Lin Gao Qiming

Chapter 1831

Chapter 1831

Fang Miaozhu had no choice but to nod repeatedly, and said: "I know, I know, I dare not violate your rules! You are confused! Which companies are you checking today? You will lead the way."

"Just look around. I mean whichever one is."

"Yes, yes," old man Fang was beating his heart out. He just helped a new girl from the Fangchunyuan get a temporary residence registration a few days ago--you don't need to be present to apply for a temporary residence registration. There is no difficulty in reporting the identity to the police station.The rare thing is how to make her "volunteer".

The content of the "Guangzhou Special City Customs Industry Management Regulations" has now been circulated on Lefang Street. Originally, the bustards and leaders wanted to block the news. Unexpectedly, the security department came directly, and not only posted it everywhere on Lefang Street , It is also pasted on the wall of the gate of each courtyard, and the notice must not be torn.From time to time, a spot check will come suddenly.A few days ago, an old bustard from the hospital was arrested and sentenced to caning for secretly tearing up the notice. Thirty lashes were beaten until his skin was torn apart, and he was also fined 500 taels of silver.

Compared with the whiplash on the buttocks, the fine of 500 taels of silver is the heartache of the bustards.Naturally, no one dared to talk about this proclamation—it was not counted as posting the proclamation, and it didn’t take long for someone from the yamen to gather all the girls together to "preach".For a time, the content of this regulation was known to everyone.

In this way, the hearts of the people in the courtyard are floating.Although the prostitution of the procuress is still there for many years, no old man has dared to stand up and discuss the issue of personal rights and treatment with the courtyard, but the whole atmosphere in the courtyard has changed.The bustards and leaders have also restrained themselves a lot, and there are much fewer things like beating up the house and beating Lao Ju at will.

Under such circumstances, it would be too difficult for Miss He to "voluntarily" become a prostitute.The old man Fang had already found a "relationship", as long as the old bustard "fixed" the girl, she could pass without shouting "I don't want" on the spot when she went to collect the yellow ticket.

But now that the rumors are so tight, old man Fang doesn't dare to take the risk.When he thought about the affairs of the government, he was always nervous at the beginning, and he would naturally relax after a while, so it's better to avoid the limelight.This woman can't pick up customers without receiving a yellow ticket. At most, she can eat for nothing with Sister Han Qiao for a few months, which is nothing to the hospital.Besides, Sister Han Qiao's plan is to find a distinguished guest to "comb" her, and she can afford to spend more time training her.

The policeman ran to Lefang Street every three days. Could it be that he smelled something?Now it is different than usual, he has no acquaintances in the yamen, and there are a few who are still employed, and he dare not talk to him casually.

Old man Fang was suspicious, but still greeted him with a smile on his face.

This will be the most leisurely time at noon, and the courtyard will not open to welcome guests until the afternoon as usual.Except for some sisters from various families who "worked too much" last night, this meeting just woke up, lazily pushing open the attic window and stretching, with slightly messy blue hair and beautiful eyebrows. Although there is no makeup, it has a special style , the bellyband is half covered, and the green trees and red flowers outside the window are in contrast.

A group of people walked in this place of fireworks, and the elders who had gathered at the window suddenly dispersed and hung up the curtains one after another.The tortoise slaves, guest wives, and bustards of the various courtyards poked their heads out one after another, wondering what the Australians were trying to do, and silently prayed to gods and Buddhas to bless the Australian policemen not to come in.

Li Ziyu didn't look sideways, and led the people straight through these courtyards, and came directly to the gate of Wangchunyuan.Pointing at the door: "This is it!"

Old man Fang groaned secretly in his heart, this Fangchunyuan was the place where he was "mentally sick", and he never thought that the policeman would be the first to be drawn here.

It's impossible to say no, of course, it only depends on sister Han Qiao's resilience.

The "door head" who was sitting at the gate and was in charge of guarding the gate saw a policeman approaching, and jumped up from the stool with a bang. One hurried up to greet him, and the other turned around quietly and walked back.

Li Ziyu first took a look at the ordinance posted on the screen wall to make sure that it was not damaged or daubed at all.Then he walked slowly inside.Before reaching the lobby, Miss Han Qiao came out slowly: "Oh, it's Master Yu! And this Master Zhao! What kind of wind is this that brought the two of you here?" She said. Deep blessings.

Li Ziyu was secretly surprised, he and Zhao Gui had only been here once, and they came when other old police officers came for inspection, and they were simply humble servants.Unexpectedly, the bustard not only remembered him, but also remembered Zhao Gui, who had a very low sense of existence.Even the name can be called out.

The gold-selling dens like the Hospital are the most good at watching people order dishes, and recognizing people and remembering people is the most basic skill.Especially important people, even if they haven't seen each other for many years, as long as the old bustard at that time is still there, they can still be called by name when they show up.

Li Ziyu said: "Since I recognize it, I won't say much about the politeness. I'm here for a routine inspection. You don't have to be afraid. The civil servants of the Song Dynasty don't take the people's needles and stitches, and let your sisters gather in the yard. I brought all the big soldiers, it’s not good to be a beautiful woman if you are abrupt!"

Sister Han Qiao knew that this group of people had come prepared, and it would be impossible to just push back. She thought to herself that the "family" did not violate the laws of the Australians.The last time a few pipa boys came to check, they also passed Minglu and registered.Only He Xiaoyue was left locked in the backyard.However, very few people know that there is such a person in the Visiting Spring Courtyard.The police don't always come just for her.

After a while, he forced a smile and said: "Hehehe, what is this? Since Master Yu wants to come to check, this is a business matter, and the slave family should obey, but the girls are not up yet, so Lao Yu should sit less in the living room now. In a moment, I will ask someone to call them." After speaking, he said a blessing, stepped back, and called Huang Xiang and Mrs. Yao, who were already waiting at the side, and asked them to call all the elders.

"Pipa boy is also called, and the messenger wants to have a look!" After saying that, he winked at Mrs. Yao.Turning around by himself, he led a group of people inside with a smile on his face.

This is the first time for Li Ziyu to enter such a high-end courtyard. Although he was considered a "family background" son with the help of his uncle, the monthly pocket money is not enough to enter such a high-end place. When he was still young and his uncle had no children, Li Ziyu was regarded as a concubine, and he was very strict with this nephew who would inherit the future.So even if he had occasional visits, he would not dare to enter such a luxurious and romantic place. Although he had followed others to check here after becoming a policeman, he only guarded in the courtyard and did not enter the hall.Naturally, there is no way to "experience", and now it is finally an eye-opener.

Fangchun Courtyard is worthy of being a gold-selling nest for the princes and nobles in Guangzhou. Just looking at the large area, it is amazing. Just entering the door, there is a huge Australian marble screen wall, beautifully carved, and a big blessing character Flying dragons and phoenixes, it looks like it was made by famous masters, bypassing the screen wall and presenting in front of you are eaves pillars with carved railings and painted sills. All of them are inlaid with Australian glass, the moon beams are hollowed out, and they are carved into a beautiful fairyland event. On the upside-down lintels are traditional back-shaped patterns, and auspicious clouds are carved at the junctions. There are red lanterns hanging on the verandahs on each floor. You can imagine the splendor at night.

The courtyard is very large, the floor is covered with blue bricks, and there are pots of rich and noble peonies every three steps on both sides, which are in full bloom. Chaoshou corridor, don't know where it leads.

Without time to take a closer look, Sister Han Qiao led the two of them into the flower hall to sit down, and the maid immediately offered tea.Sister Han Qiao served the tea and said, "This is the Maojian before the rain that just fell this year."

But Li Ziyu is not a tea drinker, and Zhao Gui doesn't know anything about it, both of them took a sip, but neither of them realized the beauty of it.

Sister Han Qiao secretly scolded the two of them as "turtles".In the past, people such as catching up with yamen servants, even if they were at the top of the squad, were not eligible to sit in the flower hall when they visited the Spring Garden: all the dignitaries and dignitaries came here, how could a lowly servant be able to sit there?The yamen servants are also very knowledgeable, and most of them talk in the inner hall where the old bustard works.Now she not only invites them to sit in the flower hall, but also serves first-class tea, and she doesn't even have a word of praise for "good tea".

Now the backers of his family have all shrunk and "keep their strengths and bide their time", so they have no choice but to let this group of subordinates run rampant!

She accompanied Li Ziyu with a smile on her face, most of the bustards were from Lao Ju, especially the Lao Ju who was born in a courtyard like Sister Han Qiao, who has learned a set of speech skills since childhood, as long as you are not dumb, no matter how boring you are. People can also talk about the sky.

While drinking tea and chatting here, the yard is really bustling with Yingying and Yanyan.All the veterans in the courtyard were called to assemble.

This is not the first time such a gathering, so the veterans thought it was "preaching" again.

Naturally, they already knew the contents of the regulations.However, no one dares to take it seriously for the time being.People who work in brothels are not good people, and they have their own skills of suppressing and deceiving people.Prostitutes are either "red" or "combed" by someone. They are the "privileged class" in the courtyard. Thoughts: Either the "business" is ordinary, and it is common for them to be beaten and scolded, but they are all afraid of being beaten, and the old bustard dare not stand out under the long-term despotic power.Even if he wanted to, he was afraid that the Australian yamen and the bustard were in the same group.So there is some coping with this preaching.

Li Ziyu saw that more and more people were coming, but there was no sign of Mingnu, so she couldn't help feeling impatient.He wanted to ask, but then thought of Gao Chongjiu's reminder: Everything must be justified in terms of "business".So he suppressed his emotions, simply picked up the tea bowl and drank slowly, looking at the people in the courtyard.

(End of this chapter)

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