Lin Gao Qiming

Chapter 1850 Arrest

Chapter 1850 Arrest ([-])

Behind him, Lian Nishang gritted his teeth and followed silently, maintaining a posture of vigilance at all times, even if he slipped and fell, he silently got up and followed him.

Originally, as the deputy chief of the household registration department, she didn't need to participate in the arrest operation, but there was a shortage of senior police officers in Guangzhou, and even fewer police commanders with complete training, so she volunteered to apply for the operation—in her mind, I came to Guangzhou to commit crimes and meritorious deeds, so I went to Mu Min to fight for it.

Because of Cui Hantang's insistence on taking the lead in the arrest: "You don't know the way of monsters like them", Mu Min was also a little worried about his safety. She was quite sure about practicing Nishang, so she was assigned to follow Cui Hantang— "Always protect the safety of the chief."

Lian Nishang naturally knew that this was an opportunity for Director Mu to show her off. Of course, if something happened to Cui Daochang, she would be doomed.

Behind her were a few police officers who acted as local guides. Most of them were locals who were familiar with the terrain outside the Great North Gate.However, no one had been here late at night, and several people had extremely nervous expressions on their faces.

They were not well trained and had no experience in hiking at night. Coupled with their high mental tension, they soon became out of breath, stumbling forward all the way, barely keeping behind.

Behind them, there is a small group of infantrymen of the national army, but each has its own advantages: there are soldiers of the Li Miao Mountain Company with machetes on their backs and crossbows on their backs, there are soldiers of the sword-drawing team with double knives on their waists, and there are also soldiers wearing snare leather and Riot squad soldier in rattan protective gear holding a shield and wearing a steel helmet.

It was already the fourth watch when the arresters arrived at the outskirts of the cemetery, and the sky was at its darkest, the moon was dark and the stars were sparse, and the surrounding fields were pitch black.The arrest team quietly set up a net around the graveyard.According to the plan, the capture team launched an attack at dawn when the sky was twilight and the visibility was better, and captured the demon in one fell swoop—Mu Min requested to "capture him alive" as much as possible.

If it wasn't for this requirement, it would not be Cui Hantang's turn to take the lead.

When Cui Hantang arrived at the formation, he was already dripping with sweat and out of breath.He sat down on a broken tombstone and drank water while panting behind a deserted grave.

This is where the surveillance post of the special investigation team is located.The special investigation team member lurking here whispered: "Chief, this is here." He said and pointed in the direction.

Cui Hantang drank a few sips of water, poked his head out from behind the grave, and looked in the direction pointed by the special detectives. He saw a hundred meters away, the terrain was slightly raised, and it was so dark that he could barely see a bunch of dark buildings. .He silently raised his infrared telescope. In the lens, he saw a dilapidated wall with a closed door, surrounded by many tall trees and trees.The grass was knee-deep under the trees outside the wall, and there was barely a path through the thorns to the steps.

Although the wall was dilapidated, it was not low in height. Given his physique, it was a bit more difficult for him to climb over the wall. Cui Hantang thought to himself, it seems that he still has to hit the door and rush in.

He raised his hand and looked at his watch. It was almost four o'clock in the morning, and it would be dawn in more than an hour. He made an appointment with Mu Min to start action at five o'clock.

"Everyone rest on the spot and take turns monitoring!" Cui Hantang said.

Seeing the east gradually reveal a fish belly, and the sky lightened slightly, Cui Hantang looked at his watch, the hour hand was close to five o'clock.He nodded, motioning for action.

The two Li People's National Army soldiers who were in charge of opening the way nodded to show their understanding, pulled out their machetes, and lurked past one after the other.They had received sneak training and approached each other with the help of the weeds and trees outside the door. They saw a few steps away from the door and suddenly stumbled, and there was a pleasant bell in the grass.

The expressions of the two of them changed drastically, knowing that they had touched the organ, and the sneak attack had turned into a strong attack, so they jumped up and rushed towards the door.

Cui Hantang cursed secretly, got up and rushed forward, suddenly felt something soft under his feet, and then something bumped hard on his calf, he was startled and quickly looked down, it turned out that there was something soft under his feet. a little snake.This snake is not big, only 1 meter long, with black and white rings arranged all over its body - it is a very poisonous coral snake. His mouth was biting on his boot.

Cui Hantang secretly called out luck, this snake is obviously poisonous, fortunately they all wore boots or thick leggings today in order to increase the defensive area.Immediately, he raised his other foot and stomped it down fiercely, trampled his tongue from his neck to the ground, crushed it harder under his foot, stomped it down with the other foot, and stomped on a snake's head after four or five feet. It was so pulpy that I could no longer live.

Within a short while, the two leading Li soldiers rushed to the door in a few steps, inserted the machete through the crack of the door and picked it up. The movement was very skillful, but the door latch did not open. It turned out that the inside was locked with a knocker. , I had to insert the tip of a knife into the crack of the door and dial it out bit by bit.

The door bolt was not open, and according to the backup plan, two National Army anti-riot members had rushed up from behind with a hammer.
Cui Hantang couldn't wait for them to run over, and growled, "Get out of the way!"

He ran a few steps and rushed over with the wind, the two Li people hurriedly dodged aside, Cui Hantang lowered his head, leaned to one side, and hit the door with his shoulder!
Cui Hantang is nearly 1 meters tall, weighs more than 80 kilograms, and wears a chain armor weighing more than 180 kilograms. His whole body weighs more than 20 kilograms.There was a bang on the door, and not only the bolt was broken in two, but even the door frame shook a few times, and a yellow leather gourd fell from the top of the lintel along with the dirt.

Cui Hantang shook his dizzy head, moved his shoulders, and was about to brag a few words when he suddenly caught a glimpse of a gourd rolling on the ground.

After such a fall, the gourd dropped several pieces of mud seals, a few eyes were exposed on the gourd's belly, and there was a buzzing sound from the gourd.

Cui Hantang's expression changed suddenly, and he shouted, "Run!"

Without waiting for others to react, he took off his Taoist robe in twos and twisted it in his hands, and ran out at the same time.

The two Li soldiers were a little surprised when they saw Cui Hantang's violent collision. They were about to rush in, but when they saw Cui Hantang run away, they couldn't help being stunned.

When the two of them figured out what was going on, it was too late to run. A group of wasps as long as half a finger emerged from the gourd. These wasps were twice as big as the average Hu Feng, and their bodies were black. It was bright, and the yellow stripes on its body could be seen in the dim light of the morning. After a little hovering, it rushed towards them.

The soldiers of the Li people had been in the mountains for a long time, so they naturally knew the power of the wasps, so they ran away immediately. After a few steps behind their reaction, they were swooped down by the swarm of wasps and stung several times.Rolling and wailing all over the ground in pain, he fell on the ground for a moment and didn't move.

The swarm of wasps didn't fly away even after they stung someone, they just flew up and down around the gourd at the gate.When everyone saw that the wasp was so poisonous, they didn't dare to rush forward any more.
Cui Hantang secretly cursed a trash, turned around a few times to put on his Taoist robe, and took out something from his treasure bag.It was Lingao's self-made smoke grenade, and he pulled it violently and fell straight towards the door.

The pot fell to the ground and broke into several pieces, everyone didn't know what the Taoist priest was doing, but white smoke billowed out of the pot, covering the whole door in an instant.

The military and police of the old naturalized people naturally knew that it was a smoke bomb, and the newcomers all stared wide-eyed, wondering what kind of magic weapon is this?
Cui Hantang didn't care about complacency - although the smoke bombs can disperse the hornets, but his sight is also blocked, if the monster escapes in the chaos, wouldn't it be easier for the other party.He didn't care about the smoke dissipating, and shouted loudly: "Quick, get on!"

The effect of the smoke bombs was good. The dead wasps had fallen all over the ground beside the gourd, and some wasps were still alive and fluttering on the ground in the yard.

Although the yard is large, there are no buildings inside.There are only three main rooms that look decent, and there are long rows of small houses built later on both sides, which are already dilapidated. The dilapidated doors and windows are all open, and there are coffins parked inside, which is very creepy. .

The soldiers of the National Army immediately spread out to search, and Cui Hantang led his men straight to the main room.Lian Nishang wanted to go ahead, but was stopped by Cui Hantang:
"Beware of the agency!" He said, it was appropriate for everyone to keep a distance from the main room.

The doors and windows of the main room are closed. If the demon is still inside during the disturbance just now, he must take action.Although Cui Hantang volunteered to take the lead, he was actually not sure what tricks the enemy would play.He has seen poisonous snakes and wasps before, so what's next?

Fortunately, they have rushed into the yard now, and they are like the iron barrels that have been surrounded on all sides. As long as this monster is still in the room, he will definitely not be able to escape.

Just thinking about it, the soldiers who searched the backyard also came back and reported that there was nothing in the backyard except a toilet.

"Tear gas! Drive me out of this monster!"

When Cui Hantang gave an order, several anti-riot team members immediately raised their shotguns and fired fiercely, smashing the sash of a window in the main room in an instant, and then dropped four or five tear gas bombs in one breath. Thick smoke billowed in between, and a pungent and pungent smell filled the air immediately.

Immediately, there was a violent coughing and sneezing sound in the main room, Cui Hantang was overjoyed, the demon way is still there!He secretly thought that as long as you are still there, let's see where you can go!Can't help pretending to be relaxed and said: "A small poisonous bee gourd dares to show off. Since we can't get in, let him come out by himself!" After finishing speaking, he put his hands behind his back and stood proudly.

 I have to prepare for the unit's exam this week, and I cannot guarantee an update.thank you all.

(End of this chapter)

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