Lin Gao Qiming

Chapter 1862

Chapter 1862

"After your honor mentioned this matter, the students thought about it for a while, and felt that such skills, except for making some exquisite utensils, seemed to be of little use!" Zhang Dai had a serious face, serious asked back.

"Ha! Ha! Ha!" Liu San laughed and paced slowly in the hall - he didn't take Joe, although the theoretical preparations were made, but the direction of ceramics really didn't have many practical examples, he had to do it himself Think of an example.Just two steps away, something appeared in his eyes, and he remembered some words about related technologies. "Whether that's the case or not, let's talk about it first!" Liu San decided to pretend to be an expert for a while.

"Mr. Zhang, if you say 'beneficial to the people's livelihood', I'm free to say one benefit. If you are someone who only cares about face but not reason, you only need to say 'Xiaohui is not enough', and you can continue to question it. Why don't Mr. Zhang say it first A standard, what is 'beneficial to the people's livelihood'?" Liu San first dug the hole according to the script.

When Zhang Dai heard it, he was stunned: "This thief also knows "Zuo Zhuan"?" Then he recalled the "Thirteen Classics" and his evaluation of Liu San improved a little, but he didn't know "Cao Gui" "Controversy" is a primary school text in old time and space...

Then Zhang Dai thought about it carefully. In the old Japanese language conference, there were often the kind of scumbags who only wanted to save face but not reason. Talking about the trivial, going back and forth seems intense, but in fact it is meaningless to learning.If he catches a little bit of Huatou, he will talk about it over and over again.This Liu San has the style of such a literary ruffian.

Whenever there is such a sign in the literary society, the people in charge of the society will use their identity to suppress these rascals. If they do not correct after repeated teaching or the circumstances are bad, they will be expelled and given the title of "literary ruffian". contacts.Nowadays, this old Liu Yuan has to draw out his words before he starts talking, but he is treated as such a person instead.With Zhang Dai's idle temperament, he couldn't help being a little annoyed, and he thought about it again, could it be that in the eyes of this Australian, all people in the Holy Church are so unbearable?Can not help but give birth to a trace of sadness.

"Sir, it's okay to say, whether it's beneficial to the people or not, justice is in the hearts of the people, so how can you just mess around!" Zhang Dai's response could not help but be a little angry.

"It's so difficult for the common people in the market..." Liu San unconsciously lifted up his book bag when he answered, and he answered it smoothly, but felt a little awkward in his heart. "For most ordinary people, it is not easy to raise a child. Not to mention all kinds of accidents, just a gust of wind and a sip of cold water can take the life of a child. Therefore, they have to have more children, saying that there are many children. Fu, in fact, is just looking forward to more births, and there will always be a few who will survive." Liu San first commented on the current social situation.

Although Zhang Dai is a wealthy son, he is not a dandy who has no knowledge of the middle and lower classes. Thinking about what Liu San said, it is natural for the servants, sons, and long-term workers in the east and west rooms of his house to have new children. If it is a happy event, if it is a servant who is friendly with him, he will reward him with something if he is not in a good mood; , no matter whether it is successful or not, I will complain for a day or two at most, and then I won't mention it anymore.Hearing about this on weekdays, all I can think of is "the servants have weddings and funerals, and they come to ask for money, it's such a trouble".Now Mr. Liu Yuan bloodily presents the root of this matter from the perspective of a doctor. No matter how open-minded and optimistic Zhang Dai is, he is also a little melancholy.But what does this have to do with the ceramic craft?
"I have survived, and I have grown up, and I am also upset-it is when I grow up, my food intake has increased, but my stature and strength have not increased. If I live in the countryside, I can't do heavy farm work. If I live in the city No one here wants to hire workers." When Liu San said this, he thought of some social investigation memorabilia that was circulated among the elders by accident, and his heart was touched, and the words he said were even more embarrassing. Kind of true. "If there are too many surviving children in the family, they will not be able to support them. Those who have grown up and can do things have to take on the responsibility of supporting the family just like their parents. If there are too many children who cannot support themselves, they have to find a way , go out, send apprentices, no matter what, there will always be a mouthful of food; if there is an accident and famine, and there is no way to make a living, then you will sell your own flesh and blood..."

Hearing this, Zhang Dai also sighed, but did not comment: No matter the truth or falsehood, this kind of "thoughts about the people" has been heard a lot in Japanese literature and poetry conferences, but most of them are just sighs. Forget it, at most, I can say a few more rhetoric such as "if I am selected", "if I am sent", "if I am a parent of a place", but the focus will soon turn to why he has not yet been selected Judging and having to be dispatched, as for the "people" who are used to make Huatou, no one mentions it again.I just don't know what the gangster will say?
"If there is something that can make a thousand half-sized people like this able to support themselves, it will not only provide for their own food and clothing, but if they are diligent, they can also subsidize their families a little. Does Mr. Zhang think that this thing is good for people's livelihood?" Liu San asked the price first.

There are so many foreshadowings in the past, now that Liu San has drawn the way, Zhang Dai can't really say against his conscience, "Guangzhou and Qiongfu have 200 million people and 5000 young people, and 'Xiaohui is not everywhere'."Not only is it not Xiaohui, but at least a thousand families have been relieved of a burden, and the actual beneficiaries are more than [-] people?As a local official and a county magistrate, unless he is assigned to a good place that is close to Jiwang, the population under his jurisdiction may not be five thousand.One thing can benefit the people of a county, so why not "beneficial to the people's livelihood"?
"If this is true, it is a great charity!" Zhang Dai sighed: "Please don't hesitate to enlighten me, what is it that can benefit thousands of people?"

"Haha, Mr. Zhang has been in Guangzhou for a long time. Since summer, there are popsicles everywhere in Guangzhou. I wonder if Mr. Zhang has ever drunk it?" Liu San asked back.

Popsicles, of course Zhang Dai, who is a big foodie, has eaten them.He has a strong curiosity about novelty.He has heard of all kinds of novel foods of Australians for a long time.When you arrive in Guangzhou, where there are many Australians, you will naturally want to feast on it.What's more, it's also convenient: the ice shop under Zichengji's name will deliver ice cubes to Liang's house once a day. In addition to ice cubes, the car comes with cold drinks such as various popsicles and kvass.He also ate a lychee-flavored one yesterday afternoon-this thing has something to do with ceramics?What does it have to do with people's livelihood?Zhang Dai couldn't understand for a while.

"It turns out that Mr. Zhang has eaten it, but he has never seen how this popsicle is sold." Liu San obviously expected this, and then pointed to the two large cloth-wrapped vats in the shade of the corner of the pharmacy where you can drink herbal tea for free. One says "Hot" and the other "Cool".

"Mr. Zhang might as well take a look. In fact, those half-grown children sell popsicles, and they use this."

Zhang Dai was curious, so he stepped forward.The two large vats were tightly wrapped with plain cotton cloth, and the lids that were also wrapped with cloth were lifted, and the medicinal aroma of herbal tea came to the face.Zhang Dai took a closer look, and it turned out that the big vat was not the pottery urn he had imagined, but a porcelain vessel with a plain white wall and a blue rim.

"This is—" Zhang Dai asked suspiciously: If it is porcelain, with such a large volume, the outer wall is so thin, which is really worrying.If it is not porcelain, then the wall surface is obviously the luster of porcelain glaze.

"Enamel. Enamel vat." Liu San explained, "It's enamel..."

enamel?Inlaid enamel?That's copperware!Jing Tainian's filigree and enamel-inlaid wares are quite famous, but one of them was forbidden in the palace at that time, and until now, only a small number of them have been released, and Zhang Dai has only a few small pieces in his collection.Moreover, the big vat in front of it is plain white, but there is a circle of blue around the mouth, which has nothing to do with "inlaid enamel" at all!
"Sir, you are joking. The enamelware is made of copper." Zhang Dai shook his head.

Ok?bronze?Cloisonne?Liu San was stunned.Hey, someone seems to have mentioned that it seems that the core of enamel is made of cast iron until the 19th century.

Liu San, who recalled the key information wittily, nodded immediately and said: "If you can use copper, don't you think you can use iron?" Liu San ignored the problem of the adsorption and adhesion between the bottom glaze and the iron core.

"Iron is hard and ductile, and can be made extremely thin. Copper is expensive and iron is cheap, so it is cheap and easy to use as the inner core. Please see, sir, this big vat is also glazed all over, and it is mostly plain white. The opening of the next crimp is the second layer of blue glaze. The glaze completely seals the iron core, so that the iron core is strong and durable, and the glaze separates the iron core from contact with liquid, so it will not rust. Just put a layer of crushed ice inside, and then wrap a layer of insulation on the outside, ah, that is, this layer of cotton cover, it can keep the popsicles inside for several hours..." As for whether this big enamel tank is real or not? Liu Sancai didn't bother to take care of the production with this kind of technology, as long as Zhang Dai is fooled into living here now-it makes sense anyway.

"If you use a pottery jar or a wooden barrel, with such a large volume, the weight of the container alone is enough for a half-sized child. If you don't use this kind of craftsmanship, you can only sell it at street stalls." Liu San continued to talk freely.

In Zhang Dai's heart, he was convinced, but he was not convinced either.This large enamel vat is light, clean, and sturdy, and so on. The half-sized popsicle seller can indeed save a lot of effort by carrying this large enamel vat on his back, and he can also carry more popsicles.However, many ice vendors he has seen on the street do not use this large enamel vat, but small wooden boxes with quilts inside.

He pondered: "Doctor Liu is right. However, this large enamel tank seems unnecessary. The ice sellers students saw on the street used nothing more than a wooden box wrapped in a quilt."

(End of this chapter)

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