Lin Gao Qiming

Chapter 1859

Chapter 1859

In "Wang, Wen, Listening and Cutting", the word "Wang" actually contains some skills of physiognomy.The middle-aged man in front of me has a face in his early thirties and early forties. His forehead and cheekbones are not visible, which shows that he has had no worries about food and clothing since he was a child. There are knots between his eyebrows and lines on his forehead, which should be due to excessive worry and depression; His hands and feet were steady when he got out of the car, his posture was relaxed but his waist was stiff when he walked, which showed that he was not lacking in exercise but was habitually sedentary... The key point is that this person is by no means a hero, and some worries can be left alone.

"But Mr. Zhang from Shaoxing?" Yang Shixiang bowed his hands.

"Student is right." Zhang Dai also looked suspiciously at the rich man with red lips and white teeth in front of him, and bowed his hands and said: "Student borrowed Mr. Zhao's name card from Sanshui three days ago, please meet the master of Runshitang, I don't know-" —”

"Hahahaha" Yang Shixiang suddenly felt an inexplicable pleasure in his heart: "Wan Sheng is the owner of Runshitang..."

Uh... Zhang Dai was a little dazed.Is it okay?Speaking of which, I really "asked to see Master Runshitang", but... you should shave your hair short!

"Mr. Zhang is bad at noon, please come in and talk." Yang Shixiang couldn't help but let Zhang Dai, who was in a state of bewilderment, into the Runshi Hall.

The flagship store designed by Australians is good in everything else, but it is not good at all - the store design concept of Dashijie is modern, with a small area and compact structure.Therefore, there is no structure of front shop and back square, let alone large and small courtyards.If it's just a shop, the design is actually scientific and reasonable; but it's cramped for entertaining distinguished guests: there is no suitable private room.Behind the store is either a warehouse or a tent, as well as a packaging workshop and several dormitories.Although the magnificent "manager's office" has a reception room attached, it is only a dozen square meters in size.According to the standards of modern people, it is not narrow, but it is a bit uncomfortable for those who have come from the "old society" and are used to high halls and orderly divisions.So after Yang Shixiang invited him to sit on the sofa, Zhang Dai couldn't help but look around to see this new style of shop.

Zhang Dai was relieved when the clerk brought the herbal tea and snacks to the tea table and said goodbye.

The tea is served in a glass cup, black tea soaked with yellow citrus slices - he has drank this stuff at Zhao Yingong's, and he knows it is called "lemon black tea". It is best to drink in summer to quench your thirst.He is a gourmet, not like many people taboo raw food.What's more, the diet of Australians is notoriously clean.

Although he had already drank kvass just now, the iced tea with fine drops of water on the glass still aroused his appetite, so he picked it up and took a small sip.I just feel that it is refreshing and pleasant, but it is too kvass-although this product is refreshing and relieves heat, but after drinking it, it will inevitably hiccup, which is unseemly.

On the plate next to it, there are more than a dozen slices of goose-yellow snacks neatly arranged. The yellow color is lovely, and there are dried fruits mixed in it. It looks like a shortbread with swirls, but it has an indescribable sweet aroma. .

This is probably the "cookie".He had heard of the name of this thing in the Liang Mansion.The official dim sum of the Liang family does not have this item, but the concubine Ji, a concubine who is a bit dignified in the family, sent people to buy this novelty Australian dim sum to eat.

Putting down the cup, he looked carefully at the "Master of Runshi Hall", and couldn't help but secretly puzzled.


"The student is the owner of Runshitang. This Runshitang was originally founded by Yang Run in Foshan. Since my father's generation divided the family and settled in Qiongya, this Runshitang has been established." Yang Shixiang started talking. Zhang Dai didn't respond, and then he remembered that he was a scholar from the south of the Yangtze River, and he had no feeling for a century-old shop in Guangnan like Yang Runkaitang, and it was useless to say it. "After the Australian entered Qiongya, because of the patented medicines 'Biwensan' and 'Zhuge Xingjun Dan' that benefited the people and benefited the world, the small shop cooperated with the Australian, and later even joined forces. But this Runshitang's The shop owner has always been Yang." Yang Shixiang knew what the other party wanted to do, and took the initiative to introduce the topic to the direction that the other party was interested in.

"I'm ashamed. I'm just—" Zhang Dai wanted to say that he came directly to the Australians, but he felt that it was too abrupt and rude, so he reorganized the cause and effect: "When I was in Jiangnan, there were many From what I have heard, it is said that this Guangli is full of Australian rare things, and there are quite a lot of delicacies. There is also Zhao Yingong, a scholar in Sanshui, who sells Australian books in Hangzhou as a business, and he is proficient in Australian studies. A good friend made friends with him and admired him deeply. A certain person decided to go south. When I saw him off ten miles away, Mr. Zhao gave me a famous badge. Was he acquainted with Zhao Xiucai? I just don’t know..."

When he asked this question, Zhang Dai probably thought that if Zhao Yingong was indeed a "kun thief", no matter if it was real or not, the "Australian owner" of Runshitang was not suitable to meet him.In this way, this Proprietor Yang in front of him is currently the best candidate for a meeting.

What you see is not human, and the relationship is narrow, so naturally the conversation between the two of them will be boring.Zhang Dai is worthy of being a wealthy man, he managed the scene in a few words - this is also the reason why Yang Shixiang actively cooperated after receiving Liu San's instruction.Zhang Dai first used Yang Shixiang's previous story about his father's coming from across the sea to separate his family, and asked about the people's livelihood in Lingao back then, and then complimented Yang Shixiang's current business prosperity, and asked many Australians about their behavior after coming to Gao .Of course, in order not to look deliberate, some consultations on endemic diseases and common diseases in Guangli were interspersed in the middle, which just rightly showed that I wanted to go to Lingao to see but was all kinds of uneasy.

Yang Shixiang himself is also very strange. Liu San asked him for a long time last night. The general meaning was to tell Mr. Zhang about the "changes in the first five years and the next five years" of Lingao, and talk about the governance of the Senate by the Senate. Let’s talk about the Senate’s “pragmatic attitude” towards scholars, and especially emphasize the merits of the Senate’s “cultural governance”.According to Yang Shixiang's own conclusion, it is probably intended to shock the leader of the literary world with the martial arts and martial arts of the Senate, which is quite intended to subdue him.That being the case, it shouldn't be a game on my side.However, the scene still had to be sustained—if it really was a game, I couldn't let Zhang Dai go.

This time he took the initiative to talk.

"Mr. Zhang asked me about Lingao literature, I may say something more." Yang Shixiang sorted it out in his mind, and took the initiative to spark the topic. "It's said that if you don't want to be a good look, you can be a good doctor. In fact, there is no shortage of educated children in the Rattle Bell House."

When Zhang Dai heard him say "The House of Ringing Bells", he complimented Yang Shixiang on his family background. The word "Ringing Bells" is too humble.

"My father was actually a literary boy when he was young. He was familiar with the Four Books and Five Classics, and learned stereotyped essays, but he hated his teacher in school, and he has never had any chance of fame since then." Yang Shixiang couldn't help but sighed.

This was something his father hated. Although he never mentioned it usually, he often talked about it to him when he was old. Although decades had passed, the resentment was still palpable.This also planted Yang Shixiang's great dislike for the imperial examination.

Zhang Dai, however, thought of his fame as a veteran scholar in his 40s, and couldn't help empathizing with him—it was only at this age that he realized that the root cause of his failure in the imperial examination was that he didn't like stereotyped style from the bottom of his heart. "But I don't know why?" Zhang Dai blurted out subconsciously.

"Because my father asked the teacher a question." Yang Shixiang said slowly. "Smartness is not found in the words of sages, but it is contained in Zhuang Sheng's lies. Zhuang Sheng's narrations are all false stories, and the facts are not true. ? Why is Zhuang Sheng's metaphor responsible for all the craftsmen?"

As soon as Zhang Dai heard it, he knew that this was talking about the truth in the chapter of "Zhuangzi? Heaven and Earth", which was falsely entrusted to Zigong and an old farmer.The so-called "where there is machinery, there must be work, and if there is work, there must be work", this theory seems to Zhang Dai to be irrational, but in actual study, the focus is not on this sentence, but on the latter sentence, "if the work is in the chest, then If the pure white is not prepared; if the pure white is not prepared, the gods will be born uncertain; if the gods will be born uncertain, the Tao will not be contained."This sentence is recognized by both Lao Zhuang and Confucius and Mencius. If you are uneasy, what is the truth?While recalling and listening, Yang Shixiang's father's teacher really said the same thing.However, Yang Shixiang's father was not relentless, and still had to solve the problem of "scheming".

"The old man embraced the fertile land, but he scoffed at the oranges. Didn't he know that the urn was also a machine? Kneading mud to make a tire, cutting wood to make carbon, sealing the earth as a cellar, and paying it with a lot of work, the urn was completed. If you want a fertile land Instead of using a machine, why not grab it with your hands!"

Having said that, Zhang Dai and Yang Shixiang laughed together.

"Master Yuan hit my father's hand with a board, saying, 'I know the details of craftsmen', 'doctors, divination, and humble servants, the way is deaf to the ears, and the tricks are tricky, but only the tongue can do it'." Then he said many times that my father was "not me." People in the Tao', 'I don't know how to farm, and I don't read. In ancient times, Emperor Hui didn't eat minced meat. Now there is Yang Sheng holding fertile land, what a villain'!" Yang Shixiang looked serious, with a trace of anger in his eyes .

After hearing this, Zhang Dai also knew that this characterization was too serious. For a Tongsheng who was not from a scholarly family, it was tantamount to a death sentence.The matter is definitely not that simple, the school official surnamed Yuan would not sentence a child to death just because of a few interrogations, but what Yang Shixiang wanted to say was definitely not a real shady scene.

"However, until my father passed away, I still didn't understand why he was so careless." Yang Shixiang sighed.In fact, Zhang Dai knew, but what he didn't understand was actually the question of "why use a machine to have an intention", or even go a step further, "why do doctors and divination workers are inferior people".

At this point, it should be unfinished. After all, what Yang Shixiang said just now was to talk about "Lingao Literature".

 This section has been reworked
(End of this chapter)

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