Lin Gao Qiming

Chapter 1846

Chapter 1846

In the afternoon, Li Ziyu was very enthusiastic about his work. After copying the documents, he went on two missions with the team, both of which were arrests in brothels.Recently, there have been a lot of anonymous reports from various brothels, and a large number of old cases about prostitutes being tortured to death by procuresses and house leaders have been uncovered.

These report letters arrived at the police station, and all of them were transferred to the Public Security Section, which is currently undertaking the rectification case of the custom industry.After simple sorting and analysis, they began to arrest people according to the list.

Neither the naturalized people from Hainan nor the local recruits have modern legal concepts.What's more, there are basically no good people in the brothel industry, and there is nothing wrong with arresting them. Mu Min also intends to ensure a high-pressure situation on the sex industry, so arresting people with clues has become the only standard for handling cases.

The arrested people were thrown directly into the temporary detention center and questioned slowly.Li Ziyu was so busy that she had to register, record statements, and go through formalities.Although he was busy, he never saw the section chief, and he felt a little uneasy.Lian Nishang didn't come back until he was about to get off work.As soon as he entered the door, he patted the document on Li Ziyu's hand and said to him: "Ayu, congratulations, you were called by the director to go to Lingao for training. This is the notice."

"Thank you, Chief Lian!" The stone in Li Ziyu's heart finally fell into his stomach.He took the notice from the section chief, and snapped an "Australian-style" stand at attention.

"You're welcome, it's all the grace of the Senate." Lian Nishang looked at the young man in front of him with complicated emotions, and he still had a little envy in his heart, "The departure time hasn't been set yet, but it's just a few days. Let’s talk about things here.”


Li Ziyu took the transfer order document, and the security department suddenly became lively. Colleagues around surrounded him. Everyone congratulated Li Ziyu. With the help of noble people, everyone wants Li Ziyu to be promoted after training and not to forget about himself.While socializing with colleagues, Li Ziyu looked at the notification letter. Although he tried hard to put on a calm expression of "not surprised by humiliation", the corners of his mouth turned up in joy.

The few lines of simple and emotionless words in the notice are simply wonderful and beautiful articles for him to read.It is as refreshing as fine nectar and jade liquid.He immediately understood why the sociology teacher said that "a good article can also be served with wine".

I couldn't help but read the order dozens of times over and over again, until I almost recited every word and sentence.Only then did Li Ziyu reluctantly keep the notice close to her body.It's time to get off work——on weekdays, he always has to postpone getting off work a little bit, but he decided to tell his family members the good news earlier and share his joyful mood with them.

Before reaching the door of the house, Li Ziyu's voice had already spread far into the yard.

"Old Dou, Mom, I'm back!"

Li Ziyu's mother came out to welcome her, and just as she walked to the courtyard gate, she saw Li Ziyu trotting in hurriedly.

Although Li Ziyu's family is a military household, they also pay attention to "regular behavior" and behave well.After working for an Australian, you have to have "prestige" as a policeman, so it is rare to have such a performance, which surprised Li's mother very much.

Now is the time to change the dynasty, and I always feel a little uneasy, looking at Li Ziyu nervously:
"Yu'er, what's the matter? Why are you so early today?" Li Ziyu dragged her into the main room before she finished speaking.I saw my father sitting on the edge of the table and reading the newspaper.Li Ziyu turned around and pushed his mother down on the chair next to the tea table, and said to his parents: "Father, mother, my son has developed this time, and the notice has just come to ask my son to go to Lingao for training. When he comes back, he has to get a The official did it. Didn't expect it, what we were thinking about a few days ago, happened today. Do you think your son is lucky?" As he spoke, Li Ziyu took out the transfer order from his bosom and held it in his hand Shaking.

"What? Really?" Father Li put down the newspaper in his hand and stood up, almost knocking down the cup on the note table in agitation.

"Father, look." Li Ziyu handed the transfer order to his father.Father Li glanced up and down and asked, "This training?"

"Father, it's like this: In the officialdom of the Song Dynasty, you can't be an official without training. Even if you are already an official, before you want to be promoted to a higher level, you must go through training again before you can take office. So that is Talk about your son——I'm going to be an official soon, although I'm a younger one." Li Ziyu repeated what he heard from Gao Chongjiu in detail.

"Hey. Dad understands." Father Li's face turned red, and he turned to Mother Li and said, "Mother, go quickly, go to the alley, and find Tian Butcher to buy two catties of pork head meat, no, buy one Pig head, get another two catties of wine! Our Li family is going to prosper again! This is all thanks to the blessings of our ancestors! Go quickly, why are you standing still? Go quickly. We have to worship our ancestors when we come back!"

Li's mother responded repeatedly, hurriedly went to get the basket and went out.

Li's father was so happy that he didn't know what to say. He watched Li's mother who was also crying with excitement and turned around and left the main room.Turning around to Li Ziyu: "What kind of official is a small official? This is an official status! Official status!"

Li Ziyu thought to himself that I have been a civil servant for a long time, and I am still a civil servant when I go up. If this is an official status, then he has already had it.However, there was no way to explain this to his father, so he could only respectfully respond: "Father is right."

"With this first step, there will be the next ones. I'll invite the ancestral tablet, and you call Zhao Gui, tidy up the main room, and bring out the Eight Immortals table."

"Zhao Gui, are you back?"

"He's on the morning shift today, and he came back in the afternoon." Father Li said, "He told me that you are going to get rich, and I thought it was a bit mysterious, but I didn't expect what he said was true!"

Father Li suddenly remembered something, pointed to the newspaper and said, "No wonder, your story was published in the newspaper. It seems to be true, the Australians really want to promote you!"

"Oh? I've been very busy these days, and I haven't had time to read the newspaper yet. I'll take a look." Li Ziyu said, going to get the newspaper.

"What's the rush, let's get down to business first. You go and call Zhao Gui and ask him to help. Although he is not from my Li family, he is also a loyal and reliable person, and he is blessed—after he arrives at our house, Your luck has been good. I think you can become brothers with different surnames with him in the future. Maybe someday he will help you."

Li Ziyu agreed.While talking, Li's mother came in from the outside with the pig's head in her hand, and said happily, "Tian Tuhu is making fun of you, knowing that you are going to Lingao for training, and gave you half a pair of intestines and lungs. I will wash them all. Do."

The incense table has been put out, and the ancestral tablet has been invited out.Mother Li called out: "Help me." Zhao Gui ran out from the kitchen next to the main room, took the wine and pig's head from Mother Li's hand, turned around and went into the kitchen again.

Li's mother followed Zhao Gui into the kitchen and got busy, but the father and son in the main room were enjoying themselves: Li's father looked at the order over and over again, and sometimes recited it in an accent;After Mother Li and Zhao Gui had arranged all the things for the memorial service, Mother Li came out to say hello: "Master, the things are ready, it's getting late."

The father and son put down the things in their hands, and everyone stood in front of the incense table, offering incense and prostrating, paying homage to the ancestors and comforting the spirits of the ancestors in heaven.Although Agui did not bow down, he was also watching the ceremony.After worshiping the ancestors, the family and Zhao Gui ate and drank until very late, and it was not over until Father Li got drunk.

Because there are many things in the bureau, and there is a handover, the few things at hand must be dealt with as soon as possible.Li Ziyu returned to the bureau early the next morning. As soon as he entered the security department, he saw someone bringing a young man in.Wearing green pleats, a pair of fine-knotted Chenqiao cloth shoes, black silk knee pads tied on clear water cloth socks, and a tasseled cap on his head.At first glance, it looks like the clothes of the wandering children in the city.

When he came in, he yelled "wronged" loudly, saying, "I walked well, neither stole nor robbed, and didn't even spit out a mouthful of phlegm. Why did you take him into the yamen?"

The arrested policeman didn't respond, and dragged him directly into the registration room, where he was photographed for registration.Li Ziyu didn't take it seriously and continued to do his copywriting work.

Within a few minutes, the policeman who was going through the formalities in the registration room suddenly rushed out and shouted: "Quick, find a doctor!"

There was a sudden ripple in the pre-trial room. The part-time hygienist hurried in with a medical kit, and some rushed to find the doctor on duty at the police station.

Li Ziyu walked over to watch the excitement, but saw on the floor of the registration room that the young man who had just been brought in was twitching and foaming at the mouth.A few policemen surrounded him, some gave him Zhuge Xingjun powder to sniff, and some undressed him, all in a panic.

The man was not unconscious yet, he just kept tearing off the clothes on his chest, gasping for breath, shouting for water in a hoarse voice.After a few minutes of work, suddenly his head tilted away, and his whole body seemed to be loose.

Li Ziyu secretly thought something was wrong, his whole body was twitching at first, but now he suddenly relaxed, most likely he was out of his wits.

Sure enough, the doctor who called him took a pulse and shook his head, saying that he was out of breath.

"Unlucky!" The policeman who caught him stomped his feet, "Finally caught him, and he died again! Now the special case team will have a hard time explaining it!"

Li Ziyu originally thought that this was just a young man who committed some trivial matter, so upon hearing this, he hurriedly asked, "Who is the deceased?"

"Who else? One of the criminals who are being secretly pursued in the case of the Maojia Inn: Wang Dong!"

It took more time to arrest Wang Dong than expected.Ever since Wang Dayiao disappeared and was killed, he has been a "lost dog" and has no fixed residence, only "posting whoring" in various brothels to make a living.At night, they often rest in places like the gatehouse and backyard of the courtyard.

After the rectification of the customs industry began, the police frequently entered and exited the major brothels. Wang Dong felt a little unsafe because he had engaged in the "constitution and trafficking of women", so he haunted brothels again and hid in the home of a Lehu with whom he had an old relationship. I spent some days in the "private door".

(End of this chapter)

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