Lin Gao Qiming

Chapter 1844 The Road to Expansion of Ziming Building

Chapter 1844 The Road to Expansion of Ziming Building
As soon as she returned to Guangzhou, several regular customers of the Ziming Tower in the city, the wealthy sons and boys, came out one by one, and held a banquet in the Ziming Tower to "clean up the wind and cleanse the dust" for her. Come, but also sent someone to bring a gift, saying that he "occasionally feels cold" and "visit another day".

At the noon banquet, the guests and the host had a good time.Send off the last group of guests.Although Pei Lixiu was dizzy, she was very excited and went back to her "general manager's office".

Her secretary Xia He greeted her into the lounge with a happy face, helped her settle down, and brought her "hangover soup".After Han Yue was suddenly transferred away, Xia He, who had already been marginalized, regained control of the "inner chamber" of Ziming Tower.Become the number one "popular person" in Ziminglou

**** Naturally, the news that Han Yue was suddenly arrested recently made Xia He walk with wind.Even the staff in Ziming Building knew that Secretary Xia had a "happy event".

"It's better to drink a few glasses less for social gatherings. Even though it's fruit wine, it's still harmful to the body." Xia He said and sent the latest "Guangzhou Social Conditions", which still exuded the fragrance of ink.

"When old friends reunite, it's inevitable that they will have to drink a few more glasses. Besides, the company's development in the future will not be without their support." Pei Lixiu rubbed her temples.I flipped through "Guangzhou Social Conditions" casually.I saw the latest report on the disappearance of Mingnu.

She was very interested in this case - not about protecting the rights and interests of women and children, but Dong Mingdang who appeared in the report.Dong Mingdang knew her well. When she was the lady magistrate of Guangzhou, although she had a low status in Dong's residence, for the purpose of playing chess, Ziminglou still entertained Dong Mingdang's mother and daughter.However, she didn't leave much impression on this concubine young lady.Dong Mingdang's performance in this Ming Girl's Story really impressed Pei Li.

This kind of thinking is naturally nothing in the 21st century when hype prevails. Isn't it common for ordinary people in the 17th century!
"I didn't expect that this little girl still has a big gap in her chest. She used this to promote her store. Why didn't she find that she had such a talent for business at the time. It's quite a bit of a shop and an advertisement." means."

Why didn't I find out that she was this material?It seems that the new society can discover talents.In fact, Pei Lixiu was not too interested in reforming the society, and suddenly she seemed to understand why the elders were so keen on it.

She casually turned to the second page, which was the first "big tiger" in the rectification of the custom industry - the rectification record of Fangchunyuan. The reports on "Social Conditions" do not contain much emotional color, and the facts are recorded in a straightforward manner, and the content is much more detailed than the public reports.

The rectification of the customs industry is what Pei Lixiu cares most about.What she got from Lingao was not investment, but "policy".To what extent this "policy" can be implemented depends entirely on the results of the rectification of the custom industry.

Because Fangchunyuan was the first large courtyard that was actually found guilty of the crimes of "forcing women for prostitution" and "smuggling human beings", as a typical example, after the working group officially settled in, this courtyard was basically "destroyed" .

The "root-digging" campaign carried out by the working group in the Fangchun Courtyard, after Lian Nishang tortured sister Han Qiao, Huang Xiang, Mu Yun, and Sister-in-law Yao, who were "incumbents" in the courtyard, the seemingly calm and stagnant visit The Spring Courtyard was like a volcano erupting.

Not only prostitutes have come out to complain about the abuse and exploitation they have received, but even mothers, servants, and "bean flour water" have also come out to "reveal" and "complain".For a moment, the wall fell and everyone pushed, even Huang Xiang and Mrs. Yao cried bitterly about their "tragic history", expressing their determination to "draw a clear line" with Sister Han Qiao, "renew their hearts and start a new life".

Pei Lixiu glanced at the prostitutes in front of her and complained, and the content of the crime of the old bustard fell directly to the introduction to the specific situation of the Fangchun Courtyard. Here is a detailed list of the land area, building structure, personnel composition and fixed assets of the Fangchun Courtyard, etc. Wait.Let Pei Lixiu fully evaluate how big this piece of "meat" is, and how much can be eaten by herself.

Ziming Building is a state-owned enterprise directly under the Planning Institute. Although it is not considered a "first-level national policy company", it is also an important source of finance for the Senate.In the past, this was of course nothing, it was just one of the countless straws inserted into Daming to suck blood.It is different now. Ziminglou is located in Guangzhou, but it is a state-owned enterprise directly under the Planning Institute. The profits and taxes are all given to the central government. As far as the Guangzhou Municipal Government is concerned, it only has land tax revenue.

In other words, for Ziminglou Entertainment Co., Ltd. to grow bigger and stronger, it is the planning institute that eats meat, and Mayor Liu's place is at best a soup.

What's more, the expansion plan of Ziming Building is based on the idea of ​​confiscating property in Guangzhou's clean-up campaign.The attitude of Guangzhou Special City towards the expansion plan of Ziming Building can be imagined.

Pei Lixiu ran around Lingao, and many people pointed out the issue of "central and local" either implicitly or bluntly.

"The piece of meat from Fangchunyuan may not be able to be eaten smoothly." Pei Lixiu put down "Social Love" and muttered to herself.

"Chief, Su Ai is here. Do you want to invite her in?"

"Here? Let her come in." Pei Lixiu lifted her spirits.After Su Ai was rescued by Thorpe from Zhaoqing, she has been placed in Ziming Building.She had nowhere to turn to, and was born as a famous prostitute who couldn't carry her shoulders or hands. Apart from "service enterprises" like Ziminglou, she really had no place to live.Fortunately, she was born in Yangzhou Shouma, and she can be regarded as a professional counterpart in Ziming Building, so she specializes in reception and training.


Su Ai walked in, and gave her a blessing respectfully.Although it was not the first time they had met, they were still submissive in every way. After saluting, they immediately stood aside and waited for orders.

In the past, in private, she was Pei Lixiu's "handkerchief friend", a boudoir friend who talked about everything; in public, she was the most favored wife around the dignified Guangzhou inspector, and Pei Lixiu's friendship with her was clinging.

It's not quite the same now, Pei Lixiu is not only the official ruler of Guangzhou City, but also the elder of the Senate in Guangdong, who was "unbelievably expensive" in the Song Dynasty; dispensers.She is just a "bereaved dog", and she makes a living by relying on past friendships.The relationship between the two cannot be mistaken.

So after she came to Ziming Building, she never dared to call herself Pei Lixiu's "old friend", always respectful and humble.

Pei Lixiu was no longer surprised by her way of acting, and felt very pleased with it.She waved her hand and said politely:
"Our sisters are still polite, what are you doing, sit, sit, and chat with me for a while."

"Yes, thank you chief." Pei Lixiu whispered, carefully sitting down on the next stool.

When Pei Lixiu called Su Ai, she naturally didn't want to catch up with her or talk about poetry—Su Ai knew at the beginning that this girl Pei was an idiot. maid.At best, it is just knowing a few words.

In the old lady's salon of Ziming Building, Pei Lixiu played the role of a hospitable and enthusiastic hostess, she didn't know anything about elegance.

Pei Lixiu was actually making plans for the Fangchunyuan—although she had never been to the Fangchunyuan, she had heard that it was one of the best large courtyards in the city. Not only was the house magnificent, but the location was also excellent.If Ziminglou can occupy it, it will be of great benefit to the future business development.

This is still one of them. Pei Lixiu's ambitions are not limited to this. In her opinion, the rich manpower of the old courtyard is also a considerable resource. It is the right person to supplement the ever-expanding workforce of the Ziming Building. There are great benefits to running a business.

However, she is a modern woman after all, and she doesn't know anything about the old-style courtyards, and it is even more difficult to understand the thinking mode of the "practitioners" in it.

Fortunately, she has Su Ai here now, and Su Ai was born as a famous prostitute in the south of the Yangtze River.Naturally, she couldn't hide the various routines of the academy, and they were the ones she could rely on.

However, Su Ai was born in a lean horse in Yangzhou, and her ability to serve men is top-notch. When it comes to specific management, she is beyond her capabilities.What's more, the life of selling laughter for a living for many years made her very dependent.It's okay to be a consultant, but it's not enough to be in charge of one's work alone.I have to find another reliable and capable person...

Pei Lixiu thought about it, and asked, "Sister Su, I heard that you were born in the Jiangnan courtyard?"

It was not appropriate for Su Ai to ask this question when she was Gao Xunyan's "Mrs. Ru".Even a courtesan is not necessarily so glorious.Now there is nothing to be ashamed of.

"Yes, the slaves used to be in the courtyard in Yangzhou." Su Ai didn't know why Miss Pei suddenly asked about the past, and replied.

Although Pei Lixiu told her several times not to call herself "servant", she still used this modest title.

"The pair of rules of the academy must be very familiar."

"Naturally, this servant has been in the courtyard since she was a child, until she was redeemed by Mr. Gao at the age of 19. I have seen a lot of things in the courtyard, and I know a little bit about the ups and downs."

"Then how much does my sister know about the local academy?"

Famous prostitutes like Su Ai are born with a delicate heart, and she can read and read newspapers every day, knowing all kinds of troubles in the Guangzhou market, so she immediately understood what Pei Lixiu meant—she fell in love with the interviewer. Chunyuan!

She was not surprised at all. Since ancient times, it has been common for officials to bully others and seize other people's property. When they wanted to attack the Australians, it was because some people took a fancy to the Australians' property and forced them to contribute. of.The officials of the Ming Dynasty did the first day of junior high school, so don't blame the Australians for the fifteenth day.Guangzhou is now dominated by Australians. It is only natural to choose the fat and eat it!
(End of this chapter)

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