Lin Gao Qiming

Chapter 1849

Chapter 1849
The words "Political Security Bureau" had just planted seeds in the hearts of Li Ziyu and Gao Chongjiu, when a voice shouted loudly.

"stand at attention!"

With a sound of brushing, all the men in black stood up straight, put their hands down, and put their heels together.The movements are uniform, as if a person.The whole playground was suddenly silent.

Several people hurried in through the Moon Gate.From the figure, Li Ziyu could probably tell that this was Director Mu, but he couldn't tell the others out. One of the tall and burly men seemed to be a Taoist—what was the origin of this?
There is a rostrum above the ground on the playground, which is used for open-air meetings on weekdays.These people went up to the stage together, it was completely dark, and the two torch cages used for night lighting beside the playground were not lit, so the faces of these people could not be seen clearly.

Mu Min briefly explained the content of the task in a voice just enough for everyone to hear. The arrest operation will be launched near the Liuhua Bridge outside the Great North Gate, and the operation time will be tomorrow morning.All personnel will move to the arresting location in batches at night, waiting for unified instructions to act.

She announced several disciplines, and explained some points for attention.Then order everyone to get the equipment.

"Hey, do you want to get something after catching someone?" Li Ziyu thought to herself.

The items sent to each group were different. Because the police did not undertake the main task of arresting them, in addition to the standard police equipment, they only added leggings and gloves made of thick cloth, and they were reminded to wear them properly.

After each group received and dressed, Mu Min sent someone to check the equipment one by one, and then ordered in a low voice: "Let's go!"

Not far from Liuhua Bridge, there is a cemetery of a rich family. The cemetery is quite large, with a mound on one side and a pond on the other. The tomb is at the sunny place under the hillside. The owner built three houses beside the pond for sacrifices. for.A few more houses were built to live with family members who looked after the grave.

Later, the family fell into decline, and the cemetery was reduced to a Yi Zhuang where the coffins were parked.The house collapsed, the vegetation was deep, and it was no longer what it used to be.In addition, the surrounding area is full of deserted tombs, and the incarnation field at Liuhua Bridge is only a few days away, except for a few beggars resting in the Yizhuang and taking care of the guards, it has become an inaccessible place.

At this moment, Gao Tianshi and Wu Zhiqi were discussing countermeasures in a secret room in the back side room of the three halls where the coffins were parked.Different from the previous few days, Gao Tianshi's tone was a bit unfriendly: "Witch Master, are your spells still effective? According to the news from above: Not only is the gangster magistrate still alive and kicking, but he is also furious because of the haunting. Maybe in the next few days, we will attack the people of Guandi Temple! When the time comes, you old man will pat your ass and leave, and Gao’s family will all be here in Guangzhou!!”

Since Wu Zhiqi moved here, Gao Tianshi not only sent people to guard the surrounding areas, but also strictly protected them.Not to mention this, this Wu Zhiqi looks like a poor Taoist priest, but in fact he enjoys a luxurious life. Not only does his food strive to be exquisite, he also asks Gao Tianshi to supply women for the cauldron, which needs to be replaced every three to five days.

It is very difficult to keep it secret, but also to supply women continuously.Although Gao Tianshi got a lot of money because of this matter, it was really difficult to do such a laborious task, and he couldn't supply it from time to time, which made the Taoist priest furious.

"Hey...hehe...hehehe..." The old man sneered, and said after a while, "The whole family? Gao Tuantou, don't you know that you are really an old man? Your Yangzhou concubine probably brought your illegitimate child My son has gone back to his hometown, so he must have brought a lot of things with him, right?"

Gao Tianshi gasped: the affairs outside his house are very secretive, and he rarely visits him, not to mention his subordinates, even his own wife. How does this old man know?

Gao Tianshi insisted: "One yard counts for one yard. Who would not leave a way out for those who come out? If it weren't for the sake of money, I would be full to fight against the Australians? They all live with their heads in their heads. Gao Mou just doesn’t want my Gao family to lose its incense! But then again, if Gao Mou can’t escape, don’t blame me for confessing everything!!!”

"Hey, escape?" The old man sneered again and again, "I'm afraid you also understand that even if others escape, you are doomed. You Guandi temple people have been running rampant here for many years, and everyone in the city wants to kill you." To sell your face, I am afraid that your subordinates will make trouble for them - I am afraid that the Australians will take you at once, you will be a lost dog, and you will not even have a place to hide."

"I'm afraid he's a bird?" Gao Tianshi said angrily, "At worst, he will die! I have tens of thousands of brothers in Guandi Temple. It's really urgent. If our brothers can't survive, Guangzhou City will also be smashed to pieces."

"Brother Gao Xian, you should speak such cruel words in front of your brother." Wu Zhiqi said, "We are still in the same boat, and Wu Yue is in the same boat and we are talking about helping each other. You want to jump ship now? It's too late! Pindao is a foreigner, if he wanted to leave, he would have left long ago, but you have a family and a mouth..."

After saying this, Gao Tianshi was immediately discouraged and slumped on the chair.

Wu Zhiqi glanced at him contemptuously, stared at the bean-like oil lamp, and sighed quietly, "Our business has failed! There are also capable people in Australia... My spell has been broken! Another spirit ghost is sent to Killing Liu Xiang, but the spirit ghost hasn't come back yet, I'm afraid it has already been taken away!"

"Spirit ghost?" Gao Tianshi gasped, he had seen that thing before, it looked like a human, a ghost, and a ghost, it came and went without a trace, killing people invisible, this old man loves his life.

I didn't expect such a powerful monster to be planted in the hands of Australians!
"Then, what should we do now?!" Gao Tianshi was stern, and could not help but change into a discussion tone.

"Don't be restless, protect me for a few more days. After I have completed the method of transshipment, I will naturally go far away and leave this place of right and wrong. As for you, even if you don't want to part with the land of Guangzhou, you can only do it yourself." Good luck." The sorcerer said, crossing his legs on the futon and closing his eyes to rest, ignoring Gao Tianshi.

Gao Tianshi's face was ashamed, he only now knew that this thief boat could not get on or off.He had a premonition that his end was approaching!However, he knew that he would not get any new ideas for a long time here.Whether it's the wizard or the "Shi Weng", they have already regarded themselves as an "abandoned son".

He staggered out, and outside the Yizhuang, there were wild ghosts and ghosts in the dark field.Gao Tianshi was sobered up by the cold wind. For a moment, he had the idea of ​​reporting to the Australians.

However, he immediately put aside this thought, not to mention that this half-human, half-demon wizard is too terrifying, even if he has no mana, what he has done will only be worth a thousand dollars if it falls into the hands of the Australians !

Seeing him leaving in a daze, Wu Zhiqi couldn't help smiling coldly.Put away the bamboo cane leaning on the corner of the table, and put the lid on it.He looked out of the window. At this time, the Bell and Drum Tower had struck the third watch in the morning, midnight had passed, and it was the time when the night was at its thickest. Tonight was a night with a dark moon and few stars, and the moonlight outside the window was extraordinarily thick.Suddenly his complexion changed, he pinched his fingers to calculate silently, muttered something, his face was cloudy and uncertain, he hesitated for a while, he took out a pack of medicinal powder from his pocket and sprinkled it in the grass, bent down to arrange it, and finally took out a yellow leather gourd Hanging at the door, he went back to the house.

The arresting team went out of the city secretly in several ways at night, and waited secretly in several places outside the Great North Gate, waiting for the last news from the scouts.Because there are very few residential buildings in this area, and it is the sphere of influence of Guandi Temple, the strangers are very eye-catching.Although it is already known that the mage to be arrested is in the graveyard, it is impossible to send plainclothes personnel to monitor it according to the conventional routine.We had to ask the special investigation team to go out, and sent several groups of lurking posts to enter the vicinity at night for lurking surveillance, and use walkie-talkies to report in real time.

"It has been confirmed that the target is in the graveyard."

A correspondent trotted all the way into a changing room in the Guanxiang of the Great North Gate, and reported the latest situation to Mu Min and others who were waiting there.

"Okay, let's act immediately!" Mu Min waved his hand.

Cui Hantang was struggling with the dark dirt path at this time.Outside the Great North Gate is a hilly landscape, except for an official road extending north from the city gate, there are no decent roads.Mostly muddy narrow paths.For someone wearing 20 pounds of chain mail and carrying a lot of equipment, the dark operation is definitely not a pleasant experience.

In addition to this armor, there are also a bunch of scattered props.Because the action was more dangerous, he didn't bring his apprentice and Xiaoqian with him, and there was no one to share the various props, so he had to carry them alone.

Fortunately, he is very strong, and he can finally support it.

As soon as he left the city, he couldn't find the north at all—he couldn't see the environment clearly, it wasn't that he was night blind, it was because the night lighting in Lingao was too advanced for this time and space, and the result of staying in Lingao for too long was that he was totally blind. Not used to the dark night of the 17th century.

Cui Hantang seemed to be back not long after D-Day. When he was standing guard at night in the watchtower of Bairen City, the whole Bairen City was brightly lit, but outside this fortress, there was endless darkness like the ocean.

At this moment, he was in such darkness again.The only thing that can barely identify the direction is the luminous strip behind the local police leading the way.

He trudged with one foot deep and one foot shallow, and the hem of his Taoist robe was completely wet with dew, and he would stumble when he took a step while he was wrapped in his legs.But even though he complained in his heart that this damn Daming colleague hid in such a remote place, he still strode forward and walked in front of the team.

Deserted tombs, ruined coffins, and dead bones appear from time to time, surrounded by wildfires.In the complete silence, the shrill barking of dogs and the strange laughter of night owls could be heard near and far away, making one's hair stand on end.Cui Han Tang thought to himself what the hell kind of place is this!

(End of this chapter)

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