Lin Gao Qiming

Chapter 1884 Plague War

Chapter 1884 Plague War ([-])

To satisfy all-round monitoring of the urban area and adjacent customs boxes, at least five or six hundred quarantine personnel are required, which is too heavy a burden for the army.

Originally, the garrison in Guangzhou was very limited. If it weren’t for the Pearl River Detachment of the navy stationed just outside the city, with a large number of rotating sailors stationed there, Guangzhou would really be a bit of an “empty city plan”.

The troops can be used to undertake security tasks such as martial law and control, but it is beyond their capabilities to continuously allocate a large number of manpower for epidemic prevention.

As for recruiting through civil service examinations—although the Cadre Office gave Guangzhou the power to recruit local civil servants, it would be ridiculous to recruit four or five hundred cadres for the health department at one go.

It was Lin Baiguang who had an idea. He proposed to use the former Ming army officers and soldiers who are currently training on Hong Kong Island.

After the liberation of Guangzhou, all the Ming troops in the former Guangzhou Mansion, whether they were "military officers" from local military households or recruited battalions, were all sent to Hong Kong Island for training.Not only them, but also the officers and soldiers of the Ming army who surrendered and were captured during the entire battle of liberating Guangdong were also sent to Hong Kong for screening and training.

"These gangsters may not be able to do things well, but they are first-class in harming the people..." Lin Motian's head was already shaking.

"No, my suggestion is to use soldiers from local military families." Lin Baiguang said.

Because these soldiers from military households are all from the local area, and their family members are also in the local area, they are different from the unattached foreign "guest army" battalion soldiers.

"...Most of them are locals, familiar with the local situation, can speak Cantonese, and it is much more convenient for us to communicate. Most of the family members are in and out of Guangzhou, and they have to do whatever they want. They can't help them not to obey the rules!" Lin Baiguang road.

Lin Motian thinks this is also a solution, and these people have been in Hong Kong since the beginning of the year, so it is impossible for them to be infected with the plague.It is more at ease to use.

In order to facilitate command and expenditure, with the consent of Liu Xiang, after reporting to Lingao, the epidemic prevention brigade directly under the Guangdong Corps of the National Army was formed based on these soldiers.In order to "strengthen leadership", another [-] sergeants and soldiers were drawn from the National Army and appointed as the captains of various squadrons and squadrons.

It only took three days to form the epidemic prevention team. Early on the third day, the newly formed epidemic prevention team went to the Wanshou Palace Training Center, where Lin Motian taught in person.

The use of quarantine personnel without any medical knowledge background will inevitably affect the rate of misdiagnosis and missed diagnosis in the process of plague case investigation. Therefore, in order to ensure the quality of quarantine, he personally presides over relevant training courses. Emphasize the need for quarantine and isolation to frontline administrators and police.As for their isolation measures, he is still unable to come up with a very effective method. What he can guarantee is that everyone on the front line has a mask to wear-it is better than nothing.

Normally, protection against plague requires full-body gowns and goggles.They have some of these, but they can only be assigned to those front-line workers who need to directly contact patients and diseased corpses and items.

A shipping isolation and quarantine area was set up on Changzhou Island. All seagoing ships coming from the north must undergo a 10-day mandatory quarantine at the quarantine berth on Changzhou Island. After the quarantine is over, they can sail to Guangzhou for unloading and landing.All fur goods are not allowed to be unloaded in Guangzhou, but must be unloaded in the quarantine warehouse on Changzhou Island.Those who unloaded the cargo in Guangzhou without authorization, once captured, they were treated as infected ships, and the cargo was burned on the spot.

Lin Motian hesitated again and again, but still did not ask for a comprehensive martial law.Since the pneumonic plague has not yet appeared, and the spread of the plague is still at a relatively slow stage, these policies that have been issued will inevitably affect the circulation of goods to a certain extent, and the general martial law will require more quarantine personnel and troops. When the department is short of people everywhere, even a health department like him can't block the flow of people.

There have been rumors against him among the elders. It is said that some elders said in private that he "made a big fuss! There were not many infectious diseases in Guangzhou in those years, so he came here like this. I think he deliberately took a few The patient made a big fuss and used it as a stepping stone for his promotion!"

Lin Motian put his application for martial law back on the desk:
"I hope this thing will be used later—no, I hope it will never be used." He looked out the window at the quarantine officer wearing a red cuff, and sighed silently in his heart.

Lai Xiao stood by the side of the boat, riding the tumbling river under the increasingly dark sky.Thinking about it.

The idea of ​​running away has been in his mind for a long time, but now, the idea of ​​"running away" is becoming more and more determined.

At the beginning of being taken into custody, Lai Xiao still had the idea of ​​being happy with the situation.Although it is not a good thing to be a coolie for the Australians, at least there is a bowl of food to eat, and it is finally a way to survive.It's not too late to spend some time looking at the situation before making a fuss.However, since the old man suddenly fainted on the pier, and later heard that he "died from a sudden illness", the situation suddenly changed.

Their group failed to make it, but stayed on the dock all day.The ships that had already berthed hurriedly unanchored, and then another group of "National Army" came and surrounded the pier with three floors inside and three floors outside, and no one was allowed to enter or leave.

The originally noisy and busy pier suddenly became extremely deserted. Except for the beggars who were waiting to board the boat, there were a few fake men who were in charge of guarding and escorting them. With the anxious look in his eyes, Lai Xiao knew that something big happened here!
Based on Lai Xiao’s experience in begging in the past few years, it is not difficult to guess that the old man who died violently should have suffered from “time disease”. The sudden sudden death of old, weak, sick and disabled beggars abounds.

However, the Kun thief is so serious about this "time syndrome", closing the pier, and fitting a mask on the fake hair - he knows this thing, and all the doctors of the Kun thief wear this, it is said that it can " epidemic prevention".

This is to spread the epidemic!Lai Xiao's scalp exploded immediately.

He knew a thing or two about the horrors of contagion.Lingao also suffered from smallpox.While begging in Guangzhou, the beggars "blow water" to each other. Beggars who have experienced it have said that the horror of the epidemic is "ten rooms and nine empty spaces" and "thousands of miles without human habitation".In the past few years in Guangzhou, I have seen epidemics every year, and hundreds of people died every year.Beggars are often called to work as pickers to carry corpses—this job can strip the dead of their belongings and clothes. Many beggars are willing to go. Every year, many people die of diseases because of carrying corpses.

Couldn't he be infected too?Lai Xiao was in constant fear.When they were finally caught up on the boat, a gossip had spread among the crowd that all the people on the pier that day, no matter whether they were beggars or fake men, would be sent to a small island to "wait for death". lest they infect others.The reason is that the fake gun who supervised them on the pier also boarded the boat.

"Damn the thieves!" Lai Xiao secretly cursed, "It's only when everyone dies of plague!"

Thinking back to the time when I was working as a servant for the second young master in Goujiazhuang, I didn't have to worry about food and clothing, and when I went out, I was very majestic, no matter whether I was molesting the maid or the wife and daughter of the tenant's long-term worker, no one dared to say no, even in the county town , is also a domineering master, who doesn't bring money for eating a watermelon.

Who would have expected that he would end up like this now!Not only can't even be a beggar, but also be sent to a deserted island to "wait for death".

Don't wait to die, you must run!
Although the river here is wide, Lai Xiao claims that the water quality is excellent.You can come and go freely in the bay, not to mention the Pearl River, which is much quieter than the sea!

As long as he can climb out of the cargo hold and jump into the river, Fake Kun will definitely not be able to catch himself.

Thief Lai looked around secretly.The so-called "Australian barge" transporting them was not too big, and more than 100 beggars were crowded in the open cargo hold.The bulkhead of the cargo hold was as high as a person, and there were fake guns guarding the bow and stern decks. They were condescending, and they could clearly see every move in the cabin.It is impossible to sneak up and jump into the river—that fake Kun raises his hand and shoots, and there must be a transparent hole in his body.

The sky was gloomy, and there were bursts of dull thunder in the distance. The beggars on the boat couldn't help shrinking their necks. There were dark clouds in the distance, faintly flashing electric lights, and the wind on the river began to increase and become chilly.

A heavy rain is coming.Everyone on the barge began to stir.As the wind strengthened, the ship began to bump up.

The guards on the front and rear decks clenched their rifles tightly and kept yelling: "Don't move, don't move, squat down!"

A gust of wind passed by, and suddenly a drop of water dripped on Lai Xiao's head, and then he heard a rapid crackling sound, and as the lightning passed over his head, the sound of thunder seemed to explode in his ears.Almost at the same time, the straight rain roads fell down in a straight line, and they couldn't see clearly one by one. They just fell one after another on the river surface, and countless ripples were shot out on the river surface in an instant, and they were swallowed by the waves in an instant.

In just a few moments, thousands of waterfalls fell from the bulkhead of the cargo hold, and the rain curtain falling from head to head drenched everyone in the cabin instantly.Lai Xiao squatted beside the bulkhead, looking nervously at the sky. At this time, the sky and the earth are inseparable. The river in the sky is falling, and the river on the ground is flowing horizontally. It is gray and dim, sometimes it is white and bright, a world full of water .

The fake girls on the boat were also at a loss by the heavy rain.Some people rushed to get their raincoats, others hurriedly arranged their coir raincoats that had been blown by the wind, and tied ropes to their bamboo hats.In this short moment of chaos, when Wuxia took care of the cargo hold, Lai Xiao already used his hands and feet to climb up to the side of the ship by stepping on the body of a beggar who was limp in the bottom deck.A burst of thunder rolled by, and he jumped into the turbid water of the Pearl River.

 Starting today, the seventh volume will be serialized simultaneously on multiple lines.

  The published part of this volume "Volume [-] Mainland" is changed to "Volume [-] Mainland-Guangzhou Governance"

  At the same time, the serialization of "The Seventh Mainland - Guangdong and Guangxi Raiders" began

  The story timelines between the chapters are parallel, and I will serialize them simultaneously.Please pay attention to the division of chapters when reading.

  This article is not over and will continue to be serialized.attention please.

(End of this chapter)

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