Lin Gao Qiming

Chapter 1832

Chapter 1832
In fact, Li Ziyu didn't care about this group of fans, and only set his sights on "Pipa Boys".Fangchunyuan is a large courtyard, and there are as many as six or seven "Pipa boys" kept all year round, ranging from eleven to twelve years old, and the young ones are still between Zongjiao.The big one has already acquired a romantic and charming attitude, but the young one is still ignorant.

However, there is no figure of a bright girl inside.Li Ziyu was a little anxious. Gao Chongjiu's news was generally very reliable. If it meant that the girl was not here, it meant that sister Han Qiao must have hidden her.

"Master Yu, this is the roster of the entire hospital, please take a look at it." Huang Xiang had already come over with a stack of account books.According to the implementation rules of the new management regulations, each brothel must have "complete accounts" for inspection by the public security department at any time.

Too complicated and comprehensive accounts are indeed a bit embarrassing for the hospital, so currently only two types are implemented, one is the roster, the practitioners in the hospital, from the old bustard to the rough maid who sweeps the floor and fetches water Sister, one counts as one, and it must be registered.The other is to implement visitor registration according to the practice of the inn. Anyone who spends the night in the brothel must register.

Li Ziyu flipped through the roster, and slowly started from the first page. In fact, he didn't look at it carefully until he turned to the page where "Pipa Boy" was registered: there were seven names registered on it. That is to say, there is the "flower name" after admission to the hospital, followed by the real name-this is stipulated by the regulations.Fangchun Courtyard did quite well.

But among these seven names, there is no Ming girl's name, regardless of her real name. He thought that since Cao Huang sold her at her natal family, she might pretend to be Huang, but none of these girls had a surname. yellow.He looked carefully at the pipa boys again, and the number was correct: seven.

Li Ziyu put down the roster and asked, "Everyone in the courtyard has arrived?!"

Sister Han Qiao hurriedly said: "It's all here! It's all here!" Prime Minister Huang winked, and Sister Han Qiao hurriedly said, "There is a girl named Yuewan who used to be in our courtyard, but she has been groomed by the eldest son of the Liang family. Go, now it is Mr. Liang's concubine, although he still lives in the courtyard, he does not accept guests, nor is he under the management of the courtyard..."

"I know that." Li Ziyu nodded.He knew it the last time he came to "investigate" with Lian Nishang.This kind of situation is very common in the academy, "I mean, is there anyone who is not on the list?"

Sister Han Qiao was startled, wondering if this policeman knew something?She couldn't help but glanced at old man Fang, and said with a smile all over her face: "Where, where, how dare the slaves break your rules! It's indeed all in the booklet, if there are, it's just the mothers of some maids in Miss Yuewan's courtyard Sister—but they are all from the Liang family, and have nothing to do with slaves here."

Li Ziyu noticed her tiny move, knew that there must be something strange in it, and immediately had a bottom line in her heart.Immediately closing the notebook, he said kindly, "Aunt Han, I can trust what you say! I don't need to mention this name. But now there are security regulations on setting fires and preventing theft in the regulations. I wonder if you have implemented them?"

Sister Han Qiao hurriedly said: "Master Yu, since you have always ordered these things, how dare we not implement them? The water buckets and sand for fire prevention that we took care of last time are all ready. If you don't believe me, this servant will bring you You go and have a look."

Li Ziyu laughed: "Okay, okay, I also want to check it. If that's the case, please send someone to lead the way, and I'll check it in the courtyard." He didn't wait for Sister Han Qiao to speak, and said, "As for Everyone, please wait here for a while, and I will preach the regulations after I finish the inspection. Don't disperse." He said to Agui: "You bring the brothers here to maintain order, don't disturb everyone. Also Don't get lost, I'll be back in a while."

Zhao Gui quickly responded, "Yes!"

Not letting the crowd disperse, and no one moving around in the courtyard, it is much easier for him to find people, and it saves them from looking for opportunities to transfer people.

Sister Han Qiao was shocked again, this Li Ziyu came so strangely!She had no right to refuse the police's visit, not to mention that Li Ziyu's reason for the visit was not only fair, but she had personally invited him just now to "go and see if you don't believe me"!This was originally a word rolling on the lips, but he didn't expect it to be accepted immediately by him.

An 80-year-old woman who has her baby upside down is caught by a child like you!Sister Han Qiao cursed inwardly.But his face was still full of smiles, and he said: "Okay, okay, let the servants lead the way..."

"How is this possible?" Li Ziyu smiled slightly, "Ma'am, you are the master of this courtyard, so you don't dare to bother me. I think this sister-in-law Yao will lead the way."

Sister Han Qiao wanted to speak again, but seeing that his face was unnegotiable, she could only say: "Yes, yes." Turning to Sister-in-law Yao, she said, "Sister-in-law Yao, go and lead the way for Lord Yu, and you have to serve him!" winked.

Although she was a little worried, Sister Han Qiao was not completely at a loss.Because the police often come to Lefang Street for random inspections and lectures recently, she also made some preparations in advance.

Mrs. Yao hurriedly blessed her and said, "Your servant knows!"

Li Ziyu ordered a few capable national army soldiers to go in with him, and inspected the yard one by one.

This Fangchun courtyard is very large, with numerous buildings, corridors and winding courtyards, with embroidered doors and carvings, which not only amazed the soldiers of the National Army who were born in poverty, but even Li Ziyu, who was a bit knowledgeable, found it an eye-opener.

Because the personnel had been gathered in the front yard, all the courtyards were quiet and empty.Sister-in-law Yao led Li Ziyu's party and walked over to each courtyard according to Li Ziyu's request.Seeing that he had reached the backyard and there was still no sign of Mingnu, he couldn't help feeling a little anxious.

He originally wondered which room Mingnu was hiding in, but along the way he entered whichever courtyard he wanted, and Sister-in-law Yao didn't stop her if she wanted to enter the room, which made it clear that there was no one to be honest.He thought to himself, could Gao Chongjiu's news be wrong?However, he remembered the questioning look that Han Qiao had given the old man when he talked to Sister Han Qiao just now and mentioned whether there were any people who were not on the register—there must be something tricky about it.

The person must still be in the courtyard, probably hiding somewhere.Li Ziyu thought to himself, seeing Mrs. Yao's confident appearance, he thought, today I must turn your brothel upside down!

Coming out of the backyard, Sister-in-Law Yao was obviously relieved, and said, "Master Yu! You have seen all the rooms up and down the Fangchun Courtyard. What else do you want?"

She could see that Li Ziyu was anxious, but she still put on a nonchalant expression, secretly proud in her heart: Even if you have an official status, it's not the same as drinking the old lady's footwashing water!It's only been a few days!

Li Ziyu stood still and took a steady breath, remembering that when he was training in the Longevity Palace, the teacher said that he should look for clues in the subtleties.So was there anything that was overlooked in the place I walked just now?

Thinking like this, he suddenly saw a small door on the wall of the backyard, and pointed with his hand: "What is this place?"

"It's not anywhere, it's Hebutou outside." Sister-in-law Yao said with a smile, "Going out is the revetment."


"This," Sister-in-law Yao didn't expect him to open this door, she couldn't help being taken aback, and said in a low voice, "Master Yu, outside this door is the riverside, and beyond it is the courtyard..."

"Open it if I tell you." Li Ziyu said with a cold face, "If you say it's a revetment, is it a revetment?"

Sister-in-law Yao was blinded now, she hesitated and said, "Well, I don't have the key to the back door..."

Li Ziyu saw her confused face, knew there must be something strange behind this door, and suddenly called out: "Come here!"

A few soldiers behind him took a few steps in response.Li Ziyu said: "Break the door open for me!"

The soldiers responded immediately, and raised their rifles to smash them.Now Mrs. Yao panicked, and hurriedly said: "Don't smash it, don't smash it, servant girl will go get the key right now."

"You follow her." Li Ziyu told a soldier.

Aunt Yao had no choice but to take the key and open the door.

Outside the door, it really is the White Swan Lake.There are steps built on the stone revetment.Under the steps, there is a painting boat tied to it.

Li Ziyu's eyes lit up, and he asked, "Is this your family's painting boat?"

Most of the houses on Lefang Street have their own painting boats, which are used for swimming on the water.On weekdays, most of the lis are moored at Hebutou at the back door.

The plaque hanging on this painting boat is "Panghan" plaque, it is the Fangchunyuan that is the painting boat--Li Ziyu has already learned the practice of Gao Chongjiu and others before visiting the Springyuan for inspection, and has done some homework in advance. I have a general understanding of the situation in Chunyuan. .

Aunt Yao's complexion changed drastically, and she tried to calm down and said, "This boat is not from the servant's courtyard, probably someone's family couldn't find a place to berth for a while, so they borrowed it to berth... This is also a common thing..."

Li Ziyu said "hehe" twice, and suddenly he had a bottom line in his heart.

He Xiaoyue is being locked up in the cabin of the painting boat at the moment. She has been tortured by the methods in the brothel these days.Aunt Yao saw that the heat was about the same, so she resorted to gentle methods, and asked people to untie the handcuffs and shackles that locked her, and took a few sticks of sore medicine for her to apply.The meals delivered by the kitchen every day are also exquisite side dishes with both meat and vegetables, and last night's meal, there was actually a small bottle of Suzhou Flower Wine - she hadn't smelled alcohol for many years.

Under such a sugar-coated shell attack, He Xiaoyue's will gradually faded, and her psychological defense gradually collapsed.Sister-in-law Yao came here to persuade her from time to time, she had already given up resistance, a few days ago when Mu Yun came to teach her how to play the pipa, He Xiaoyue didn't know that this was a preparation for a joke, but she didn't dare to say "no" again, half-pushed and half-hearted learned.

Although she has already died, but thinking that she will become a prostitute for the rest of her life, He Xiaoyue can't help but feel despair in the dead of night, shed tears silently, and even thought of dying.

However, since ancient times, death has been the only difficult choice. Although He Xiaoyue thought of "die" repeatedly, she still couldn't make such a determination in the end.

(End of this chapter)

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