Lin Gao Qiming

Chapter 1840 New Opportunity

Chapter 1840 New Opportunity

"China's current affairs section, the first one—"

In Xiaochajuli, Zeng Juan is holding a newspaper and reading it.Dozens of tea drinkers around were all listening intently.

Zhang Yu introduced him to the job of reading newspapers in the tea house. Since Zhang Yu's family got a loan to expand their business scale, he has no time to continue his life of reading newspapers and earning extra money. Besides, he doesn't like the small money. eyes.So I recommended Zeng Juan to go—reading newspapers requires not only literacy, but also an understanding of the countless "Newspeak words" in the newspapers. The average reader can only read them, and is ignorant of the meaning of them, so this job has to be "communicated". Only those who can do it well can do it.

In the past, they read only stories in Australian magazines, such as legends and tales, but since the Australians occupied Guangzhou, more and more people have a strong interest in this newly released "Great Song Dynasty". Interested, but also concerned about the various governance of the Australians - after all, what they do in the city is closely related to the lives of the general public.

People like Zeng Juan are very popular. Not only the ordinary citizens look at him differently, but even some big households in the neighborhood are very polite when they see him. Some even bring newspapers and copied notices to ask him to explain the above articles Content.

"At the beginning of the year, Li Zicheng, the leader of the bandits who participated in the attack on Fengyang, excavated the ancestral tombs of the Ming royal family, and burned the Huangjue Temple where Zhu Yuanzhang once became a monk, has been convinced that he will invade the Guanzhong Plain this month. A decisive victory can be achieved. The observers of this newspaper believe that Li Zicheng's troops should move in the direction of Xianyang and try to besiege Xianyang City..."

"Because some bandits moved to the Beijing-Hangzhou Grand Canal area, the court of the Ming Dynasty was worried that the canal water transport would be destroyed by bandits. It has officially ordered that all the grain in the Jiangsu and Zhejiang regions this year will be concentrated in Shanghai County, and then transported by sea to Tianjin Wei..."


"International current affairs section, the first one..."

"The British merchant ships entering Macau this month brought unexpected news. In mid-April this year, the British East India Company reached an agreement with the Portuguese governor of Goa in India. Portugal promised that British merchant ships could enter and leave freely, taxation and supplies. At the same time, the British East India Company promised to sell gunpowder and other military supplies to Portugal’s colonies in Goa, Ceylon and other Indian regions, and to transport the Australian-made military products stored in Macau by Portugal... The observers of this newspaper think that the Netherlands and the Portugal's colonial scrambles in India, Borneo, and Lombok Islands will become increasingly fierce, but the government of the Kingdom of Spain, which nominally rules Portugal at the same time, seems to be indifferent to this. This move by the United Kingdom fully demonstrates that the United Kingdom is not satisfied with the actions of the Netherlands in Asia. ..."

"North Korea's Li Dynasty disregarded the repeated tolerance of our Senate on the issue of Jeju ownership, ignored the fact that Jeju Island has been our territory since ancient times, and recently sent ships and soldiers to invade our Jeju territory. Our Jeju garrison hit it head-on and wiped it out. The place where the offense comes. The Ministry of Foreign Affairs recently issued a stern warning, hoping that Li Chao will not go further and further down the wrong path...

"Manila's latest rising legend, Count Van Nanova, has embarked on a new venture to enclose an exclusive development along the southeastern coast of Palawan. Can the 'Gold Diggers' reproduce the miracle this time? This newspaper specially interviewed several Spanish captains who were recuperating in Macau..."


"The current political news of the liberated area of ​​the Song Dynasty, the first one..."

"The main body of the first flying-scissor trade ship has been completed in the Hong Kong shipyard, and it will enter the outfitting stage later this month. The ship will soon be put into the trade route between Dasong and Europe."

"Yesterday, the [-]th Vocational Skill Level Examination was successfully concluded, and the test results will be announced later this month. The types of work involved in this exam include fitters, lathe workers, electricians... The [-]th Vocational Skill Level Examination will be held in October this year , it is reported that for the first time, three new test centers will be set up in Jeju, Kaohsiung and Guangzhou besides Lingao and Sanya in Hainan Province for the convenience of local referees..."

"This month, the Sanya telegraph exchange main station was completed, marking the complete completion of the telegraph project around the island in Hainan Province. Telegram sending and receiving tests will be carried out in the near future. After it is put into operation, messages from the ends of the earth can be transmitted to Lingao and Haikou in just a few minutes ..."

"There is good news from the state-run racecourse in Jeju Island that all the newly born foals of this batch have survived."


"Local news, the first..."

"Mayor Liu inspected the reconstruction site of the old Gongyuan today. After the renovation, it will be used as the Guangzhou Administration School. It will be responsible for the training and further education of cadres in Guangzhou and Guangdong province..."

"Several suspects have been arrested in the extraordinarily serious murder case at the Maojia Inn. The police station stated that some suspects are still fleeing. We hope that the general public will be more vigilant, and always pay attention to whether there are suspicious tasks and incidents around them, and report to this group or the nearest police station in time. Report from the police station, the police agency will give certain rewards to those who provide useful information and capture the suspect..."

After Ding Ding arrived in Guangzhou, the layout of "Yangcheng Express" was greatly expanded, including international, domestic, and cultural life. It took a certain amount of effort.

Because this newspaper not only involved various orders and policies of the Senate in Guangzhou, but also was rich and colorful in content.

Although there are not many current affairs pages, there are many news on it, and it took an hour to read one by one.

I don’t talk about him when my mouth is dry after reading the newspaper. After reading it, many people still have questions for him to explain.

"A Juan, what is this telegram, how can it send letters?"

"Where is this Jeju Island? Why are the North Koreans fighting with us?"

"The civil service examination is the imperial examination given by Australians."


Zeng explained everything one by one, and he didn't know some of them himself, so he had to just talk nonsense.But what everyone is most interested in is the case of the Maojia Inn.

"In the case of the Maojia Inn, apart from apprehending the fugitive, is there anything else going on?"

Zeng Juan shook his head and said, "No news today."

Since the incident of the Maojia Inn case, it has been the talk of Guangzhou citizens after dinner, and the case summary serialized in the newspaper has become the most concerned news among tea drinkers recently.

Seeing that everyone was a little disappointed and there were no new questions, he said:
"I've finished reading today's internal and external current affairs edition. I'm going to rest. I'll read the life edition in an hour, oh, two hours later." Zeng Juan wiped the sweat from his forehead, and gulped down a bowl of Chen Liji's herbal tea.Regardless of the noisy audience surrounding him, he went straight to the back hall.Pick up a fan made of palm leaves and fan it well for a few minutes.After calming down a little, I didn't delay any longer, and took out a "Public Basic Knowledge Handbook" from the drawer and started the review.

"A Juan! Sure enough, you are here!"

When Zeng Juan was shaking his head and memorizing by rote, a familiar voice came over.Zeng Juan looked up, but it was his classmate friend Zhang Yu, holding a food box in his hand.

"Ayu, are you here to deliver tea and food again? It's too expensive! Don't send any more, you are still running a small business..."

"People are refreshed on happy occasions." Zhang Yu said with a smile, "You can go to Ayu's place and take this here later, and give it to Ming Nu to taste—you probably get tired of eating walnut crisps. What I'm giving away now is a new thing. " Zhang Yu deliberately said something halfway, to whet Zeng Juan's appetite.

But Zeng Juan didn't show any greediness, and sighed: "Brother Ziyu is really right this time!" After saying that, his eye circles turned red.A few days ago, Li Ziyu sent someone to explain that his daughter had been found. He rushed all the way to Li Ziyu's house, and cried with Mingnv—he never thought that he had such deep feelings for this niece. The Australian's book says: everything is lost to know the most precious.At this moment, he had an unforgettable feeling about it.

While being grateful and happy, Zeng Juan was secretly ashamed that he was also a man of seven feet, and he was also a person who had read books and understood things.It's about my own flesh and blood, but I can't do anything about it. If Li Ziyu didn't do his best, Mingnv probably wouldn't be able to find her.

In any case, he must be admitted as an Australian civil servant, so that he will have the opportunity to repay Li Ziyu's kindness in the future.Because I have become more "vigorous" in the past few days, I even bring review materials with me when I go out to make money.

"Ayu is really loyal!" Zhang Yu said, "There is another happy event. I received a letter from Xinxin yesterday!"

"Oh?!" Now Zeng Juan's eyes widened—when Chen Shixin went to Lingao, Guangzhou was still in Daming—"How is he doing in Lingao?"

"He said in the letter that when he arrived in Lingao, he was recommended by Chief Hong, and now he is learning painting from a Westerner. There is no need to pay tuition fees, and the Australians even give him living expenses. Life is good. The Australians said, they There is a great need for someone who can draw, and there will be food to eat after he finishes his studies, so don’t worry about it. He will return to Guangzhou to visit his parents recently, and we will get together again at that time.”

"Unexpectedly, the knowledge of new things has developed." Zeng Juan said, while he was happy for his friends, he felt a strong sense of anxiety about his "doing nothing".

Rumors in the market: Huaxia Xing, Yuan Lao Huang.The arrival of the Australian has brought a lot of opportunities, his friends have caught them all, but he has nothing...

"When he comes back, we must have a good get-together and make it clear!" Zhang Yu was immersed in the yearning for a better future, humming the latest Australian tune: "Today is a good day..."

Zeng Juan was not as happy as him. He had other ideas: he still had to hurry up and memorize the book during the two-hour break.He turned his head and began to read and recite a paragraph again.

(End of this chapter)

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