Lin Gao Qiming

Chapter 1881 Remove the Old and Bring the New

Chapter 1881 Removing the Old and Closing the New ([-])
After hastily issuing several orders, Liu San realized that his knowledge of public health and epidemic prevention was limited to the major courses he had taken during his years in the House of Representatives, and was limited to "understanding".It is "unprofessional" to order the command here by yourself anyway.

"Quick! Prepare the sedan chair! Go to the Provincial and Hong Kong General Hospital." Liu San suddenly thought of something, ordered loudly, and then put on his briefcase and went out.

As the situation in Guangdong gradually became clearer, the distance from the small naval hospital in Hong Kong could no longer meet the medical needs of the military and civilians in Guangdong—even Guangzhou City could not meet it.Although the Ministry of Health formed an army health team for the South China Army, the medical center of this health team was stationed in Sanshui, the logistics center of the Fubo Army.Can meet the health needs of Guangzhou citizens and cadres.Only Liu San, the polished commander sent by the Ministry of Health, remained.

Liu San recruited "medical" medical officers in Guangzhou, and received the support of Runshitang, so he could barely provide the minimum medical services for the naturalized cadres and veterans.Some difficult-to-handle critical illnesses are still transferred to the Naval Hospital in Hong Kong.However, this kind of service has become more and more unsustainable with the large number of local civil servants and police officers, let alone providing medical services to Guangzhou citizens.

In such an unsustainable situation, we have to take into account the epidemic prevention work in Guangzhou.Liu San had no choice but to send a telegram to the Ministry of Health, requesting "whatever it takes, send someone to help."

When this telegram was in Deng Bojun's hands, it became an excellent weapon.He ran to Minister Shi to make a summary, and when he came out of the office, the "Provincial and Hong Kong General Hospital" case that had been "discussed but not resolved" at the health office for a long time was officially settled.

Like other hospitals under the Senate, the newly established Provincial and Hong Kong General Hospital has a great reputation and a small number of staff - not because it does not provide staffing, but because there is too little manpower to provide staffing.But at any rate, it was a breakthrough from scratch, as Lin Yuanlao, who was appointed as the director of the General Hospital, said in his memoirs later, "brought the first ray of light to the dark health care in Guangdong."

Dr. Lin used to be a young surgeon in Guangzhou who had no ambitions before crossing over.Although he came from the School of Medicine of Sun Yat-sen University, he was only a master's degree—in this medical circle where there are so many master's degrees and doctors are everywhere, it is really not a dazzling sign.After finally squeezing into a tertiary hospital in Guangzhou, I had to struggle to qualify.

After the frustrated Dr. Lin crossed over, he was quickly reused in the Bairen General Hospital: among the veterans of Sanitation Gate, there are not many professional doctors, and even fewer professional surgeons.Choosing him to be the dean in Guangzhou naturally has the meaning of supporting the frontline—after all, war injuries often require surgical treatment.

The sedan chair walked slowly on the streets full of rubble and mud - Liu Xiang's "digging all over the city" made the narrow streets more and more difficult to pass. Not only the official carriages from Lingao could not be used, even the rickshaws None of them are available.The elders traveled either on foot or in sedan chairs.

The sedan chair went all the way out of the East Gate and headed straight for Guangzhou Great World.

The Provincial and Hong Kong General Hospital is actually just a brand, and the material basis is the health center in the big world. There are no more than [-] beds, but there is a simple operating room-this is quite a high configuration among the medical institutions subordinate to the health port. .Deng Bojun clamored to start the Provincial Hong Kong General Hospital to generate income because he fell in love with the equipment of the Great World Health Center.

Liu San, full of worries, was carried all the way into the big world by sedan chair.The big world has two parts, inside and outside. Only elders and related naturalized people are allowed to enter and leave the "Inner World".The clinic is located on the first floor of this "Inner World".

Although the big world is heavily guarded, once you enter the "inner world", the atmosphere is much more relaxed.Liu San got out of the sedan chair and came to the room with the sign of "Provincial and Hong Kong General Hospital Office". He opened the door and went in to find that Lin Motian was looking at a document solemnly. I didn't pay attention when I opened the door.

"Old Lin, what are you looking at?" Liu San found that Lin Motian's expression was actually very familiar to him - not because he got along with Lin Motian deeply, but because Liu Yuan often saw this expression in his mirror recently .

"Oh, Doctor Liu..." Lin Motian hurriedly stood up, "Come, come...please sit down."

"Why do you look bitter and bitter?" Liu San didn't sit down, but walked to the desk and picked up the document that made Lin Motian frown.As a result, Liu San's heart sank after only glancing at the title—"Report on the Progress of Epidemic Prevention Work in Guangzhou Special City".

"Can I take a look?"

"You are the head of the health department, of course you can. But this is only a draft."

It stands to reason that Lin Motianlai, who was born in clinical surgery, did not do this job—Ren is a serious health and epidemic prevention background, but this Ren has been tied to Kaohsiung for a long time as the person in charge of health and a veteran doctor .Even after the refugee transfer work has largely ended, Taiwan's malaria epidemic prevention work is still very heavy.

The epidemic prevention work in Guangzhou fell on the head of Dean Lin, who had just arrived in Guangzhou.Although Lin Motian has always respected the health officials, he has never taken the initiative to ask for an official position, and seems to maintain the loftiness of a "pure business cadre".But anyone who has worked with him knows that he is definitely not a person who has no desires and no pursuit of power.On the contrary, Lin Motian, who failed to catch up with the first train in the wave of official promotion, was very active in demanding progress. He made a report as soon as he arrived in Guangzhou, asking for the establishment of provincial and Hong Kong medical schools and anesthesiology specialists, which is very good proof.

It's not offensive, though.There is an idea that shows that he is someone who wants to do things, Liu San thought.In an environment where many veterans are satisfied with their small life on Hainan Island, it is still rare to find people who are persistent in doing practical things.Since everyone came here to travel without any great intentions, and they are almost destined to become founders or leaders in various disciplines in the future, it is only natural to have such ambitions.

"Speaking of which, it's really dark." Lin Motian looked at him flipping through the report, and smiled wryly, "There are so many things that should be done, but none of them can be done!"

Although this report was not drafted by Liu San, it looks very familiar: many data and paragraphs in the report come from the research report organized by him.

From the perspective of public health administration, the progress of Guangzhou's health work can hardly be called satisfactory: although these developments were already earth-shaking for the people of the Ming Dynasty.Due to the New Life Movement advocated by the Senate and the implementation of primary immunization work such as vaccinia vaccination, common epidemics such as dysentery, smallpox, and intestinal infection have been significantly alleviated compared with previous years.Especially smallpox control.People in the Ming Dynasty were no strangers to the "human pox" vaccination against smallpox, and it was easier to accept the safer vaccinia - not to mention that there was a fee reduction for the "vaccinia vaccine".With the implementation of the "New Life Movement", the habits of "not drinking unboiled water" and "three tubes and one extinguisher" gradually spread along with the bayonets of the Fubo army, the sticks of the health police, and the propaganda and supervision of various Baojias.

The hunger situation in the city was also gradually eliminated, so the epidemics of dysentery and various intestinal infectious diseases that were common in spring and summer have also been greatly alleviated.What's more, the Senate also has powerful tools to deal with digestive tract infectious diseases: intravenous infusion plus antibiotics. The spread of these three diseases in Guangzhou has improved a lot compared to previous years.

On the other hand, from a not-so-magnificent point of view, for veterans or naturalized high-ranking cadres who received various vaccinations early, special diets and unparalleled sanitary conditions, infections such as smallpox and cholera Disease is preventable and curable, not so terrible.So they are not particularly worried about the outbreak of this type of infectious disease.

But Sanitation is still not satisfied with the overall situation.According to the standards of the old plane, plague and cholera belonged to the highest level of Class A infectious diseases, and they needed to be reported immediately once they were discovered.But now they haven't even established the most basic community health centers and village health centers. The grassroots institutions are in a mess. Except for the health police under the national police system, there are hardly any front-line epidemic prevention workers.The difficulty of mobilizing the masses in health work is far greater than that of Qiongzhou, so the control of infectious diseases can only be "relatively improved", and "elimination" is really a distant task.

"The leak in the house coincides with the rain!" Liu San took a deep breath, "There is a suspected case of plague!"

Lin Mo was startled. The word plague was so terrifying that even in old times and space, it was enough to make medical staff change their colors: highly contagious, extremely fast onset, and high fatality rate.

He tried to calm himself and asked, "What's the specific situation?"

Liu Sandang told him exactly what he was about to report.

"...Depending on the situation, it should be bubonic plague. It's lucky."

"But for us, what is the difference between bubonic plague and pneumonic plague? We have nothing." Lin Motian said that bubonic plague is relatively "better" in the eyes of modern medicine. Both are severe infectious diseases that are hard to prevent and treat.

In the old plane, there is no exact record of the outbreak of plague in Guangdong, but it is only recorded as a "big plague" in general.However, Liu San's investigation of the medical officers and the epidemic reports received by the health department were not optimistic. Judging from the incomplete reports sent by the subordinate states and counties of Guangzhou, sporadic cases of suspected plague had appeared.

Due to the limited medical and health conditions in Guangdong, there is no ability to store samples for inspection, and there is no biochemical laboratory in Guangzhou, which cannot do bacterial culture, so a diagnosis cannot be made.For the sake of caution, similar cases are handled according to the principle of burning all the corpses and contact objects, and segregating the contacted people.

(End of this chapter)

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