Lin Gao Qiming

Chapter 1873 Remove the Old and Bring the New

Chapter 1873 Remove the Old and Bring the New ([-])

However, Mu Min couldn't understand these words, "Zhaoxue" and "Return the deceased's innocence", no matter how they sounded, they all meant unjust cases.But he said it was a homicide.

Look at him, it doesn't look like a disguise.There seems to be a great grievance in this matter, Mu Min nodded and said: "You take it to the pre-trial room. I will be here in a while."

"Thank you, chief!" Seeing what the policeman meant, he wished he could kneel down and kowtow to her immediately.Mu Min smiled helplessly, there are more and more such things now.Cases like "stopping sedan chairs to sue" and "beating drums to appeal for grievances" are transferred by the municipal and district governments every day.On the contrary, the courtroom carefully arranged by Judge Liang was neglected.

However, on the other hand, these transferred cases are almost all criminal cases involving human life.Either the facts of the case are unclear, or there are grievances, and it is often an old case. It takes a lot of energy to just clarify the context.

After finishing her injury, she came to the pre-trial room.But the woman who filed the complaint was in her 30s, dressed in flirtatious clothes, with a coquettish look smeared on her face, she looked like a prostitute on Lefang Street.

She had always been disgusted with prostitutes, so she lowered her face and asked, "What's your name? Why do you want to report any grievances?"

The woman sobbed and said: "Minister Wang Heshi has an old case, I beg the master... the chief... Zhaoxue! Speaking of "Zhaoxue", she fell to her knees with a plop, and burst into tears.

The crying was extremely painful, but for Mu Min, this was a common occurrence.She nodded and said, "Don't cry, get up and speak slowly."

The woman wiped away her tears and started talking about the case intermittently.

The case itself is not complicated. The woman's maiden name is He, and her boudoir name is Xi. At the age of 16, she married a local scholar named Wang.That is to say, they are well-matched, and they are also young couples. They are very loving.later

This scholar surnamed Wang was studying in Wenlan Academy. Ten years ago, because he was dissatisfied with the embezzlement and embezzlement of public funds by the directors and directors of the academy, he fought with the scholars in the academy, and it was once very loud.No one in the city knows.

Unexpectedly, Mo Rongxin, who was in charge of the courtyard, had an extremely vicious scheming plan, and actually hooked up with the people of Guandi Temple, and sent a thousand men to seduce Wang Xiucai to gamble. Even a little of the family's ancestral property was taken to pay off debts.

Although at this time he has already repented, knowing that this is a game played by Mo Rongxin, but there is nothing he can do.

"...The woman also advised him at that time, it's better not to fight with the Mo family anymore, just bear with it and let it go," the woman cried, "I never thought that the Mo family would be so vicious..."

Although she said it was vicious, she refused to say where the viciousness was. It was the police who explained it on her behalf, saying that in order to pay off her debts, she had gone to her mother's house to discuss raising money.One day when she was alone at home, someone sent a message to her, saying that her natal family had already agreed to the matter, and she was asked to hurry over to discuss it, so He Xi hurriedly followed the visitor.

"... This time, I have entered the tiger's mouth," the policeman sighed, "It turns out that this is, this is also what was arranged by Mo Rongxin."


When it came to this section, He Xi just fell on the ground and wept bitterly.Mu Min knew that in the social environment at that time, with a scholarly family like her, the only thing she could do was to commit suicide if she was defiled.I feel very sympathetic.

Naturally, this matter was immediately spread all over the city, vividly.It is said that she had sex with the monk in the ruined temple.The scholar surnamed Wang suffered a catastrophe of ruining his family and such disgrace. He completely collapsed mentally, and finally hanged himself in the academy.And He Xi himself was sold to be a prostitute on Lefang Street because of "husband's debt and wife's repayment".

"I originally wanted to die, but my brother from my natal family persuaded me, saying: 'There will be dark days, and there will be dawn, and the Yellow River will still be clear. Is it possible that the Mo family can't cover the sky with one hand for the rest of their lives?'" After that, I cried again
The policeman who said this was also crying, and while wiping his tears with his sleeve, he also tried to persuade him: "Don't cry anymore, the chief will make the decision for you."

Mu Min was very angry when she heard this. She went to Guangzhou to handle countless cases, and she also saw many cases that never saw the light of day.However, thinking about it again, this matter has nothing to do with criminal cases at all.Her man committed suicide, which she herself admits, and there are only two things that can be dealt with legally: one is that the liar set up a game to induce gambling, which can be treated as fraud;Either way, it's not a homicide.Moreover, the case happened more than ten years ago. Needless to say, all the physical evidence has been wiped out, and the witnesses are even missing.How to file a case based on her words?What charges are you filing for?
However, this case involved people from Wenlan Academy and Guandi Temple, which is indeed very useful "black material". Mu Min made up her mind and immediately asked her to take her to record a complete statement first.

"After taking the statement, you take her to the City Bureau Detention Center and temporarily detain her. Don't let her go out again."

"Yes!" Seeing Mu Min's serious attitude, the police couldn't help but feel refreshed.

Lu Dagang walked out of the gate of the Guangzhou Police Station shaking his sore neck. The police officers passing by on the road, whether they were old naturalized police officers or police officers recruited from Guangzhou, asked him to call him "comrade first-level commander".This police rank is not only unique in Guangzhou, but also very few.

He used to work in a police station in Lingao, and after he was selected into the Qiongya detachment and went to Guangzhou, all officers were promoted to a few levels. He was appointed as the captain of the first patrol team under the Public Security Division of the Municipal Bureau, and managed a hundred new recruits. A police officer who also serves as a teacher of the Police Academy, is very busy on weekdays.

Lu Dagang enjoyed this kind of busyness.At the beginning of his journey to the north, Lu Dagang's leader told him that his future was limitless this time, and that in the future, he would at least fulfill his position.He changed his name after he came out of the reform-through-labour team. He didn't understand what it meant at the time, but now it seems that the one-word difference is quite serious, and he is worthy of his position as the captain.Captain Lu has experienced the taste of power, and is happy with his job.

Today, I follow Director Mu to inspect the patrol area I manage, and I seem to be quite satisfied with my work, and my words seem to be important to me.This filled Lu Dagang with the strength to dedicate himself to the great cause of going north, and he worked harder to punish his group of new melon eggs.

Lu Dagang was planning to go back to his dormitory to have a rest on the road, when he suddenly heard footsteps approaching from behind. In the past few days, Director Mu has given his orders. The reactionary forces in Guangzhou are temporarily dormant due to the strength of the Senate, but they will never stop. Will not willingly give up their own interests.They had been biding their time to wreak havoc on the Senate.Lu Dagang's heart tightened, he drew his gun in one hand, turned around and shouted: "Who is it?"

The visitor hurriedly stopped to explain: "Cousin, it's me...I'm your cousin Han Changle!"


The sun was setting and the sky was full of red clouds. In a tavern not far from the dormitory of the city police station, two men occupied a table and waited for food to be served.

This tavern was newly opened. Because of the short distance, the naturalized police officers who came from Lingao usually did not bring their family members. Although there was a cafeteria that served three meals, they wanted to change their tastes on weekdays, so the tavern flourished.Because of the working hours of the police, it was open until midnight - which was considered rare in Guangzhou's catering industry at that time.

"Cousin! Cousin didn't want to find you after the defeat in Hainan. My cousin and aunt died early. You don't have a brother, and you don't even have a wife. I don't care about you, who cares about you. As soon as I can get my legs and feet on the ground, I will Going to inquire about you, the people who have escaped are scared out of their wits, who can take care of you. I hate that my legs and feet are not convenient, otherwise I will find you even if I chase after Lingao." Han Changle's six points are true. The holidays were divided, but tears were shed while talking.Lu Dagang had no relatives when he was alive, and he joined the army when he was young. Whether he was in the Ming army or in Lingao, he lived and boarded together.Rarely enjoy family affection.Now when I meet a relative who is tentatively considered a cousin, what the other party said is emotional, and I can't help being moved to tears.

When the two talked about the past, they couldn't help sighing. Lu Dagang asked about Han Changle's current livelihood, but Han Changle didn't dare to tell the truth, and only said that he was working as a nursing home for a wealthy family.

Not long after, the dishes were served.Two cold dishes with wine: boiled peanuts, cold jellyfish, topped with sesame oil.Two more hot dishes were served, one was a well-known Australian dish: scrambled eggs with tomatoes, the other was fried pork, and finally a pot of steaming fish stew was placed in the middle.Lu Dagang still has work tomorrow, so he just needs a few ounces of rice wine to drive away the humidity at night.

The buddy also specially served two bottles of iced kombucha, saying it was a treat.

The two chatted while eating, and Han Changle took a peek at Lu Dagang.I haven't seen him for a few years, but Lu Dagang's stature has become much stronger, and there is a more vigorous look between his brows, and a cowhide belt is tied around his waist, making his body look tall and straight.There is a leather case hanging on the belt, and the shiny black handle is exposed inside. It is the "revolver gun" commonly used by Australians.Han Changle pointed to Lu Dagang's waist and asked: "Even with such military weapons, it seems that my cousin is very popular with Song Dynasty."

Han Changle's words hit Lu Dagang's itch quite a bit, and he replied not without complacency: "It's not a big deal, most of the cadres from Hainan are equipped with them——Daming's territory is chaotic, I don't know which ones don't open their eyes Those who came out came out to fight against the Senate, and if you leave this one, even a master who comes and goes in Gaoli, even a single bullet will teach him to go back and forth." He patted the gun on his waist.

Han Changle sighed and said: "It's still my cousin, you have great fortune and good fortune. At first you thought that you might not be able to keep your life. Now you have voted for the Great Song Dynasty and become an official of the Great Song Dynasty. It can be regarded as returning home."

(End of this chapter)

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