Lin Gao Qiming

Chapter 1872 Remove the Old and Bring the New

Chapter 1872 Removing the Old and Closing the New ([-])

There are three fires for new officials to take office, and Liu Fuyin of the Great Song Dynasty has not taken office for less than half a year.It is indeed a great effort.In the past few months, they have been in exile, cleared up officials, run police administration, and rectified business... On the surface, it seems that it has nothing to do with beggars, but everything seems to be tied with ropes around the people of Guandi Temple.It has to be said that the source of income cannot be guaranteed.

Seeing his brothers complaining one by one, asking him to "find a way", Gao Lingxiang was worried, not to mention himself, even when his father was alive, there was no countermeasure - otherwise, he would not have been involved in that witch Go to the Gu case.

After thinking about it again and again, I decided to inquire about the situation of the academy first.He called his maid: "Call Han Changle here."

Han Changle is a nursing home raised by Gao Tianshi, but he doesn't do night watch and watch the watch, but rather acts as the master of his martial arts team.

Han Changle was originally an officer and soldier. He was a small lieutenant in Wang Zunde's war against Kun. During the fierce battle, the Fubo Army counterattacked and pierced his calf with a bayonet, and he has been disabled ever since.

Because of his leg injury, he was disabled, and the Australians didn't ask him to stay and build roads to redeem himself. After healed his leg injury, he let him go.

Han Changle dragged his injured leg, begging all the way, and finally returned to Guangzhou.Although he had been an officer in the past, he was just a low-ranking man, with his leg injured, so he had no chance of serving as a soldier.He has been in the army for half his life, except for his strength, he has no skills to earn a living, and he has never accumulated much money.Fortunately, he is a bachelor, so he simply mixed with the people of Guandi Temple.

One of the important livelihoods of the people and horses in Guandi Temple is to act as thugs for the big clans and gentry, especially clan fighting in the countryside.Although he was lame, he had been through battle for a long time. After coming down a few times, he emerged and became a well-known "Military Advisor" among the people of Guandi Temple.He was directly recruited by Gao Tianshi's side.

Not long after, Han Changle came over. He was not tall, and he was dressed in bunt clothes.Tan Liang exposed her forearms on both sides, and her veins popped up.It's just that the legs and feet are obviously inconvenient when walking.

"Go for a walk in the city to find out the limelight." Gao Lingxiang said, and after finishing speaking, he gave him some instructions in a low voice.Han Changle nodded slightly, and said, "I understand, little one!"

"Be careful, we have no backing now." Gao Lingxiang let out a heavy breath.

Han Changle entered the city and walked around the city in the scorching sun.In particular, I went around the sinus mouths.Since the Australians came to the city, they have recruited exiles, and even the beggars on the street have taken a batch of them intentionally or unintentionally.As long as the shopkeeper greets those who want to force them, the patrol police will come to interfere, and they will be driven away with a baton at a light level, or directly detained in a serious case-there is no way out of this arrest.

The streets were much cleaner, and the citizens applauded.It's just that every sinus mouth is full of gloomy clouds.The big bones didn't dare to stroke the Australian's beard, and they didn't respond well when they saw Han Changle, so they kept asking the group leader what he thought.

"If this continues, our brother will really drink the northwest wind."

More than one big bone said this to him, and some big bones just dealt with him lazily, without saying how the situation was good or bad.Han Changle remembered everything in his heart.Don't talk too much, just deal with a few words and leave.

He turned around for most of the day.It was getting late, and he didn't plan to go out of the city to go back to Jinhua Temple - he had a sworn brother who was a disciple in Wenlan Academy, so he planned to stay at this sworn brother's house at night, and check the situation of the academy by the way.

He was coming out of Doukou outside the Youlankou when he saw a group of people standing on the side of the street in front of him.Several Australian men in black trousers, disc hats, and cloth strips tied around their calves surrounded an Australian woman.

The woman was dressed in a black uniform, with a round bonnet and a pleated black skirt.Just above the knee length.Wearing black boots, the front and back of her body are bulging, and her thighs are long.

The crowd on the street all looked like they were watching the excitement. Han Changle heard that there was a female officer in the real gang sent by the Australians to Guangzhou to arrest criminals and thieves. Bar?I saw a group of people talking in low voices behind, but they were afraid of the group of menacing men, so they dared to watch from a distance.

Standing among the men, the female officer held a small black book and kept pointing.Occasionally, I also talk to a few people around me.Then go a little further.Don't know what to do.

Han Changle stood by and watched the excitement, and suddenly found a person next to the female officer who looked familiar. That person was also in a black uniform with two more pockets on his chest, and a few copper bars on the cloth strips on both sides of his shoulders were shining. A little ahead of the rest of the entourage, and closely behind the lady officer.Han Changle took two steps forward, "That's right, it's him."

Lu Dagang was an errand in the standard battalion of the guerrilla general Wang Daoji with him back then, and he and Han Changle were the same robes who had stirred a spoon in an iron pot.In terms of relatives, they are also Gua Manqin's cousins.When the officers and soldiers in Hainan were defeated, more than 2 people escaped and only a few thousand escaped.Han Changle was injured and captured, so he escaped with his life.But Lu Dagang heard that he had no such good luck.Some of those who escaped swear that they saw Lu Dagang smashed to pieces by the iron cannons of the thieves, some said that Lu Dakyang drowned when he escaped, and some said that he was caught by the thieves and sent to the labor camp to work as a coolie. He also said that "once you enter the Kunmen Gate, it is as deep as the sea", and all those who entered the labor camp were close to death, and they were absolutely devoid of physiology.At that time, the city of Guangzhou was in chaos, and it was difficult for officials to report themselves, let alone the life and death of the leading soldiers.Han Changle never expected that not only did Lu Daguan save his life, but now he has cast a gun, which seems to be quite popular.

This is a rare old man!Han Changle thought to himself, if they can recognize each other, at least they can get some news from him.The most difficult thing for them to do now is not knowing what the Australians think.

Just about to follow slowly, suddenly a middle-aged woman rushed out from the alley by the side of the road, rushed to the center of the road, raised a book protector with both hands and knelt on her knees, crying loudly and mournfully:

"Master Qingtian! You are the master of the people's women, you are wronged!"

Mu Min was taken aback by this sudden situation. She came here today to inspect the rectification of the custom industry.The rectification work of the custom industry is entering a climax, and working groups have been stationed in various brothels, large and small, and are investigating.However, it has been reported recently that some prostitutes from the Lehu family rented residential shops in the streets around the former romantic places, such as Youlanmen Wai Avenue, to solicit prostitutes privately while the brothels were closed. It was a mess for a while.Neighborhood merchants and people complained.Mu Min came here for field investigation today.

With her attire and the policemen around her, she didn't have to beat the gong to make people avoid her when she walked on the street, and the pedestrians on the street also stayed away.I never thought that someone would stand out and shout for injustice.

It was the first time for Mu Min to encounter such a thing as blocking the sedan chair and calling for injustice.Liu Xiang and Lin Baiguang have often met several times.In the minds of ordinary people, only local officials can avenge their grievances, and it is impossible to find a squad leader to arrest them quickly.

Two agents from the General Guard of the Elders immediately stopped in front of her.Mu Min shook her head, signaling them not to be nervous.Asked: "What's the matter?"

A policeman hurriedly reported: "It is said that they are here to complain about injustice, and there is a huge injustice to file."

"I'm not a judiciary here, what case does she have for her to go to court..."

The police hurried to go, and came back after a while, saying: "Chief! This woman said it was a murder case from the past..."

"A homicide case?" Mu Min felt strange, but it was a homicide case, so it was naturally dealt with by the police department, and immediately took care of her: "Take her back to the headquarters first."

After Mu Min inspected the situation, he talked with the chief of the local police station for a while, and returned to the police station after seven o'clock. While having dinner, he did his business. He forgot about the woman who complained, and only dealt with the documents in his hand. It was almost done, and then I stretched my body.At this time, a policeman who accompanied her to inspect in the afternoon was standing at the door of the office, looking around.

"What's the matter?" Mu Min vaguely remembered that he was the "white body" of Kuaiban in the original yamen, and because of the witchcraft case, he was added again.

Because such people somewhat have the habits of the old yamen, Mu Min doesn't like them very much.Seeing him sneaking around the door of Zhiji's office, he lost his temper even more.

The policeman was taken aback, and quickly came in with a disfigured figure standing at attention and saluting, and said, "I, I just want to ask, Chief, the woman who stopped the sedan chair to complain this afternoon..."

Mu Min suddenly remembered, and looked at her watch, it was almost nine o'clock in the evening.He said, "What? No records have been made? Since she is the one who reported the case, she just asked the criminal police to record her statement."

Unexpectedly, the policeman refused to back out, instead took a step forward, and said in a begging tone: "Chief! This case has been dragging on for more than ten years... There is really a last resort... I dare you, can you You can't ask the personally interrogate..."

In this way, Mu Min's curiosity was aroused.Since the policeman made such a request, there must be something unspeakable, and he had to ask her to handle it in person.

She pondered for a moment, then suddenly asked, "What's your name?"

" is Bi Defan." The police didn't expect her to ask this question suddenly.

"Tell me, how much benefit have you taken from others?"

Bi Defan was frightened, and quickly distinguished: "Chief! She is a bitter person in Coptis chinensis, how dare I take advantage of her! There will be a thunderbolt from the sky!"

"Then why are you so enthusiastic?" Mu Min smiled slightly, "You are probably the one who instructed her to 'stop the sedan chair and file a complaint' today."

Bi Defan's eyes jumped suddenly, and he said: "The chief is wise! To be honest, this woman was originally a distant relative of mine. Even a young person knows a little bit about the details of this case. The nobles in the city are involved in it. In the past No yamen is willing to take care of it. She was determined to die and refused to file a complaint. Now that the world has changed in the Song Dynasty and the world is clear, she has the idea of ​​filing a complaint. If she can be rehabilitated, she can also return the deceased's innocence... "Speaking of this, his eyes turned red and he almost shed tears.

(End of this chapter)

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