Lin Gao Qiming

Chapter 1842 The Worry of the Teahouse Owner

Chapter 1842 The Worry of the Teahouse Owner

Zhang Yu ate the pink fruit and said slowly:
"Let's count the courts that established government in Guangzhou," Zhang Yu said while eating, "Naturally, there is no such thing as a unified China; even Jiangnan has never had one. At best, it is a corner The Nanyue Kingdom was only 100 years old, and the Southern Han Dynasty enjoyed the country for more than [-] years. A crab is not as good as a crab. I don’t think it’s reliable to say that there are dragon veins in Guangzhou.” After finishing speaking, he patted his belly and said slowly.

After he finished speaking, someone among the tea customers immediately gave a thumbs up: "Brother Zhang is really full of knowledge!"

"Where is that?" Zhang Yu said modestly, but couldn't hide the pride on his face, "It's just a little experience from reading history." He remembered the spirit conveyed at the meeting of public opinion members, and added: "Actually, these superficial Just read more basic Australian magazines. Compared with the bulky history books, it is not only clear, but also thorough."

"We all know that Brother Zhang, you are a 'Kun'...ah, you are a master of 'Australia'." The tea guests complimented each other.

"Guangzhou has no dragon veins. If the Australians want to conquer the world, isn't there a huge change?" Some people have already begun to worry about the future of Song Dynasty.

"The dragon veins of Australians are naturally in Australia, so what does it have to do with Guangzhou?" a tea guest said, "Besides, Qiongzhou Prefecture has never heard of any good Feng Shui, and Australians are still prosperous."

"Good Fengshui? Fengyang Mansion, the central capital of the Ming Dynasty, has good Fengshui! Emperor Zhu came out, and the common people went out to beg for food to escape the famine!" There was a tea customer who was a tea vendor, and he had traveled extensively and learned a lot.

As soon as Zhang Yu heard that this was right, he hurriedly said, "That's right, since ancient times, those who have taken the world are nothing more than the word 'people's heart'."

Everyone nodded in agreement.The tea guest was still full of emotions, and said with emotion: "In the past few years, we have traveled far and wide, and I think our Guangdong and Jiangnan are considered to be a paradise. Other places have the appearance of the end of the world!"

"Speaking of which, Guangzhou is really a place of geomantic omen! Hahaha."


Zhang Yu saw that the speech was almost over, and he had other things to do, so he got up and left.Before he left his seat, the owner of the tea house waved to him again.

The owner of this teahouse was an old acquaintance of Zhang Yu's, and it was he who "discovered" Zhang Yu at the beginning. He read all kinds of messy "Australian pamphlets" to tea guests in the teahouse, and attracted a lot of business.It also gave this small tea house a lot of fame.

But at that time Zhang Yu was the "beneficiary" party, but now it is completely different.The boss looked at the young man in front of him with complicated emotions. Not only had he grown a lot taller, but his charm and ecology were also different from the past, and his gestures seemed to be a "big man".

"This Hua Gulong is really lucky!" the boss thought, somehow hooked up with the Australian!Australians are really sick too!Spend money to support such a small tea shop!Now the Zhangjia tea and food shop is not only booming in business, but has also built a large workshop to supply Australians. It uses large ships to import and ship materials—it seems to be the number one big tea and food shop in Guangzhou.Even the goods that one's own family wants to enter his home have to sign a purchase and sales contract in advance, specifying the monthly consumption, and pay a deposit first, otherwise there is no way to get the goods-this kind of pie, which tea and food shop used to have it?
"Come, come, come here." The boss beckoned him to the private room.Zhang Yu hurriedly said: "I still have something to do, my family is busy."

"It won't take long." I have a matter here, and I have been arguing about it. You are familiar with Australians, can you give me an idea? "

I have to listen to him talk about this. After all, the owner of the tea house was considered "a kindness" to him back then, and immediately said straightforwardly: "I don't dare to make up my mind. As long as you trust me, it's okay to make plans for you."

"Presumably, Ayu, you also know that the Australians are issuing new coins. It's limited to..." The boss looked outside, making sure that the guys were doing their jobs and the tea drinkers were talking loudly, so he lowered his voice, "Silver is exchanged for silver dollars. It's nothing, the red-haired and Franji people also use silver coins, but the silver dollar coupons and coin coupons... I'm really worried. Isn't this what the old man used to say about the Ming Dynasty's precious banknotes!"

Just one month ago, that is, on June [-], the Ministry of Finance and Finance officially began to issue new coins in the Guangdong region.Because a briefing has been held in the business community in advance, and the exchange is silver for silver coins. In addition to paying different handling fees and production costs according to the quality of the exchange, what everyone takes out is silver, and what they get back is still silver. The feeling of being at a disadvantage.Except for the need to deduct some "discounts" due to fineness issues, merchants and ordinary people can't talk about much burden.What's more, in the past, the fineness and weight were different. Now the silver coins exchanged are not only of the same color and size, but also the weight is not the same, and there is no concern about fake silver. resistance, and even enthusiasm.

However, with the advancement of the exchange work, copper coins were fully accepted and exchanged to issue tokens and half-dollar and two-cent silver coin circulation coupons began to appear on the market.This immediately aroused the concerns of the general public, especially small and medium businessmen.

For a small businessman like the boss of the tea house, this is a matter of life and death.Small businessmen like them mainly come into contact with small amounts of money in their daily business life.Although there are some guests who come to drink tea with big spenders, most of the guests' consumption is only a few hundred Wen to ten or two coins.And when he went out to buy ingredients, the transaction amount was also very small. Except for a small amount of bulk goods, fresh ingredients were purchased at zero purchases every day, and he mainly used small amounts of currency.

Before the recovery of Guangzhou, he used all kinds of copper coins of different quality. Because of the shortage of local copper coins, he also used a kind of small silver beans privately minted by merchants and big households. , I can't care about whether it is good or bad - after all, this thing is too small.Fortunately, the word "silver" is stained, as long as the fineness is not a mess, it can always be spent, but it will take some talking.Because of the lack of small amounts of currency, I even issued "tea chips" myself when I had to, to give change to old tea lovers and to purchase goods from familiar merchants.Naturally, this will take a lot of talking and some favors.

He had no objection to Australians minting new coins. The gleaming silver coins are not only heavy but also comfortable to hold.

Now Australians want to completely exchange scattered silver and copper coins, and replace them with banknotes, which is a bolt from the blue for small businessmen.

"...Ayu, think about it, how much turnover can one customer of mine have! Most of them are businesses worth a few hundred pennies. How many dimes can I collect a day? Needless to say, it's all paid for the tokens. Not to mention that the Australians have to issue silver dimes again, saying that they are in circulation with the same amount as silver dimes. If customers want to take out to pay the bill, I may not say no to it! My family, young and old, and apprentices work for a day, in exchange for a bunch of big coins. Song Baochao came back—it was said to be circulating in equal amounts, but after all it was just a piece of paper...I am really worried about this." The boss said with an expression of "entrusting his wealth and life", "You are familiar with Australians, and you are taken care of by the elders. , is there a plot to this matter?"

Speaking of this, Zhang Yu himself was filled with emotion—why, because what the owner of the tea house said was almost the same as what his father said.

The Zhangjia tea and food shop has now been reorganized into "Zhangji Food Co., Ltd." in the hands of the elder Zhang Yikun. As for the details of the reorganization, no one in the Zhang family can understand it. Zhang.

Zhang Yu’s cousin was sent to “learn Australian bookkeeping” for this reason—there were no accountants in Zhang’s tea and food shop—this is just the similarities and differences between Australian bookkeeping and Daming’s bookkeeping, the key is Australian bookkeeping. Accounts pay attention to "cash does not stay overnight, and money accounts are transferred".

The cash does not stay overnight, which means that after the accounting is completed every night, the cash will be released to the Zhang Ji Company account of Delong Bank.In the past, it was Zhang Yu's mother who personally moved the cash box to the back room, closed the door, counted it carefully, and then put it away in different categories.

The Zhang family has also thought about storing money in the cabinet of a big shop to collect interest, but their shop is small and the flow of water is small, and the shop is a place where there are expenses as soon as it opens, so there is not much money to save. Business has not been good these years , Every year, they use their savings to pay back.I didn't think about this kind of thing.

Now the business is good, but the money does not come into my house: I sent it directly to the bank, and I got back a booklet, how much money my shop has, just a few numbers on the booklet.Can't see or touch.People who do small businesses will inevitably feel a little flustered.This is still time.The most important thing is that you can't spend money casually!
In the past, Zhang Yu's tea and food shop's finances were not divided into each store. Zhang Yu wanted to buy a sesame seed cake, Zhang's father went to the tea house to drink tea and eat glutinous rice chicken, Zhang Yuniang went to buy a vegetable...all took money directly from the counter, and the current account It's not bad for Ji, if he forgets it, he just forgets it.Although I know the general situation of the business, the specific profit and loss must be obtained in three quarters, the accounts are paid off, the debts are collected, the two are offset, and then all kinds of odds and ends are charged to the income and expenditure accounts, so that the profit and loss figures can be known.Because family and personal expenses are mixed in, the actual operation of the store is a mess.

It's different now, the company's accounts are completely separated from the family's expenses.Like the shop assistants and apprentices, Zhang's father and son receive a "salary" from the shop on a monthly basis.In addition, you can no longer spend money on the account at will.The most important thing is that all the company's expenses, as long as they exceed a certain amount, must be paid by "cheque".And the seller must also provide an "invoice".

This system is not only promoted in Zhangji Food Company, but Australians are implementing it in the whole city of Guangzhou.All commercial and handicraft enterprises above designated size must switch to this financial system.

As a result, Zhang Yu and his son soon discovered that their business was getting bigger and bigger, but the resounding and shiny silver dollars became less and less.

(End of this chapter)

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