Lin Gao Qiming

Chapter 1828 Witchcraft

Chapter 1828 Witchcraft
Before Liu Xiang could speak, Guo Xier knelt down at Cui Hantang's feet with a thud, and said gratefully: "Immortal Elder, Master..."

Although Cui Hantang didn't know Guo Xi'er, he knew it must be someone like Liu Xiang's life secretary, so he quickly helped her up and said, "There's no need to be too polite, it's just a trivial matter."

Liu Xiang's energy was much better at this time, and he felt that he still had many doubts about this matter, so he asked, "Cui Daochang, you have seen my residence, what's going on?"

"Don't be impatient, this matter is still a bit complicated. As I said just now, if you don't explain the cause and effect clearly, you materialists will definitely treat me as a psychopath." Cui Hantang sat down slowly, "Let me Start slowly from the beginning."

He glanced at Guo Xi'er who was anxiously trying to get busy, and Liu Xiang hurriedly said, "Xi'er, you go out first."

Guo Xier responded, and reluctantly left.

Lin Baiguang said: "Okay, let's hear it."

"Let me start with Mayor Liu's heart drop." Cui Hantang took another sip of tea, cleared his throat, and began to popularize the witchcraft "Xin Jiang" in a leisurely manner, "Of course, the head drop technique This concept was only obtained in Southeast Asia in the old time and space. But this does not mean that there is no similar thing in China in this time and space. Heart drop is also called spirit drop-the spiritual master can use his own willpower to make the victim produce Hallucinations, or loss of consciousness, to do unimaginable and strange things. This kind of head-down technique must be carried out with a large number of spells, and it is similar to the spells used by what we call "Fu Zixian". It is very fast, and can control a person's will in an instant, and do things he didn't want to do. The head-subduing masters who use Lingjiang are usually the group with relatively high skills among the head-subduing masters. This is the case with the one who cast spells to harm Mayor Liu Xiang A master!"

"This is unscientific, where is there any mind control?" Lin Boguang felt that his three views were about to collapse.

"It seems to be possible. Some advanced hypnotists seem to be able to do it. I saw it on TV." Liu San said.

"Yes, it is similar to advanced hypnotism. Its principle is to give the subject a psychological suggestion and make him believe it. It will naturally produce the effect of spiritual hypnosis and achieve the purpose of controlling the life and death of others." Cui Hantang laughed: " Do you still remember the setting in "The Matrix". In the fight in the virtual space, although the human body is still in the petri dish without any damage, the various stimuli received by the brain in the virtual space will be fed back to the body In fact, when they realize that they are 'dead', even if the real body is intact, it will think that the person is dead and stop functioning-this is a bit metaphysical, but it is not unfounded. Similar things have happened in history Yes. The indigenous wizards in Southeast Asia only need to cast spells in front of other people when they kill people, and then let the bystanders tell the person who wants to kill: you are cursed by the wizard. Then the person will die after a period of time, even if Medically, he could not find any pathological changes! This is the power of faith. The moment the person concerned got the news, the education he received made him believe that he was doomed, so he died."

After explaining in this way for a long time, everyone finally understood one point. Liu San tentatively said: "The other party hinted to Liu Xiang by means of haunting: you have been cursed. Liu Xiang believes in haunting, so he is in danger."

"That's it." Cui Hantang nodded.

Lin Baiguang put forward a different opinion: "But this kind of spiritual suggestion actually needs to be supported by certain environmental factors. In other words, rather than being hypnotized, it is better to subconsciously believe in these things."

"You're right. To achieve the goal, first, there must be internal factors, and second, there must be the environment." Cui Hantang talked eloquently, "Let's talk about the internal factors first. The technique of lowering the head is popular in Southeast Asia, and the fox fairy in the Northeast is the most effective. There are still many people who believe that the king's touch can cure diseases... In the final analysis, there is a mass foundation and belief. Everyone from the emperor to the beggar believes in this. Even if you have a master's degree or a Nobel Prize, as long as you When you grow up in this social environment, these traditional beliefs will be rooted in your heart, as long as you can properly use certain methods to stimulate them, you can get twice the result with half the effort." He glanced at the elders with a half-smile, "All of you One of them counts as one, and they are all materialists. But you ask yourself, every time you pass by some not-so-romantic places in the dead of night, do you still feel a little guilty, and can’t help but think of some supernatural things? Watch it in the middle of the night After watching a horror movie, do you feel uneasy about going to the toilet? The reason why we can’t believe it is because we have the weapon of reason to suppress our inner fear of the immaterial world..."

Lin Baiguang interrupted him: "Okay, okay, don't talk too much, we know what you mean, let's get to the point."

"The next thing is the external cause." Cui Hantang said, "Since everyone has such a seed in their hearts, then the wizard just needs to find the appropriate means to make this seed germinate. There are many such means: words, actions, Objects, patterns... can all be inspired. In the end, people believe it is true, and finally they are 'poisoned' and die."

"So serious? Then how do you say Mayor Liu is fine?" Mu Min asked.

"Because he is a modern person, he doesn't believe in witchcraft. There are not enough internal factors, so now he is only half-believing. The flame of materialism in his heart supports him so that he will not be scared to death. It would be hard to say if it was an ancient person. " Cui Hantang touched his chin and said.

"Then I'm fine now?" Liu Xiang rubbed his forehead in disbelief, "But I really don't know what method they used——I've met quite a few people..."

"If I don't tell you that something is wrong with you, and you still need treatment. According to the research of scientists, as long as the survivors take a large amount of vitamin B2 group and enhance the activity of their brain cells, they will naturally be able to get rid of it. The spiritual suggestion of the descendant. In other words, the vitamin B2 group is the special medicine to break the spirit descending, and it can be easily bought in pharmacies in the streets and alleys in the old time and space!" Cui Hantang laughed.

"Vitamin B2 group? Who would take that thing through time travel? Even if it is, it's expired now!" Liu Sandao said.

"That's the way it is. Slowly give Liu Xiang some psychological counseling, such as reciting the Golden Light Mantra."

Liu San said: "This is actually a psychological hint, right?"

Cui Hantang nodded reluctantly: "That's right." He got up and paced, "People with hyperthyroidism don't sleep well, and they can easily suffer from mental weakness——Mayor Liu is working hard every day after entering the city. Seeing that he is full of energy, he is actually strong on the outside and capable on the inside, and it is easy to fall for this trick if he is not mentally strong."

Mu Min interjected: "I don't understand. How did this hint come about? Liu Xiang's security work here is very good, and he doesn't eat outside food. As for seeing people, they are either naturalized people, Or natives who have a considerable relationship with us."

Cui Hantang nodded; "If you want to talk about hints, this place is already full of hints. Let's talk about the most obvious ones: the wives, concubines, children, and maids of Governor Dong committed suicide in this yard, right?"

Several people nodded.

"...Maybe, some people have hanged themselves from the roof beams of these houses that have been converted into offices and dormitories—I just took a closer look, and there are also a few wears and tear on the roof beams of this meeting room."

Liu Xiang hesitated and said, "I've thought about this too, but I didn't see the scene - when I came in, all the corpses were restrained and carried out of the middle door."

"I haven't seen it. You know that it happened, right? Brain supplements are sometimes more terrifying than real scenes." Cui Hantang shook his huge head, "I think Mayor Liu has been thinking about those corpses since he entered the city. I was a little scared, and I naturally knew where they committed suicide. But in order to maintain the majesty of the elders, and at the same time, I didn't want to go to make a 'clean' for myself when there was a lot of work to do. Where to live. It’s like forcing yourself to live in the old government office. In fact, you still care about it in your heart. After entering the city, you have to deal with everything, so naturally you can’t think of it, but the seeds have been left in your subconscious..."

Seeing Liu Xiang nodding his head to express his approval, Cui Hantang continued: "This time the monster also took advantage of this. He arranged a few tricks to strengthen his hints to you, and then used a small spell as a primer to induce your inner desire. Fear, so that you will be confused, and then the real killer move will come one after another. The other party has made a total of three moves!!!"

"Wait a minute" Mu Min interrupted: "Can you tell me in detail, such as the details of the spell, the layout of the ultimate move, etc., so that it will help solve the case."

"Okay, I know everything." Cui Hantang nodded and said: "The first trick is actually very simple: the door and windows are noisy because someone has painted them with eel serum, and the bats around will pounce on them at night** Only then did they crash into the doors and windows one after another, waking up Mayor Liu, who was already a light sleeper, and the bats flew away naturally when the lights came on."

"Actually, we have thought about this." Mu Min said, "I probably guessed that a similar method was used, but there are only stains on the window, no blood."

"If there are blood spots, it would be too obvious." Cui Hantang said, "There are many people who know this trick. Guangzhou is a big place, there are many Taoist audiences, and there should be many masters of Taoism. In order to prevent someone from exposing his tricks, the demon, Used an upgraded version - it was a serum."

Liu San nodded: "Yes! The serum is colorless, and there are only smudges on it."

"So the demon knows hematology..." Mu Min couldn't believe it.

(End of this chapter)

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