Lin Gao Qiming

Chapter 1893 Guangzhou Under the Plague

Chapter 1893 Guangzhou Under the Plague
If this case is diagnosed, then the salesman is probably doomed, Fu Wuben sighed silently in his heart, if this case contracted the disease because of a few conversations, then there is a high probability that the fur dealer also suffered from pneumonic plague, and passed away again. After so many days, I might have already suffered from sepsis, or even...

Hopefully this suspected case will rule out pneumonic plague.Everyone present thought silently.

After a while, Fu Wuben stammered: "Quick! Go and report to Director Lin!"

The results came out soon, Lin Motian looked at the first case report of pneumonic plague, well, what should come will come.Come on, come on, since you have already picked up this hot potato, you can't escape this kind of thing.

Lin Motian immediately began to issue new measures for the implementation of quarantine and epidemic prevention.Now that the epidemic has begun to counterattack, the next step may be an outbreak soon, and the previous measures such as rodent control and strict fur trade quarantine can no longer prevent the droplet transmission of the plague, and the source of infection is likely to be from the original rats and fleas. Mainly into interpersonal communication.Before he looked forward and backward, he never took out this shocking document in this time and space, but now he has no way out - no one knows how the epidemic will develop next unless he shows enough force. I don't even know if Guangzhou will become a dead city because of this!
According to the regulations implemented by Lin Motian before, the quarantine system has been gradually formed, but these measures are still far from enough.In front of them, after all, is the spokesperson of the god of death, who has been fighting hard for thousands of years but can't do anything about it.It is conceivable that some of these ordinary soldiers participating in the front-line quarantine will not be able to live to see the final victory - but this is not the time to be soft-hearted. Lin Motian's next move will not only fail to protect these ordinary quarantine personnel, but will expose them to greater danger.

The outbreak of pneumonic plague and the increasing number of infected people have completely sealed the mouths of some elders who used to be gossiping. At present, there is unprecedented support for his work from all sides, including Wen Desi, who also telegraphed various departments and departments in the province. Elder, ask for "every convenience".

Lin Motian began to work on a more detailed district division, and was preparing to enforce martial law in the area where pneumonic plague cases broke out; the street inspection system was changed to a form of compulsory household entry, and he asked Hong Kong to send more quarantine officers; Each quarantine officer is required to carry out each inspection to each individual household. Once a suspected case is found, the case himself and his close contacts are immediately forcibly quarantined; as appropriate, the house where the infected person lives is burned down and compensation is given.The citizens began to gradually accept the isolation policy, which means that the work of propaganda outlets is still very important, and the next step of tightening the policy still needs the assistance of propaganda outlets; all traffic checkpoints will be strengthened for quarantine, non-urgent trade will be banned, and a small part of the reservation will also have to undergo strict inspection procedures. The quarantine and disinfection process; set up shelters to accommodate refugees and beggars, and strive to make them extinct from the status quo of household registration management; bathhouses, inns, entertainment venues, and even coffin shops and slaughterhouses are all closed or strictly controlled...

As soon as the stricter new quarantine measures came out, the whole city of Guangzhou exploded. Not to mention that the local people couldn’t accept it, even Mayor Liu’s expression became extremely ugly—as long as this measure is implemented, the financial pressure of Guangzhou City will be reduced. It will explode to an unacceptable level, and the city government will go bankrupt within a few months of implementation.Fortunately, Lin Motian repeatedly emphasized in the report documents sent to Lingao that this epidemic prevention work requires the full cooperation of the Senate, and that it is difficult to survive alone in Guangzhou, which provided him with a lot of leverage in asking the central government for money.

What's more, the question of whether to ask for money or to die is something that everyone knows very well, so it's okay to be unhappy, and the implementation still needs to be fully coordinated.If the segregation policy is even unwilling for them themselves, then one can imagine how much resistance there will be to the implementation of the civil society.

Lin Motian and his entourage came back from inspecting the construction site of the new cemetery for the dead.The cemetery is located in Yantang at the foot of Baiyun Mountain, not far from the urban area. Cui Hantang went to see it specially. From site selection to design, there was a lot of feng shui. Both Lin Motian and Liu Xiang didn't care to listen to his high-level remarks.The only concern is how many people can be buried here.

There are 1 acupoints planned, and there are also acupoints for wall burials and flower bed burials. Together, they can bury the ashes of about [-] people.Lin Motian thinks this number should be enough.

"If it's not enough, we probably won't be able to run away."

The cemetery for the dead is too frustrating, so this cemetery is named after the name of the charity organization Louzeyuan, which used to be a charity organization in the Guangzhou government government to manage burials and collect dead bodies.

Workers excavated steps on the mountain and paved slope protection stones.Architect Ji Runzhi, who was urgently transferred from Lingao, was responsible for the design and construction of the project.

Thinking that his first architectural project in Guangzhou was actually a cemetery, one can imagine the ugly face of this designer who is planning to build countless "thousand-year empire" buildings.Naturally, there is nothing good to say about Lin Motian and others.Although Liu Xiang has repeatedly stated: "The design must be bold, the materials must be exquisite, and there is no need to worry about funding issues."Ji Runzhi couldn't get much more energy.

There are three small religious buildings attached to the cemetery: a Buddhist temple, a Taoist temple and a Catholic church.The Taoist priests were sent by Cui Hantang, and the monks were found from local temples.As for the priests—the missionaries of the Society of Jesus came here as soon as they heard that the "Black Death" had occurred in Guangzhou.Although their medical skills were useless against the plague, they still wanted to "save more souls".Came to Guangzhou.Liu Xiang directly brought these missionaries to the cemetery to be the guards.By the way, do a mass at the time of burial.This arrangement has drawn protests from the missionaries-because the deceased was not baptized during his lifetime, there is no doubt about holding a requiem mass during the burial.

Lin Motian didn't want to participate in this kind of doctrinal wrangling, so he went back to his office early
On the way back to the office.Due to the spread of pneumonic plague, stricter quarantine measures have been implemented.The originally somewhat popular street has lost the bustling crowds of the past, and is so deserted that it is scary.Every household closed their doors, and the garbage was blown by the wind from the street, looking bleak.

The originally bustling market has lost its popularity. Although most of the shops are still open, there are not many customers in the shops.Bosses and clerks looked sad--the depression of the market caused by the large-scale quarantine caused by the plague was already beginning to appear.Lin Motian knew that the Federation of Industry and Commerce had gone to Liu Xiang to petition a few days ago, hoping to be exempted from taxes for the last six months.The industry involved involves all aspects.From the tall and wealthy foreign businessmen to the humble craftsmen and small traders, everyone's life is difficult—except for the coffin shop, they have received a large number of orders for thin-skinned coffins for cremation from the epidemic prevention center. .

Switching to a special cremation coffin can be regarded as an improvement for Lin Motian to reduce the resistance of cremation.In the past, the recovery teams used oilcloth body bags.From raw materials to finished products, this item must be customized at the Lianqin Clothing Factory in Hong Kong. Not to mention the high cost, it also makes people feel cheap.

It is more decent to have a coffin than to put it in a bag--the latter is the same as sweeping with reeds in the minds of many people, and it is the standard after death of the extremely poor.

Instead, thin-skinned coffins made of miscellaneous woods of various colors can not only be manufactured locally, but also cost much less.

However, this "prosperity" is nothing compared to the depression in the market.According to reports from the police system, many urban poor are starting to struggle to make ends meet and must rely on handouts.Moreover, the originally middle- and lower-middle classes also experienced difficulties in life to varying degrees and urgently needed relief.Now, relief food is delivered from Hong Kong to Guangzhou every day.

Liu Xiang said with a wry smile at yesterday's municipal government work meeting: "The Senate thought Guangzhou was a cow, but it was a dying sick cow! Not only did it have no milk, but it had to be continuously transfused with blood."

"But as long as the cows live, they will have milk. If they die, they will have nothing." Lin Motian said.

Currency reform in Guangzhou has come to a complete standstill - there is no commercial circulation at the moment.The advantage is that financial struggles such as insufficient currency and hoarding by profiteers did not occur as originally expected: Yersinia pestis destroyed all these possibilities.

A series of new policies implemented by the Guangzhou Municipal Government have also come to a complete standstill at this moment.All human and material resources have been transferred to epidemic prevention.

The work of fighting the plague is complicated. The epidemic prevention brigade, investigation team, quarantine camp, infectious disease hospital, epidemic prevention station, chemical factory, and now there are more cemeteries... He needs to intervene in all of them.Tiredly returning to the epidemic prevention command center at the health gate, he couldn't help frowning again before stepping into the buffer zone to take off the isolation cloak: there was an envelope hanging at the door, which meant that today's epidemic report had arrived again.I don't know if today's numbers can make him feel better.

There is still some good news: "The cremation policy has been implemented smoothly. All the dead and suspected dead bodies in this city have been cremated according to the regulations... The propaganda front has achieved remarkable results. The proportion of citizens who approve of the senate's isolation and cremation policy is gradually increasing. Resistance to quarantine, fleeing during quarantine, and secretly burying and dumping corpses have basically disappeared. The public opinion workers in the streets have contributed a lot... 24 cases of pneumonic plague have been found in the plague quarantine area of ​​the infectious disease hospital, and sporadic cases of pneumonic plague have begun to appear in various districts. The numbers are on the rise..."

Lin Motian looked at the document with a gloomy expression, and the thing he was most worried about happened: With the emergence of pneumonic plague, the incidence and prevalence rate, which had stabilized or even declined slightly, showed a significant jump, and the epidemic began to rebound up.

 PS: The next update will be Volume 11 - Guangdong and Guangxi Raiders Chapter [-]

(End of this chapter)

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