Lin Gao Qiming

Chapter 1894 Do it yourself

Chapter 1894 Do it yourself
Lin Motian firmly believed that the pneumonic plague definitely did not just appear in the past two days, it was just that their ridiculously simple quarantine network from a modern point of view failed to discover it at all.But even in the part covered by the quarantine network, cases of pneumonic plague have appeared concentratedly—and at almost the same time, which shows that there may be a large number of pneumonic plague cases.

Lin Motian stepped out of the door of the health department, feeling quite exhausted: It is really difficult to do something. I thought that in a place like Guangzhou where veterans gather, they would always receive less firepower than expatriate veterans like Zhao Yingong, but they didn't. Thinking of this matter, it would still be disgusting to thousands of people-but there is no other way.It turned out that the relatively mild quarantine method did not stop the progress of the plague, and the number of new daily diagnoses and deaths did not significantly decrease. Now the pneumonic plague will only make things worse.Fortunately, the weather in Guangzhou is now warm and the houses are well ventilated. With the addition of his newly announced mandatory disinfection order covering private houses, the pneumonic plague should not be as fierce as the Northeast plague in the old plane. He still has a chance.

The popularity on the street is getting more and more depressed, Lin Motian now goes to the street every day to take a look.Although everyone advised him to stay away from the streets, so as not to be infected.But he knew that many of the anti-epidemic team members and related staff outside fell ill and died.Mu Min said at the meeting that there are currently a large number of vacancies in the card armor and the security chief—except for illness and death, many people are determined not to be "officials" at the grassroots level.If you hide yourself, the morale of the staff who risk their lives on the front line to prevent the epidemic will be greatly affected.

The streets are quiet. Since the stricter epidemic prevention regulations, the noisy and happy city of Guangzhou has gradually sunk into a terrible silence.The rolling sound of the wheels of the trolley - this is the trolley for collecting corpses - was particularly ear-piercing.

Lin Motian was wearing an isolation gown and a big mask.Even so, the anti-epidemic team members, National Army soldiers and police officers on duty on the street recognized him.It is known that the doctor following the guard is a chief.

The elders took to the streets to patrol, which fully played a role in reassuring people's hearts.Therefore, not only Lin Motian did this, but other elders also appeared in public from time to time.Even the veterans of some unrelated departments did this-in the days when the number of cases reached a new high, the veterans of the law school still held courts to hear cases.

Of course, he is not completely unprepared. Liu San has secretly dispatched a batch of cryopreserved streptomycin injection from Lingao—although it has expired, but the effect should still be somewhat effective—in case any elder gets sick , you can use it immediately.

Lin Motian was walking on the street, and faintly heard the excited voice of a young man in front of him: "... who knows that burning corpses is against human ethics, but if you don't do it, you may bring disaster to the whole city!..."

He thought it was the quarantine officer who had clashed with the residents again, but when he turned around, he saw a young commoner arguing with a tearful old woman, but it seemed that the young man also had red eye circles, and his voice began to tremble as he spoke up.

He walked over slowly, and the patrolmen and anti-epidemic team members immediately stood at attention and saluted when they saw the elder. There is a danger of spreading the epidemic, let them send it quickly..."

Seeing that the old woman was about to cry again, he couldn't help but want to reach out to help her. The quarantine officer was shocked when he saw it, and hurriedly pulled her back: "Chief, a deceased person has just been moved out of this household..."

Lin Motian was stunned, retreated back, and continued: "As the saying goes: It's safe to go to the ground. But now, for the sake of the tens of millions of people in Sui City, for the sake of the living, it is inevitable that we will not care about the dead... Ethics are solid, But the lives of tens of thousands of souls are more serious, and I hope the old man will understand..." He even bowed slowly to the old woman, which to a certain extent covered up the embarrassment that he took a step back just now.

The patrolman, the quarantine officer, and the young man were all surprised: the old lady didn't know who Lin Motian was, but these three knew it: since the Senate officially took over Guangzhou, there has never been a senator who has taken the initiative to bow to anyone There is a precedent, this Elder Lin made an exception, but he still aimed at an illiterate old lady!The young man was about to kneel as soon as his knees softened, and suddenly thought of Da Song's kowtow, he was stunned for a long time before he hurriedly said in a trembling voice: "Chief, this..."

"I can see that you are very active in understanding the spirit of the Senate. Are you from Qiongzhou?" Lin Motian was a little puzzled, because he was obviously not a naturalized citizen by looking at the young man's attire, and asked.

"No... no, but my eldest brother is Baozheng, and I am now the top card of the film. We all... support the will of the Senate." The young man's "Newspeak" is not very proficient, "Yesterday My father died of illness, and when Jiaci heard that he was going to be sent for cremation, he...couldn't take it anymore...but...the plague...the little one...we understand..." He said that tears were about to fall again, but what he meant was that everyone I can understand.

"You are right." Lin Motian said softly, "Cremation does not mean that we do not sacrifice the dead. In this disaster, even the soldiers on the quarantine front will have to be cremated, and I am no exception. Wait until The plague has been extinguished, we must erect a monument to comfort the citizens and martyrs who have sacrificed for the fight against the plague... please comfort the old lady..."

Of course, the propaganda department would not give up such a good opportunity. The news of Lin Motian bowing to the family members of the deceased was soon published in the newspapers. The propaganda department took the opportunity to launch a new round of offensive. Elder Lin Motian bowed three times to the families of the victims in the epidemic area", "Elder Lin Motian visited the epidemic area in person and spoke to the leaders of the quarantine brigade at all levels", "Elder Lin Motian inspected the epidemic area: the people of Song Dynasty are invincible" and other reports ——I have to say that Lin Motian did a good job in this gesture.Qin Yuan also took advantage of this momentum to hold a grand memorial service for the staff who died in the Luzeyuan Cemetery, which can be said to be extremely honorable.Then a special issue of "Yangcheng Express" was published.

Under the powerful propaganda campaign and the military and police sparing no efforts to suppress them, the resistance to the implementation of the isolation policy and cremation policy finally began to decrease.

"Tell them, take this—take it down." Lin Motian finished another day of inspections, and when he walked into the gate of the Health Commission exhausted, he stretched out his hand to get the epidemic report of the day, and said to the sentinel Pointing to the newspaper with a large photo of himself on the bulletin board—this newspaper has been posted for a long time, Lin Motian still feels a little nauseous looking at the newspaper’s propaganda for himself, and finally couldn’t hold back today, and offered to put the newspaper Take it down.

"Yes, chief!" The sentinel stood up and saluted.

"What about today's epidemic report?" Lin Motian looked at the file bag at the door: it was empty.

"The comrades in the office have already been taken away," the sentinel explained.

Then it should be on your desk.Lin Motian thought about it, and walked towards the command center, but heard a loud voice from a distance.

"What are you making so much noise about?" Lin Motian reprimanded the cheering staff in a low voice, a little unhappy.

"Chief, good news!" A correspondent excitedly held up a document—it was obviously today's epidemic report, "Since the outbreak of pneumonic plague, our daily death toll has dropped for the first time!"

Lin Motian staggered and took a step back, but a smile finally appeared on his pale face: finally there is a turning point!I don't have to worry about being sent back to teach!
Although he did not expect the epidemic to gradually decline and disappear from today, at least this is a good sign.

Lin Motian took the report from the correspondent, and saw that not only the number of deaths began to decrease—although the decrease was very small, the number of quarantined people sent to Changzhou Island also began to decrease, and even the incidence of escapes also decreased.

The escape of quarantined people from Cheung Chau Island has happened more than once.Fleeing has both success and failure.But every segregated person fleeing abroad is going to be on the hunt list.Especially the various road checkpoints.At the earliest, once the fleeing quarantined people were caught, they were sent back to quarantine again for 12 days.However, as the number of fleeing people increased, many people were nowhere to be found, which created great hidden dangers.As a result, the treatment of fugitives has also become stricter.Not only were fugitive sentinels found in the quarantine camp killed on the spot, but fugitives were re-quarantined after they were caught, and exiled to Taiwan after the quarantine was over.

After taking this measure, the flight of quarantined people has dropped significantly-after all, there is a big difference between staying in a quarantine camp for 12 days and being exiled overseas.Moreover, with the intensification of publicity, the common people have a better understanding of the role of quarantine and isolation, and their resistance has decreased a lot.

There were only three escapes of quarantined people last week, all of which were caught.Lin Motian looked at the attached statement, and said that "the situation is pitiable" and "excusable", but the rules are the rules.He responded as usual in the report: follow the previous routine.

The whole of Guangzhou has gradually calmed down after experiencing the panic. Various epidemic prevention work has become more and more decent, policy implementation has become smoother and smoother, and the fluctuation of the epidemic has begun to slow down.Lin Motian and the veterans in Guangzhou gradually felt that everything went smoothly.Some governance reforms that were originally difficult to promote, such as house demolition and dredging, have also gained more and more support under the righteousness of "epidemic prevention".Many people and businesses who originally refused to cooperate also signed the agreement under the pressure of strong public opinion. As soon as the plague subsided, they began to demolish the houses and clear the silt.Liu Xiang is also planning to carry out a series of urban construction projects inside and outside Guangzhou in the name of "epidemic prevention", and use this to coerce the big gentry in the city to donate money.

"If you don't make your hearts tremble, I don't know how Liu Zi is written like that!" Liu Xiang was thinking in his office.

(End of this chapter)

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