Lin Gao Qiming

Chapter 1851 Arrest

Chapter 1851 Arrest ([-])

One minute passed, and there were occasional sneezing and coughing sounds in the room.Cui Hantang said disdainfully: "The sample can last quite well, let's see if you can last for a few minutes!" However, 1 minutes passed, the smoke had become thinner, and there was still no other movement in the room.

"This, this is fucking unscientific!" Cui Hantang scratched his head, "Isn't he just going to die like this?"

Since no one can come out, then only oneself can go in.With the experience of encountering poisonous snakes and wasps just now, Cui Hantang finally no longer intends to lead the way.Professional matters should be left to professional teams.

Two members of the anti-riot team of the National Army wearing steel helmets and protective armor put up their steel shields and slowly touched the door.Behind, the riot squad armed with shotguns and the mountain infantry armed with crossbows took cover alternately.

Cui Hantang stared at the commando team and kicked open the door and rushed in. There were no shouts or gunfire from inside, but within three to five minutes, some riot guards came out from the door and signaled "safety".

"It can't be that he really has to die!" Cui Hantang became anxious now. This demon is the key person in the case. If he really died, not only would the clues be interrupted, but the results of the propaganda with "Ming Canonical Punishment" would be quite inferior.If you jump out and want to be a pioneer, the responsibility is all on your own head.

He took three steps in parallel and hurried into the house.

The house is dark, damp, and dilapidated. It is said that there are three main rooms, but in fact the partition walls inside have long been damaged. Standing at the door of the main room, you can see the whole room at a glance. You can only see that the walls inside the room are moldy and the walls are peeling off. There are only a few broken bricks left on the ground, and there is no furniture in the room, only a few rotten straw mats thrown at the foot of the wall, which are probably used by beggars when they spend the night.

If there is anything left, it is that there is a shrine on the wall of the main room, and the three things about the stove and bottle have naturally disappeared long ago.There are neither statues of gods and Buddhas nor tablets of gods in the shrine, but there is a scroll of water and land paintings hanging on it. Judging from the state of preservation, it should be newly hung.Out of interest in religion, Cui Hantang glanced at the portrait more, but the more he looked at it, the more strange he felt: Although this is a Yizhuang now, it is not too abrupt to hang water and land paintings for the benefit of all living beings, but the scrolls of water and land paintings are generally only displayed in the Fahui. How can it be hung directly on the shrine for no reason.

Thinking of this, Cui Hantang reached out and took off the painting. There was actually a small door behind the painting!
He didn't dare to be rash, and hurriedly took a few steps back, motioning for the riot guards to hit the door.

The door was knocked open easily, and there was no sound and no response from inside.

Cui Hantang became anxious. Relying on his chain mail protection and his lack of concealment, he took out his tactical flashlight and rushed in with one stride!Inside is a well-furnished room with an area of ​​more than ten square meters. The furniture is only a table, a bed, and a stool.On the table was a candlestick, still lit with "Australian Candles."

Some wooden lattices were placed neatly on the table, filled with powders of various colors, some small porcelain vials were overturned beside it, and the bed was messy, as if people left in a hurry.Some broken earthen jars are piled up in an uncoordinated manner against the wall,

Other than that, there was nothing in the house.

Ok?Cui Hantang frowned.After the tear gas was thrown, he and the soldiers heard coughing and sneezing, indicating that there must be someone in the room.He looked at the window. This secret room had a small window opening near the eaves, which was very secretive.As long as the Yaodao hides in the secret room and closes the door, it will not be affected by the tear gas.

But where is this man now?
Although the bed is big, it is a low-footed couch, only slightly higher than the ground, and there is no way to hide people under the bed.Everything else is in plain sight, and there is no place to hide at all.

Cui Hantang frowned, and said loudly: "Come on! Move this bed away for me."

Before he finished speaking, he only heard the crisp sound of metal pieces passing through the air on the top of his head. He secretly screamed that it was not good, so he quickly squatted down with his arms around his head, only to feel that many things were hitting his body, and the sound of cloth being torn was endless. Feeling thrilling, Xin Dao should wear a helmet to come in.

Before he could finish his thoughts, there was a shout from outside: "Who is it?", followed by a series of screams and the sound of a "plop" heavy object falling to the ground.

Cui Hantang yelled that he was not good, and stood up abruptly, only to see that the soldier who accompanied him was already on the ground, dead or alive.He didn't care about looking, and rushed out of the secret room with a stride, and the two soldiers outside fell to the ground.From the corner of the eye, a figure rushed out of the door and rushed towards the wall on the left! !

"Damn it," Cui Hantang cursed, following him rushing out the door, Lian Nishang didn't have time to aim, he fired his gun, and the bullet hit the wall bricks with sparks flying everywhere.Cui Hantang hurriedly shouted: "Don't shoot! Catch him alive!"

In an instant, the black shadow rushed to the edge of the wall, kicked a few steps at the corner of the wall, jumped up, put its arms lightly on the top of the wall, and flipped out of the wall with a light swing of its body.

"Hurry up!" Cui Hantang stomped anxiously, only to see Lian Nishang throwing the pistol away, striding forward, and chasing after him by kicking the wall in three or two steps.

Cui Hantang's body was heavy, and he bounced around the base of the wall like a tamping machine for a long time without even touching the wall. He was in a hurry when suddenly gunshots and dogs barked outside the garden.Only then did he remember that there were people waiting outside, and he was so determined that he spat and said, "I'll make you awesome! Taste the smell of a big wolf dog!" After that, he led his people out from the gate to go around for reinforcements

Lian Nishang jumped off the wall and saw that the one who escaped was a thin old man in a gray robe—don't look old, but his legs and feet are very flexible. escape.Lian Nishang knew that this was an important crime, so he didn't think much about it, and shouted: "Where are you running!" A tiger pounced and threw the old man down, and the two rolled to the ground together.

Unexpectedly, the old man's body was amazingly flexible, and he seemed to have the ability to shrink his bones. Lian Nishang's grabbing hand failed to catch his joints a few times.Instead, he turned around and broke free half of his body.

Lian Nishang had practiced martial arts in the past, and learned Krav Maga after joining the police. His fighting ability was far superior to ordinary people, and he twisted the old man again and again.

The two were fighting, only to hear the sound of heavy footsteps, and it was Cui Hantang who was fully clothed and rushed over, with a pistol in one hand and a large hammer in the other.Seeing that the opponent had reinforcements, Yaodao knew that the longer he was entangled, the harder it would be for him to escape. In desperation, he exerted all his strength, twisted his body, and kicked Lian Nishang out.I took the opportunity to roll and get out.

However, people from other directions also rushed over when they heard the sound. Seven or eight people and a dog immediately surrounded the old man in the center. Yaodao saw that there were three firecrackers facing him and a fierce dog staring at him, and he was secretly anxious. He wasn't very afraid of the blunderbuss. In his heart, it was inaccurate. It was slow and easy to dodge. But he knew that spirit dogs were the best at tracking. With his current state, he definitely couldn't outrun this beast.

"It would be great if the spirit ghost stayed by my side." The old man secretly regretted that he shouldn't have sent the spirit monkey out.However, he is not a person who sits and waits for death. No matter how bad the situation is, he will fight, and even if he is dying, he will have to drag a few backs. Therefore, he calmed down, raised his hand and pointed at Cui Hantang, who was obviously the leader, and shouted: "You are also a member of the Taoist sect, do you still talk about the rules of the world? If you have the ability to draw the Tao, the old man will follow!"

"Okay!" Cui Hantang showed a smirk on his face: "Do you choose single combat? Or gang fight?"

"How about a one-on-one fight, and what about a group fight?" The old man obviously couldn't understand his modern new words.

"What do you mean?" Cui Hantang grinned grimly, and swiped his hand towards the crowd: "It's very simple! One-on-one, you beat the five of us, plus that dog! Group fights, it means we beat you one by one!"

Hearing this, the old man was so angry that his beard trembled, and seeing Cui Hantang's expression of peace of mind, he stretched out his hand tremblingly, pointed at Cui Hantang and gritted his teeth and said: "Wu has been in the business for 40 years. Dashan, even if I claim to be of the evil way, I have seen many treacherous people, but I have never seen such a shameless person like you! You! You! Cough, cough, cough, cough, cough." As he spoke, his chest rose and fell violently, and he coughed violently, with a trace of blood dripping from the corner of his mouth.

Cui Hantang showed no sign of guilt, he laughed: "That's because you have too little experience, if hundreds of years later, there will be a sea of ​​people who are more shameless than me, and people like me can only be regarded as honest and honest... ..." After speaking, seeing the astonished expression of the old man, he couldn't help laughing.

The old man surnamed Wu gritted his teeth: "Shameless you!! This old man will fight with you!!!"

He raised his hand, and a few black lights hit Cui Hantang's face, as if he wanted to smash this annoying fat face.Cui Hantang was taken aback, and subconsciously raised his arm to block it with his sleeve. The black light hit his sleeve and fell to the ground with a clang. poisonous.

Cui Hantang broke out in a cold sweat from fright. Fortunately, the sleeves of this Taoist robe were wide, and it was added with material: it turned out that Cui Hantang was obsessed with ancient hidden weapons. Dozens of copper coins sewn on the sleeves of the Taoist robe fought Wu Song for [-] rounds regardless of the outcome. No, it's no problem to wave it to block ordinary hand-throwing hidden weapons.

The hidden weapon was just a feint shot, and taking advantage of Cui Hantang's distraction for a moment, he jumped up in front of Cui Hantang like an ape. Yin, it was monkeys stealing peaches with a pair of iron claws on their fingers! !All the people nearby let out an exclamation before they had time to help.

(End of this chapter)

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