Lin Gao Qiming

Chapter 1841 Brotherhood

Chapter 1841 Brotherhood
Zeng Juan snubbed Zhang Yu, but he was not annoyed. He first poured two cups of herbal tea from the large earthenware pot, tasted it, and found that it was the kind without sugar. Roll on the right hand side.Then he gently opened the paper bag again, revealing slices of light yellow and tender fragrant tea and food, the fragrance overflowed for a while, making Zeng Juan look sideways, his mouth was already chattering and his tongue was flicking, and he didn't know what he was talking about.

"What is this?" Still unable to withstand the temptation, Zeng Juan asked while reaching out to take a piece and sniffing it. After confirming that it was the aroma of food, he decided to stuff it into his mouth.

"This is the Australian tea food, called 'cookies'. I got the recipe from the Australians and just tried it out."

"Hmm..." Zeng Juan couldn't stop his hand.

"It's just that this stuff is expensive. Not only do you have to sieve high-quality white flour, but you also need eggs, sugar, and what kind of butter—this is from Mongolia. Where can I find it in Guangzhou? I have to use lard—the chief said that we can consider using water in the future." Milk is used to make cream—it also costs a lot of money. My family only tried to make ten catties, so I will send it over to let a few teahouses test the water. If it sells well, my family will buy more in the future. Planted tea and sold it."

"Yeah, it's delicious." Zeng Juan didn't take it seriously when he heard "the cost is quite high". Roll it to the edge of the table and put it in the palm of your hand, take a sip of the herbal tea and swallow it in your mouth, then raise your hand and slap the broken bits into your mouth.

"How is it, not bad!"

"Yeah, it's delicious..." Before the sound of "eat" was finished, another piece of cookie came into the mouth with a click.

"Well, that's good, the bag for you is made by my sister Ting'er..." Zhang Yu said deliberately.Sure enough, Zeng Juan choked, patted his chest and poured water, Zeng Juan blushed and said, "A Yu, Miss Ting is at your house?"

"Yeah, now the business is getting bigger and more people are needed, and the family is short of people. As soon as my cousin came over and told my mother, she came to my house to do something—"

Zeng Juan didn't know what kind of mental theater he was caught in, and he blushed madly for a while, then suddenly regained his strength, changed to a serious face, and said strangely: "That's not right! According to uncle's temper, If your family got the Australian's secret recipe, how could you ask Tingmei to help? Isn't your family known as passing it on to your daughter-in-law but not to your daughter?"

"Hehe, there's nothing rare about this recipe." Zhang Yu said with a smile, "It's all written in books printed by Australians. It's just ordinary people, neither can find materials, nor do they have an oven to bake."

"These secret recipes are just printed in the book and everyone can read them casually?" Zeng Juan was a little surprised this time.

"That's right, Australians don't really care about such small tricks." Zhang Yu's words were full of envy that local tyrants could crush people to death by losing a hair on their legs. To master the heat - this is the most difficult. Australians have a "thermometer". Oven, my father only figured it out after baking it three or four times."

Zeng Juan's family makes candles, so he naturally knows the importance of heat.In order to keep the fire, it is not painstaking - when making a certain kind of candle, only a certain kind of firewood is burned: charcoal, firewood, chaff, or straw, the fire is different and very subtle.His father said that when he was studying business with his grandfather, he suffered a lot of "horror" because of this.

Now Australians use a thermometer to solve it lightly and skillfully.

"Well, some of them are a bit burnt." Zeng Juan pouted his mouth, and raised the half-bitten cookie in his hand to signal to Zhang Yu.

"I told my father that even if we spend a lot of money, we still have to buy a thermometer—it's a pity that it's out of stock in Guangzhou now. Chief Hong said he would find a way to help us get one from Lingao."

"Well, your family has become more developed and more advanced since you hugged that old Hong Yuan's thigh." Zeng Juan's expression suddenly became depressed after hearing his words.But immediately, as if he had made up his mind, he picked up the "Handbook of Public Basic Knowledge" and started to recite it.

Zhang Yu knew that Zeng Juan was interested in his cousin, and the reason for the puzzled words just now, Zhang Yu could also guess at seven or eight points. Zeng Juan wanted to study the Australian scientific examination materials carefully, and if he finally won the Australian exam, he would be able to fulfill his mind.

He thought about escaping a thick book from his pocket.

"I bought this from an Australian bookstore just now. I will lend it to you."

"What kind of idle book, I don't have time to read it now..." Zeng Juan glanced at it casually, his eyes widened suddenly, and "Analysis of 200 Questions of Shenlun" was impressively printed on the cover.

Zeng Juan's great undertaking of reading and memorizing was once again interrupted by surprise. " are really rich! This book costs 12 yuan! My father can't save 12 silver pancakes for a whole year!" He stopped talking suddenly, looked at Zhang Yu suspiciously, "Can you lend me this book?"

"I'm useless if I don't lend it to you—I don't plan to take the civil service exam anymore, and my family's business can't do without me." Zhang Yu sounded like a new business elite.

"But it's too expensive, you deserve it, you deserve it..."

"It is lent to you, not given to you." Zhang Yu focused on the word "borrow", "As for the money, don't worry. The 'Individual Energy Bar' that my family trial-produced last time passed the appraisal. Fu Bojun Lianli signed a big contract. The Australians still need to install machines for my family and build a new factory to produce this thing, and the deposit has already arrived. Buying a book is nothing."

"It's not a big deal to buy a book for 12 yuan..." Zeng Juan repeated it several times, and said with a wry smile, "Just this "Public Basic Knowledge Handbook" and an exam syllabus, six silver pancakes, I have to find a German Long engages in student loans, and now I have to go to this reading place to read newspapers and work to pay off debts! Your kid’s family, let me figure it out, besides Chen Liji, your family is the second one that let Australians inject capital to set up a factory! Such good luck!"

Zhang Yu himself often sighs that if he hadn't worked so hard back then, he would have gotten in touch with Kun...the Australian, and he doesn't know what would happen to his small tea and food shop now.

"Juan, after this summer is over, we will take the Encore exam for the first time for Australians. You should work hard. Take the book and read it—we are good brothers." Zhang Yu said in a very sincere tone.

Zeng Juan looked at Zhang Yu silently, his lower lip trembled, but he didn't know what to say, the words of thanks were so weak at this moment.

"Well, let's encourage each other!" Zeng Juan replied forcefully, stopped talking, and turned his head to continue reading the "Handbook of Public Basic Knowledge" that he couldn't fully understand and could only memorize by rote.

Zhang Yu didn't bother him anymore, and walked out through the curtain.I heard the tea drinkers who were still chatting outside and hadn't left, discussing the content they had read just now, and those who could read even spread the "Yangcheng Express" on the table and pointed.

"What kind of thing is this electrician? Isn't it Lei Gong and Dian Mu? Why is he an electrician again? A new name for Australians?"

"This is the craftsman's work, not male and female." said the literate person, "Is the thunder and lightning in the sky also making the craftsmen?"

"What's the matter between Portugal and Spain? Why is the king of Spain in charge of Portugal? By the way, didn't the Zeng family kid say that Spain is France last time? Last time, it seemed that there was a French in the north of Spain. This French machine is still not dealt with! Why do the Thai and Western countries feel in a mess."

"Then what is there to say about how many ponies were born on Jeju Island, and I even sent a draft!"

"You haven't seen it. It's said that the pregnancy of this horse is longer than that of a human, and it takes twelve months. And it's not just a few horses, but more than 200 foals were born in the wave of late spring and early summer. They all survived. Do you know what the price of this horse is?"

"Why hasn't the case of this fake inn been solved yet? I think this group of Australian policemen are nothing too common!" A tea customer said brazenly, "They are very good at catching trash and spitting fines..."


Amidst the noise, Zhang Yu saw the big bright red characters on the front page that was set aside saying "Guangzhou Special City Government Advanced Worker Commendation Conference Held Today", and was about to take a closer look when a few regular customers from the past saw it and greeted them
"Ayu! You are a rare visitor!"

"Come, come, come and drink tea together!"

"Ah Juan needs to work hard again, tell us about what happened in the newspaper."

"That is, you are familiar with Australians, and you must know better than him."


Zhang Yu has been running business with his father these days, and has made great progress in his life.Doing business is all about popularity, so I smiled and bowed my hands in salute, and greeted the people around me before I sat down.

What the tea drinkers are most concerned about is the recent case of the Maojia Inn.

"Ayu, what kind of tricks are you talking about in the case of the Maojia Inn? The city is full of ups and downs, and no one can believe it until now? This group of people is outrageous. The Australians got it, and they didn't try it or kill it. Just hold it like this?"

"This group of flower shooters really deserve death! I heard people say what kind of magic tricks are they still doing?"

"That's right, it's really a sorcery!" A tea guest lowered his voice, pretending to be mysterious, "I heard that Liu Dafu has become Taoist, and he almost never got sick. Later, he invited a priest from Lingao Come to solve it."

"It is said that a little ghost was also taken in. My second aunt's third brother's cousin's uncle is a cleaner of the city government. He is right."

"I heard from Daoist Zhang of the Temple of the Five Immortals that these monsters are here to destroy the feng shui of Guangzhou! They have destroyed the local dragon veins."

"How can there be any dragon veins in Guangzhou? Your Taoist priest doesn't even have a Taoist certificate."


(End of this chapter)

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