Lin Gao Qiming

Chapter 1854 Mr. Huang's

Chapter 1854 Mr. Huang's
"Confucius, surnamed Kong, surnamed Qiu, the concubine of Lu Guoqing's family, and his ancestral home is Shangqiu, Song State..." Lin Zunxiu slammed the copied manuscript on the table, and yelled angrily: "This is turning a corner. You are scolding Confucius for forgetting the classics!"

Second Young Master Huang looked at Lin Zunxiu inexplicably, with a bewildered look.

"Yu Yu, Wen Zai, I Cong Zhou." Lin Zunxiu knew that this hairdresser's level was too low, so she explained a sentence helplessly, but found that Huang Tiankun still didn't understand what she was talking about, so she ignored him and drank herbal tea by herself. I'm angry.

"The sage's ancestor was from the Song Dynasty, a descendant of Yin and Shang. He was exiled by the monarch and came to Lu as a guest." Liang Cunhou continued to explain to Huang Tikun with a calm face.

With so many classics forgotten, the thief actually used allusions when cursing others... But I didn't understand... Huang Tingkun suddenly felt as if he had been humiliated.

Lin Zunxiu saw that Huang Tiankun had "enlightened", and it seemed that her anger was relieved because of this, so she picked up the manuscript and read it again.But after not watching for a while, he fell on the table angrily.

"How dare you belittle Dong Zi's great merit so much! How dare you compare my Holy Cult to an evil god!"

"I'm inseparable from this gangster!" In a moment of excitement, Lin Zunxiu stood up recklessly, pointed in the direction of the big world and shouted.

Although Lin Zunxiu is a key member of the Yuyuan Society, he can be called "proficient in kunxue", but his idea is that "middle school is for the body, kunkology for use", and his idea is to engage in the "kunwu movement", absorbing the technology and skills of Australians. Some advantages in the system to continue Daming's life.

The Australian is about to dig the roots of "middle school". How can he not be in a hurry?
It doesn't matter if he yelled and scolded, but it frightened Huang Tikun half to death, he hurriedly pulled him to sit down, and kept admonishing "Whisper! Whisper!" in his mouth.

Although this is the East Garden of the Liang Mansion, a secret place that Liang Cunhou guaranteed to be "tight watertight", but for Huang Tikun, the "knowledge of everything" of the Kun thief has become a deep-seated sense of fear.
Liang Cunhou was sitting like a clock all the time, holding a copy of "Analysis of 200 Real Questions on Shenlun" in his hand and slowly flipping through it.This gathering is not only because Liang Mansion is the East Garden that only very few people can enter in Liang Mansion, even the servant girls who can enter this place to serve are sent away.The whole garden was very quiet.

The copy of the document in Lin Zunxiu's hand was copied and sent by "Guan Guan" two days after the cadre meeting held by the bandit the day before yesterday. Liang Cunhou had read it this morning.Seeing his big reaction now, I think it will be difficult to finish watching it for a while, Liang Cunhou thinks it is better to let Huang Tikun read it first, so as not to delay time.

Huang Tinkun took it with both hands, and after thanking him, he confessed his guilt repeatedly, "Overstepped! Overstepped!" while starting to copy.

The content of this article is the speech of Liu Xiang and Zhang Haogu at the "weekly cadre training meeting" the afternoon before yesterday.Since Han Yue was arrested, it has been difficult to get these things out—but it was only from the next day to the next day.After all, there is no Han Yue, and there are other people... Especially recently, the thieves have distributed half of Australian silver pancakes to those retaining officials, and most of them are circulation coupons. Some hesitant people agreed to these "no harm" It's easier when you're doing something—as long as you're willing to pay in cash.

However, without Han Yue, the confidentiality level of the documents they obtained was greatly reduced, and the timeliness was also much worse.After all, their current relationship status is mostly "retained personnel".

Huang Tikun had long been used to reading Kun Bandit's articles, so he read the two handwritten manuscripts without spending a cup of tea.Liang Cunhou saw that the hairdresser had already finished reading, so he was not in a hurry to ask him to hand over the manuscript to Lin Zunxiu, but asked directly: "Your brother, have you finished reading? What do you think?"

"..." Huang Tikun frowned, looked up to the sky and sighed: "My holy religion is in danger! The gentry in Guangzhou are in danger!"

"Appreciate further details!"

"Hey! Don't talk about how the Liu Dafu praises the ancient sages, everyone, please read this manuscript surnamed Kun thief." Huang Tikun opened the second manuscript and pushed it among the crowd. "This piece of thief surnamed Kun tells how the people of the Song Dynasty came from Xia to Yi after they arrived in Australia. First, whether or not the holy religion was criticized, and then the holy learning was criticized, and then they borrowed the manuscripts of hundreds of schools to make up a mess, and those who came did not refuse to use Taixi. The things of the barbarians, self-proclaimed as the fire of Chinese civilization... Let’s look at this passage where Liu Dafu criticized my ancestor emperor, saying that the emperor was "ignorant and incompetent" and "mostly followed the Mongolian and barbarian system. Politically and culturally, it was a complete reaction', 'Rather than recovering China, it is better to say that it is a continuation of the backward and barbaric political system inherited from the Liao, Jin and Yuan Dynasties', 'has been poisoned for hundreds of years', 'not only has there been no progress in astronomy and calendar , On the contrary, it has regressed so much that even the barbarian Meng Yuan is not as good as'..." Huang Tikun pointed to several key places, elaborated on the "Threat Theory of the Kun Bandit", and finally concluded: "The Kun Bandit is in Qiongya What I did on the island was to tell those mud-legged people that the people's livelihood in this world can be done well without the methods of my holy religion..." At this point, Huang Tikun was suddenly a little tongue-tied—to be fair, it's more than just It can be done well, it can't be better-"Our holy religion is worthless in the eyes of the thieves."

The few core members of the Yuyuan Club who were left alone at last heard this, and all of them looked sad.For example, Lin Zunxiu, a few people, also heard the wrongness in Huang Tiankun's words, and stared angrily, only staring at Huang Tiankun embarrassingly and could not speak anymore.

"There are only a few comrades in the society!" Liang Cunhou suddenly changed the subject and sighed.Ever since the bandits announced that they would open "Enke" in September, the anti-kun public opinion field of Yuyuan Club collapsed rapidly. In less than a month, not only the peripheral members left, but even the secret gang sitting in the small attic. Gradually, some people withdrew——Wu Bi was the first to leave, and it is said that he went to inform the gangsters in order to get some credit.However, the Kun thief seemed to be indifferent to them. Not only was none of the last core members of the Yuyuan Society arrested, even the Second Young Master Huang who came from Lingao was safe and sound...

"Brother Huang, we all know that your family has a deep blood feud with that gangster. The Guangfu has been occupied for more than a hundred days, and the court has not moved. It must be that treacherous ministers and mediocre officials have blocked the hearing." Liang Cunhou suddenly turned to Huang Ting Kun cupped his hands and said, "I don't know if Brother Huang is willing to shoulder the moral responsibility and go to Beijing to spread the news about this Guangfu!"

Huang Erye had already felt that there was no hope of defeating the Kun people here in Guangzhou, and he had eight hundred wishes in his heart; but he also knew that his "foundation was shallow", and based on his background, he had no energy for activities in Guangzhou, let alone Not to mention continuing to go north, or even "suing an imperial court".His intention all along was to encourage the people in the Yuyuan club to go west together and "confess his love" to the newly appointed Governor Xiong.Now that Liang Cunhou suddenly and enthusiastically asked him to "spread the news", he was momentarily confused and didn't know how to respond.Of course, he also knew that if he kept silent for a long time, he was afraid that Liang Cunhou, a rare "loyal and brave man", would doubt his sincerity, so he just expressed his worries in a daze.

"Xiong Du is preparing his army for war in Guangxi. It seems to be quite powerful, but in fact, the defeat is already certain." Liang Cunhou said slowly.

Surprised expressions appeared on the faces of all the people present, because after Xiong Wencan fled from Zhaoqing in a hurry and ran all the way to Wuzhou, he actually won a "big victory" by relying on a small amount of regiment training in Wuzhou and the stragglers who retreated from Zhaoqing: General Kun Bandit The people who chased Wuzhou repelled and kept Wuzhou city. "Those who fall into the water will not be counted. Fifteen hats will be awarded, one of which will be worn by the director of the gangster."

Because of this so-called great victory, or for other reasons, the imperial court did not hold him accountable in the end, and let him "take the blame and make meritorious service". At present, Xiong Wencan is opening a mansion in Wuzhou, dispatching troops, collecting food and repairing ships, and pretending to go east look like.For the diehards in Guangzhou, Governor Xiong in Wuzhou is their expectation.Before the Yuyuan Club disbanded, the most debated topic was how many troops Xiong Wencan needed to recover Guangzhou.

"...If it took three or four years to raise food and salaries, weed out the old and the weak, and gradually train troops and build weapons, he might still be able to fight. It's just that he fell into Guangdong and lost Zhaoqing. Nong, nine times out of ten, Xiong Du will rush to mobilize troops..."

He didn't say the following words, and everyone understood what he meant: This kind of thing happened more than once in the past ten years, because the emperor or the central minister urged the troops to advance, and they were defeated in the end, and things like losing troops and losing ground happened from time to time.It can be predicted that Xiong Wencan cannot escape the fate of this general in the late Ming Dynasty.

"...Moreover, it's hard to say whether Kun Bandit will allow him to train his entire army. Although he is based in Wuzhou, Zhaoqing's natural danger has been lost, and he has only a few thousand exhausted soldiers in his hands. Although the imperial court has reinforcements, they will not arrive in a few months. If the Australians Enter the army, and Wuzhou will fall in an instant. He is in danger at the moment. If my brother has this idea, he should calm down as soon as possible." Liang Cunhou seems to have thought about it a long time ago, "My so-called messenger is not here. The land of the two capitals is between Jiangsu and Zhejiang."

It turns out that Liang Cunhou's grandfather, Liang Younian, was the political envoy of Zhejiang Youbu, and his father, Liang Wendao, also served as the magistrate for two terms.Although the relationship between people has become weaker with time, there are also many "same year" officials and gentry in Jiangsu and Zhejiang who have three or four letters in a year. Especially in recent years, several "same year" who are not in frequent contact are also rulers Repeatedly came to reconnect with the old relationship, and in the end, of course, he would not forget to ask the Liang family to help the errand delivery boy to purchase some rare Australian items.Liang Cunhou's plan was to use the network of his father and grandparents to pass on the "great changes" in Guangzhou Mansion to the Jiangsu and Zhejiang generations, where the gentry were extremely powerful, and then to "reach the heavens" through various political associations of the Jiangsu and Zhejiang generations.

(End of this chapter)

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