Lin Gao Qiming

Chapter 1890 Depressed Lin Motian

Chapter 1890 Depressed Lin Motian
During the Song and Yuan Dynasties, cremation among common people was very common.After Zhu Yuanzhang resumed the Ming Dynasty, he believed that cremation was "Hu vulgar", vigorously promoted burial and banned cremation.However, in the southern region in the middle and late Ming Dynasty, there was a trend of "violating etiquette" in funeral customs, and cessation of funerals without burial and private cremation were manifestations of this trend.However, most of those who stopped funerals did not bury them because of the consideration of finding a good place for geomantic omen, and those who opposed cremation were mostly Confucian believers with strict family traditions-the degree of overlap between these two types of people is not low.Most of the people who chose cremation were those who could not afford the extravagant funeral atmosphere in the late Ming Dynasty or who could not afford Fengshui land as a cemetery. In short, they were families with poor economic conditions.

In the minds of many people at the time: burning corpses was the only treatment for poor families, "road-fallers" who died of cold and hunger, and death row prisoners who were not buried.Comparing the two, it must be that those who oppose cremation and those who refuse to bury have greater opposition and incitement power-not to mention that he also digs up and burns the dead bodies that have been buried!

The idea of ​​cremating the corpses of the dead had no opposition from the elders. This made Lin Motian, who didn't care much about public opinion, form an illusion that "everyone is supporting this matter". When the policy was implemented, there were sporadic resistance in the early stage. He also felt that this was just a temporary backlash from the people against the policy, and it was nothing to worry about, but he did not expect that the contradiction had become more and more acute.

Ancient China did not have relief measures for frequent plagues. On the contrary, the feudal government also used various methods such as administering medicine, praying to gods, and setting up charitable organizations to intervene in civilian plagues.Although due to the wrong direction of theoretical guidance, the results are often not very effective, but compared with the current methods such as house disinfection and forced cremation adopted by Lin Motian, it is obviously more charitable and easier to be accepted by the people.Originally, apart from a few naturalized people from Hainan and local citizens who have received modern medical assistance, ordinary people have fear and doubts about the modern diagnosis and treatment methods brought by the Senate. With the Fubo army holding the formation, his policies are simply unable to implement—in fact, even with the current full support of the Fubo army, the situation he faces is already very unfavorable.

"Throw away the nuts, I'm just a sanitation worker, why did I get involved in this mess..." Lin Motian looked at the public opinion report posted below in distress: the family members of the deceased secretly dumped the corpse and buried it The old man committed suicide in order to avoid cremation; accused the anti-epidemic team members of "entering the house to spy on women" - some women even hanged themselves for this; Spreading rumors that the isolation policy is to lock people up and starve to death, and even say that the Senate is burning people to death as a demon...

The propaganda outlets have urgently launched a larger-scale propaganda offensive. The propaganda team of the Comprehensive Management Office and a large number of new and old public opinion personnel invested by Qin Yuan Lao are all-pervasive in the streets and alleys, Goulan teahouses, preaching the pathogenesis of the plague, the way of transmission and the necessity of isolation. Sex, eased part of the initially tense atmosphere.However, it is impossible to carry out precise management in the implementation of policies at a low administrative level. We can only adopt "one size fits all" that is easy to understand and implement at the grassroots level. question.

Under this "one size fits all", the whole of Guangzhou has been messed up.Lin Motian doesn't know much about history, but he still knows that there was a civil uprising in the south of the Yangtze River in the early Qing Dynasty because of the issue of braids—you can't underestimate the will of the citizens to resist just because you have a strong military backing.Although the National Army, the Sword Drawing Team, the White Horse Team, and the National Police in Guangzhou City - they all have to listen to his command now.If there is a large-scale riot, he will never hesitate as long as he orders the suppression of these violent machines.But he also bears the consequences of shooting.If the resistance of Guangzhou citizens to his health policy triggers large-scale riots—the death of a few people is nothing to him as a veteran—and he leaves a comment about being hasty in his work and stirring up civil uprisings, then he will never be able to host independently in the future what worked.

How to do?Looking at the "Public Opinion Report" and "Daily Epidemic Prevention Report" piled up on the table, Lin Motian felt tormented.

Do you want to relax?This idea has been lingering in his mind, anyway, there are so many wastelands in time and space, and a barren hill in the outer suburbs has been marked out as a cemetery for the dead.The corpses were buried deep, and the cemetery was surrounded by barbed wire...

In this way, although there is still a mandatory funeral policy, at least there is no need to cremate the corpse, and the pressure of opposition in epidemic prevention will be much smaller.

As soon as this idea came up, he couldn't sit still any longer. He opened the curtain of the map on the wall and began to study it carefully.

He was brooding when the correspondent brought him the latest letter.Lin Motian took a rough look at it, and one of them was sent from the laboratory of Lingao General Hospital—he couldn't help but feel refreshed, and the test report came out. !
Last week, he sent tissue samples from captured rats collected from the Dongshan Residence and various locations throughout the city back to Lingao General Hospital for bacterial culture to determine the source of Yersinia pestis infection.

He quickly opened the report, and the test report confirmed his estimation: Yersinia pestis was found in the tissue samples of mice captured in Dongshanju.No Yersinia pestis was detected in tissue cultures from mice elsewhere.

"Damn it!" He slammed the table down and shouted, "Come on!"

The secretary immediately appeared at the door.

"You draft an order, and the addressee is the commander of the isolation camp on Changzhou Island. He is asked to burn the Dongshanju at the quarantine anchorage immediately after receiving the order. It must be burned cleanly, and not a single piece of wood is allowed to be left behind! Understand? "

"Yes, Chief!"

"Order the epidemic prevention brigade to send all the seized goods, money-making guys, and clothing related to the two warehouses of Xingfushan Cargo Company and Dongshanju to Liuhua Bridge for burning."


After the secretary left, Lin Motian slumped on the chair, and the direct source of infection was cut off. It was indeed a happy event.But now that the plague had spread, it would never subside—he had a premonition that the climax of the epidemic had not yet come.

Once the epidemic escalates, the means of epidemic prevention will need to be further upgraded.Thinking of the next conflict, Lin Motian felt even more headache.

Should we give up the policy of cremating the dead? Lin Motian was struggling with the map when the secretary came in again. She was a little excited and stammered, ", Chief, Wen, Chief Wen is here!"

Lin Motian was taken aback. Among the dozens of veterans in Guangdong, there was only one surnamed Wen, and that was the head of the Guangdong Region and the Chief of Civil Affairs of the Military Control Commission.The plus sign is the Wende heir of the Song and Guangxi Propaganda Envoys-the highest local administrator in Guangdong.

After Wen Desi arrived in Guangzhou, he seldom appeared at local government affairs work conferences.Although he often appears in various public occasions, such as the commendation meeting for naturalized civilian cadres, the founding meeting of the Guangzhou Federation of Industry and Commerce...but in terms of specific government affairs, the presence of President Wen in Guangzhou is very thin.Including the witchcraft case that caused a lot of ups and downs in the city last time, he only "visited Comrade Liu Xiang and told Comrade Liu Xiang to take care of his health and strengthen his studies" afterwards.He does not participate in the detection and trial of the entire case, nor does he "guidance".It is the meaning of hanging down and ruling.As a result, the Guihuamin cadres in Guangzhou "only know that there is Mayor Liu, but they don't know that there is District Chief Wen".

From Lin Motian's point of view, it is a good thing that Mr. Wen seldom intervenes in Guangzhou.Since ancient times, the county magistrate Fuguo is the most difficult to do, let alone the provincial capital of Fuguo!If the "mother-in-law" above likes to point fingers, it will be difficult for local leaders to do things.Mr. Wen also supported Liu Xiang's work with practical actions.

"Please come in quickly." Lin Motian hurriedly straightened his crumpled clothes - he hadn't had a normal bath and rest for a week.

One of the advantages of being a doctor is that the elders basically know each other and have a good relationship - this is naturally because no one dares to offend the doctor in this time and space.

"Mr. Wen—" Lin Motian greeted him.

"Old Lin, you're welcome." Wen Desi held his hand and looked at his face, "Your complexion is not very good, you should pay attention to rest."

"Thank you Mr. Wen for your concern, how can I sleep..." Although Lin Motian knew that this was just a cliché from the leader, but Wen Desi was the first person to care about his body these days, so he was still a little moved in his heart.

"Epidemic prevention work doesn't happen overnight, and the body is damaged. How can we do our epidemic prevention work?" Wen Desi said with a smile, "Sit down, sit down."

The two of them sat down on the sofa - this was considered the most extravagant furniture in Lin Motian's office, in order to be able to sleep for a while anytime, anywhere.

Lin Motian knew that Wen Desi came to his office specially through the streets where the plague spread, so he didn't come here to ask about his health, but most likely he wanted to know about the development of the epidemic.He immediately sorted out his thoughts and began to introduce the epidemic to Wen Desi.He gave a brief introduction to the current situation, the countermeasures he adopted, and the problems he encountered, especially mentioning the various resistances encountered in the current cremation of dead bodies and investigations into households.

"...I used to think that these old customs were just ridiculous, but now it seems that they really exist like golden rules in the minds of ordinary people..." He then talked about an old man who committed suicide because he was cremated for fear of dying from an illness , "I really don't understand, even in the dying years, life is still going on. Besides, he didn't get sick at all! He didn't hesitate to end his own life just to ensure that there would be a coffin after death - I really don't understand this idea !"

Wen Desi lit a cigar and listened to his whining with a slight smile.

"Because of the cremation of the corpse, I don't know how many people in Guangzhou city are cursing me 'to die'!" Lin Motian thought of the post seized by the police not long ago, describing himself as like a devil and monster, and couldn't help being emotional Get up, "Lu Xun is really a sensible person!"

 PS: Volume 8 - Guangdong and Guangxi Raiders Chapter [-] will be updated tomorrow

(End of this chapter)

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