longer than a human's.Cui Hantang thought for a while, took out a magnifying glass from his pocket, and looked around carefully. Sure enough, he made a new discovery: There were three faint scratches on the glass more than ten centimeters away from the window sill. There was no trace of blood at all.

"We have taken a plaster cast of this footprint," Mu Min said, "I will show it to you later, the details will be clearer."

Cui Hantang shook his head and said, "You don't need to read it, I already know it." He got off the chair after thinking for a while, and said to Liu Xiang with a gloomy expression, "It's actually a technique of raising ghosts, and things are a bit troublesome!"

When he said this, he stared closely at Liu Xiang's eyes, and saw that his face changed drastically when he heard this sentence, his legs and feet were weak, and he was about to fall down.

Cui Hantang quickly supported his body, took a quick breath, and shouted with spring thunder on his tongue: "Calm down!"

Cui Hantang used [-]% of his strength for this voice. He is tall and tall, his voice is already loud, and he has practiced it as a teacher for many years. This time, not only Liu Xiang was stunned and stood on the spot, but everyone present was greatly frightened Jump.

"How is it?" Cui Hantang asked.

Liu Xiang breathed a sigh of relief, his voice trembling slightly: "I don't know what happened just now, it seemed like I fell asleep and was haunted. Why did I suddenly fall asleep..."

At this moment, he was still in fear. He just felt like walking barefoot in a shallow lake full of water plants, suddenly sinking into a deep water pool, being poured cold water down his throat, being entangled by water plants around his ankles, and pulling him to the dark bottom ...

Cui Hantang suddenly asked: "Why is there a smoker here?"

Sure enough, in the narrow aisle space between the back wall of the main house and the courtyard wall, there was a smoker at the foot of the corner wall.

The smoker is not surprising, it is just the cheapest pottery.At this time, smoke was slowly coming out of the hollowed-out patterns, and there was a faint scent of sulfur mixed with herbs, which was pungent.

Liu Sandao: "This is what I took care of: the government offices here are all old houses, and there are often snakes and insects in the shady places-the house snakes here are not small, although they are all non-poisonous snakes, they still scare many people. People. So put a smoker in a shady and damp corner of the house, and burn some incense to repel snakes and insects in it."

Cui Hantang walked over, opened the smoker and took a look, with a solemn expression.He whispered a few words to Mu Min, and then proposed to go to Liu Xiang's bedroom to have a look.

Liu Xiang's bedroom is very simple, except for the Babu bed, which is a bit too big, there are only the most basic furniture such as tables, chairs and wardrobes.The furniture is still left over from the government office in the past, and it is already very old.The house is an old house, if there were no windows on the back wall, and the window paper was replaced with glass, it is not difficult to imagine the gloom in the house.

Cui Hantang walked around the house a few times, and suddenly asked: "Who lived in this house? I mean before we came to Guangzhou."

Everyone looked at each other in blank dismay, no one had thought of this question.It was Wu Mu who understood clearly: "It used to be where the three concubines of the former prefect of Guangzhou lived. This courtyard is relatively easy to place guards, so I chose it as Liu Xiang's office and residence."

"What about these people?"

"Most of the family members of the prefect of Dong committed suicide, and these people are no exception." Wu Mu said, "A concubine and her daughter survived and are now living in Guangzhou." He looked at Cui Hantang and asked: " Are you going to send them?"

"No need." Cui Hantang said, "Did they all commit suicide here?"

"Probably." Wu Mu nodded, "I guess they won't gather together and then commit suicide. I've read the report on the scene. The situation was chaotic at that time, and even a few girls committed suicide."

Cui Hantang showed a "really so" expression on his face.Look at the exquisite bronze small incense burner on the desk, with a lot of incense ash in it.Then he asked curiously: "What? Old Liu, you still burn incense and worship God?"

"Where?" Liu Xiang waved his hand with a wry smile, "I have the problem of hyperthyroidism. When this disease occurs, people are very hyperactive and can't sleep at night. So I asked Liu San to mix some incense that calms the nerves and refreshes the mind, and it feels much more stable. .”

Cui Hantang didn't ask any more questions, and called everyone back to the meeting room to talk.

A group of people sat down in the conference room, Guo Xier was busy serving tea and water, and Cui Hantang didn't talk too much: "It's obvious, someone invited a Maoshan warlock to use evil methods to assassinate Liu Xiang and make a big news. It seems that you are here What Guangzhou did offended a certain powerful boss."

Lin Baiguang said: "When we came to Guangzhou, we rebelled. Even the Emperor Chongzhen was offended, so what are we talking about?"

Mu Min said: "I think nine out of ten of this matter is that the local rich gentry are secretly playing tricks and resisting the reform."

Cui Hantang shook his head: "The emperor doesn't know how to do witchcraft. As for the local big gentry, they don't have the ability."

Lin Boguang finally couldn't bear it and said: "Don't talk useless, let's talk about how to cure Liu Xiang's poison first!!"

"Poison?" Cui Hantang asked in confusion after hearing the words: "Is Mayor Liu poisoned? Why didn't I see it?"

After hearing this, Liu San finally couldn't help but said with black lines: "Didn't you say that Mayor Liu was poisoned by someone when you entered the door?"

"Oh! Misunderstanding, I'm sorry I didn't make it clear, Mayor Liu was not poisoned, he was just poisoned—to be precise, it was similar to... um...'head drop technique'." Cui Hantang said.

Cui Hantang waved his hands quickly when he saw that everyone looked like he was facing an enemy and said, "Don't be nervous, Liu Xiang didn't fall into the poisonous insects you imagined, and he won't fester all over his body and turn into a strange shape. He just fell into someone else's." Heart down "just."

"Surrender of heart?" What kind of evil method is that, is it serious? "Guo Xi'er next to him asked hastily.

The senators were talking, and it was naturally rude of her to intervene as the life secretary.Fortunately, Cui Hantang didn't care about it.

"This "decrease of heart" is not serious at all. If it is not serious, it might be fatal." Cui Hantang said solemnly.

"What, what should I do?!" Guo Xi'er turned pale when she heard that, as if she was about to faint.Finally, Liu San couldn't bear it anymore, grabbed his arm and said, "Say what you have to say, fart as soon as you have something to say, don't be sly, play tricks! Look, you're scaring people!!"

Cui Hantang patted Liu San's hand to signal him to let go, pushed aside the tea brought by Guo Xi'er, dipped his hand into the tea and drew amulets on the table: "It's not that I deliberately made a detour, but I want to share with you people who are full of materialism. It's just a little hard for the guy to explain these witchcraft aspects. I'll explain later-I'll break the spell for him."

As he spoke, he got up and stood there, and Mu Min asked, "Shall we go out?"

"No need." Cui Hantang said, "It's just that when I break the curse, please don't make any noise, and don't stop me."

Cui Hantang used the hypnosis technique he had learned not long ago. He looked into Liu Xiang's eyes, pressed his shoulders firmly with both hands to prevent him from violent movements, and said slowly in a majestic and low voice: "Are you The elder of the Senate, you are the mayor of Guangzhou, you are the proud son of heaven who came across time and space, you are the protagonist chosen by fate, no one can hurt you, no one can threaten you, you have the help of 500 elders, you With thousands of armed arms in your hand, you are safe, and with the protection of my Heavenly Dao, you are as safe as Mount Tai! Then follow me to recite the "Golden Light Mantra", and recite this mantra every day to keep you safe!"

Cui Hantang's voice was long and deep, and there seemed to be an invisible suction in his eyes, firmly pulling Liu Xiang's sight.Liu Xiang only felt that Cui Hantang was so tall and mighty, his whole body seemed to radiate golden light, he, his Dharma protector, seemed very safe with him around.

Liu Xiang couldn't help but slowly chant following Cui Hantang:

"The Xuanzong of Heaven and Earth is the root of all energy.

Widely cultivate catastrophe, and prove my supernatural powers.

Inside and outside the Three Realms, the Tao is the only one.

The body has golden light, reflecting my body.

Don't see, don't hear.

Inclusive of the world, nurturing the group of people.

Received and held ten thousand times, the body has light.

The guards of the three realms, the five emperors welcome.

All the gods pay homage and use thunder.

Ghosts and demons are frightened and forget their shapes.

There is a thunderbolt inside, and the god of thunder is hidden.

Donghui communicates thoroughly, and the five qi are vigorous.

The golden light appeared quickly, covering the real person. "

Strange to say, as Liu Xiang chanted the mantra, Liu Xiang gradually calmed down. Cui Hantang led him to close his eyes slightly and sit cross-legged on the ground.After chanting the Golden Light Mantra ten times, Liu Xiang slowly opened his eyes. The red light in his eyes had disappeared, and he had returned to his usual calmness. Even an outsider like Lin Baiguang felt that Liu Xiang, who was originally chaotic, was clear. stand up.

Mu Min, Liu San and the others looked at each other, a little puzzled and disapproving in their hearts, but seeing Liu Xiang calm down like this, they felt confused and became serious, and they couldn't help but think highly of Cui Hantang.

"This ghost fire Taoist priest is a bit daft." Lin Baiguang suddenly understood why a vice-provincial leader of this province would worship a "master" who everyone seemed to be a charlatan.

Cui Hantang closed his eyes and sat quietly, rested for a while, and then bowed his hands to several people: "I'm laughing, I'm making a fool of myself." Although everyone felt that his words were nondescript, they couldn't hold back their laughter, and expressed their daring.

(End of this chapter)

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