Lin Gao Qiming

Chapter 1860 Productivity Theory

Chapter 1860 Productivity Theory

(Section 228 has been revised, please reread Section 228 before reading this section)

"...Australians came to Lingao, and after a lot of work, they not only rebuilt the Molixuan Academy, reorganized the school fields, but also distributed money and food to the students who had been in arrears for a long time, so that they would not be hungry or hungry. Scholars have The books are good to read. The Australians even run their own Australian school." Yang Shixiang said with a proud face: "My ineffective young son has no hope in the sages, so he was sent to the Australian school. "Looking at that dazed face and the way his beard was shaking his head, Zhang Dai knew that the youngest son of Dr. Yang might have succeeded in his studies in the Australian school, but Yang Shixiang himself didn't get the words out, Zhang Dai On the contrary, I was embarrassed there and didn't know whether I should give a compliment or not.

"What the Australian said was interesting. One day, I asked the dog what he had learned in school today. The kid talked a lot about arithmetic, this force, that force, and how the ball rolled down the slope. It's all nonsense. I was tired of listening to it, and I was about to slap him a few times before letting him go, but he said that today he also talked about the Suiren family, Youchao family, Huangdi, Yandi, and Lei. Zu, Cangjie, etc." Yang Shixiang was absorbed in talking, his eyes had lost focus, he took a sip of herbal tea from the teacup at hand very naturally, and then continued talking.

"I'm surprised, this Australian also talks about the ancient sages? I want the dog to explain how the Australians talk about it." At this point, Yang Shixiang sighed first, and then stopped repeating. Instead, he reorganized and summarized the original words of his son: "Australians, they believe that the greatness of these ancient sages is because the things they invented have greatly promoted social production..."

Zhang Dai frowned, and endured the "productivity", "social production", "production efficiency" and other proprietary words that seem to refer to but are not sure of the specific meaning, and listened to the second-hand version of the Senate for nearly 10 minutes The historical view of tools of human civilization is also called the historical view of science and technology.Since Suiren mastered fire, human beings have opened up spiritual wisdom, pottery, herbal medicine, planting, and silkworms. Every invention has greatly promoted the development of human civilization and greatly improved human life.And the technology is also constantly improving, from living in caves, to tree nests, to wooden houses, to villages, and finally to ramming earth for walls, burning bricks to build cities, or from "mining the copper of Shouyang" to making iron and forging steel, and technological progress The key lies in the invention of writing and the inheritance of knowledge...

Zhang Dai himself is a historian. Although in another time and space he was famous as a gourmet, writer and prose, his real hard work "Stone Chamber Book" is the skeleton of "History of Ming Dynasty".If you want to classify, his view of history is of course the traditional orthodox view of history and heroic view of history. For the first time, he came into contact with the brand-new concept indexed by tool development and technological development in the classification of materialist view of history. It is conceivable that he was shocked. .Confucians of Confucius and Mencius all pay attention to "following the past kings" and stressing that the present is not as good as the past, so they need to follow the past kings to restore the rule of the three generations. "Fa Xianwang" is a kind of political correctness. Although there is something wrong in my heart, no one dares to challenge it head-on.Xunzi proposed the "Queen of the Law", but he did not mean that one generation is stronger than the previous generation, but that he first constructed an "ideal king" in his mind that had not yet appeared and might exist in future generations, and then asked the current ruler to strengthen Self-cultivation is gradually approaching this "king's template".Qifu has been around for more than a thousand years, and there are very few people who have studied "Xunzi", and they have seen different things. It can be said that it is a "rare heresy", and academic thoughts have not been widely spread.But today, in a medical clinic, Zhang Dai heard a new view of history with complete logic, detailed narratives, and sufficient arguments. I heard that I will die in the evening." The emotion filled Zhang Dai's brain at this moment.

After the narration, Yang Shixiang tasted several pieces of cookies slowly, and Zhang Dai regained his senses.And this relief is just from a dazed state to subconsciously looking for someone to communicate with. Facing the only person in the room who can communicate, Zhang Dai wants to talk, but he doesn't know what to say--after all Yang Shixiang is just a dealer in this brand-new view of history.Yang Shixiang sighed deeply, and resumed the conversation himself: "According to Australians, the two generations of Yan and Han, Zhao Guo of the former Han, Bi Lan of the later Han, were the generation of cattle farming, and the overturned carts and thirsty birds. , merits in the present age, benefits in the future, these two people are the great sages of the Han Dynasty..." Compared with overturned carts and thirsty birds, the original oranges are nothing!

After hearing this sentence, Zhang Dai couldn't accept it anymore.Zhao Guo, there are only a few strokes in the history books, let's not talk about it for now; then Bi Lan is the ten regular attendants who disturbed Chao Gang!How many years has it been since Wei Zhongxian was brought down today?This eunuch who plays power is actually regarded by the Australians as a great sage of the later Han Dynasty?Where is this to put Cai Yong, Lu Zhi, Zheng Xuan and other sages?

Think about it again, this Zhao Guo is a member of the peasant family, and the peasant family is a branch of the Mohist family; The one who "invents and creates" is considered to be Mohist... "Mencius Teng Wengong" said: "If the words of the world do not belong to Yang, they belong to Mo. The Yang family is for me, so there is no king; the Mo family loves both, it is no father Also. No father and no king, you are a beast." Zhang Dai subconsciously uttered this sentence, but found that Yang Shixiang was staring at him suspiciously.After realizing his "slip of speech", Zhang Dai asked straightforwardly: "Australians are like this, they are like Mohist, Mohist has no king and no father, this..." If you really want to say the following words, you really won't cause trouble what?

"Hehehe!" Yang Shixiang recalled an announcement on a certain issue of "Lingao Times" that he had seen soliciting ancient books, and replied: "Mr. Zhang! This book "Mozi", according to the Australians, was written when Song Dynasty traveled south. There have been many dissipated, and today, Australians only have 53 pieces left in their hands, and eight of them have only titles but no content. If Mr. Zhang really has 71 pieces of "Mozi", it may be dedicated to the Senate. A great merit."

Hearing this, Zhang Dai looked embarrassed—although the Zhang family is a local wealthy family, it has collected books for three generations, and its collection is extremely rich.However, he is not a family of a thousand years old, and his family will not take the initiative to collect "heretics" such as "Mozi". Almost all of his impressions of Mohism come from the criticism of Mohism in Confucianism.

"Furthermore," Yang Shixiang had a rare chance to take the initiative, so he unavoidably opened up the chatter box: "No matter what the Mohist school was more than a thousand years ago... I might as well use the apricot forest as an example—if there is an ancient prescription, there are bells and crows in it. When the assistant envoy, the medical officer saw it, he said, 'This poison is not to be used!', dare to ask Mr. Zhang, is it okay?"

Although Zhang Dai doesn't know medical skills, he also knows that some poisonous medicines such as aristolochia and aconitum are also used in some prescriptions for tigers and wolves. .But obviously, Yang Shixiang was trying to compare Mohism to the "ancient prescription", and made some explanations, but it was difficult for Zhang Dai to answer.

Yang Shixiang didn't really want to wait for his answer, so he continued on his own: "The medical officer didn't stop there, but also said, 'This poisonous prescription should not be passed on to the world, and all the flavors in the prescription are not allowed to be used'. So Gui Zhi is not allowed to be used, ephedra is not allowed to be used, ginseng is not allowed to be used, and deer antler is not allowed to be used, just because there are these in the ancient prescription, so they are not allowed to be used. Mr. Zhang, is it possible to do this?" Yang Shixiang said more The more excited he was, the more stern his tone became, and the look at Zhang Dai gradually became more hostile.

This "medical officer" is talking about Confucianism!Moreover, you always think of me as that Yuan Xueguan!By the way, is the academic officer surnamed Yuan related to Yuan Dushi who was executed a few years ago?That Governor Yuan is also a member of Guangfu... Zhang Dai's thinking began to diverge in an incredible place.

In the midst of an awkward atmosphere, the servant welcoming guests at the door suddenly shouted: "Master! You are here!"

Yang Shixiang was slightly taken aback when he heard this, and immediately realized something, he quickly stood up, and looked at the familiar figure at the door...

"My dear brother! Why are you here even when you are free?" Yang Shixiang rushed to the door and reached out to shake Liu San's hand very naturally.

"Brother, please trouble me! I also came here with a mission!" Liu San let go and patted Yang Shixiang on the shoulder, and the two stood side by side.

"This is Mr. Zhang Dai Zhang!" Liu San walked forward slowly.Zhang Dai also probably understood that this was a "true Kun", who should be the Australian owner of Runshitang, so he stood up early and bowed his hands in salute.Unexpectedly, Liu San stretched out his right hand to him with a smile on his face.Thinking about the way Yang Shixiang shook hands with Liu San just now, Zhang Dai knew that this was probably a greeting gift for Australians, and slightly suppressed the subconscious disgust of Liu San calling him by his first name, smiled inwardly, and stretched out his right hand He shook hands with Liu San.Before I could open my mouth, I heard Liu Sanyu say repeatedly with a strange emotion, "It's a pleasure to meet you! I've seen you for a long time!"

"Could it be that my literary name has already shocked this group of overseas survivors?" Zhang Dai couldn't understand how long Liu San's sincere "long admiration" had lasted, so he could only respond as usual, "Where is it! Shame and shame! The mere reputation is shameful." Listen."

"I don't know why you have traveled thousands of miles from the south of the Yangtze River to come here?"

Liu San's tone reveals the meaning of superiority, but Zhang Dai is also short-tempered-not to mention that this is one of the elders of Taisui in Guangzhou Lidi, but in the shop where he is sitting now, this elder Liu is also the big boss. But the out-and-out protagonist himself is a guest who comes to see him with a name card.

After pondering for a while, Zhang Dai replied generously: "When Xi was traveling with friends in Hangzhou, he met Mr. Zhao, and he introduced the scenery of Australia in many ways. I was fascinated by it, so I went south to find a way to Lingao. Take a look."

(End of this chapter)

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