Lin Gao Qiming

Chapter 1863 The Lobbyist

Chapter 1863 The Lobbyist
Liu San was taken aback, because most of Lingao's popsicle business was monopolized by Honghuahui, and Honghuahui used enamel thermos buckets.No one uses wooden quilts at all.After he came to Guangzhou, it wasn't that he didn't notice the different equipment of the local hawkers, but he took the memory of Lingao into Guangzhou for granted.

It was a bit embarrassing for him to ask such a question.In today's conversation, he has always held the initiative.Seeing this well-known figure in history, besides nodding and only asking questions and echoing his eloquence, he felt contemptuous in his heart. Asked, immediately made myself a little embarrassed.

He couldn't help but secretly scolded himself for being confused, the popsicle peddler used wooden quilts, not to mention that it was like this in Guangzhou city, even if it went back to the old time and space, wouldn't it be the same? !Which self-employed business sells popsicles with enamel jars?Forget about it!

Originally, this example was far-fetched, but because of Zhang Dai's point, Liu San suddenly realized that the conversation just now had no doubts, and he did not persuade Zhang Dai at all.The reason why Zhang Dai is willing to take such a humble attitude is that firstly, he is really interested in these "uncanny skills and obscenities" and is willing to listen to his own nonsense; secondly, he has the prestige of a "landlord", so he has to listen to his own nonsense.

These gangsters are indeed unrepentant reactionary literati!Liu San looked at Zhang Dai's calm face and cursed secretly.

He laughed twice: "Mr. is right. This example is indeed not appropriate."

Zhang Dai is going to Lingao for sightseeing. The long-winded "Master of Runshitang" in front of him is a "landlord", and he needs to take care of him when he goes to Lingao. Naturally, he can't let him get off the stage, so he said: "Actually, Doctor Liu said Yes, the students also understand. The reason why the half-grown children in Guangli City can rent large enamel vats to sell popsicles can support themselves is that Guangnan and Hainan are mild and cold all year round, and the family has a little Families with low income are willing to buy them to cool off the heat; secondly, it is because of the power of this skill that they can create ice cubes in this "far away from the flames" of the sky. If there is no such ability, I am afraid that this good deed will not be possible. Come."

This is acknowledging the benefits of "technical power" to "people's livelihood", but with some leeway, there must be the cooperation of "time and place".It's not that you can change the world by relying on strange skills and ingenuity.

Liu San thought that this sour boy really has a trick.The research plan of myself, Wu Mu, Mayor Liu and others is somewhat self-righteous.

After Zhang Dai said a few words, he fell silent again, obviously waiting for him to continue to play.

Liu San's words have come to this point, so he has to bite the bullet and finish the routine.

"Mr. is right, the right time and place are also the most important part." Liu Sandao, excluding the 'beneficial to people's livelihood'.The principle of the technology itself has many great uses for the military and people's livelihood! "Liu San redirected the topic to the direction they had discussed.

Zhang Dai continued to smile.He already understood: During this meeting, shopkeeper Yang to old man Liu Yuan were all responsible for the work of "lobbyists" despite their different identities.

As for the purpose, it is nothing more than to publicize that the "uncanny skills" of Australians are the "righteous way" that is comparable to or even better than the Master's Way.

It should be said that Zhang Dai is not disgusted with the "uncanny skills" of Australians. He has been in Guangzhou for many days, read many books and newspapers about Australians, and listened to the discussions of people from Yuyuan Society. Definitely.But in his opinion, this is just a "skill". If it is used well, it will be of great benefit to the country and the people. If it is used badly, it will destroy people's hearts.It is far from the "Tao", let alone above the "Day".

However, he has no intention of debating with the Australians. Judging from their painstaking layout, the Australians seem to have the intention of recruiting him.This made him unavoidably proud while being vigilant, but also resentful: Even the Australians overseas valued him so much, but the imperial court regarded him as nothing!
"Please tell me, sir, the students are all ears."

"Mr. Zhang is also a man of history. After thinking about it, he also knows that the Rong and Di in the North have always been short of iron." Liu Sanhao took the time to start talking about ancient times. "In the past, Mengyuan fled back to Mobei, and the source of iron was cut off, so that the bones were used as arrows. When the Eastern Captives raised troops and rebelled, they started with only a dozen pairs of armor from their ancestors. The Liao, Jin, and Mongolian Yuans were all well-equipped. The reason is that since the Liao Dynasty, the land of Yanyun donated by the son emperor was obtained, and the sons of the Han family cultivated and worked for him, so the Liao, Jin, and Yuan dynasties were stronger than the Hu in history." Liu San began to spread his message tool history.

In fact, this argument is problematic, not to mention Tubo, but Xixia, which is also a northern Rongdi, has a well-developed iron smelting industry, excellent armor and weapons, and it does not occupy the sixteen prefectures of Yanyun; The Turks did not rely on Chinese craftsmen to forge iron and make soldiers on the grasslands.

Zhang Dai nodded. He knew that the Mongols were short of iron.At that time, one of the big business of Shanxi merchants was to export Mongolian goods, which was a profitable business, and iron pots were one of the favorite commodities of Mongolians. As for whether Mongolians really need so many iron pots, it doesn’t matter. businessman thing.Many northern gentry are involved in this kind of business.It is an open secret in the capital.

Liu San also nodded in response: "Since there is a lack of iron, there is demand. Where there is demand, there is a market, and where there is demand, there is profit. A great sage in Australia and Song Dynasty said, 'If there is a 10% profit, it is guaranteed to be sold everywhere. Use; if there is 20% profit, it will be active; if there is 50% profit, it will take risks; for 100% profit, it will dare to trample on all human laws; if there is 300% profit, it will dare to commit any crime, There is even the danger of hanging one's head.'" After saying this "famous saying" that everyone knew about the elders, Liu San deliberately paused, waiting for Zhang Dai to digest this sentence.

Although he is not used to the expression "how many percent", Zhang Dai has read a lot of books and newspapers in Australia and Song Dynasty in the past few months, and he also knows that 10% is 100%, and [-]% profit is "twice the profit". After a little transformation in Li, he quickly understood this sentence. "This is a great statement! The nature of merchants seeking profit is clearly revealed!" Zhang Dai praised with a slap in the face.

"To be honest, the biggest demand for ironware is iron products for daily use. In a family, iron pots weigh a few catties, hoes and plowshares weigh a few catties, and bits and pieces of nails weigh a few catties. There is always a catty or two of iron on each person's head. How much iron can an army that uses swords and guns use? Most of the soldiers are spearmen. A spear looks big, but how many catties of iron are there at the spearhead? The pot-feather arrow is only counted as an arrowhead, and it doesn't have a few irons." Liu San continued to analyze.

Although Zhang Dai has never seen regular soldiers or war soldiers, Nanjing is at least one of the two capitals. Although the standing army is slack, its airs are still there.Now that I think about it, not to mention that the big-headed soldiers don’t use a few ounces of iron, even some officers from hundreds of households and trial hundred households wear paper armor, and the real iron on their body is just a saber sword. , I think it's only a few catties.

But when firearms are involved, the amount of iron used is huge. A three-eyed blunderbuss requires at least ten catties of iron, and the number of firearms used by the army is a huge number.

Zhang Dai still remembers the oracle published in the Mansion newspaper that he saw during the reign of Tianqi. The number of firearms of the Liaodong army listed above, except for the number one and number two guns, which is in single digits, what are the nine-sided magic guns, the tiger crouching guns, and the number one two guns? There are hundreds of No. [-] Franc machine, Iron Chung Pearl Cannon, etc., as for Iron Lianzhu Cannon, Iron Three-eyed Gun, and Bird Gun, these are counted in thousands.It is conceivable how much iron will be consumed in it.

As for the army of the Kun bandits in front of us, they are especially good at firearms, especially cannons, which can "corrode dozens of miles with one cannon", and it is heard that hundreds of thousands of catties are needed to cast a "General Cannon"; Good at making a big iron boat, an iron boat—whether it can float or not, just the size alone, I'm afraid there are tens of thousands of catties of iron.There are dozens of "cannons" on board.The amount of iron owned by the Kun bandit army is probably a huge number.Zhang Dai responded casually, waiting for Liu San to continue talking.

"In order to guard against the Mongols, the imperial court forbids the export of ironware. Even if you sell an iron pot, they can still find a way to melt it down and remake weapons. But this ban is not very effective: since the Mongols have strong demand, merchants tend to Do everything possible to smuggle. Of course, it is not limited to the smuggling of ironware. Salt and grain are the main force of smuggling. As far away as Mongolia, as far as Eastern captives, there are merchants who smuggle goods for them. Where there is a market, there is a market and there is profit.”

Hearing this, Zhang Dai couldn't help but think of some people in the society who like to discuss current affairs. At a gathering, he said that the reason why Donglu was able to invade Gyeonggi last time was because profiteers in Jinzhong showed Donglu the way. It was suddenly dark, and he couldn't help sighing.Of course, Zhang Dai didn't know that the reason why those people had such "insight" was because they read a current situation analysis magazine published by Australia and Song Dynasty that was secretly released at that time.

It is true that cannons, fast guns and iron boats all rely on "uncanny skills and ingenuity", but Dr. Liu has made such a big circle, obviously not for this purpose.

"Among hardware, only gold and tin are not easy to rust." Liu San paused, and then nodded after seeing Zhang Dai think for a while, knowing that he had "common sense" in this area and didn't need him to explain further, so he went on. Talked up. "However, the ancient ancestors knew long ago that the red copper mined and refined is soft and not suitable for casting. Instead, the bronze mixed with tin sand is not only suitable for casting, but also the utensils made are better than red copper. It is hard. Therefore, during the three generations, most of the weapons and sacrificial vessels were bronze.

"However, although bronze is harder than red copper, it is brittle. The cheap money on the market is mixed with lead and tin, and it will be broken into eight petals when it is slightly bumped. The reason is that tin is mixed, and the physical properties change. that is it."

(End of this chapter)

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