Lin Gao Qiming

Chapter 1885 Plague War

Chapter 1885 Plague War ([-])

Lai Xiao's escape did not cause many ripples.In order to save trouble, the escorts wrote in the report: "Jumping into the river to commit suicide." So Lai Xiao was crossed out from the "list of contacted people" and noted: "Death from other reasons." To accommodate beggars and refugees During the process, more than 100 people died due to various reasons, and one more or one less would not attract anyone's attention.

Lin Motian was already in a state of desperation at this time, so naturally he didn't care about Lai Xiao's life and death.He was busy training the anti-epidemic personnel, and held meetings with the Baojia chief and the police, asking them to pay attention to the patients, roadside corpses, and dead people in their respective areas.For all deceased persons, the death certificate must be issued after the epidemic prevention inspector arrives at the scene before they are allowed to deal with the funeral.

A large number of printed posters are posted everywhere, requiring residents to clean up the garbage in time, and carry out rodent control campaigns. The dead rats found should be collected in designated baskets and collected by special personnel.Do not discard at will.

"I want each Baojia to submit a dead mouse for each slice, and I will culture the slices." Lin Motian said, "First find out where the source of the plague is."

"Isn't it a mouse?" Mu Min was already drafting a document to apply to Lingao for [-] mouse traps.She is going to distribute it to various Baojias inside and outside the city.

"There was no major plague outbreak in Guangzhou in the past, and the possibility of the plague bacillus being carried by the rats is not very high. The most likely possibility is that it was brought in from the fur trade." Take slices of mice to see if they have Yersinia pestis in their bodies. Only in this way can the source of infection be determined.”

"Then my mousetrap..."

"Let's apply. Rodent control is always a good thing for environmental sanitation." Lin Motian said, "Rodent control is just one of them. Fleas can also be eliminated through rodent control."

Because the bubonic plague is mainly spread by fleas.Therefore, killing fleas is an important means to cut off the spread of plague. Fleas are almost everywhere in this time and space. The environment where humans and animals live together, poor living conditions, and very few bathing facilities make the infection rate of fleas extremely high, even in The middle class and even the wealthy in the cities are also infected with fleas.

However, the Senate does not have effective anti-flea drugs such as DDT and 666, and because of the huge population base, it cannot be "purified" as Hainan Island treats refugees.The only thing that can be supplied is a small amount of pyrethrin, which is completely incapable of the scale that the US military sprayed DDT on the whole city of Naples.

"If you have the conditions, you can do it if you don't." Lin Motian said, "When Wu Lien-teh went to the Northeast to prevent the epidemic, he was empty-handed just like us. There was no DDT or antibiotics. In the Northeast, it was even more difficult to take a bath. It all depends on The organization was strong, and the plague was contained by quarantine."

The establishment of a quarantine area on Cheung Chau Island was only the first step. Next, Lin Motian ordered the suspension of all fur trade.The ships carrying furs and the warehouses storing furs were all closed, and all people who came into contact with them were sent to the quarantine area for isolation and observation.

"Shopkeeper, the wash water is ready!"

Xiaosi, the employee of Xingfushan Goods Store, stood at the door of the shopkeeper's room, yelling loudly.But I was muttering in my heart.The shopkeeper always gets up early all year round. According to the popular "Australian hour", no matter whether it is winter or summer, he gets up at five o'clock.Just like the guys.

But now the sun is rising, the shopkeeper let alone getting up, there is no movement in the room.This is a bit strange.It doesn't matter if he doesn't get up, the shopkeeper Liu who I invited to discuss the business is here, so I can't make people wait!

Once the guys at the counter made up their minds, they asked the little four who had just completed his apprenticeship to "please".In case the shopkeeper is offended, this bastard will also take care of it.

Xiao Si naturally had no right to say "no".In fact, he was already very uncomfortable today, with a sore throat and a feeling like a fever, but he didn't dare to say that he was "ill".Now I called several times outside the door, but there was no movement inside.Xiaosi had no choice but to push the door - there was no latch inside. He looked around and saw that the shopkeeper was still lying on the bed. He called out several times, but there was still no movement.

"Is this sick?" Xiao Si thought about going over to have a look, and suddenly became terrified, and fled outside the door, shouting, "It's not good! The shopkeeper is dead!"

Lin Motian, wearing a thick Wu Lien-teh-style mask and isolation gown, looked at the corpse that had just been sent to the "isolation morgue" of the Liuhuaqiao Human Plant: the skin was ecchymotic, swollen, suppurated, and ulcerated The lymph nodes... all show that this is the dead of the bubonic plague.He carefully took some tissue and body fluid samples from the corpse for culture and observation to make a final diagnosis.

If the diagnosis is correct, then this plague war will be officially kicked off.Lin Motian only felt that his heart was heavy.

"What about the corpse? Do you want an autopsy?" Su Wan asked.

"No need, treat it the same way as the beggar's corpse, just take it to cremation." Lin Motian breathed out through the mask, "You have to keep an eye on them, the corpse itself is the source of infection. Throw all the things used here into the cremation Lose."

Su Wan nodded: "I understand."

The guys at Xingfushan Goods Co., Ltd. were all quarantined on the spot.However, the quarantine officer soon discovered that one of the boys met the No. [-] illness in the manual. Lin Motian rushed to see after receiving the report, and found that Xiao Si had already fallen into a high fever—the onset of the disease was very fast.

It was no coincidence that two patients appeared in a mountain goods store at the same time. After Lin Motian inquired, it was not until this mountain goods store did have a leather goods business recently.Not long ago, I just imported a batch of otter fur goods from Liaodong. A few days ago, taking advantage of the hot summer sun, I turned them in the yard to prevent mold and decay.

"Where is the fur now?"

"It's all in the library. The shopkeeper Liu came to the store today to discuss this matter." The clerk who was called looked at the "chief" in a white coat with a thick mask on his face, and he was secretly terrified. Did any important characters in Song die?It's fine to wear white clothes, even the face must be covered, this custom is strange!

"Which Shopkeeper Liu?"

"It's the shopkeeper Liu Deshan Liu of Dongshanju, who specializes in long-distance trading of north-south goods. The small shop's fur goods are bought from him..."

Lin Motian immediately ordered the epidemic prevention brigade to be dispatched to isolate Liu Deshan and everyone he had been in contact with.Not only him, but everyone who has been to Xingfushan Goods Store in the past few days must be quarantined.

"The quarantined personnel were immediately transferred to the quarantine area. The Xingfushan cargo store was disinfected and closed, and no one was allowed to enter or leave. The leather goods in stock were sealed and transported to Liuhua Bridge for burning."

He issued a series of orders, the clerk was stunned, and suddenly he was dumbfounded, and asked: "Chief! What kind of king's law are you guys breaking! The small shop never violates the law, and the garbage is dumped in the basket inner……"

"Your store has been infected!" Lin Motian said coldly, "You should be lucky, you are not infected."

After finishing speaking, he hurried to find Lin Baiguang and asked him to immediately arrange for people to block the Xingfushan goods store and Dongshanju.

"Liu Deshan?!" Lin Baiguang asked in surprise.

"Yes." Lin Motian was surprised, did Lin Baiguang know him?
"He is one of our suppliers," said Lin Baiguang. "He travels between the north and the south all year round, selling goods. I know him because Lianqin bought a lot of leather from him..."

"Where are these leathers?" Lin Motian was really anxious now.Because Lianqin bought leather, some of them were shipped to Hong Kong to make military supplies, and some were directly shipped back to Lingao to be processed into industrial and civilian products, which were extremely versatile.

If fleas carrying Yersinia pestis were mixed in the skins and spread in Hong Kong, Lingao or the South China Army, the consequences would be disastrous!

"The most recent ones have been shipped to Hong Kong, and it has been more than a month..." Lin Baiguang is coordinating various relationships in Guangzhou and knows everything. It should have erupted long ago."

"That's good." Lin Motian only felt a cold sweat, "Even so, his property has to be closed and disinfected."

"His property is simple, only a wharf warehouse and cargo ship Dongshanju - this ship was built by our Hong Kong shipyard."

Since the closure of the Xingfushan goods store, the entire epidemic prevention and isolation measures in Guangzhou have officially begun.

Not long after Liu Deshan returned home, his home was surrounded by the epidemic prevention brigade. Before he could figure out what was going on, the whole family, including the servants, were brought out and declared "quarantine".

He himself was brought before Lin Motian.

"Have you sold skins from Liaodong to Guangzhou recently?"

"Yes! Yes!" Liu Deshan murmured inwardly. The sale of the skins by himself was ordered by the elder Hong Yuan, and there was nothing illegal about it. "I got the skins from Lushun, and I also bought some from Tianjin Wei."

He originally wanted to say that he didn't do this leather business at first, and it was all because of Old Hong Yuan's intention.But thinking about it again, it is hard to guarantee that there is some grudge among the elders. If I say it casually, I will offend both sides.Then he changed his words: "Don't the chiefs need to buy leather?"

Lin Motian asked again: "Did you buy the otter skin of Xingfu from you?"

Liu Deshan's heart skipped a beat. He remembered that the Australians had issued a notice, and people from the Federation of Industry and Commerce also said in a meeting that leather goods coming in from the north were not allowed to be sold privately, and all must be sold to Australians.The Xingfu has its own channels to go abroad, and the otter and mink fur it gets from Liaodong is sold to the red-haired man, and the profit is ten times higher.The shopkeeper knew that he was going to the north to do fur goods, and asked him to bring private goods with him many times-Liu Deshan was greedy for that little benefit, so he sold a lot of goods to him privately.

The old man opened his mouth to ask, obviously he couldn't deny it, so he could only say: "It's the small stuff."

"The Senate made repeated orders and repeated orders. Leather goods are the goods controlled by the Senate. Private sales are not allowed! You are so courageous!" Lin Motian couldn't bear it anymore, and slapped the table angrily.

(End of this chapter)

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