Lin Gao Qiming

Chapter 1882 Remove the Old and Bring the New

Chapter 1882 Removal of the Old and Closure of the New (Seventeen)
The most common types of plague include mild plague, bubonic plague, pneumonic plague, and septicemic plague, both of which are very dangerous.At present, most views believe that the Black Death pandemic in Europe and the Chinese plague pandemic in the late Qing Dynasty and early Republic of China were mainly based on these two types.

Because the records of infectious diseases in Chinese historical records are very general, they are only called "plague" and "big plague", and there are very few records of the specific course and symptoms of the disease, so many people have the impression that there were no severe infectious diseases in ancient China. .Even in the Senate, many elders also believed that "dirty Europeans only get the plague" or "Chinese people rarely get infectious diseases."

Hygienists certainly do not believe in this "race/civilization superiority theory": since we are human beings, we will all be attacked by diseases.Regarding plague and cholera, two Class A infectious diseases in old time and space, they have done special research and read a lot of historical and research materials.It is roughly determined that there was no "true" cholera in China in the 17th century, that is, the spread of classical cholera-this disease was endemic in India and Bangladesh before the 19th century, and it was not introduced to Guangzhou by British merchants until the early 19th century."Cholera" mentioned in traditional Chinese medicine is mostly a general term for various gastrointestinal infectious diseases.

As for the plague, there was also a large outbreak of plague in the late Ming Dynasty.However, the study believes that the plague was limited to the north, especially in Shanxi and Hebei, and in the south, Guangdong and Guangxi, no plague epidemics had occurred.

Why is it suddenly available now?Both Liu San and Lin Motian fell into deep thought. Since D-Day, their governance has more or less relied on the historical materials provided by the large library as a reference-and it has indeed played a big role.However, the current situation shows that the butterfly, the Senate, is causing more and more violent storms, and history has gradually begun to deviate from the predictions of the Great Library.

"In my opinion, the problem is likely to appear in the leather trade." Liu San said.

Before the start of the Guangdong strategy, the foreign trade department purchased a large number of rough leather on a large scale for military supplies, mainly to meet military supplies such as leather shoes, belts, and helmet hangers. Warm clothing such as hats, leather vests, and leather jackets.

Most of these purchases are carried out through agents, which greatly stimulates related trade.However, the price of rough leather is low, and the private demand in Hainan Island is extremely limited except for the military and industrial use of the Senate.

Originally, the Ming Dynasty did not pay much attention to the use of fur. In the famous Yan Song's search list "Tianshui Bingshanlu", there are very few fur goods.But this does not mean that there is no such demand.In the smuggling trade between the Later Jin and Ming Dynasties, the largest export item was ginseng, followed by fur.Due to the low temperature in the Little Ice Age and the fashion trend led by Ziming Building, mink, otter and other precious furs have become a fashionable choice among wealthy households in Guangdong. .

After the foreign trade companies sold mink and other high-grade fur processed by modern tanning methods to the Dutch and the British in order to "earn foreign exchange through export", Guangzhou's fur export trade flourished.Huge profits have attracted many traders to participate in the fur trade.

Although the trade between the Senate and the Qing Dynasty strictly restricted the import of the fur of mustelid beasts such as minks, otters, and marmots: not only the number of imports was limited, but all of them had to go through quarantine—the fear was that the plague would spread.However, given the current situation in Guangzhou, it is impossible to carry out strict health and quarantine on all incoming commodities.The high profits of fur made merchants desperately enter the Liaodong trade, and many furs without quarantine entered the Guangzhou market directly or indirectly.

Crowded floating population, rough and poor housing conditions, backward hygiene awareness, weak grassroots organization... From the perspective of modern people, Guangzhou's public health system is like a sieve. The plague epidemic in the plane is taking the opportunity to quietly attack the city and seize territory in Guangdong.

"Fur is only one reason. If it is fur, the disease should start from the relevant practitioners." Lin Motian objected, "The first person to get sick should not be a beggar. He is a victim of flea infection. After all, among the people in this group Having flea infestation is the norm."

"This matter is complicated." Liu San was a little restless,
Lin Motian said: "We must take immediate measures."

The bubonic plague currently occurring in Guangzhou is relatively not that contagious, but without intervention, the bubonic plague can be transformed into pneumonic plague and septicemic plague.If pneumonic plague and septicemic plague break out, the consequences will be disastrous.So Liu San agrees with Lin Motian's statement, no one knows when a real large-scale epidemic will break out.

It is said that Li Zicheng's rapid defeat had a lot to do with the fact that the army was infected with the plague when he entered Beijing.If they can't stop the epidemic quickly, they will probably follow in Li Zicheng's footsteps and have to leave Guangzhou in embarrassment under the attack of the disease, and go back to Hainan Island to continue dormant—if they are even more unlucky, the plague breaks out in Hainan Island. Then all their ideals and ambitions, if not destroyed, will have to be delayed for many years before they can be realized.

"Where is the body now, where are the contacts?"

"Burn it on the spot, but I have sent someone to extract the blood. I have ordered the dock to be closed," Liu San exhaled, "all contacts have been quarantined."

Both of them fell into silence for a while.After a while, Lin Motian opened the drawer, took out a document, browsed it briefly, and added a few words to it.

"This is my application." Lin Motian stood up solemnly, and gently handed over the document with both hands, "Da Song Australia Bank is in the elder Lin Motian solemnly applying to the Senate, please appoint me as Guangzhou The leader of the special city epidemic prevention team, responsible for fighting the plague epidemic!"

Liu San instantly choked on the tea and coughed violently.

Lin Motian was very calm, still humbly handing over the application form.

"Do you know what you are going to do?" Liu San coughed and stood up from the sofa. Although he knew that Lin Motian was not a "duty person", this kind of request still surprised him , couldn't help opening his eyes wide, and said a foul word: "This is not a problem that you can solve by eating special meals or using disinfectant! This is the fucking plague!"

For a moment, Liu San thought that he saw Lin Motian's mocking look on Lin Motian's face, "I don't know what you can understand as a Chinese medicine doctor", but then he thought that he might be watching Wrong, because when he looked at Lin Motian carefully, he still saw that humble and indifferent expression.

At present, the Senate does not have enough safe and effective vaccines and treatments. Unlike digestive tract infectious diseases, plague can be transmitted through fleas and droplets. The risk of direct contact with patients is self-evident.The plague, which can be transmitted through droplets, is already a terrible lung type. Once it is infected, there may be no chance of escape.Although they still have a reserve of antibiotics to deal with the plague, after all, this is the end of the Ming Dynasty with primitive medical conditions, and it is far from guaranteeing the safety of a patient with severe plague—even if this person is a veteran.

"Doctor Liu, you are also very aware of our current health situation in Guangzhou. We are all veterans, so I will open the skylight and speak out. This epidemic should be said to be within your expectations. It is only a matter of time before the outbreak. As for me As long as I am for the great cause of the Senate, I will naturally go through fire and water, the so-called Gou Liguo..." Lin Motian hadn't finished reciting the two poems, seeing Liu San's expression, he immediately stopped the rest, "Uh , in short, I am not a whim or a whim."

"Are you clear about the epidemic situation?" Liu San asked, and then thought that this was a piece of nonsense, and the report was still there. With Lin Motian's personality, he didn't miss the epidemic reports in the past few days. Otherwise, it would not be rash to propose to be responsible for this aspect of the work.

"At present, there is no conclusion on whether there is plague in Guangzhou. This is one of them; secondly, according to the current situation, even the plague is mainly bubonic plague, and the contagion is not so terrible." Lin Motian tried his best to pose With a confident look, "If it develops to the point where pneumonic plague and septicemic plague spread everywhere, we will not be able to avoid it even if we are Da Luo Jinxian—moreover, if there is a plague epidemic, no one will be able to escape. The situation in Guangzhou that was created with great difficulty will collapse at the touch of a button.”

Liu San looked at Lin Motian speechlessly,... This can be regarded as using his life to gain a future.

Even if you don't mention the friendship between the elders, even if there is no brotherhood, it is considered a sad friendship. If Lao Lin receives a lunch box, he will not be able to go back as the highest leader of the Guangzhou Sanitation Office.After a long silence, he took the application and said, "I will hand over the application to the organization."

This matter cannot be decided by oneself, it must be submitted to the Senate: the leader is always wise, even if the leader is not wise, at least he is more suitable to take the blame than him.

On the way back, Liu San was still thinking that Lin Motian was still different from people like him.The so-called "human being is the sum of all social relations", traveling alone into this world is almost abandoning everything about oneself as a social person.Those who can give up their homes and careers and take the initiative to ask to travel to this troubled world, there are some seeds of desperadoes hidden in their hearts. This drive to risk their lives for the future reminds him of Lin Baiguang, who started his career by recruiting Zhucai... Coincidentally Yes, this guy and Lin Baiguang are still in the same family.

After sending Liu San away, Lin Motian calmed down, opened his notebook, and began to write on a piece of official paper.Judging from the dense handwriting and alteration marks on the notebook, he has been thinking about this document for more than a day or two.

(End of this chapter)

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