Lin Gao Qiming

Chapter 1855

Chapter 1855
"It's just that the road is difficult! The surrounding area of ​​Guangfu has become a mess, and the counties suppressed by the Kun people are especially good, but once you leave the territory under the jurisdiction of the Kun people, the villagers and bandits everywhere will be lawless. If you go by land, no matter what It is not safe to go to Hunan, Jiangxi, or Fujian. In this way, if you want to go to Jiangsu and Zhejiang, you can only take the Kun people's sea route and go straight to Shanghai." Speaking of this, Liang Cunhou couldn't hide his embarrassment He sighed softly, and said, "I just don't know if this Kunren will be strictly interrogated. This method of borrowing the Kunman's sea route may be more dangerous than going by land..." That's enough. , Liang Cunhou stared at Huang Tikun closely with his eyes.

Huang Tingkun hesitated for a long time——Liang Cunhou asked him to go to a more remote county in the Pearl River Delta to launch a rebellion.The plan later came to a screeching halt.It turns out that although Australians spread the word everywhere, the road security in remote areas is very chaotic.

The temporary disappearance of the authority of the government has completely disappeared the already weak awe of the "law of the king". Taking advantage of the troubled times, there are gangsters everywhere who want to make a fortune.For a time, there were all kinds of "people and horses" everywhere.Bandits, clans, local tyrants, all kinds of new and old hatreds broke out at the same time, and the countryside fell into melee in an instant.All ships from Guangzhou to inland rivers in the Pearl River Delta were suspended.It is not safe to go by land.Liang Cunhou's people who were going to meet him in other counties also lost news because of the traffic interruption.No matter how ambitious Huang Tikun was, he didn't dare to blindly die like this, so he had to stay in Liang's house to kill time.My daily pastime is to explain "Kunxue" with people from Yuyuan Society, and talk about what I have seen and heard about Lingao and Qiongzhou.

Liang Cunhou sometimes also participated in such "lectures", but there was no one to see other than that, and no one knew what he was busy with--the servants of the Liang family kept their masters secret.In this way, he lived a life that was like house arrest.

Recently, the "security clean-up" work in various places has progressed. At least the roads and rivers in the surrounding counties of Guangzhou are basically safe, and there are armed escorts in some remote places. Only then can this plan continue to be implemented.He had already mentioned this matter to Liang Cunhou, but there was no further comment. He never expected that he would be asked to go to Jiangnan to ask for help now!
From the bottom of his heart, he didn't want to go to Jiangnan for help.He can think of this kind of feeling-it's a hot face sticking to a cold butt, and it's all about frustration. Those gentry are living a comfortable life in the midst of ten feet of soft red. How many people who care about the country and the people have the original intention to listen to him, a bereaved dog, "call for mourning"?

He would rather sneak into remote counties alone, as Mr. Liang had arranged, to form volunteer soldiers, practice village courage, and kill bandits, and relive the past when he followed his father and led troops to wipe out bandits—every scholar has a Huang Tikun is no exception to the dream of "Looking at the sword with the lamp on while drunk".

Liang Cunhou knew what he was thinking, and said: "There are hundreds of thousands on Qiongya Island, and more than a million people in Guangzhou's mansion. There are people who are familiar with the situation, and there are people who are impassioned. Those who get both are only Brother Huang!"

Having said so much, he had no choice but to agree, and then resolutely replied: "Little brother, I know, the person who sent the letter must also be someone who is familiar with the situation. Looking at this land of millions of Guangfu, who else can I give you?" Everything depends on brother Liang's orders!"

Perhaps because this "Internal Training Materials" stimulated too much for everyone present, everyone in the garden lost interest today, and after a while, a few people also dispersed.As in the past few months, as soon as this place left, there was a sound in the partition of the bead curtain and screen, as if someone had gone out from another direction.Everyone still thought that it was the elders of the Liang family who were listening to their discussions in the cubicle, and they didn't take it seriously, and they didn't bother to ask Mr. Liang as usual, and they parted ways after bidding each other goodbye.

It's just that Huang Tiankun didn't leave right away, after everyone had left, he brought up the matter of going to other places to gather volunteers.

"You don't need to worry about this matter." Liang Cunhou had a mysterious smile on his face, "Brother Yu already has a more suitable candidate."

Liang Cunhou stood at the gate of the yard and watched Huang Tikunbu and others leave. Instead of going back to his study as usual, he turned around a few corridors and arrived in front of an accordion in the back garden of his father's yard. He straightened his clothes and sang Famously said: "Little brother is thick, and I greet the eldest son and elder brother!"

This "eldest son and elder brother" is Zhang Dai.Ever since he was aroused by his friends in the society, Zhang Dai has been planning a trip to the southern country, to see the new scene of Kun people in person, and of course, the more important thing is to taste the authentic Australian and Song cuisine.It's just that the material conditions at that time made it impossible to have a "just go trip", so Zhang Dai's itinerary was delayed until the end of last year.

Zhang Dai's grandfather, Zhang Rulin, was a Jinshi in the Yiwei list in the 23rd year of Wanli, and Liang Cunhou's grandfather, Liang Younian, was on the same list in the same year.Then Liang Younian became the political envoy of the Right Chief of Zhejiang Province, in charge of Zhang Rulin's hometown; Zhang Rulin also served as a counselor for the Chief Secretary of Guangxi, in charge of the Liang family's financial resources.The two old guys each ascended to a high position as a prince in their later years, but they became closely connected.This "annual friendship" has remained at a tepid level as the two families have been elected and maintained for generations. Of course, in the generation of Zhang Dai and Liang Cunhou, it is more about the economy that communicates with Jiangsu, Zhejiang, and Guangli. connect.Zhang Dai started to think about going south, and his first choice of home and himself was naturally this "family friend" Liang's family.The original plan was to go to Guangzhou a few years ago and spend a Guangli-style New Year at the family’s home. After the excitement of the first lunar month, I would go to Lingao to see something special. Before the New Year's Eve was completely over, this Kunren had already captured the city of Guangzhou, and Zhang Dai naturally "fell" in the city of Guangzhou, not daring to run around casually.

Although Guangzhou was "fallen", no matter what, the Liang family couldn't suffer as much as Zhang Dai.When he first panicked, the Liang family also suggested that he hide in the Liang family's old house in Xingtan Town. However, firstly, Zhang Dai's food talent inherited from his grandfather made Zhang Dai reluctant to part with all kinds of novel foods that are convenient to eat in Guangli. Zhang Dai's interest was also aroused by the Kun people's activities in Guangzhou. Instead of hiding in the countryside, it is better to observe closely in the city.Liang Cunhou's old bean Liang Wendao thought about it and felt that there was nothing wrong with it. After all, Zhang Dai had nothing to do with Kun Ren, and he came to Guangli to "visit friends". It is no longer a "bandit" image - but necessary measures are still to be taken, at least to show that the Liang family "values" Zhang Dai, so Zhang Dai moved from the side room to live in the Accord in the back garden of Liang Wendao's own yard, " Stay out of the limelight for now."

In the final analysis, Zhang Dai is still a figure of Liang Cunhou's generation, and Zhang Dai's literary name and background are far superior to Liang Cunhou's in Jimi Guangli, so Liang Cunhou also deliberately pleases Zhang Dai on weekdays.When Zhang Dai first came here, he made it clear that he was interested in Australian thieves, and Liang Cunhou asked Zhang Dai to participate in the re-seat of the small building of Yuyuan Society.Originally, I wanted Zhang Dai to listen in the booth once or twice, and then he, Liang Cunhou, would grandly introduce "Shaoxing Famous Scholars" to the stage.But without listening in once or twice, the city of Guangzhou has changed. For safety reasons, Liang Cunhou did not dare to let Zhang Dai appear casually——In an extraordinary period, a northern scholar suddenly appeared in the "enemy-occupied area", and Liang Cunhou could not be saved. Everyone in the club is united -- so Zhang Dai has been "observing" the activities of Yuyuan Club through the beaded screen of the screen for several months.Today's re-session, Liang Cunhou deliberately asked Zhang Dai to sit in, because he was going to follow Zhang Dai's path to bring the news of the "great changes in Guangfu" back to Jiangsu, Zhejiang, and even the capital.

"You don't need to be polite." Zhang Dai, who is in his forties, naturally accepted the title of "Brother" with a smile when facing Liang Cunhou, who was in his thirties.While Liang Cunhou was seeing off the guests, Zhang Dai had already sat down, tasting the newly-launched Australian dessert called "Cookie", and reading carefully with a sample application paper, and there were several different versions beside him. All kinds of examination materials were collected by the Liang family from the market.

"Brother, what do you think of Huang Tingkun?" Liang Cunhou and Zhang Dai were also considered to be close each day during this period, knowing that he had a casual temper, they stopped being polite and pointed to the core of the problem.

"An impassioned man." Zhang Dai responded indifferently, and Liang Cunhou was surprised by this attitude.

"Brother, what's wrong?" Liang Cunhou hurriedly asked.

Zhang Dai was silent at first. After reading a question in his hand, he turned it over and replied, "There is nothing wrong with it. Go north to deliver the news. This person is very good. It's just that I'm not going to answer it with him." Paused After a pause, Zhang Dai turned his head and looked at Liang Cunhou with firm eyes and said, "I still want to go to Lingao to have a look."

Liang Cunhou couldn't help frowning when he heard this, he wondered if this Zhang Shixiong was also bewitched by the gangster?I don't think so, his family business and population are all in Shaoxing, and the hostility towards Confucian scholars shown by the Kun thief this time is so obvious, it is impossible for Zhang Dai to have a good impression of the Kun thief—but maybe... From the point of view of loyalty, does this Zhang Shixiong want to go to Lingao to "investigate Kun's love" in person?After all, Huang Tikun is an "outsider". Although he can connect with the gentry in Jiangsu and Zhejiang through the old relationship of the Liang family, he does not have a strong voice after all. More believable.

"Brother, is he going to go deep into the tiger's den in person? This act of sincerity and righteousness..." Liang Cunhou followed the "route of loyalty" to praise Zhang Dai, while observing Zhang Dai's expression, but found that his expression did not change.

"They're all human beings," Liang Cunhou commented in his heart, and he didn't waste his energy anymore. He exchanged some pleasantries, asked some gossip about food and daily life, then left and went to report the new situation to his old bean Liang Wendao went.

(End of this chapter)

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