Lin Gao Qiming

Chapter 1861 Travel Motivation

Chapter 1861 Travel Motivation
Zhang Dai said the three words "Master Zhao" almost word for word.

After hearing this sentence, Liu San was sure that the information was correct.The news of Dai's going south has already arrived in Lingao, but because Zhang Dai's itinerary did not take the sea route, but took the land route along the coast of Fujian, and the handovers along the way were all related to the Fushe, so when did Zhang Dai go? To go to Guangzhou and Lingao, the intelligence department cannot control it in real time.Furthermore, although Zhang Dai has a certain status in the history of literature, and also has a certain status in Jiangnan Shilin, but relatively speaking, his intelligence value is not very high, so Lingao just sent a general report to the supervisors in various places, saying that there is such a person. If you encounter something, pay attention to it, and it doesn't matter if you don't notice it.With this series of prerequisites, Zhang Dai arrived in Guangzhou during the New Year's Eve. Lingao was busy preparing for the war, and Guangzhou was busy celebrating the New Year. This was ignored.

"Just for sightseeing?"

Zhang Dai is a little annoyed now—maybe I still need to lie to you!However, he has always been known for his elegance, so naturally he would not easily show displeasure. He nodded slightly and said: "The student is just an idler. If he can't be idle, he will walk around."

"Now is the time when the war is raging, and Guangdong is in the midst of the war. Sir, this idler is coming at this time, so I have to be cautious about the intention of coming..." Liu San smiled slightly, his face full of ulterior motives smell.

Although Zhang Dai has the arrogance of a literati, he also knows that "military law is ruthless" in the chaos of war. He pondered for a moment and said: "The students came to Guangzhou just for a while, and when the students came, Guangzhou was still under the rule of the Ming Dynasty. The current situation is not what the students expected. Can predict..."

"I personally believe that Mr. Zhang came to Guangzhou without malice, but it is not easy to travel far these days. Mr. Zhang will definitely not run to this southern place on a whim."

These words have the taste of cross-examination.Zhang Dai knew that this person came to inquire about his own reality, if the answer did not satisfy him, let alone go sightseeing in Lingao, he was afraid that his life might not be saved.

Although he was not a person who was greedy for life and afraid of death, he felt unwilling to die so inexplicably.He thought for a while, and said: "The purpose of the student's coming here, Cai Shi has already said, it is to go sightseeing in Lingao, to see this legendary paradise, there is no other purpose except for all kinds of craftsmanship. The student is just a scholar , neither a minister of the imperial court nor a veteran in the army, seeking to see the master of Runshitang, is just looking for someone to take care of him in a different place."

"Mr. Zhang is the prefect of the county and the leader of the literary world in the south of the Yangtze River. We welcome you if you are willing to visit us. In fact, you can contact us directly when you arrive in Guangzhou. We can then arrange for you to go to Hainan Island." .” Liu San tried to express sincerity and indifference at the same time, and by the way accused Zhang Dai of not believing the meaning of the Senate.Zhang Dai remained silent, and Liu San continued: "However, it's just a matter of looking at things, and it's also a matter of seeing things in depth. Mr. Zhang came to Song Dynasty, what exactly do you want to see?"

Just as Wu Mu predicted, Zhang Dai simply let go now: since there is no fear of his life, and the old Liu Yuan opposite him is dealing with him cautiously and seriously, so why should he be sluggish.

"I have always known that one side has a lot of scenery, Australia and Song Dynasty govern Qiong, and the customs of Hainan have changed. I heard that the mainland of Australia and Song Dynasty is far away from thousands of hectares of waves. I am afraid that I will not be able to go there. I can only go to Hainan to see the local customs and customs of Australia and Song Dynasty. At this point, Zhang Dai felt that if he only mentioned these things, he seemed to be able to see them in Guangzhou, so he had to go into more detail. "When I was in Hangzhou, I saw a lot of Australian things. They were all exquisite, and even rarer ones, in any shape, would be the same even if there were millions of them. I am very curious about this. What I am most interested in is the porcelain from the secret cellar in Australia..." Zhang Dai expressed in detail his interest in the "glazing all over the body" technique of craft ceramics from the Australian Song Dynasty and his love for the secret cellar bone china, and put forward a request to see it.

This surprised Liu San: Zhang Dai’s psychological sketch and behavior speculation made by Wu Mu believed that although Zhang Dai may come to Gao to see our social conditions and people’s livelihood, this will not be the main thing. Lingao’s combination of Chinese and Western and modern Style paintings, music, literary works, and various entertainment methods developed in another time and space, and even the indescribable services of Ziminglou, may be the purpose of Zhang Dai's "taking a look" in coming to Gao.But now Zhang Dai said in front of Liu San that he was interested in large-scale production and ceramic technology, which caught Liu San by surprise.

Liu San is familiar with the bamboo cup mentioned by Zhang Dai, because it was the product made by the veterans of the porcelain factory and the naturalized craftsmen who first completed the process of high and low temperature double processing.Several unexpected products of the cellar were kept by the elders for collection, and the best ones were distributed to several elders who knew each other well, and the others were packaged as high-end gifts and sold outside.As a master of medicine, Liu San naturally has a lot of business contacts with the ceramic industry, so he also got a gift.Liu San definitely doesn't know the specific process, but he understands the principle.So Liu San decided to chat with Zhang Daiduo from here - anyway, his main job is to chat with Zhang Daiduo, and the recording content will be handed over to professionals at Wumu for analysis.

"It's not difficult to apply glaze all over the body." Liu San replied with a smile.

"Oh? Please don't hesitate to enlighten me!" Zhang Dai has read "Kunshu" a lot, knowing that Australians don't keep secrets about things like principles, but they often avoid talking about specific practices.At that time, "Elementary Theory of Optics" only talked about the principle and not the craftsmanship, but it made several people in the company hanged to death. In the end, they had to ask someone to come to Guangli to buy all kinds of mirrors mentioned in the book, but there is no news yet. , I went south by myself, and I don't know if they got what they wanted.However, as far as I have seen in the market during this period of time, there is probably no such thing in Guangli. If I really want to buy it, I am afraid I have to go to Lingao.

"The so-called pottery clay is actually the bottom of the stone." Liu San felt very tired when he opened his mouth: talking to Zhang Dai about the chemical composition of pottery clay must be the preaching of the original Tianzun.

"Put it in the cellar and burn it, that is, burn it and recondense it into shape. The same is true for glaze, which is some colored stones. Of course, it will undergo some changes under high temperature conditions, usually through reduction reactions—oh, you Don’t worry about it, it’s just that the physical properties have changed—so the original color of the glaze color is mostly different from the color after firing.”

Zhang Dai was very helpless after hearing this passage: He also knew that there must be a change in the physical properties, so the key is the reaction, but Liu Yuan was unwilling to say more.This kind of reluctance is not the kind of reluctance that is afraid of revealing the secret, but a kind of impatient reluctance, as if someone raised some questions that should be mastered in elementary school at a literary meeting, and others are too lazy to answer. .It was rare for Zhang Dai to be classified as an ignorant person, and he felt unhappy in his heart, so he nodded slightly in agreement, and continued to listen to Liu San's words.

"But different glazes have different melting temperatures." When Liu San said this, he remembered that Zhang Dai might not have the concept of temperature, so he explained again: "If the temperature at which water freezes is set to 0 degrees, the water boils If the temperature is set at 100 degrees, some glazes may take seven or eight hundred degrees to melt, while others may take thousands of degrees to melt."

"If the water is boiled, won't the temperature rise again?" Zhang Dai asked suddenly.

Liu San was stumped by the question—it is common sense for him that the water temperature will not rise when it reaches the boiling point, but how to prove it?It seems that I have never seen any book that explained it in a simple way.In ancient times, there were no thermometers, and the temperature could only be divided into high and low.It is difficult to quantify exactly, let alone explain.But I can’t just stop explaining it in person. Liu San replied wittily, “It’s true that it doesn’t rise anymore, but it takes time to explain the principle. Let’s talk about the glaze. Different substances have different melting points, and it’s not the case in daily life. If you can’t see it, Mr. Zhang can ask any coppersmith and silversmith and you will know: if tin, copper and iron are fired in the same crucible, tin must be melted first, then copper, and finally iron.”

Tin is better than copper, but Zhang Dai knew it, so he nodded and stopped interrupting.

"The same is true for the glaze. I also know the cup you mentioned. It has two colors inside and out! There must be a high-temperature glaze and a low-temperature glaze. First, the high-temperature glaze is fired, and then the low-temperature glaze is fired. Naturally, there is no need to leave a glow It is." Liu San solved the mystery in one breath.

After hearing this, Zhang Dai thought in his mind: first burn a color, the place without paint is the support point, and then burn the "low temperature glaze", then the glazed surface after firing is the support point.Sure enough, there is no need for awnings and nails!It just needs to be burned twice, and the cost is much higher.His discontinued project had only been fired once, and the yield rate was so low that if it had to be fired twice, the family would have already stopped it.Moreover, Liu Yuan's reasoning is clear enough, but it is still as useless as "Preliminary Optics": How to control the temperature after a cellar is burned?What is the "melting point" of the different glazes?If I ask carefully, let alone whether this Australian Xinglin Miaoshou understands it, even if I understand it, I don't bother to explain it to myself, I'm afraid I don't understand it well.

"The utensils are exquisite, and the Australian and Song Dynasties are really amazing!" Zhang Dai complimented.

Finally waited for this sentence!Liu San was overjoyed, and immediately deliberately asked: "Sir, do you think this is just a strange skill, which is of no benefit to the people?"

Zhang Dai was taken aback by this question, which was a little sinful, but after thinking about it, besides making some luxury goods, such skills seem to be really useless to the people's livelihood!Is there anything else to say?Zhang Dai is interested!
"I have no such intentions, but... would like to hear the details!"

(End of this chapter)

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