Lin Gao Qiming

Chapter 1852 Arrest

Chapter 1852 Arrest ([-])

Although Cui Hantang is fat and big, his movements are quite quick. He flicked up one sleeve and blocked his head like a copper wall, and the other hand was going to grab Yaodao's wrist. His hand was much faster than his, and Cui Hantang felt a coldness in his lower body when he heard the sound of cloth being torn, and couldn't help but yelled and jumped a meter away.

He was still in shock, so he quickly looked down at his lower body, and saw a long opening in the Taoist robe from the lower abdomen to the crotch, and even though it was covered by the body armor, the crotch was still cut a little.Immediately, "Junzi Tandandan", the night wind blows, and I only feel the coolness of the whistling.

If it weren't for the crotch guard of the chain mail to cover it, the happiness of my lower body/life would be completely over-not to mention that this old ghost used poison arbitrarily, and it is still unknown if the skin is cut and the skin is not kept intact.

Cui Hantang narrowly escaped, he couldn't help being shocked and angry, and put away his somewhat teasing emotions.

When Lian Nishang saw that the chief was in danger, his face turned pale.Because the chief warned not to shoot, she shouted: "Let the dog go!"

Hearing two "barks", the dog trainer let go of the rope in his hand, and the wolfhound, which was already eager to try, rushed straight at the old man. The dog arrived at a distance of three or four meters in an instant, and bit the old man's arm with one bite.After all, this old man is a generation of demons, and he shouted: "You are looking for death!!" The iron claw in his hand pointed towards the dog's chin. If he stabbed it, the dog would definitely die!
At this moment, Cui Hantang took advantage of the old man's distraction and raised the sword in his hand to face the old man. There was a flash of light in the palm of his hand, and there was a soft "crack, crackle". He also fell to the ground, and then he shrank into a ball, trembling uncontrollably.

Cui Hantang put his sword back into its sheath, pointed at the old man and asked, "How is it? Doesn't this lightning taste good?"

The old man didn't care to tremble when he heard this, and asked anxiously: "You, you, what are you talking about? What is this, what kind of spell?"

Cui Hantang pointed his hand to the sky and said proudly: "Shenxiao faction, Wu Lei Tianxin is upright!"

"Ah! Say it again!" The old man had a hideous face when he heard this, struggling to rush towards Cui Hantang.

Cui Hantang was taken aback, raised his hand and added "Five Thunder Heavenly Heart Rectification" to him, took a step back and looked at the old man vigilantly.

I saw the old man rolling down on the ground with tears and snot streaming down his nose, and there was a burst of peeing, and he even became incontinent when he urinated.

The arresting team members were stunned, they only saw a blue spark from Cui Daochang's sword, hitting Yaodao directly.Lian Nishang, who was much closer, could clearly see that what was ejected from the sword was an extremely thin silk thread, with a shiny little thing on the top, it was this thing that hit Yaodao and made him fall. .

She remembered the "hand-crank electric shock method" mentioned by the head of the interrogation class last week-the prisoner's reaction was exactly the same as this demon method, and it was probably the same method.

The arresting team members rushed forward, handcuffed Yaodao and stuffed his mouth with something - to prevent him from committing suicide.Just as he was about to take him away, Cui Hantang stopped him and said, "First strip him naked and search him!" He was afraid that there was something mysterious about this demon.

Right now, Wu Zhiqi was stripped naked, not even a pair of underpants left.The naked one was framed by everyone.Cui Hantang was afraid that the inspection was not careful, so the caretaker lit up all the lanterns, taking a clear picture of Wu Zhiqi from top to bottom.Cui Hantang picked up a branch and poked it on his dry skin.

Wu Zhiqi didn't expect to suffer such great humiliation, he stuffed something in his mouth and could only whimper.Cui Hantang shouted: "Hurry up! The fat man hasn't finished searching yet!"

Lian Nishang was puzzled, and the arresting team members on the sidelines also showed a look of confusion.I thought this is not a handsome boy, but an old man who dressed like a monster and stripped naked like a monster. This Taoist Cui is so interested, what is his hobby?
Seeing everyone's expressions, Cui Hantang didn't have time to explain. After a while, he picked up a small piece of skin under his ribs. He ordered a few team members to hold on tight, and he put on his gloves with a grinning grin. It has to be torn down.There was a hiss, Wu Zhiqi screamed, and a large piece of skin was torn off by him!
Everyone was taken aback, they didn't expect Daoist Cui to be so ruthless that he even skinned people alive!However, after looking at it again, something was wrong, the human skin did not bleed when it was peeled off.

"This is real human skin," Cui Hantang raised the skin in his hand, "but it's not his."

Lian Nishang saw that although the area where the skin was peeled off was a little red, it didn't break the skin and bleed.Look at the membrane again, it's actually a pocket.She didn't dare to open it, but took out a kraft paper bag and put the things in it.

Cui Hantang found the same pockets on the Yaodao's arms and thighs.Just much smaller in size.Cui Hantang scolded: "The fat man knows that there are ghosts on you! I've wiped them all out for you, let's see what tricks you have!"

In the end even the bun was taken apart, and sure enough there were objects in the bun.Supervisor Cui Hantang sorted his clothes and found objects into bags.In addition, he got a ragged coir raincoat from the cemetery to cover Yaodao.

This Wu Zhiqi was originally skinny, old and ugly, but after all this trouble, his hair was disheveled, his body was naked and he wore a coir raincoat, he was no different from a monster.Wu Zhiqi was so ashamed and humiliated that he was so angry that he couldn't speak, and his body kept struggling. He was escorted to the police and beat him with sticks. He couldn't bear the pain, so he had to obediently be led away by chains.

Cui Hantang advised Lian Nishang and others to escort Yaodao back, and he himself went back to the dark room of the cemetery for further search.

A number of calcium carbide lamps have been erected on the side of the cemetery, illuminating all parts of the garden.The soldiers who were stung by wasps and wounded by hidden weapons had already been carried away——Cui Hantang guessed that it was more than auspicious.From the situation he encountered today, there is almost no weapon that does not extract poison.

In the cemetery, Li Ziyu and other police officers and personnel from the Political Security Bureau were conducting a scattered search.Cui Hantang returned to the secret room, and together with Li Ziyu, who was in charge of registering the evidence, carefully inspected the various "things" left by the registration monster. Although the secret room is not big, there are quite a lot of messy things in it.He knew some of them, and they were props used by Taoist wanderers to play tricks and pretend to be ghosts.Others are various "elixirs" and powders.He sniffed them one by one, thinking that the old guy's collection is really complete.When the case is over, I have to try to get it into my own hands.

There was a pair of delicate bamboo sticks by the wall, Cui Hantang picked them up and looked at them, suddenly his face changed drastically, and he carefully put them down again, Li Ziyu was just confused when Cui Hantang took out a pair of leather gloves from his Taoist robe and put them on.He said again: "Be careful."

Li Ziyu didn't understand why he should be careful, but Cui Hantang got an oilcloth bag and put it on the lower end of the bamboo tube, and then gently turned it on the handle.I saw a triangular head protruding from the lower end of the bamboo tube, followed by a snake body with a black background and white rings—it was a poisonous snake!
He has been in Guangzhou for a long time, so he naturally knows that this thing is extremely poisonous. When he came out to arrest this time, everyone wore thick cloth leg wraps to prevent being bitten by snakes when walking at night. He didn't expect that there was one hidden in this room!
Cui Hantang held his breath until the snake's body completely slipped into his pocket, then he tightened the pocket and tied it up.Wiping the sweat off his head, he said, "It's dangerous!"

If he hadn't been somewhat prepared - Wang Dong's death had already warned them - if he had just played with the bamboo stick casually, he might have been bitten by this thing!

Cui Hantang knew that there was no silver ring snake serum in Guangzhou—the preparation and storage of snake venom serum was very troublesome, and only Lingao General Hospital had stock.If you get bitten, it will definitely be over.

The other bamboo stick was empty, it should be the one he trampled to death outside the door.From this point of view, if today's arrest operation was not well prepared, I would have died several times.While having lingering fears in his heart, he couldn't help secretly admiring the Taoist priest - how did he survive in the places in southern Lunan and northern Jiangsu, and he was able to lay down a piece of land?

"Chief, this is..." Li Ziyu was also in cold sweat, it was the first time he had seen such a weird thing.

"This is a snake stick," Cui Hantang said. "It is said that it was made in the western Hunan area, and it is specially used to place silver ring snakes to harm people." He picked up the bamboo stick and demonstrated, "Look at how delicate this thing is. All have been opened, just enough to accommodate a 1-meter-long coral snake. There is a valve at the bottom of the snake rod, which can be opened by pulling on the handle, and then move a little away from the end of the handle, and gently pull the snake's tail to provoke the poisonous snake to come out. The head is going to bite people. You see, there is a mechanism at the exit of the tail end, which can trap the snake's body, so that it can only expose its head to bite people and cannot escape... It is really vicious." He sighed.

Li Ziyu was horrified when he heard this, thinking that there are so many ghosts and ghosts in the world of Ming Dynasty, he only thought that the rule of the Australians was better than that of Ming Dynasty, and the people lived a stable life, but he did not realize the "darkness of the old society". After the Gu case, all kinds of things he experienced made him realize more and more the difference between the two societies.

"What the hell is this hypocritical government doing on weekdays!" Li Ziyu said angrily from the bottom of her heart.

Cui Hantang smiled and nodded, "That's the difference."

Because of the discovery of the snake staff, the search in the room became more careful. After more than an hour of busy work, the registration and extraction of the objects in the room were completed. In the end, only a pile of broken earthen jars at the foot of the wall remained.

Cui Hantang was afraid that the pile of earthen jars would be used to raise poisonous insects to "raise Gu", so he didn't dare to neglect, so he put on his mask and gloves carefully, and then opened the earthen jars.Unexpectedly, when the jar was opened, there were metal fragments of various sizes inside, and the silver shone like scattered silver.

(End of this chapter)

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