Lin Gao Qiming

Chapter 1891 Advance through twists and turns

Chapter 1891 Advance through twists and turns

"Whether Lu Xun understands people or not, we won't discuss it." Wen Desi said, "What are you going to do now?"

"People outside are full of complaints, and the "Public Opinion Report" reflects very negatively, and there is a tendency to deny all the good governance we have come into the city." Lin Motian couldn't help expressing his feelings, "I don't regret my personal ruin, but so many comrades All your efforts were in vain.”

Wen Desi smiled and said nothing - this is obviously a "prelude", and the next step must be "out of overall consideration".

"...I'm considering whether to set up a special infectious disease cemetery in a sparsely populated suburb of Guangzhou, and bury all the infected deaths there—of course, some hygienic measures must be taken: the corpses must be disinfected first and then buried deeply to ensure that no one is infected. It will become a new source of infection. This will not only alleviate the resistance of the citizens, but also achieve the effect of isolation."

Wen Desi smiled after hearing this, and put the cigar on the ashtray: "Comrade Lin Motian, what do you think we people are doing in this time and space, abandoning the superior life of the 21st century?"

Lin Motian was taken aback for a moment, but his idea was simple, that is, he was not reconciled to qualifying in the hospital, so he went to review a deputy director or director.He said: "It's nothing more than seeking glory and wealth. Of course, there is also an element of realizing personal ideals."

"Prosperity and wealth are too simple for us now. If we only ask for this, why should we go to this dirty medieval city and risk the plague to do these things? The people of Guangzhou are dead. Does it have anything to do with us whether we die of the plague or of starvation?"

"..." Lin Motian didn't expect Wen Desi to say such blatant words.

"When we come to this time and space, no matter what everyone's purpose is, there is only one thing to do - that is to build a new world!" Wen Desi waved his hand and said loudly, "Whether our comrades are If you want to start a school and become a school bully, a big landlord who bullies men and women, or a high-ranking official with eight seats, or just to build a museum of maid races. Don’t smash the old world, build a new world, that’s No way."

Lin Motian stared at Wen Desi dumbfounded - he had very little contact with Mr. Wen, and he only heard what he said on the scene, and never had a private conversation.

"It is precisely because we want to build a new world. So when the plague spread, we still stayed in the city, working and living under the shadow of the plague. You are still troubled here. Let me say: directly take Guangzhou with people and houses Burn it all up—is there a more convenient and clean purification method than this?"

Now Lin Motian trembled slightly.He realized that Wen Desi didn't say it as a big talk, but really thought about it.

"This, this is not appropriate." He whispered.

"Of course it is not appropriate. But it is also a last resort." Wen Desi said, "But then again, we are going to build a new world, and we will inevitably destroy the old world. We look forward and backward all the time, thinking about the natives What do you think, this one doesn’t want to offend, that one also wants to respect other people’s customs—then why are we here?”

Lin Motian understood what Wen Desi meant.He said: "But the hearts of the people..."

"People's hearts, yes, people's hearts must be respected." Wen Desi nodded, "Talk about it, but in terms of dealing with the plague, is our set of epidemic prevention measures advanced, or is the traditional method useful?"

"That is naturally because our method is advanced."

"That's right. We have clearly mastered advanced technology and means, representing the direction of development, but we have to compromise with some meaningless, even ignorant and backward traditional customs that harm themselves, just because these are" People's hearts' - don't you find it strange?"

Lin Motian thought that I thought so too!But the fact is that it is not easy to handle.He has always believed that violence is not a panacea.The Manchu Qing's hair-shaving order was indeed carried out by cruel and ruthless means, but the result was anti-Qing riots that lasted for decades.

Wen Desi didn't allow him to answer, and said again: "What we are promoting now is the cremation of the corpses of the dead. At best, it is a technical epidemic prevention method-it doesn't even touch the word 'changing custom'. Let's back down today. Now, in the future, if we do any measures for the livelihood of the people, if we encounter objections from the citizens, do we have to back down? Besides, we backed down today, and the family members of the corpse you burned yesterday have objections—why should we be quarantined overnight? Can the old Wang’s house not be burned? We’ve done all the work before, isn’t it in vain? We must know that the propagandists are still preaching outside today that ‘only cremation of dead bodies can cut off the source of infection’. Tomorrow it will be changed to ‘centralized and deep burial’ It’s okay, so what the propagandists said in front of us is no longer a lie? If the order is changed day by day, where is our prestige?"

Lin Motian nodded, these words touched him.

"Have you ever read "Peter the Great"? Haven't you? Then let me read a passage to you. I was very impressed when I first read it." Wen Desi thought for a moment, and recited: "The most important thing is People, people, people! Pull people out of the age-old swamp, open their eyes, push their ribs... hit them, twist them, teach them, make them good... from a thousand miles away Walking through the snow, trudging through the mud...destroying, building...and looking back, he's kind of creepy: 'Hey, what a mountain that hasn't been moved!'"

He smiled meaningfully: "In front of us is such a big mountain."

"I understand." Lin Motian had already made up his mind at this time, "The announced epidemic prevention measures cannot be changed!"

Wen Desi picked up the cigar and took a deep puff, then asked: "Who do you think are the citizens in Guangzhou who oppose the cremation of the dead?"

Lin Motian was stunned for a moment, and said: "Citizens are all against it. I read the public opinion report, and there are words of opposition everywhere. The City Chamber of Commerce also came to persuade..."

"It seems to me that the people who really strongly oppose cremation are those who can afford a decent cemetery and a coffin. As for the majority of the townspeople, who are busy all day, get only three meals a day. There is no food for the house. . . . Do you think Will they be so sensitive about their own affairs?"

"This..." Lin Motian hesitated, "Although it is so, the concept that the body, hair and skin of the parents should not be damaged is generally recognized by the common people..."

"This only shows that we have not grasped the right to speak." Wen Desi said, "In my opinion, we have to start with this part of the lower class who are clearly illiterate, but still have the heart of Confucian scholars."

"How to do it?" Lin Motian is now in a hurry to go to the doctor. The words of Wen Zongcai broke his hesitation and strengthened his determination to continue to strictly implement various quarantine and epidemic prevention measures, but the problems he faced remained the same. Not resolved.He still faces the possibility of conflict over his insistence on cremating the dead.

"Now how are the ashes of the dead dead treated after they are cremated?"

"The unowned corpses are buried deep on the spot. Those with relatives can take back the ashes with the receipt of the corpse, and they can deal with them as they like. It is not forbidden to buy land for burial." Lin Motian said, "In fact, it is safe to bury the ashes, but many People don’t come to collect the ashes at all—it ends up being treated as an unclaimed corpse.”

"Among the dead, the poor should be the majority."

"Yes, the bubonic plague is mainly transmitted by fleas, and the flea infection rate of the lower classes is almost [-] percent." Lin Motian said, "If there are sufficient public bathhouses, the situation will be much better..."

"You see, the people at the bottom die a lot. There is no place to bury these sick dead after cremation—even if they are, they are buried in cemeteries. I have visited the cemeteries in Guangzhou, and most of them are corpses. The pit was not deep at all. Not to mention that the bones were washed out when the rain was heavy, maybe they were dug out by wild dogs on the night of the burial-in fact, it is no different from the wilderness where the corpse was exposed. It is a kind of self-comfort. We will be in them Make a fuss about the matter behind you."


"Didn't you want to build a cemetery for the dead? This plan is good - we still have to build it. Choose a place with good Fengshui, and pay more attention to architecture and greening. In short, it is not inferior to the cemetery of ordinary wealthy families. Anything The ashes of the deceased who are unable to bury themselves can be buried in the cemetery, no matter whether they have relatives or unowned corpses. Of course, the rich will accept it if they wish. Everyone has a tombstone, and the cemetery has a memorial hall for the deceased. Four Seasons Public Sacrifice—Ordinary common people, how can they get this kind of treatment? Although the body was cremated, at least it was buried in the land of Fengshui treasure, and there are four seasons sacrifices."

"In this way, we have taken the moral high ground!" Lin Motian said loudly.

"That's right," Wen Desi said, "the people's idea is actually very simple; that is, they want to 'benefit'—even a little bit of benefit can comfort many people. After all, what qualifications do the urban poor in this time and space have? Talking about the aftermath? The meeting of the dogs in Yizhong is their final destination. The so-called "body, hair and skin are indestructible" is just a nonsense. We give them a real benefit, and when they see it, they will naturally miss us That's all right—not to mention that since ancient times, providing cemeteries has been doing good, and those rotten scholars can't find fault with them."

"Mr. Wen, you are right!" Lin Motian suddenly felt enlightened, and nodded excitedly, "I think it can be a little more grand, such as inviting Mayor Liu to come out for a public sacrifice, and asking Cui Daochang to perform a few times of worship, and make it more grand." A Great Dharma Conference..."

"Except for New Taoism, Buddhism, and Catholicism can all come in. All living beings are equal, and all religions must be equal." Wen Desi smiled: "I believe there are many ways to come up. Since we can't do it To use fire to burn down the old world and then rebuild the new world, at least it must move forward with twists and turns."

 PS: Volume 9 - Guangdong and Guangxi Raiders Chapter [-] will be updated tomorrow

(End of this chapter)

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