Lin Gao Qiming

Chapter 1845 Advanced Worker

Chapter 1845 Advanced Worker

I deliberately asked myself, presumably because I wanted to borrow from myself in the next step.

After eating the fat of Fangchunyuan, Australians will naturally not let it go easily.Su Ai claims to know Australians very well-that is, "seeing money as life".When they fled from Guangzhou in a hurry, their eyebrows were burning and their swords were on their necks. Dongzhu Guo still made a big move. Except for the clumsy guys who were inconvenient to carry, there was almost nothing of value left in the Ziming Building.

Although the Australians have this unique "Zi Ming Lou", they know little about the inside story of Xingyuan and Lehu.Obviously belong to the "professional talents" that Australians call.

In this way, wouldn't he be able to become a "Buddhist"?
Immediately he was overjoyed, and hurriedly said: "This chief can be regarded as asking someone. I don't know much about the local slaves and maids, but the slaves were originally Lehu from Jiangnan, and they were honed in the courtyard when they were young. The scene inside can be said to be crystal clear. If there is a place for slaves and maids, slaves should do their best to repay."

Pei Lixiu nodded slightly: "Sister Su's ability, I naturally have to rely on it."

"Yes, yes." Su Ai nodded repeatedly.

"Sister Su, how many of the women in the academy really want to eat this bowl of rice?" Pei Lixiu asked suddenly.

This was a rare question, Su Ai didn't know what she meant for a while, but after thinking about it, she understood: These days, Australians are reporting "Purge the Customs Industry" with great fanfare in the newspapers, and the tone of "liberating women" is very Gao, the most important of which is accusing brothels of "forcing girls into prostitution"...

She tasted the meaning of Pei Lixiu's words, and thought about the previous question, and immediately figured out what Pei Lixiu was thinking.Then he replied with a smile on his face: "Chief, if you say that they are all willing to eat this bowl of rice, then of course there is no such thing. However, girls from happy families like slaves are regarded as pariahs by everyone, and they are not allowed to do business as a scholar, farmer, businessman, or businessman for generations." , the old and the young can only play and sing, and make a living by singing and laughing. If you don’t eat this bowl of rice, can you eat that bowl of rice? Even if you want to change your career to a good one, you have to change it when you are young, like slaves Remnant flowers and willows, even if you change your career to become a mother, people still think that slaves are too stupid." He said with a self-deprecating smile, "Speaking of a lack of ambition, I have been in this business for a long time, and I only want a bustard. Be kinder, the slaves are having a better life, and they are working harder to start 'business'. There is no other idea to say, but there is no more."

After she finished speaking, she looked up at Pei Lixiu's expression and saw that she nodded slightly, as if she had an idea.Su Ai knew that she guessed very well.I wanted to add a few more words, but on second thought it would be better to say less.

Only to hear Pei Lixiu ask again: "Ms. Dong Mingdang, the lady of Dong Zhifu's family in Guangzhou, Ming Dynasty, do you know her?"

"I don't know the maidservant——when Dong Zhifu arrived in Guangzhou, the slaveservant had already gone to Zhaoqing." Su Ai said, "But I heard that she is a capable woman: it is said that when the Heavenly Army entered the city, Dong Nizi took poison. I ran to Mrs. Liu to ask for property, just this courage is admirable, not to mention that she is now serving her mother to open a shop and earn her own living, she is really a heroine. Falling into Zhaoqing and suffering so much!"

"In the new society, women can hold up half the sky." For some reason, Pei Lixiu spit out a political slogan that was seldom used in the past, "It was suppressed everywhere in the Ming Dynasty so that it must not be shown, and now in the new system of my Senate Women can give full play to their talents, and they are just as good as men in studying and doing business. I think this Miss Dong family is a talent to be's a pity..."

Su Ai didn't know why she suddenly said "it's a pity", but after thinking about it again, she understood.Pei Yuan always wanted to promote her, but it's a pity that Dong Mingdang is the daughter of the "challenge enemy", a true "official family member", and if he didn't follow the rules of the Ming Dynasty, he was demoted to an official prostitute.

Su Ai pondered for a moment, and said: "Don't feel sorry for the chief. She has such a small situation, it is the great grace of Song Dynasty. This small business is like a seedling, which cannot withstand the wind and frost. If the chief is at this time It would be great to be able to apply some rain and dew.”

Pei Lixiu understood the meaning of Su Ai's words: it is not feasible to directly recruit Dong Mingdang, but this does not prevent some kindness to win her heart and serve herself.

Li Ziyu is very proud these days: the whole police station is rumored that he was interviewed by Chief Wen.

A few days ago, he was invited to participate in the commendation conference for advanced workers in Guangzhou. This commendation conference was said to be from the whole province of Guangdong, but in fact most of them were advanced workers from the special city of Guangzhou.In order to promote and encourage more local aborigines to come out and take part in the work, a group of new naturalized workers who have joined the work since the recovery of Guangdong were specially selected as models—this is how Li Ziyu was selected.

Participating in the commendation conference is a brand-new experience, whether it is holding a conference, listening to a report, watching the "Documentary Film of Australia's Construction Achievements", participating in a is both fresh and interesting for this young man.And the new vocabulary and "standard" Newspeak of the old naturalized people made him even more ashamed.

The three-day conference time is fleeting, and the noon of the last day is a group interview.Eighty advanced workers are waiting to be interviewed on three rows of chairs and stools arranged in a stepped shape.When he saw the "Emissary of the Great Song Dynasty, Guangdong and Guangxi", the legendary "Shou Zhang Wen" came out from the side door of the lobby and waved to everyone with a smile on his face. The audience immediately burst into warm applause. He walked sideways in front of them, smiling and clapping.In an instant, a huge excitement that was completely unknown invaded Li Ziyu's body, and he unconsciously followed the old Guihuamin, clapping desperately and cheering.

Whenever he thinks about this scene, he is full of energy and blood boils.Chief Wen, I heard that he is the biggest official in Australia and Song Dynasty. He didn't believe it before, but when he met him that day, he could feel it from the eyes of Bureau Mu and Mayor Liu next to him.Chief Wen was very kind, and asked him something. Now that I think about it carefully, I don’t remember it at all. I was so excited at the time, and I only remember that I said a lot of things like serving the Senate.After returning home, I talked to my parents, but they were very happy. My mother cooked a good meal specially, and my father drank wine with him. The meal was late, and my parents repeatedly told him to eat well. Do it as soon as possible to get a job as a police officer and make a good face for the family.Every time Li Ziyu thought of this, he would chuckle from the bottom of his heart, lowering his head and struggling to copy the security statement on the document for backup.

"Xiao Li, haven't you eaten yet? You are very motivated." Someone threw his head through the window in the corridor.

"Yeah, Lord Jiu." Li Ziyu looked up and found that Gao Zhongjiu was looking at him with a smile. Ziyu said shyly, "Master Jiu, have you had lunch?"

"I'm going to the cafeteria." Gao Zhongjiu shook the meal coupon in his hand, "Why haven't you eaten yet? You have to fill your stomach first if you want to be advanced,"

"Where, that's good, there are a few more words. After writing this backup, let's go together. Master Jiu."

After a while, Li Ziyu stopped writing, took a meal coupon from the drawer, and quickly walked out of the security department's door.Gao Chongjiu stood there and looked at him with a smile, which made Li Ziyu very unnatural.

"Master Jiu, what's the matter? Is there something on my face?" Li Ziyu checked her body and found nothing that shouldn't be there. She scratched her head at a loss and asked.

"It's okay, lad, you're so lucky to have solved such a big case for you when you just entered the industry. I've been on official business for so long, and what happened to you is rare. I heard that you were interviewed by the chief?"

"Where, where, isn't Master Jiu carrying these, the kid is just playing with him." The two chatted as they walked.

"Hehe, the boy is not bad, and he knows how to look after the old man's face without being arrogant. He has a future." Gao Chongjiu patted Li Ziyu's shoulder for fear, and then said mysteriously: "Ziyu, this time I want, please You helped."

"Jiu Ye, what are you talking about, my own, if you have anything to do, just tell me, I will help if I can."

"It's nothing serious. It's like this: This time, the two of us were recommended by the Mu Bureau to be sent to Lingao for training. You also know that my brother can't read many words, so you have to help him when the time comes. My brother knows that you read Those who have passed the book, such as exams and so on, must help my brother order."

"What? To Lingao? Us? Training?"

"You don't know?" Gao Chongjiu stopped and looked at Li Ziyu's mouth that was wide enough to stuff an egg into.

Li Ziyu shook her head like a rattle: "Master Jiu, I really don't know."

Gao Chongjiu pulled Li Ziyu to continue walking and said quietly: "I just told me from our section chief. Silly boy, this is a good opportunity to make a fortune. Has no one heard of it? Want to be promoted? I have to get a three-month intermediate police training in Lingao. Thanks to you this time, brother, I will also be sent to Lingao. Our section chief said that I was originally an old man in the county government office, with a low education level. Not high, it is impossible to participate in this kind of training.”

"Where, it's the kid who entrusted Master Jiu's blessing."

"Well, don't tell me, our Tai O Song Dynasty is different from the former Ming Dynasty. There is no ambiguity in rewards for meritorious deeds. Brother, I have been on business all my life. I have solved many cases. In addition to a few compliments, the master will give you a few taels." Yin Zi, when did such benefits fall to me? I’ll be nothing but a yamen servant when I grow old!”

"Yeah, um, yes, yes." Li Ziyu nodded, his heart was full of joy, a happy event came from heaven.Although Gao Chongjiu's words were ominous, Li Ziyu wanted to ask the section chief after a while.

The two were talking, and they arrived at the cafeteria in the backyard after a while.When Li Ziyu was queuing up for lunch, he felt that many people were paying attention to him, and even heard a few words about how lucky this kid was, so he ate two extra bowls for lunch.

(End of this chapter)

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