Lin Gao Qiming

Chapter 1843 Credit of Currency

Chapter 1843 Credit of Currency

In addition to retailing on the facade and some wholesales and small purchases that can also use cash, the payment delivery between them and large upstream and downstream customers has begun to adopt a "bill-based" settlement model.

In this way, what Zhang Yu’s father, the legal person of Zhangji Food Company, sees in the matter of “money” is bills. One of his main tasks every day is to stamp and sign, watching the bills come in one by one. , One after another, Zhang Yu's father, who had been juggling silver and copper coins for decades, felt a serious sense of insecurity.

In private, it is inevitable to whisper with his precious son--do you believe that the Australian is sure?

The issuance of new coins is an important measure of the Senate in Guangzhou, and the public opinion network in charge of Qin Yuan will naturally make corresponding arrangements.In particular, Zhang Yu himself came from a merchant family, so he naturally had more say.

This is more complicated than talking about "gossip" just now. Not only do you have to "propagate" it, but you also have to "persuade" others.Zhang Yu pondered that it was not enough to just say what he said in the weekly public opinion training, he had to have more convincing words.

"Boss He, I dare not say whether the banknotes of the Song Dynasty are reliable or not," Zhang Yuwei said, "But do you always think that Australians are reliable in their work?"

"I really didn't say that." Boss He nodded, "Although I'm a small business, I haven't done any business with Australians, but I've heard people say that Australians are the most trustworthy in business. That is, they don't bully others, and they don't default on the payment. It's a good time to charge."

"That's it." Zhang Yu knew that the owner of this tea house actually had a good impression of Australians, because it was close to Chengxuan Street, and the servants in the yamen, the servants of wealthy families, and all kinds of people who clinged to these people Zhongcheng Fox and Sheshu often come and go here. He is not a person with a big threshold as a backer.He could only swallow his anger and greet him with a smile.

After the Australians came, the market immediately became clear.The police went to patrol the streets to clean up the law and order. Not only did the urban foxes and social rats dare not disturb, but the Australians’ own servants came to drink tea in the shop, and they all paid according to the price. human phenomenon.For this, Boss He gave his thumbs up for a long time.

With such a foundation, it is not too difficult to persuade.Just start with the good deeds of the Australians.

"...Do you think Australians are trustworthy people, how can they cheat on the money and ruin their reputation?" Zhang Yu said, "If Australians want money, Guangzhou is their world , as long as you enter the city for about three days, how much gold, silver and treasures you will not get, why use such means to collect money?"

Boss He seems to be convinced, but after all, it is about money. The silver and copper coins that have been used to for so many years have now become a piece of paper, which cannot be explained in a few simple words.

"Furthermore, circulation coupons have been in circulation in Qiongzhou for a long time, and they were seen occasionally in Guangzhou in the past. Although they are not used locally, they have been used in Qiongzhou for many years, and I have never heard of them becoming a piece of waste paper. There are quite a few people in the city who have been to Lingao to do business—you must have heard of it.”

Shopkeeper He has indeed heard many tea customers talk about the "Australian Circulation Voucher", but at that time it was just an anecdote, and he never thought that Australians would use it in Guangzhou one day.It is true that no one said that there is a problem with the circulation certificates-although the people who went into business at the beginning had to exchange silver for circulation certificates when they went, but they have never heard of any embarrassment when they have to exchange for silver when they leave .He was a little moved, and nodded slightly unconsciously.

"Furthermore, how much silver can a small businessman like us touch? At the end of the day, apart from dropping some scattered silver, what he receives is not all kinds of copper coins—tell me, this copper coin How can it be worth more than Australian tokens?"

These words are very important.Although there was no saying in Ming Dynasty that "bad money drives out good money", this law is already effective in the market.The copper coins that everyone takes out to spend are almost all thin and light, bad coins that will even fall in half when dropped on the ground, and it is rare to see good coins of sufficient weight.

If we want to talk about the value of this kind of copper coin, it is better to talk about the credit that people have become accustomed to using to make money for many years-everyone agrees that it is a kind of "money".

Neither Zhang Yu nor shopkeeper He understands the definition of currency, but these simple principles are not incomprehensible.

"...Besides, shopkeeper He, didn't you make tea chips when you were short of money in the past, giving change to tea customers, paying bills to noodle shops and vegetable vendors? What do you think your chips made of bamboo are worth? Don't you rely on them? The credit you have accumulated over the years of opening a store here!"

Shopkeeper He slapped his thigh: "Ayu, I understand! After all, whether this Australian banknote is used to make money, everyone can use it because of their credit!"

"Exactly." Zhang Yu nodded and said, "No one can stand without trust. Who is the most trustworthy in this world?"

He Zhang couldn't help but said with emotion: "Ayu, what you said makes sense. You have read the book after all, and you can see it clearly."

"Where, where," Zhang Yu said modestly, "this is my little knowledge. Besides, the tokens can also be exchanged for silver dollars. You really don't have to worry about getting together a thousand cash notes to exchange for silver dollars. That’s it? You should feel at ease with the silver dollar.”

"That's right, that's right," shopkeeper He nodded repeatedly, "Why didn't I think of that! It's clearly stated in the exchange notice, I'm really confused! Now I feel relieved."

Zhang Yu saw that it was getting late, so he left and came out, and saw that Zeng Juan had already given a lecture on the social life edition of the continuous report: "The Missing Story of the Ming Girl".

Although the case of the Maojia Inn was cracked because of the investigation of the whereabouts of Mingnv, the case of Mingnv itself does not have much criminal investigation content, but it has great social significance. Minister Ding believes that this is a time to promote the superiority of the Senate system and expose the Ming Dynasty. An excellent theme of the dark atrocities of human trafficking, it is going to turn the disappearance of Mingnu into the "Madeleine's disappearance" in the 17th century.The propaganda department took advantage of this to carry out a special promotion with great fanfare.To highlight the people under the rule of the elders "enjoy peace" and "have human rights".

So the report of this case became a long-form continuous report under the planning of several pens from the propaganda department.

Wen Desi, who rarely appeared in public in Guangzhou, also wrote and published an article entitled "Every Child Is a Child of the Senate" in the "Yangcheng Express", which contributed to the whole news propaganda.

After being exaggerated by a long newspaper report, the disappearance of Ming Nu became a hot topic on the streets of Guangzhou—if it wasn't for the horror of the Maojia Inn case, the number one topic of seizing the tea house would be no problem.

Seeing Zeng Juan reading the newspaper shaking his head, talking about Gao Chongjiu and Li Ziyu going to the tea house to investigate "hard-heartedness", Mingnu's parents still refused to reveal her whereabouts.Unknowingly smiled slightly, Ah Yu has become well-off now, it's all in the newspapers!Thinking of this, he was sincerely happy for his little friend.

At this moment, in the "lounge" of the general manager's office suite in Ziming Building, Guangzhou, Pei Lixiu was wearing a hollowed-out silk pajamas and was leaning on a leather sofa half-reclining and half-lying, with her breasts half exposed, a pair of Lazy look.

At this moment, she has not recovered from the alcohol in the banquet at noon. Pei Lixiu came back from Lingao, and she was called back to Lingao shortly after the recovery of Guangzhou.It has nothing to do with the suspicious statements of the Guihuamin employees at Guangzhou Station, such as "Pei is called back to question the crime" and "has been sent to jail". She actually went back to talk about Ziminglou with Li Mei, who is in charge of business work. It was reorganized into the specific plan of Ziminglou Entertainment Co., Ltd.

Ziminglou has been in Guangzhou for many years, and has blazed a new path in the traditional courtyard with the "Australian style of enjoyment", becoming the most profitable enterprise in Guangzhou Station.The huge prospect of this "smoke-free industry" will naturally not be ignored by the business sector.Considering that the potential customer base faced by only establishing a "leisure club" is too narrow, after several considerations, Minister of Commerce Li Mei proposed to set up a comprehensive entertainment company with Ziminglou as the leading enterprise.At the same time, chain operations must also be launched.

During the few months in Lingao, she went to departments non-stop, discussing cooperation, asking for policies, talking to designers, visiting the factory to see samples... all she wanted was to make Ziminglou even better.

Expanding the scope of business and opening chain stores all require a lot of investment.Relying on financial appropriations is of course useless.Fortunately, Guangzhou is carrying out a massive rectification of the customs industry. It turns out that the government-owned institutions are enemy property, so they naturally have to be confiscated.These "big tigers" are finished, and the remaining industries can also be taken over.Not to mention there are human resources readily available...

Under such circumstances, Pei Lixiu hurriedly returned to Guangzhou from Lingao, and officially started her work.

At this time, she has been officially appointed as the general manager of Ziming Building and the representative of the Senate.Pei Lixiu had no complaints about her appointment as the general manager. Ming Lang and Li Mei thought that she would be disappointed if she just became the general manager of a state-owned enterprise after Guangzhou was restored—after all, Zheng Shangjie was also the director of Guangzhou's commercial bureau.

But Pei Lixiu didn't see it that way, she was satisfied to be able to return to Ziminglou to preside over the work.Her political ambitions are limited, and she knows where her abilities lie.Besides, she is more familiar with Guangzhou than Lingao. Ziminglou is not only the place where her career started, but also a lot of her hard work.It is also her main link to external social relations... The background of Guangzhou as the largest city in Nantian is different from that of the nouveau riche in Lingao. Pei Lixiu's favor is even more favored by the young master of the family.

(End of this chapter)

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