Lin Gao Qiming

Chapter 1829 "Shock", "Color", "Sharp" and "Wind"

Chapter 1829 "Shock", "Color", "Sharp" and "Wind"

"My Director Mu, don't underestimate Taoist masters since ancient times, just like European alchemists, they have mastered a lot of natural science knowledge and experimental methods - don't use this to create some 'powers', How do "miracles" attract believers? In middle school history textbooks, these people are also described as the earliest chemists. Bacon and Leonardo da Vinci, who are masters of natural science, were regarded as wizards and wizards in that era. Alchemists. It’s just that they have no experience, and the theoretical guidance is wrong, so they will walk into a dead end.”

Liu San interjected: "Serum is not a high technology, the butcher must know it. I have eaten white blood sausage in Germany, which is the serum made from pig blood."

Liu Xiang took a long breath and said: "So that's the case, but the bats alone can't scare me. I can feel that there is something more terrifying hiding in the dark. There is a sound of sharp knives cutting through the glass at the rear window." .”

Mu Min added: "Yes, we found scratches on the glass of the rear window, and some kind of small footprints."

Cui Hantang nodded and said: "I saw it too, that is the other party's second move, the so-called "corpse baby" or "little ghost"!" Seeing the unbelieving expressions on everyone's faces, he hurriedly said: "Originally, I thought the other party It was some kind of Gu insect, so I had to look at Mayor Liu's eyelids as soon as I came here, but I found that there was no sign of Gu. Then I saw the scratches on the rear window, and I completely understood..."

"Based on this footprint, I know this is not a 'little ghost'," Lin Baiguang said. "Since it is a living soul, it is a so-called spirit body. Where did the footprint come from? I think it is probably some kind of animal..."

Cui Hantang's face was sullen, like a TV drama that has been spoiled.Reluctantly said: "That's right."

"Huh?" Mu Min immediately became interested when she heard that it would help solve the case. "Tell me, what's going on?"

"Mmm! Mmm!" Cui Hantang cleared his throat, took another sip of tea, and then pretended to be mysterious and said, "If you want to talk about raising ghosts, it's actually similar to raising gu, and it's a secret of quack warlocks! This common saying It's a good saying: 'True pass on one word, fake pass on thousands of books'. Don't look at the magicians who say it mysteriously and mysteriously, but in fact it is only a few tricks to use it back and forth!! Well, it can be said. That's a long story."

When everyone saw it, was this going to talk about storytelling?Liu San hurriedly said: "Say the key points, talk about the key points."

Cui Hantang cast a glance at him: "The focus here is on the four words "surprise", "color", "sharp", and "wind"!"

"This 'surprise'—some places are also called 'fishy live'. Generally, props are treated with physical and chemical methods unknown to the public, and some unimaginable effects are performed, which makes people surprised and uncertain. This creates fear, admiration, and trust in warlocks. In addition, such as drawing symbols, chanting spells, asking for surrender, and doing things, etc., are actually part of 'surprise'."

"Xiao, Jianghu's incision means 'fake', which is very appropriate." Mu Min said.

Cui Hantang nodded: "Again, let's talk about 'color'. Since Director Mu knows the Jianghu Chundian, he knows that the jugglers are called 'color gates' in the Chundian. As the name suggests, the color of a warlock is juggling. Like this!"

While speaking, he quickly retracted his right hand into his sleeve, and when he stretched it out again, he shouted: "Fire!"

He snapped his fingers, and saw a faint blue flame ignited on his index finger. Before everyone could be surprised, he flipped his left hand, and a blank yellow paper talisman appeared. Quickly chanted a few incomprehensible incantations, and suddenly shouted: "The world is boundless, and the universe borrows the law."

Huo Miao pointed at the talisman with his right hand, and an incredible scene happened: a small fireball the size of a mung bean appeared on the talisman, and then the fireball quickly moved on the talisman paper, and mysterious paths appeared on the paper where it passed. In an instant, the fireball burned up a complete rune paper and appeared in front of everyone.

Everyone was taken aback. Although they knew that this was actually a trick, it was quite shocking from a close distance.

"Naturally, my fingers and talisman paper have been treated with chemicals," Cui Hantang extinguished the flames, "The "color" refers to the movements of the hands. It takes more practice, and the reaction speed of the human eye is faster than that of the human eye." , is basically a magician's technique. Of course this is the simplest one - don't look at the simplicity, this set of things can still cheat money in the 21st century - there are also some large-scale ones in "Cai", which are similar to large-scale magic tricks. Shandong and various sects' fighting methods', these sects have used it, of course it is more complicated and more difficult to crack. But they can all be classified into the category of 'color'."

"You should become a magician." Lin Baiguang smiled, "With this hand speed, there is no problem at all when performing on stage."

"Where, where, in fact, my skills are not as good as Zhang Biao of the Intelligence Bureau. At least I am a pure amateur in juggling." Cui Hantang was rarely humbled—because although he knew the tricks of 'color', he really Most of the techniques used are taught by the quasi-magician Zhang Biao, and it is no good to deceive the master and destroy the ancestor.

"The 'tip' is the most powerful, it is the warlock's housekeeping skills, real kung fu. It generally includes martial arts, art, Gu, poison, Jiang, star (hidden weapon) and other categories. In a broad sense, such as astrology, navigation, dragon hunting, acupuncture They are all considered 'top'. They are all the secrets of each school. The quack warlocks without the inheritance of the teacher's school can't learn much 'top', mainly relying on 'color'.

"Finally, the 'wind' refers to watching the situation, watching the situation, stepping on the plate to scout the way, and inquiring about the news. This is all your own work, and there is also a 'matchmaker'—that is, a 'teacher' to help arrange the venue and cast Props, answering phrases, etc., the flexible use of several methods is really ever-changing to the point of unimaginable."

Everyone forgot to intervene after listening to his wonderful speech, and no one urged him to talk about the main points.Fortunately, Cui Hantang himself got back the words in time, and began to talk about the secret technique of "raising ghosts".

He continued: "There are all kinds of horrible rumors about the so-called 'ghost raising', and the production process is extremely disgusting and terrifying--I won't introduce it in detail here. It is nothing more than some ritual things, and it probably belongs to the word 'surprise'. Even just hearing about it makes me feel scared, which plays the role of self-disruption. But the "sharp" inside does have a knack." Cui Hantang took another sip of tea, and smashed his mouth, as if he was quite fascinated look.

Everyone originally thought he was talking about it, but after hearing it, they thought it was quite interesting, and they were all a little fascinated.

"Actually, for warlocks, 'breeding ghosts' and 'breeding gu' are basically the same thing. They both search for some poisonous insects, poisonous weeds, and exotic animals in nature to feed, select the best, and hybridize them to make them stronger and more toxic. Strong and drive them to harm people. Use extracted venom or live bites to kill people. Just like snake venom, if someone is bitten by a poisonous snake, if others don’t know the species of snake, they can’t find the right detoxification serum, so they can’t detoxify. Some They are good at cultivating all kinds of human parasites, using their eggs to parasitize people to kill people; some masters can also breed some destructive viruses and bacteria such as rabies, tetanus, carnivorous bacteria, etc., killing people invisible. An ancient version of a biological weapon,"

Mu Min said: "When you said that, I remembered: When I accompanied the elders of the Social Investigation Department to the Li Miao area to do field investigations, I also heard: some villages are prevalent in raising Gu, what are the 'five poisons'? Gu', '****' and the like, I thought it was quite rare at the time—it turns out that such a thing is really written in the novel!"

Cui Hantang said: "The writing in the novel is not groundless. Although the principle of the five poisonous insects may not be that the five kinds of poisonous insects swallow each other, the prevalence of 'release Gu' in the southwest must have a certain real effect. It is very likely that it is used. Some kind of poison."

"Now tell me more about this 'little ghost'." Mu Min was most concerned about the case.

"This second should be a small ape-like animal. It's very small..."

Now Lin Baiguang shook his head: "No matter how small a monkey is, how small can it be? Running around on the roof, there are so many guard posts from inside to outside, are they blind?"

"I've heard that there is such a super little monkey as the aye-aye, but it's a jungle creature in the Amazon. It's a bit difficult to get it to China." Liu San has a little understanding of the animal world.

"Amazon is not the only one who has super-small monkeys. I won't talk about the toe monkeys in Madagascar - let's say that there are 'black monkeys' in Wuyi Mountain, Fujian. This thing can live in a pen holder. You think the sentinel can see it No? The soles of this kind of monkey’s feet are very similar to children’s hands. Warlocks raise this kind of monkey and use special methods to make its teeth and claws contain various kinds of pathogenic bacteria or venom. If it is scratched or bitten Not only will it be poisoned, but it will also cause bacterial infection, and at least it will cause sepsis, similar to Komodo dragons—but the other party did not expect Mayor Liu's room to have glass."

Cui Hantang laughed a few times before he said: "This monkey is small in size, and usually uses its claws to break the window paper to sneak into the house and kill people in its sleep. escaped a catastrophe."

Liu Xiang smiled wryly and said, "Thanks to the fact that we are time travelers."

"Why don't you say that the advancement of productivity is not given for nothing." Cui Hantang laughed, "As for the third step, it is to use the horrible scenes in the Maojia Inn to send out a signal that you want to curse and kill you. Although the Maojia Inn But I have no doubt that even without the two accidental policemen, the secrets of the inn would still be discovered. It’s just that the hotel was already empty by then. I think the streets these days On the surface, someone should be spreading the rumor that the demon made the thing in the inn and killed Mayor Liu with a secret spell? This is the "heart drop" in your heart. As for why Mayor Liu is so easy to be recruited? It is caused by hyperthyroidism Mental frailty is one problem and there is another problem."

 The concept and description of the details of Taoism in these chapters (including several subsequent chapters) are all from the same author Cui Hantang.Thank you very much.

(End of this chapter)

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