Lin Gao Qiming

Chapter 1830 Whereabouts

Chapter 1830 Whereabouts
"The ruling ministers can also be hereditary. If Cao Pi doesn't usurp the Han, the Cao family can be passed down from generation to generation." Dao Ren said, "Therefore, there is a second rumor: Emperor Song is just a figure who was offered to Emperor Han, and Australia has always been governed by Prime Minister Wen. In the name of the prime minister, the descendants will act as the emperor. I heard that the leader of the Kun bandits, named Wen Desi, is the descendant of Wen Xingong."

Butler Hu pondered, "But you always said that this matter is unreliable..."

It has been said that Wen Desi is a descendant of Wen Tianxiang several years ago.The Taoist in front of him was entrusted by his master at that time, secretly went to various cemeteries related to Wen Tianxiang to investigate whether there was any change in the Feng Shui of Wen's family.

After Wen Tianxiang died in Beijing, his body was buried beside Wuli Road outside Xiaonanmen in Beijing.In addition, Zhang Qianzai, a fellow villager, buried Wen Tianxiang's fingers and hair in Wenjia Village, Futian, Jiangxi, where the descendants of the Wen family lived and multiplied.

Not only did Taoists visit these two cemeteries, but he also traveled thousands of miles to Guangdong, the tomb of Wen Tianxiang’s mother in Sihui County. According to the news, he died of illness in Sihui; the "Second Daughter's Tomb" in Lianping County, Guangdong--it is said that his two daughters died of illness on the way to him--has also been visited, but there is no abnormality found.

"Furthermore, the descendants of this Wenxiang are all clearly recorded in the annals of history," Taoist said, "He has only two sons: Buddha Sheng and Dao Sheng, both of whom died of illness in the army, although one daughter, Liu Niang, survived to him. When you are loyal, after all, you can't be regarded as the heir of the Wen family..."

When it comes to these issues, Housekeeper Hu naturally has to listen.

"...After Wen Xiang was sent to Dadu, his second younger brother Tianbi and younger sister Yisun came to see him for the last time and made arrangements for Wen Xingong's death. At that time, it was planned to adopt Tianbi's son to Wen Xingong This is what Wen Xingong said in his letter to his younger brother: "Ascension to the heir, I am sorry to die..." It shows that both Prime Minister Wen himself and the Wen family thought that his sons were all dead, and he could only adopt his brother's. The son has come to inherit the line of incense. How can there be a son who fled to sea and established a separate Song Dynasty?"

"So the Taoist priest means..."

"I think the last rumor is the most likely: the Kun thief is not a descendant of the Song Dynasty at all, but a scum who fled overseas. I don't know where to get some strange magic. He became crowned with monkeys and established a country abroad. Now that the Central Plains is troubled, he will Fake the name of the Great Song Dynasty to deceive people and plot the world!" The Taoist slammed his fist on the table, and the oil lamp was beating, "I have seen countless documents collected by your master, and the words and sentences never avoid the names of Song emperors in previous dynasties. , Many documents simply write directly about 'Zhao Gou', 'Zhao Kuangyin', 'Northern Song Dynasty', 'Southern Song Dynasty'... all kinds of things, if it is true that the Great Song Dynasty is regarded as Zhengshuo, how can it be so reckless?"

"So..." Butler Hu thought while pinching his beard, "We have to find out who this Wen Desi is from, and where is his ancestral grave?"

"Exactly. This is exactly what Pindao wants to report to your master."

"Then..." Butler Hu lowered his head and paced the room, "is our work wasted?"

The Taoist picked up the compass again and carefully identified it. After a long time, Fang said, "Maybe, but the poor Taoist feels that the previous divination spells are not in vain. At least, the luck of his Zhao family has not risen. This is for sure." It's gone."

Li Ziyu has been in a daze for the past few days, as if in a dream.In the process of looking for Mingnv, he inadvertently cracked the big case of the Maojia Inn. It is said from top to bottom that he is very lucky, and the ancestral grave is full of smoke.Although he was not transferred to the task force, everyone knew that Li Ziyu's promotion and change of post was a certainty.

Although he was not transferred to the special case team, he was still involved in the huge waves caused by the Maojia Inn case: almost all the police system of the Guangzhou Municipal Bureau revolved around this case.Li Ziyu was so busy for several days that he couldn't take care of Mingnu's case at all. Gao Chongjiu was transferred to the task force and simply disappeared - in fact, even if he knew where he was, it was inconvenient to bother him right now.

However, Zeng Juan had to explain something.Li Ziyu has just started working in public security, with low qualifications and little experience, and does not have her own "eyes and ears" like the old man who retained her, so she had to use her spare time to inquire about the situation in various teahouses,

Now he has "tiger skin" on his body, and he has "shown his face" with Gao Chongjiu in handling cases, so he is perfunctory everywhere.However, no useful news has been obtained, and sometimes people rush to get news, but they are irrelevant people.

After ten days of tossing around like this, seeing that there was no news at all, Li Ziyu thought about whether he should simply use some means to find an excuse to label Zeng Juan's ex-brother-in-law and his wife as "suspects" and arrest them in the police station. After "entertaining", they naturally recruited Ming Nu's whereabouts.

It is very risky to do this. After all, Li Ziyu is a newcomer, and he is quite afraid of the "knowledge" of the Australians, so he hesitated for a few days before he dared to do it.

Li Ziyu was writing a report that day, but Gao Chongjiu hurried in.

"Ayu, don't write!" Gao Chongjiu was not polite, and whispered, "Ming girl has news!"

Li Ziyu stood up abruptly: "Where is it? Are you still in Guangzhou?" He had to be anxious. If Ming Nu was sold to another place, even if it was only to a place like Dongguan, the clan's power was deeply rooted, and Gao Chongjiu would not powerless.

Gao Chongjiu didn't speak, and motioned him to speak in a secluded place.

Li Ziyu was ignorant for a while, but then thought that a large number of children's bones were found in the case of the Maojia Inn. Could it be that the remains of Ming Nu were found?Thinking of this, his feet went limp, and his expression changed drastically.

"You can rest assured about this, he is still there!" Gao Chongjiu saw his face turn pale suddenly, and knew what he was thinking.Quickly give him a reassurance first, "You come with me."

The two came to a secluded corner in the yard outside the office, and Gao Chongjiu began to talk about business.

These days he was working in the special case team, so he naturally didn't have the energy to run around about Li Ziyu's affairs.However, the Maojia Inn case involved a large number of missing persons cases. He can justifiably mobilize the police force to investigate various cases of missing persons and trading cases in Guangzhou. Weigh it carefully before keeping a secret for others.Therefore, reliable news was quickly obtained.

"He's still in Guangzhou," Gao Zhongjiu said, "I found a private tooth. He sold a girl more than ten days ago. The physical features are very similar to Ming girls! I asked him, and he said This girl was sold by a family surnamed Huang from Xiaonanmen Guanxiang!"

"Huang? That's wrong, Zeng Juan's brother-in-law's surname is Cao..."

"The wife he married is surnamed Huang." Gao Chongjiu reminded him.

Now Li Ziyu remembered that when they went to Zeng Juan's brother-in-law's tea house, this woman was called "Cao Huang's family!" And Gao Chongjiu also said that her natal family was in "Xiaonanmen Guanxiang".


"That's right." Gao Chongjiu nodded lightly, "Ming's daughter was brought to her natal family by Cao Huang and sold."

"This vicious woman!" Li Ziyu gritted his teeth and slapped the wall fiercely. He hurriedly said again, "Thank you Jiu Ye! I don't know where Ming Nu is now?"

"According to Ren Ya, this Cao Huang family originally said that they wanted to find a rich family to sell to be a maid, but they heard that they wanted a guarantor, and the money was still low, so they said that they should sell it to a brothel as a pipa player. Now it is in Fangchunyuan. "

With definite news, Li Ziyu was overjoyed and hurriedly thanked her.Gao Zhongjiu said in a low voice: "You and I are our own people, and I can only do it with a little effort. You don't have to be polite, but I can't come out on this matter, you can only do it yourself-you remember, although this matter is 'private' , but it must be able to stand on the word 'gong' when it is done."

Li Ziyu nodded vigorously, gratefully said: "Thank you, Master Jiu, for your suggestion!"

After Gao Chongjiu was sent away, Li Ziyu returned to his desk. He already knew how to "turn private affairs into public affairs". One of the main tasks of the security department right now is to "rectify the weathering industry".It is the daily work of the Public Security Department to inspect brothels to see whether the brothels are being implemented in accordance with the management regulations.

Although the first article of the management regulations prohibits buying women as prostitutes, employees must follow the principle of "voluntariness", but there are policies and countermeasures. Some bold people still take risks under the temptation of spending money. There are people who have a market. However, some people are still doing this kind of business through "private teeth". A few days ago, two privately bought women were reported.Therefore, it is justifiable to visit the Chunyuan under the pretext of "strengthening inspections".

Li Ziyu went through the relevant procedures first, and set off with Zhao Gui, the only member of the group.Because recently there have been serious cases related to human trafficking, those who go to investigate and patrol places that may be related to human trafficking must be equipped with additional National Army personnel.So there are a few National Army soldiers accompanying me.

After entering Lefang Street, Li Ziyu went straight to Guanzhong Temple, knowing the way.According to the rules, this kind of daily inspection work should be accompanied by the head of Group A. Fang Miaozhu was drinking tea and resting on the bamboo couch, when he saw the police coming, he hurriedly got up to greet him.

Li Ziyu didn't talk nonsense, and said: "In daily inspections, a few institutions are randomly selected to check the implementation of the regulations."

The old man Fang said with a bitter face: "Master! Didn't you just check it the day before yesterday? You always check every three days, every five days, how do you guys still do business... You can't be more considerate to everyone..."

Li Ziyu spent some time in the security department, and now she can pull her face down at any time, and immediately said: "I want to show sympathy to you, who told you that you bought a girl in the yard a few days ago? Just understand Point, honestly doing business according to the regulations, naturally too flat. You don’t have to pull your pants, get whipped, and have to pay money. What’s this called?

(End of this chapter)

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