Lin Gao Qiming

Chapter 1848 Snake Track

Chapter 1848 Snake Track
"Snake venom killed?" Zhou Botao asked in disbelief holding the autopsy report.

"That's right, it's a snake bite." Su Guan sat on the big sofa, crossed her legs, one foot was bare, and the other picked up the shoe on the big toe, and said bouncingly, "Although I The snake venom cannot be detected, but according to all signs, it should be a coral snake."

"So there are snakes in the police station?!" Wu Mu said subconsciously looking around the office.

The ecological environment of this time and space is naturally excellent, and there are many situations where people and animals live in harmony. Various snakes are not uncommon in the city of Guangzhou in the south, especially the various yamen they occupy after entering the city. The old house is infested with snakes and insects.However, since Liu San set up smokers everywhere, it has been rare.

"I was not bitten in the police station," Su Wan said. "There is a long process from being bitten to the onset of toxicity. Wang Dong entered the police station for only a few minutes. It is impossible to be bitten in the police station."

"Is that on the way?"

"Someone got ahead of us and silenced him." Zhou Botao threw out a cigar to Su Wan, and lit one himself, "It seems that Wang Xiaoniao still has a lot of secrets."

"I was bitten by a snake, and I didn't know it? When he was arrested, he was on his way to a brothel—shouldn't he go to a doctor immediately if he was bitten by a snake?" Wu Mu felt incredible.

"The corona snake is different." Su Wan said, "The bite is shallow, the pain is not strong, and there are no obvious scars. People tend to ignore it, and it is hopeless when the attack occurs."

"Someone hid a Coral Snake and killed Wang Dong?"

"I'm afraid that's the case." Zhou Botao said, "The sorcerer we are arresting came from Yungui—the mountainous area is full of snakes and insects—and has a strong background in witchcraft. This murderer is probably Wu Zhiqi who is on the run."

Since there is a high possibility that Wang Dong was killed by Wu Zhiqi, he should have met Wu Zhiqi not long before he was arrested.Zhou Botao marked the place where Wang Dong was arrested on the map.Then, based on the time of arrest and death provided by the police, roughly mark his possible range of activities from being bitten to before being arrested.

"This range is not small." Zhou Botao carefully studied the map.

Wu Mu was more familiar with the situation in Guangzhou than Zhou Botao. He looked around and said, "The place where he was arrested is close to Beicheng—I think Wu Zhiqi is probably hiding somewhere outside the Great North Gate."

The people outside the Great North Gate are sparsely populated, there are many coffin shops in various ancestral halls, righteous villages, and buildings with more dead people than living people everywhere, and there are a lot of floating population, a large number of people from Guandi Temple move and live in this area.The Guangzhou Municipal Government has very weak control over that area, and the Baojia system has not yet been fully established.It can be said that Wu Zhiqi is quite safe there - and he can enter and leave the city at any time.

"We can focus on that." Although Zhou Botao had never worked as a police officer, he knew that it would be very good to narrow the scope of investigation to this point.

"But the area outside the Great North Gate is large enough." Wu Mu knew that they had searched that area several times, because the area was too large, and they lacked strong intelligence support, so several searches were fruitless.

"You can refer to a clue," Su Wan interjected, "There are remnants of sliced ​​lotus root in the stomach of the deceased—this thing cannot be preserved for a long time, it must have been picked recently. If his last meal before death was If you eat it at that place where Wu Zhiqi is hiding, then there must be rivers or lakes around."

Wu Mu's eyes fell on the map, and said: "Liuhua Bridge..."

These days Li Ziyu is busy with the handover.He had just finished his meal at noon that day, and as soon as he entered the door of the security department, he was called to him by the section chief.

"Xiao Li, you go home first and clean up. Go to the playground in the backyard of the police station at five o'clock in the afternoon to report and assemble. In the evening, there will be a concentrated action to rectify the city's security work. After the task is completed, you can go directly to Lingao in the evening. Don't worry about other things. arranged."

Li Ziyu had no choice but to go home and notify her parents. She returned to the police station at 4:[-] p.m. and immediately went to the playground in the backyard.The original backyard garden was converted into a playground, and the old moon gate is still preserved, but all the pavilions, pavilions, rockeries, flowers and trees inside have been eradicated, and the river pond has also been filled, leaving only an empty flat land.

There is no guard at the gate of the playground on weekdays, but today there are two men in black police uniforms with blue collar badges and blue cap hoops guarding the Moon Gate.

It was Li Ziyu's turn to check the verification documents. Not only did he double check his photo, but he also specifically checked a list on the clipboard - apparently only those on the list could enter the playground.

Li Ziyu felt an inexplicable sense of tension in his heart, and he suddenly realized that today's action was not a city-wide law and order campaign at all, but some very important special action.

Li Ziyu did not enter the playground until after checking his credentials.As soon as I entered the playground, I was taken aback. The playground was densely packed with people, as small as 200 people.All lined up.At this time, Gao Chongjiu was waving at him, and Li Ziyu saw someone he knew, so he hurried over.Unconsciously, he lowered his voice and said, "Master Jiu, are you here too?"

"Hush. Keep your voice down, stand next to me." Gao Chongjiu gave the person next to him a look, and there was a space next to him, and Li Ziyu quietly stood over.

"Jiuye, is there a big case? I don't think this looks like going to police..." Li Ziyu looked around, most of the faces around him were familiar, and they were all from the bureau. Chongjiu needed a "brother" - the white body government servant, who was specially recruited this time.

"That's just an excuse." Gao Chongjiu knew that Australians valued the most confidentiality, and would never tell anything until the critical moment.The tone of the upper and lower is extremely strict, which is different from the previous yamen, "I think it is likely to be related to the case we uncovered last time."

"Didn't it mean that everyone was caught? The brothers in the interrogation department are as tired as dead dogs."

"I heard that the mastermind behind the scenes has not been arrested. I think there is such a big battle this time, and it is very likely that the mastermind behind the scenes will be arrested."

"Such a big battle!" Li Ziyu was secretly surprised, what a powerful person is behind this scene.

"I heard," Gao Chongjiu lowered his voice to the point of almost whispering, "the mastermind behind this scene is capable of magic..."

This frightened Li Ziyu, and he couldn't help but nervously said: "Demon!?..." Suddenly he realized that he was speaking too loudly, and quickly lowered his voice, "Witchcraft? This is no joke."

"You don't have to be afraid even if there are sorceries." Gao Chongjiu didn't care. "Since ancient times, no sorcery can deal with the official standard and imperial title. Besides, the chief naturally has prepared filth to destroy evil."

"But I didn't see anyone taking the toilet all the way in..."

"Maybe it's a woman's confinement cloth." Gao Zhongjiu said, "You don't have to worry about this. Let's see how many people the chief has transferred here. Let me tell you: Look, this is our brother, and the other side is North Korea. The white horse team of the people; the sword-drawing team of the Japanese pirates over there, and the national army..."

Li Ziyu kept looking around, the whole playground was packed to the brim, the white horse team, the sword drawing team, the national army anti-riot team... like cutting tofu, they were stacked one by one, because the uniforms were different at night, they could be seen clearly.Gao Chongjiu touched Li Ziyu with his elbow and asked softly, "Boy, what do you see?"

"Well, there are five, no. 60 people from the White Horse Team and the Sword Drawing Team, 50 to [-] people from the National Army, and we have more than [-] people. Eh? No, these people don't seem to be police officers." Li Ziyu looked back. The policemen here are all standing loosely, biting each other's ears and looking around.

Although the more than 20 people over there were also wearing police uniforms, they all wore blue collar badges like the people standing guard in front of the Moon Cave Gate.He stood up straight, didn't move, and didn't even make a sound.

"This line, this momentum, tsk tsk tsk." Li Ziyu said, "There is nothing like this in our bureau."

At this time, a few more policemen walked into the line, coughed loudly, and glared at them, and they found a place in the back row in a proper manner.

"Ayu, this is the master of tigers and wolves. How does the Ming Dynasty compare with this momentum?" Gao Chongjiu pouted and said, "These people, I think these people may be the Jinyiwei of the Song Dynasty."

"Ah?!" Li Ziyu almost cried out, and then he took a closer look at those men in black standing around motionless like sculptures.Although their uniforms are the same as those of the police except for the cap hoops and collar badges, their armed belts are neatly tied up, their feet are spread apart, their hands are behind their backs, and their faces are expressionless and majestic.

"Look, these people have no expression on their faces, but their eyes are cold and sharp. They are all... well, harsh and calm people, and they are different from the arrogance of the factory guards." Gao Chongjiu said.

"Stop talking, don't move, stand still." A female policeman came over, glanced at the policemen, and nodded: "Well, everyone is here." After she finished speaking, she stood at the front of the line.She turned her head and said to the policemen, "I am leading the team today, so you don't need to ask too many questions about what you are doing, just follow the orders—you can rest assured, we are only responsible for leading the way and helping people."

"Chief Lian, who are those blue-collared people? Why are they so majestic?" Li Ziyu asked curiously.

"They..." At this point, Lian Changyi's face twitched, and he turned his head away from speaking.

Li Ziyu and Gao Chongjiu looked at each other, as if they had noticed something in each other's eyes, but they felt a little cool behind their backs, they have all heard now that Lian Changyi is now Mu Ju's confidant, and this is the The female police officer Mu Bureau specially came from Lingao turned pale when she talked about it, which made them more sure of the fact that the man in black was Jin Yiwei.

(End of this chapter)

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