Lin Gao Qiming

Chapter 1892 The Escalation of the Epidemic

Chapter 1892 The Escalation of the Epidemic
After Wen Desi left, Lin Motian wrote a note to Cui Hantang, explaining that he urgently needs to find a "geomantic treasure land" in the suburbs as a charity cemetery for those who died of illness.Let Cui Hantang help to investigate.

Then he wrote another note to Shen Ruiming, requesting that a group of criminals who were recently arrested for gathering crowds to attack the epidemic prevention center and forcibly resisting the quarantine team's entry into the private house to be inspected should be prosecuted.

“…prosecuting on charges of obstructing the execution of official duties or endangering public security constitutes a powerful deterrent.”

He finished writing the note and handed it to the correspondent, heaved a deep breath, thinking that since issues of principle must never be compromised, should we add some content that can calm people's hearts in terms of practical implementation, such as holding a public sacrifice?
But now that people are panicking outside, it seems inappropriate to hold such a mass gathering.

"It's really difficult."

Fu Wuben, who was awakened by the sound of the loudspeaker, yawned a lot. After opening his eyes with difficulty, he seemed to suddenly realize where he was, so he immediately put on his clothes and started to wash.It's a new day, and there's still a lot of work to do.

Doctors and nurses from Bairen General Hospital, Ma Niao Army General Hospital, and Hong Kong Naval General Hospital arrived in Guangzhou one after another to strengthen the frontline work of epidemic prevention.Even so, there is still a huge gap in Guangzhou's health sector.

After the outbreak of the plague, the shortage of personnel increased sharply with the pressure of epidemic prevention.So far, there are not enough resident doctors in the various epidemic prevention stations and the newly established infectious disease prevention and control stations.Due to the particularity of the management of infectious diseases, most of the people stationed in various places are members of the epidemic prevention brigade. It is already considered a very good condition to be equipped with a few health workers. In Lin Motian's view, these health workers who came out of the crash course In fact, it is not much different from the epidemic prevention team members.For a slightly bigger matter, you need to ask for support from Guangzhou General Hospital.The policy of segregating and cremating dead bodies is fraught with resistance, and more people are needed everywhere.

Fu Wuben tried hard to open his heavy eyelids, but the movements of his hands were not slow at all, imitating what he learned from Lao Xie, brushing his teeth quickly with a towel around his neck, but he was already thinking about today's work in his mind .

His job is to work as a visiting doctor in the epidemic prevention station-with the ability of the health department, it is impossible to send a doctor to the epidemic prevention station.Only a district system can be adopted, that is, a doctor is stationed in a center and patrols five or six epidemic prevention stations around the radiation.

Fu Wuben's doctor's qualifications were obtained through the "passing on" route.However, due to health regulations, the "inheritors" of traditional Chinese medicine must accept the study of modern medicine.So he went to Bairen General Hospital to study modern medicine many times.His knowledge of epidemiology is generally slightly higher than that of popular science, but facing a group of naturalized people who need to learn everything about "bacteria" from scratch, his skill is still enough to scare most of them. He is human, not to mention that he also took the A-type diploma--among the naturalized people under the Senate's rule, he is already a serious intellectual.What's more, everyone knows that although this doctor Fu is young, he is a direct disciple of the elder, and he is very likely to be a senior cadre in the health department in the future, so they dare not neglect him.

Although he is a doctor stationed at the institute, there is actually no effective treatment for the plague at the health office, so his work is mainly to diagnose suspected cases and check whether various epidemic prevention work has been implemented. Fill in various forms, and at the same time "educate" the naturalized staff who participated in the epidemic prevention.

The most important task is "training". With the development of the epidemic, the epidemic prevention work has become more and more serious, and the number of personnel involved has also increased significantly.These naturalized workers not only know nothing about epidemic prevention work, but also know little about basic hygiene knowledge, and have varying degrees of fear of epidemic prevention work.It is very easy to go wrong by just cramming orders and asking for execution.It's fine if there are some problems in work such as changing customs, but health work is a matter of life and death. It is better to let them know something than to be blind.

"Comrades, in previous studies, we have already understood the principle of microbial pathogenicity. What we are going to teach today is one of the most serious infectious diseases written down by the health and epidemic prevention system-plague, which is what we call 'a disease. disease'. This is a typical disease caused by bacteria. Let’s learn about the pathogen, pathogenesis and key points of prevention and control of plague.” Fu Wuben wrote two large characters “plague” on the blackboard in a dignified manner , began his lecture.

"I know that in the quarantine and epidemic prevention work training class held before the Senate, some comrades had a preliminary understanding of the key points of prevention and control of common infectious diseases such as plague, cholera, bacillary dysentery, smallpox, etc., but I know that comrades must have more In particular, most of the comrades did not learn about hygiene and microbiology when they participated in the training class. Therefore, Director Zhao instructed me to tell you the basic situation of these diseases, but in fact In the training course held by the Senate, I have already explained it in great detail, and I don’t actually have anything new to say, so it’s equivalent to helping everyone review it.”

"The pathogenic bacteria of the plague is called Yersinia pestis—no, no, it's not 'One, Two, Three Armies'," Fu Wuben looked at the notebook of a health worker in the front row, turned around and wrote "Yersinia pestis" on the blackboard. Bacteria" words.

"Why is it called such a strange name..." the hygienist muttered a little embarrassedly, and scratched a few times in the notebook.

Fu Wuben knew this hygienist. He was Yu Qing, who was fished out of the river by his master Liu San when he entered Guangzhou, and had an operation to save his name. He was also a doctor.Ever since he was rescued by his master, he has been determined to worship under his master. Seeing that he is determined, Liu San agrees, and he is regarded as Fu Wuben's "junior brother".It's just that because of his unknown origin, he was only arranged to be a doctor in the Guangzhou branch of Runshitang.

"Yersen is the name of a great medical sage in the Song Dynasty... Judging from the name, he might be a pervert." Fu Wuben tugged at the button of the wind discipline, he is very unsuitable for the collar of Lingao's cadre uniform, "This is all floating clouds... Comrades don’t necessarily have to memorize the names of bacteria, disease prevention and treatment are what we need to care about most. Let’s first introduce Yersinia pestis…”

"Why are you like this, comrade... which part of you? When did you stop me? Do you know what I am here to do? This matter is stipulated in the implementation measures for quarantine and epidemic prevention! I can even directly ask for a face-to-face interview." See you, the leader of the anti-epidemic team!" Fu Wuben was talking vigorously, when there was a loud voice coming from the gate.He put down his book and poked his head out. Yu Qing in the front row had already stood up with a dissatisfied face.

"What's the noise? Talk slowly about something, what does it look like with such a loud voice?" Yu Qing shouted towards the door.Although he came from the dragon not long ago, he is still a newly naturalized citizen.But I have personally experienced the subtleties of "Australian medicine".Although Liu San accepted him as an apprentice, he actually only gave some guidance in the field of Chinese medicine, and said little about Australian medicine.So he cherishes all kinds of lectures and trainings held by Sanitation Port, so when Fu Wuben's class was interrupted, he was more angry sitting under the stage than standing on the podium, especially when he looked at the door and just A quarantine officer became even more displeased.

Fu Wuben signaled everyone not to make a fuss, he greeted him and asked, "I'm the doctor of the center, what's the matter?"

"Comrade!" As soon as the quarantine officer saw the doctor, he immediately put the sentry aside and saluted: "I am from the sixteenth branch, and I have an emergency report!"

At this moment, many people had already gathered around, Fu Wuben said: "We have a procedure for handling affairs, if it is not a particularly urgent matter, it is against the principle of procedure for you to make such a noise..."

"I'm in a hurry!" The quarantine officer blushed, handed over a document, and said loudly, "A suspected case of pneumonic plague has been found!"

"What...?" Yu Qing didn't understand.

"You ask him to say it again!" Fu Wuben heard it, and his face turned pale with shock, almost dropping the lesson plan in his hand.Several cadres who had participated in the training course changed their expressions drastically when they heard about "pneumonic plague", and they all stood up and ran to the door.

"Quarantine officer Huo Junming reports! A suspected case of pneumonic plague was found in South Jianzi Lane!"

Fu Wuben snatched the document from the quarantine officer: "Plague contact history...acute onset...high fever...cervical lymph nodes...purulent bloody sputum...gram-negative bacilli..." Shout: "Correspondent! Report to the headquarters of the Epidemic Prevention Brigade immediately!"

"What's the matter with his history of plague contact, why didn't he quarantine?" Fu Wuben stared at Huo Junming and asked.According to Lin Motian's latest requirements, in addition to patrolling the streets, the quarantine officers in the responsible area must also conduct regular home inspections. Once suspected cases or contacts are found, they must be immediately quarantined.

"The patient came into contact with a peddler when he was buying goods, but he didn't know the peddler, he just stood together in line... The peddler was diagnosed shortly afterwards, but today the patient... because he didn't know the peddler, He didn't talk much, so he forgot about it when he turned around..." Huo Junming showed a very annoyed expression, "When I went to inspect, he didn't mention it, and his family didn't know about it. Who would have thought He's so infected!"

"Where's that peddler? How's the situation now?" Yu Qing asked.Fu Wuben was next to him and wanted to ask why the profession of salesman had been clearly included as a special concern, how could this situation be allowed to happen, and after thinking about it, he felt that it was meaningless to ask such a thing, so he twitched his lips twice and didn't say anything else.

"I'm still in isolation in the infectious disease hospital," Huo Junming said, "but I haven't been to the infectious disease hospital, so I don't know the patient's current condition..."

 PS: The next update will be Volume 10 - Guangdong and Guangxi Raiders Chapter [-]

(End of this chapter)

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